Do you love the m1 carbine?

do you love the m1 carbine?

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enough to want to loot ian's corpse for it

>"Hi I'm ian from forgotten weapons and today i'm at studios where I'll be looking at some not so forgotten "weapons"
>"today we have tyrone"
>"tyrone is 10 whole inches of "steel"
>now that we have taken a quick "look" at tyrone here, lets head to the range for a test "fire"
>"now to properly use tyrone here we just need to unclasp my pants, apply "gun oil" liberally, like my political views"
>"now to just say the magic words and tyrone will fire"
>" OHHHhhhhHHH oHHHHHHoH oh my....POP PO PO POP POP OP POP mY GoD....."
>"oh my well frankly that was a experience"
>"tune into next week as we have a special 2 guests along with tyrone and daquan, don't miss theyankeemarshal and james yeager, who stop by for some wet and wild fun, along with karl who has our minority semen of the month"

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is it a good alternative if you're too poor for a garand?

Wtf happened I thought you guys loved that dude?

Discord trannies have spammed this anti-Ian shit for months now. Just ignore them.

He came out as pro fun control, and he's friends with cuck karl.

carbines are more expensive then garands

antifa communists, they ran a antifa training camp earlier this year as well.

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>do you love the m1 carbine?
They're pretty tight. I'd rather have that than an AR; similar 30 round detachable magazine in a 5lb gun. What's not to love?

>What's not to love?
jams. shit ballistics. crummy repro parts quality. inflated "collector" value. jams

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Dude, something is wrong with you. You just wrote up an entire interracial gay porno in your head. Whoever you are, you are a complete closet faggot.

>being this new

is saving gay interracial copy pasta any better?

lol Karl is a literal, actual, real life cuckold tho.

I've got one and i do love it.

It's a cute gun. Great choice if you want to introduce grills to shooting. It's light, non threatening, easy to use and has just the right amount of recoil to not be boring. A shame they're not optic friend mly and expensive for Americans.

I wish Ruger would make a modernized version for 9mm/10mm. The recoil system seems like it would be good for a PCC in a more available cartridge.

Ian posted a couple videos about Rhodesian and South African weapons and nu-Jow Forums started talking a bunch of shit about the shit going on in SA, Ian said what was happening wasn’t a genocide and needless to say Jow Forumsniggers and discord trannies have been assblasted over him ever since

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don't forget white-apologist

>WAAAAA people were mean in the 19th century

We do, ignore the disinformation campaign

Jow Forums was a mistake

>poor ballistics
>meh ergonomics
>way too expensive to produce for what it is
>muh collector value
Nah. There's no point. I'm not going to adopt a new cartridge to do something worse than guns in my current collection.


is he still married to that old lady?

I have a hard on for M1 pistols, either an old iver johnson "enforcer" or a new inland mfg. "Advisor." It's my ideal HD gun.

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Of course

Absolutely gorgeous

>you guys

You just wrote out your own gay interracial porn fantasy.

Meditate on this.

Literally the coolest shit

Fun fact. It's what Patty Hearst was rockin.

Got 3 mil surps m1 carbines. Need to save up for ammo. Any recommendations what's cheap but good?

>Discord trannies
You really aint making anything better with that.

Jow Forums

Stop projecting your fantasies on this board

The m1 garand and the m1 carbine are two. Very different guns retard comparing them like that is like comparing a mp5 to a AR15 and asking if the mp5 is a AR15 alternative they fill very different roles retard

I think it's some sort of gay ops for one reason or another. Whatever the guys politics is doesn't matter because he makes god tier content.

w2c jacket

dude u gey fo sure

I just want an IBM made M1 Carbine

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I like it because it's a cool piect of history, but if I need a handy little rifle for actual killin' activities, I'd pick my mini 14.

Ignore the discord trannies and plebbits

Ian wasny just caught denying Africa is facing an outright black on white genocide, which to be fare, its not, not yet at the scale TO be considered a genocide by the international community TECHNICALLY

But was caught saying that the Boer farmer extermination isnt happening at all, and its this conspiracy spear headed by white nationalists to... A whoooooole bunch of fucking leftwing Koolaid

He was also outed as a franko fuck socialist, aka a post modernist, aka what Communists started calling themselves after Dostoevsky wrote the Gulag Archipelago and French Socialist and Communists were excommunicated, and in case of if you've never heard of the book, it was written by a former soviet Gulag prisoner that recounted in extreme detail, the horrors and crimes the communists inflicted in the name of communism, and politically speakingz is seen as a critical moment in utterly destroying communism as a political movement entirely

Karl openly supported Antifa, wants Trump to be assassinated, said this a dozen times on camera and on facebook, subtly implied he'll be the one to pull the trigger, took a plane to a country in Africa that neighbors a largely ISIS controlled region, and got heavily searched by TSA when he came back, went in front of a camera and literally broke down crying about how Trump ia a bully. Theres also the connection to his Satanic church being a Socialist progressive type group, that he constantly shills for, and their connection to again, Antifa and its support for it

Theyre both commie hicks who wont even let people wear MAGA hats to the fucking shooting they're organizing

I love his damascening video.

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>and got heavily searched by TSA when he came back, went in front of a camera and literally broke down crying about how Trump ia a bully
kek can i get some source?

this checks out

I'm okay with Ian being a commie since that basically aligns with his Frenchistness. And just like the French he poses no threat to anyone as far as I can tell. kek

Karl is clearly an emotionally broken man(let with self-esteem issues.

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That should've been obvious from the start. Jow Forums worships:
>a coked-out paperhanger
>a club-footed womanizer
>a homicidal chicken farmer
>a morbidly obese art-thief

mine is a jam-o-matic but its still fun

You really think he's a commie?

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>Thinking DEFCON is political.

> Dostoevsky
> Gulag Archipelago
Opinion discarded, seeing as you're the kind of retard to think that someone who died in 1881 wrote a book about the Soviet gulag system in the 1950s and 1960s

They only jam with the 30's. I've used a few and they all work well with 15's. The m2 was designed to use the 30's and somehow works better with them, I'm not sure what parts are different
>shitty ballistics
No worse than 5.56 out of a pistol barrel

Ppu is pretty dam good for the cost imo

How's the 5th grade coming along there champ?

Don't forget their obsession with some 13 year old girl who spews their memes

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that caught this

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American culture is thoroughly niggerfied at this point. There is no return.

I love it. It allowed me to know my Grandfather who used against them Changs in Korea.
If he had one. Which he doesn't.

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>firearm ownership is niggery
is that way, Eurofag

Man why the fuck does everything have to be about politics these days? Can't we just enjoy a guy who creates cool content for our hobby?

Who gives a fuck about what he believes or doesn't believe? He makes interesting videos on interesting firearms and that's what matters.

I read it was hit-or-miss in Korea.

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Gen Z is the first generation where you can bury yourself in a literal echobox without leaving your house for some cult. Thus, a lot of zoomers will freak the fuck out if someone they follow turns out to not share their every opinion.

You can get a garand shipped to your door for $650 saved your money user. Civilian marksmanship program is your friend.

>why the fuck does everything have to be about politics
It's hard to be unconcerned about water when there is a perpetual effort to drown us
>Can't we just enjoy a guy who creates cool content
The man claims Rhodesian brushstroke camouflage is a racist dog whistle, that's bullshit and he's gonna get called out for it
>Who gives a fuck about what he believes
No one is above scrutiny, kiddo
>He makes interesting videos on interesting firearms and that's what matters
Again, doesn't exempt him or anyone else from being called out when they fuck up

It's a very ugly gun. One of the few milsurps I have no desire to own.

In Chosin Few I read that it didn't even penetrate the winter clothing of the Chinese

I guess they never miss huh

based schitzoposter

>Karl openly supported Antifa, wants Trump to be assassinated, said this a dozen times on camera and on facebook, subtly implied he'll be the one to pull the trigger, took a plane to a country in Africa that neighbors a largely ISIS controlled region, and got heavily searched by TSA when he came back, went in front of a camera and literally broke down crying about how Trump ia a bully. Theres also the connection to his Satanic church being a Socialist progressive type group, that he constantly shills for, and their connection to again, Antifa and its support for it

could I get some sources for that series of claims in particular?


is it possible to ship empty magazines internationally, legally? because i have extra m1 magazines and ww2 pouches in excellent condition and no gun and would like to give them to someone who could use them.

I remember Paul harrel made a vid about this saying besides anecdotal accounts there’s little reason it wouldn’t have been able to penetrate someone’s clothing.

its DEF CON, retard

He's a fucking commie, fuck him


How dare I mix up my Russian novelists, all fucking two lf em

I was refering to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Antifa shit was on his facebook and twitter, his satanic church which he shills, is also a massive proponent of Antifa

The assassination of Trump was several of his meltdowns on social media, that I would need to go through an archive for to find because hes deleted posts

The video is on forgotten weapons where he bitches about TAA molesting him because hes on a watchlist

So what I'm reading here is no, no there aren't any sources or evidence for those claims. Good to know

Theres a few screen captures of ths shit hes said, floating around

I dont have them because I went directly to his social media to see what he actually believes

Im not going to spoon feed you this shit because you're too lazy to look at his twitter, as ive neither the patience nor the crayons to do so

>I won't bother to support the things I say

>all fucking two lf em
Go away retard.

Your lack of culture disgusts me. Learn to read then try it one of these days

Cool looking gun, cool cartridge. Wish they had better quality control and a better thought-out design.

It's literally only Jow Forumstards that hate him because they're too retarded to tie their own shoes and they lack the reading comprehension to understand what he actually said. The biggest complaint people on Jow Forums have with Ian is that he associates himself with Karl

Why do you americucks have to bring up your interracial porn addictions in every discussion?

Russia has an incredibly rich literary tradition you fucking moron


Tactical Rifleman?

is this what a manchild sounds like when he gets defensive over being told to leave his brushstroke short shorts at home? lol go fuck youself

so much leftypol, shareblue in here

I want an m1 carbine in 5.7mm

lol go bend over for the TSA, Karl.

Numerich gun parts makes conversion barrels. It's for 5.7 Johnson though

Keep an eye out for shareblue

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Good, let the civil war come. What exactly is even offensive about this? They want to post the same shit we do? Wow, much scare. Lampposts.

All the boogiemen are shareblues

>i want to believe it, so its true