can we get a beginners shtf food edition going. I would like to know what I need food wise to survive for 3 months. which trade items that are essential? also, a food on the move list would also be quite helpful.
Can we get a beginners shtf food edition going. I would like to know what I need food wise to survive for 3 months...
Beans and bullets.
What are you trying to survive?
natural disaster, shtf situation, etc.
You need a shipping container.
Also how much imitation crab meat can you get?
If 3 months while on the move is your goal you're better off learning about your local flora and fauna, then adjusting your preps accordingly. It goes without saying you will want to learn about your destination's environment as well.
are there online lists for getting some gear together and what foods to purchase?
What sort of natural disasters do you get in your area?
water, food, defense, shelter pretty much in that order. if sheltered in place just hoard. if mobile load up on water purification tablets and/or filter water is heavy so plan on finding it. high cal/fat food 1 super size can of penut butter is a shit ton of calories for the weight might keep you feeling hungry but will keep the legs and braim going. rifle and ammo but be reasonable if your solo in a 300 round firefight your probably fucked anyways so stay light and conceiled.
>following up with muh food edition
Get as much rice, flour, beans, etc.... as you can. Basically any kind of dried staple with a long shelf life
Also have plenty of canned foods, everything from canned fruits, veggies, chef boyardee, etc.
Chicken/beef stock lasts awhile unopened and it’s used so much in cooking, you could really just always have a lot of it and cycle through it constantly.
Make sure to have a lot of canned fatty fish, like salmon or sardines. There are really good for you and you should be eating them anyway
The key really is to have a lot of regular foods already, so that you’ve got a few weeks of regular foods to eat before you start getting into the stuff you have stored.
MRE high cal 5 years minimum usually okay past expire high cal/carb. Nuts are practically nonperishable along with nut butters (not refering to cum). freeze dried (mountaim house) low calorie but bulk is less than mcdonalds a serving and practically nonperishable so just get a can a paycheck and you can hoard on a budget. if not a city fag free ranging chickens or rabbits is a long term renewable protien source that cost almost nothing. potato boxes, guardening, aeroponics for city fags.
thanks for the feedback
break it down to basic groups that you need.
start there. and build using cheap stuff like rice, flour, spaghetti, instant potatoes, canned meats, canned fish, fucking corned beef hash hits a lot of these criteria. spaghettios are like 96 cents at walmart. beans are cheap, and again, so is rice. get a tub of honey and a canister of iodized salt. get canned vegetables and canned fruits. start there, get a bunch of each group and then sit back and see what you have, and then build on it, coming up with better and more creative/palatable options. the key is always to just keep trying to hit all of the basic food group criteria. also, alcohol is a great thing to prep with.
i'm at a point where i'm even adding things like cooking wine and little things that you wouldn't think of, but are absolutely necessary to make delicious meals. everytime you realize you are lacking in one area, like you don't have enough protien based items, go out and increase it. before long, like within a few months of just spending a few bucks here and there, you will have enough to fill something like a 4 level metal shelving unit, and damn that is satisfying. i recently lost my job and i literally had a great reason to dig into that shit. it's one of the smartest things you can do as a human on this planet.
Mountain House has a bundle that has enough food for 12 weeks. It’s $1800 and you’ll need a fuck ton of water stored just to rehydrate, not to mention drink but if you’re lazy it’s a good buy.
lazy people don't have $1800 haha
just buy canned shit at first, because it's cheap and you can make small mistakes and learn from them OP
For 100lbs, 50lbs or rice/ 50 lbs of beans you get 100k calories(although it depends on the beans and rice and how you cook them), for 3 months at 2k calories its about 180k. Probably the cheapest solution and most packable with a long shelf life, although I tend to use a peanut butter trail mix when I hike without a stove. Throw in multivitamins and some salt and your relatively all right.
For water katadyn chlorine tabs or chlorine liquid are my go to.
Good clothing is a must. A good rifle is a must and ammo for it(not for hunting all game animals will be hunted out soon after). Meds you need and are useful.
Trade food, water purification tabs, multivitamins, nicotine, alcohol, common ammo 5.56, medicine especially for some well kept insulin, antibiotics, opiates, fever meds, other pain meds. Gold has no inherent value when your hungry or sick. Hell in a survival setting 5 years after everything is gone id say coffee would be worth more than gold. That said any SHTF scenario unless its straight up the apocalypse wouldn't last that long. If its simply the economy going to shit then gold is worthwhile.
very reasonable user. nobody ever seems to realize that any game animals will be hunted to near extinction if things get bad enough that people are going hungry for more than a couple seasons
whereas i agree about the coffee thing, it's not like coffee would just disappear. it's a plant just like a lot of things. you can grow coffee in a greenhouse and produce beans. you can also grow tea for caffeine. but yes, obviously it would be more valuable. there are definitely things that would just cease to exist entirely for a while if modern society collapsed though.
again thanks, copying this all down
Get mylar bags and O2 absorbers, fill with dry food, put in O2 absorber, suck out air, store in bucket. If bugging out is your plan, just have a gun and single bullet, it'll save a lot of wasted time and effort.
heres some advice, instead of spending thousands on gear, long term food (still a good idea) or other fancy things that might not even save you, trying bugging out now. Buy a small rural property or farm and live off grid TODAY.
Security, peace and quiet and you don't need to worry about bugging out, traffic etc. You will have more time to prepare for SHTF and be more used to it when it finally happens.
Invest in the right way and build up the property and you might not even have a reduction in your quality of life.
Get 3 15lb bags of rice, those things will last 5 years. If you mix it up with other canned food it will last forever
a 5lb bag of rice lasts me only 4 days ???
That’s 14k calories, are you like eating just rice everyday?
i mix rice with eggs, tomatoes, beans, lima beans, corn, potatoes
rice goes with everything
Well it is the cheapest food calorie wise. If you say expect 1k of calories from rice a day, you need 18lb of rice per adult per month. Rice is usually $1/lb. so you can store enough rice to last a year for around 300-600
How do you store rice long term?
Mylar bags and oxygen absorbent. Get the 7 mil bags with a ziplock top. The ziplock is good for adding desiccant to dry it out (causes the oxygen absorbents to fail sometimes) and than you remove the desiccant, add oxygen absorbent and seal it shut with heat, using the zip lock as an extra seal. Do not cheap out, a lot of amazon sellers sell 3-4 mil. Its cheap shit that splits, personal experience. Get 7 mil+. Store in a cool dry place in a sealed hard container to keep mice out. Galvanized trash cans and steel barrels work well. The cooler the temp the longer stuff lasts. Even things with fat and oils like peanut butter and wild rice can last for decades in a cool environment. The mormons have a good guide on it.
Food for 3 months? Conservatively you need 2000 calories per day. Let's say that is a fist sized amount of dry rice, a protein bar and a freeze dried portion of tomato soup. Now add that up 90 times and you will realize the real problem is to find a way to transport it. What are your options?