So what can you get that is truly modern? Glock and all its copiers designed in the 80's. Beretta 92's around the same time. 1911's even earlier. Hudson was kinda a dud but at least it was somewhat innovative. Is it true the only real advances in handgun tech is going to be optics? That's fairly depressing, honestly.
So what can you get that is truly modern? Glock and all its copiers designed in the 80's...
Other urls found in this thread:
Steyr came out with a fairly interesting variation on a theme.
There's that ridiculous "bottom barrel" Czekh pistol I can't remember but a dealer is going to get them in Canada but they want $5,500 CAD which is absurd.
The next revolution will be with guns using telescoping cases (CT) ammunition.
You posted it. That's the Alien right? Its probably a better solution than the Hudson was.
Taurus curve
>There's that ridiculous "bottom barrel" Czekh pistol I can't remember
literally OP pic
Rifles are the same way. Barring some sort of paradigm shift like caseless ammunition, or a shift in attitude from boomers dying making electronic/digital integration into firearms commercially viable, there will be no real innovation in the industry. Glock will be the biggest innovator by having a model with every possible grip/slide length combo possible in .2 inch increments.
That's one hell of a scar.
Smokeless powder firearms are a mature product at this point until there is some form of revolutionary invention. Be glad you didn't live in the middle of the black powder era. You would have had the same gun your great great grandfather had and your great great grandson would as well.
the problem is that the ammunition defines the firearm, not the other way around. until we change how ammunition works, everything is more or less going to be iterations of the same technology
The Bond Arms Bullpup pistols are a pretty cool design. Far from perfect, but a great proof of concept
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
More like "if it aint broke, and there is no conceviable way to improve it, don't fix it.
The improvements and innovations are unironically the proliferation of decent poorfag guns. Manufacturing is getting better and you're starting to see things like Palmetto State Armory producing rifles that are basically the same as much more expensive ARs but with worse quality control and a lifetime warranty instead. Or Taurus and the G2 series that are essentially Glocks but with better ergonomics, a better trigger, a much less reputable brand name, and presumably the usual Taurus lack of quality control. Or the Ruger LCP/Taurus Spectrum/etc. None of these guns are amazing, but they're all good enough, and they're incredibly fucking cheap, and a lot more popular than Jow Forums would have you believe.
ARs used to be expensive. Budget pistols used to be shit like Hi-Point and Jimenez. That is what's really changing. For a while you could get a Taurus G2C for $175 vs a new Hi-Point for around $145. I own both, I've put plenty of rounds through both, and the Taurus is lightyears ahead to the point where I don't see how Hi-Point is even going to survive if this keeps up.
That's all we're going to see for a while. Manufacturing refinements. The last few years have been good, and I regret not buying more guns at what they sold for.
They're fucking shit, though. If you're looking for a cheap poorfag pistol that's decent quality, at least cite the Ruger Security 9, not fucking brazilian pot metal shit.
I work at a gunstore and I can tell you a G2C or G2S is just as good as a Ruger LC9s or Security 9. Stop being a fucking brand whore, especially for poorfag tier companies.
The Glock is modern.
If you haven't noticed, firearms haven't been improved upon for the better part of a century, except in terms of gas systems, polymers (weight reduction) and bullet technology / accelerants. AR-15's are damn near a 70 year old design and continue to be relevant in modern combat. In comparison, Glock is barely getting its toes wet.
>jUsT aS gOoD
I bet you don't understand why nobody on this board takes advice from gun shop employees when they visit B&M stores.
Guns aren't smartphones, you irritating zoomer. They don't need updates every few years.
the ALIEN seems to have a lot of cool new ideas and designs, especially the fact the top rail/irons not moving means red dots or other optics don't need to be specifically designed to deal with the massive G's involved in being attached to the slide.
Only issue is it costs way too fucking much. If someone designed something similar at the $800-900 I would buy it in a heartbeat
>boomers dying making electronic/digital integration into firearms commercially viable
Quite literally no one except you wants this
There is the archon type b as it is called now, an updated arsenal strike one
I fucking want it. The only reason people hate the idea so much is that nobody is doing it right.
>gun camera streaming to google glass equivalent so you can fire around corners at a fraction of the cost of that gay-ass pistol stock the army decided was a failure (no shit, they were mounting a pistol)
>the above but with thermals
>hydraulic/pneumatic autoloading, imagine a bolt-action that could work its own bolt faster than you possibly could
>actual ammo counters, vidya-style (pic related)
>caseless ammo with electrical primers, a la Metal Storm
>proper remote turrets so you can slot burglars from your smartphone while at work
>smart gun for EDC that records when you draw it and calls 911 when you fire, but is still actually a functional gun unlike that gay pepper spray thing
>digital hair triggers (they exist, and have binary modes)
Boomers (like you) are scared because they're used to shitty unreliable early technology, and they think that tech is going to replace or interfere with the normal operation of a gun. In reality, the first people to start augmenting what guns can do with tech (instead of trying to restrict them like "smart" gun manufacturers are) will make absolute bank.
>hydraulic/pneumatic autoloading, imagine a bolt-action that could work its own bolt faster than you possibly could
Can't tell if you're legit retarded or fishing for rage.
the only thing relevant or not-retarded in this post is a seemlessly integrated camera and visor lens that shows point of impact from the tip of a barrel
but only if it's also current gen thermals and nods, and only if it's tiny, not a weight issue, and extensively trained with to the point of it being something you just casually draw from the arms room with your M4, unlike 99% of any high tech cool shit sitting in arms rooms everywhere that some 1Lt is signed for and way too afraid to let anyone train with
You ruined guns for me.
They are all the same tube with some sort of grip, you put ammo in one hole, a bullet comes out one end and brass comes out from the other.
If you don't understand a thread dont post in it letting everyone know. Over the past 200 years firearm tech as leaped multiple times in dramatic ways. Those significant advancements are not happening any more and a plateau has been reached. Whether or not a glock has finger grooves is not what op was talking out you absolute retards.
Then tell us what major changes could be made to firearms with current and readily available technology that would significantly improve their performance.
Explain to me why that's impossible, and design a gas-based system that locks as well as a bolt or lever action.
>imagine a bolt-action that could work its own bolt faster than you possibly could
So a semi-automatic rifle?
Shit why has no one come up with that?
Not even the guy you're arguing with, but it's painfully obvious you've never held a G2C.
Your entire argument is "Taurus bad", which could be doable assuming you are shilling for something exorbitantly expensive, but you're not, you're shilling for a Ruger with practically the same materials and same QC. Neither guns are good, neither guns are bad, they both are the same and do not deserve to be treated differently;
In that they're both cheapshit guns for poor people.
Optics have come a long way in the past 20 years. But as others have stated in the thread it seems like unless there is an advancement in bullet tech the designs we have are already close to peak. Two other advancements are worth noting, however. Modern metallurgy and new cnc machines and methods have allowed for tighter tolerances and thinner/lighter designs than previous generations of firearms.
That with CT ammo might be pretty good. The biggest issue was pulling the bullet from the cartridge, so having the bullet further in the cartridge would fix this issue, yeah?
I look forward to having a battery and small computer integrated into a gun. You can have the various accessories be smaller and lighter by only having capacitors onboad and running on an induction charge. Having a computer would be handy since you could have it dynamically display relevant data on a scope and also ensure that overall power consumption would be more efficient. Imagine a scope automatically zeroing itself the moment you mount it, having a light switch between IR and white light when you switch modes on your scope, or having a laser toggle built into your receiver. All these things are currently possible and would make life a little simpler.
You're just as bad as fags who think S&W still makes top quality revolvers when in actuality you live in the timeline where S&W has been getting progressively shittier and the new management at Taurus is actually unfucking their shit. G2C is a certified market smash success. Their new TX22 has been crushing it since release as well. Oh and it's made in the USA at Taurus US-based manufacturing facility in Bainbridge, Ga.
No, that changes the pressure of the round. Just add a crimp on the end. The rounds that fail don't have any crimp.
We need a world war to improve small arms technology.
Small arms are almost irrelevant in modern warfare.
How do you certify a "market smash success"? Besides, my cousin had a G2C that refused to feed hollow points, they are improved from their past. However its not hard to improve on garbage.
>How do you certify a "market smash success"?
Completely with anecdotal evidence. My bro-in-law works for a distributor and he says they are moving a shitload of them even now that the rebate is over.
>my cousin had a G2C that refused to feed hollow points
So like 50% of all 1911s ever made? lol what a faggot. Polish that feed ramp and stop being a pussy.
I like how you compare a relic from yester year before hollow points were even made to something THAT WAS DESIGNED TO USE THEM as being one in the same. Perhaps you should talk to your marketing rep. at Taurus about appearing less like a shill.
Every mass produced product has variance and tolerance differences but feel free to stay mad faggot.
I thought they were great now? Great companies don't have large tolerances in their products.
maxim9. fixed barrel, integral silencer, very small slide and reciprocating mass. All kinds of awesome, once you fix the trigger.
Remember how much 60" 4k TVs were a few years ago?
Forgive my ignorance but why is it called a bull pup with the standard config for a pistol, as in it has the trigger in front of the Maxwell. I get the concept of bullpup rifles but I'm lost here.
the chamber is behind the trigger
Not a SCAR that’s a famas
The same could be said of you.
Arsenal Strike ONE was another pistol that didn't go the Browning-Petter-SIG-system route.
That's the FK- Brno.
The gun in OP's pic is Laugo arms Alien
Fk Bruno, alien, strike one, px4
They are all different ways of doing the same thing but are any of them really better?
This. Anything "new" will be very incremental improvements on existing designs until there is a major paradigm shift. I predict that when the paradigm shift actually occurs, it will be a combination of things all at once, not just one feature. E.g., caseless + telescoping ammo allowing for G11-esque designs.
Matchlocks Flintlocks Percussion Cartridges Smokeless Cartridges (You Are Here) Caseless+Telescoping cartridges Energy weapons
Having said this, I could see polymer cases (reduced weight vs brass) as a stepping stone to caseless.
Aw fuck, my arrows didn't work.
>Matchlocks->Flintlocks->Percussion->Cartridges->Smokeless Cartridges->(You Are Here)->Caseless+Telescoping cartridges->Energy weapons
I hear it also didn't live up to the hype and did not perform as well as they initially claimed.
>almost 4 pounds
>for a fucking handgun
Every single product ever made has tolerances dipshit, you can't make tolerances go away with money. Get out of here.
even if they shit they rug as a company, I give them credit for trying something actually new
Wait, the importer is based in Gainesville? I always think of Gainesville as just University of Florida with some extra bits.
I guess an area that could be improved on is triggers, an electrical trigger like that one rifle from Remington means bullpups would be a hell of a lot more viable. I don't think would could do solenoid fired small arms, though that would arguably be the best way to implement a system as it would insure comparability with current ammo.
3 pounds and some change or is that with a fully loaded magazine?
said no dead modern combatant ever
But it's Guaranteed to shoot less than 100x100 mm rectangle at 100m™ when used in countries that are stuck with the metric system.
>is being forced by occupational health and safety to perform 2 hand lift
Kinda like cars, even the electric ones acheive the same goal.
Converting that into freedom units that's roughly 4 MOA.
What's it like being 'tarded?
>The Virgin Euro hunting ''pistol''
>The Chad MURRICAN hunting PISTOL
Pic related.
i dunno lemme ask our expert on that
>subliminal marketing imagery to potential buyers that the model is holding their pistol in both hands
this is the most significant design innovation in magazine and ammo feed in small arms to date. There is nothing more modern than this and it deserves more respect
FN handguns.
They make an actually fully ambi glock with metal sights mags and guide rod, glock with safety, tacticool glock (FN509), and even a hammer fire glock. FN is a company that actually took the poly handgun and innovated it but didn't do any stupid shit like make it useless with a gun light (talking bout the Hudson, try using a light on that random protrusion under the barrel). It's a basic gun made by a great company that actually beats out the original. Shit like the m&p and others are of American tier questionable reliability. FN is solid.
It would be if they weren't faggots about the design and preventing anyone else from using it. belguim demanding control. who'd a thunk it
If only there were another platform that used the same idea.
Too bad you aren't legally allowed to be a freedom loving american and own one at the same time.
It feeds by pulling a round it if the magazine by the rim. Backwards. They have implemented the "no compromise" technology in their magazines.
cop walking away like "OMFG I cannot believe what I'm taking home tonight"
I sincerely hope he actually took it home. At the top of the form you see *dispose/destroy/xxxxxx"
i can only imagine how many flaming lefties instantly came in their Croc brand rubber jorts when they saw that
I did ot now about this and am now seriously considering an 5.7 upper
when you cuck out make sure to sell it to us instead of giving it to the police
It's a nifty setup also since you can apparently use a standard magazine without the internals as a brass catcher or otherwise get purpose built options that attach to the mag well.
The Taurus G2C is probably the best all around gun for it's size in 9mm. Compare it to it's close second the glock26. The glock has the glock brand name and glock magazines and you can let it get pretty dirty. The g2c holds 2 more rounds, has better ergonomics, and has a restrike capability. Even if it wears out twice as fast as the g26 you can just buy 2 of them. Also I'm not the above poster. The g2c is an amazing pistol hated by glock fanboys who overpaid for their ugly gun.
Ive actually been able to replicate that with my pt111 g2 with federal JHP under a certain condition.
1: do not lock back slide
2: insert mag
3: pull back slide, allowing the muzzle to rise to about 70 degrees
4: ride forward the slide SLOWLY, letting the muzzle drop to normal
In doing this the barrel will not always go back to where it should be. My gf kept having this issue until i caught her doing it. Personally ive never had a problem with it outside this. I have a feeling they dont like the slide to be ridden at all, like maybe the dual recoil spring is a touch weak and wont ride forward if its at a severe angle.
He's gonna look and feel like such a dumbass in the boogaloo
Fuckin brutal
Hold on i love mine but the sig 365 beats it in a few ways, size per capacity and included night sights being one of them, along with the optional safety for those who just hate them.
nah he'll "always have the police" to defend him.
>ride forward the slide SLOWLY
>If I do the one thing you should never do with an auto under actual usage conditions it malfs
Fucking brainlets I swear.
You say that but as i said, ive seen at least one person do that until instructed specifically to let it do its own thing. A lot of inexperienced people probably ride it forward and dont notice.
((Ben Dickmann))
People operating something incorrectly does not mean that thing is poorly made. It means the operator doesn't know wtf they're doing.