Is the minimum Active Duty 2 years in USMC

I want the training and discipline the Corps can offer me but I may not want to stay in for more than 2 years. I like having complete free will. Thanks.

Attached: US-Marine-Corps-Logo-Car-Decal-9b4dcaad-e51c-4791-84d4-1cedbfd08041_320.jpg (320x320, 31K)

It’s 4.

Also if you like having free will don’t even consider the marine corps. Every decision you make down to how you set up your room, what you do sgrerbw

you join the marines to become a marine.
join the army if you want to do anything else

>like having free will
>wants to join the armed forces

have you thought this through for more than 6 seconds?

I don't mind serving my sentence to get the discipline I need

At least you’re going in with the right mindset.

Don't bother. Ever since that one Muslim recruit an hero'd the hazing rules have gotten ridiculous. The DIs can't do shit to their recruits anymore. NCOs in the fleet can't call their boots any names without getting NJP'd for fucks sake.

Discipline is non existent and can no longer be enforced to any degree without repercussions. You may as well join the Air Force or Army for benefits, because the Marine Corps is a pathetic joke now.

Join the national guard

you talking about the kid at mcrd? fucking muslims

I wonder how long the whole "Discipline Warfighters" guise that the Marines put up for the public will last. Every Marine I know, hell every military member I know is nothing like the idealistic people everyone seems to think they're supposed to be. It's probably why no one in Oceanside respects them

t. 0311

News flash, boot. The USMC hasn’t always been touted as the overglorified SJW Corps that it is today. Used to be that we were known as fuckers that you didn’t want to accociate with unless you enjoyed the occasional war crime. Fuck the new Corps. Thanks for ruining Southern California

t. 0341

You can make it better though, when you get boots teach em right. Be fair, but mean as fuck. This soft shit has to go

Join the Coast Guard or National Guard

its not going anywhere until theres a major war that gets rid of all the kids who joined with intent of never deploying.

some days in the muhreens were a fucking nightmare because of the political bullshit and i was an EO as well. fuck my life i'm glad i got out

I’ll vouch for this if you can get something other than a 6 year contract. Worst case scenario, it’s a weekend a month and possibly a bullshit deployment like Qatar or Germany where you just sit back and stack $30K.

t. former Guard

I highly suggest Coast Guard. This is what you want, Marines will break you down and indoctrinate you in basic. Good for a soldier, bad for your half hearted weaseling. The CG has a lot of options and was full of pussies and dykes when I was looking at it.

are you 16?


I am in rn. It's 4 and pro tip don't

You're both fucking boots and slightly more useful than pogs

t. 0351 master race

your mos is getting phased out what room do you have to talk about being useful, boot.

t. 0331 hard charger

>I want the training and discipline
>i like having complete free will

Go reserves if you're that much a noncommittal faggot

Kinda wondering this isn't the footwear isle at cabelas, cuz all I see is boots in here.

O352. We do you machine-dummer's job just as good as you, only we actually have half a chance in hell of getting promoted past E3 at some point.

Anyone can be disciplined anywhere, it is you and not the Marines who change you, and there are really cool jobs in other services which you owe it to yourself to look at. If you think the military is a health spa that will "fix" you then you should stay out. Also a certain Hawaiian gentleman screwed up our military to the point that our sailors didn't know how to steer our ships, don't join, give it some time to straighten itself out.

>I want all the attention and benifits of joining the Military
>Only I don't want to have to sacrifice anything or put any work in.

Well boys, I think he has a fine future being that guy in a national guard uniform harassing retail workers in the mall about Military discounts.

We cucked your mos lol

T. 1371

I’m in the coast guard. Go Air Force instead, better QoL there.