Trump and America are LOCKED AND LOADED to fight Iran!

Trump and America are LOCKED AND LOADED to fight Iran!

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inb4 the little bitch decides to call it off again because "airstrikes might kill people with families"

time to invade Yemen

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That's a good thing not to kill people needlessly

>oil and defense contractors:

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>not being heavily invested in both
Honestly, if you've followed the news for the last few weeks and you're not making money off of this, you're stupid and deserve to be poor.

If dubs we go to war and gen z dabs on Iran

>iran says israel will be wiped out in 30 mins if attacked
>has nukes

oh please god happen.

reminder that you will never fight in an interesting environment ever again, just shithole sand huts from now until forever

Iran doesn't have nukes. They sure are trying to get them, though.

How is the desert not an interesting environment faggot. Better than getting malaria or stepping on shit covered punji sticks in the jungle.

>Slog Swamp
>Disease Jungle
>Deathtrap City
>Frozen Wasteland Tundra

"Interesting environment"

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This. Plus, Iran has mountains and shit. It's pretty neat. On top of that, it has fairly attractive women compared to the other shitholes we've invaded recently.

what if I'm not invested in both because I'm too poor to invest in anything

how do you stop being poor when you started as poor

Well, it sounds like the military will be taking lots of applicants in the near future.

Invest in kneepads
t. Jow Forumsraeli

If you think about it, the tundra is basically the same environment as the desert, just replace sand with snow, and it's cold instead of hot

>ywn fight somewhere worth looting
fuck the military fuck anyone retarded enough to join it

dont you have some palestinians to be burning alive?

The Palestinians are the burning bright hope of the ME. White phosphorus makes the kids burn brighter.

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I hope we do it this time, and none of this shit , let's get em!

This. I am not in it for King or Country or even the violence. I am just here for the plunder.

Are we seriously going to war again because the Saudi's lost 50% of their refining capability?

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>we will probably see a peer adversary war in our lifetimes

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"people" don't live there. Only animals.

Congratulations you figured out that the tundra is actually a desert environment (indicated by yearly rainfall less than 10in)

I love it, I cry for it. 5.56 and 7-shit-2 nato die a well deserved death. The US adopts actually respectable cartridges because we have no tungsten and have to push steel penetrators like we have a pair. Good riddance and long live our polymer cased 6.8 overlords.

Dumb mutt

>are we seriously going to war because our allies suffered a massive attack against their only real industry?
I fucking hope so.

attacking the source of america's oil is attacking america's transportation-addicted economy and thus constitutes an attack on america

think of the truckers

>attacking the source of america's oil is attacking america's transportation-addicted economy
You mean its literally an attack on the Dollar

>attacking the source of America's oil
Oh my God, they BOMBED CANADA!?

America’s source of oil is America. This sucks much more for the euros and Chinese

What’s the purpose of having so many machine guns on a tank

Israel should have waited on their "mutual defense treaty" then just attacked themselves and said it was Iran, which they are probably planning anyway

I thought iran and china were allies or at least were on friendly terms


take your meds, I can't wait to see what shiny new toys the military developed the paste Iran.

Yay a new war to ensure Trump gets reelected even after endorsing gun grabbing red flag bullshit. Would have never guessed.

Good for urban warfare where the cannon is of limited use.

Just in time to take our guns

>bolton hasn't left
>he's advanced to a whole nother level

> take your meds
> I can't wait to see what shiny new toys the military developed the paste Iran.

They are, but this attack is focused on pressuring the Saudis as opposed to anything related to China. If nothing else, it allows the Iranians to sell a higher volume to the Chinese at a higher cost per barrel.

> yemen bombs saudi arabia


> saudis take down twin towers

SUE IRAN in us court

It's gonna be great.

Still suffering from blue balls this long after trump cancelled the last iran strike. Trump should order an airstrike on them to relieve the pressure, but I doubt even the US military has armament precision enough to hit a target that small

There’s zero evidence this was Yemen beyond the Houthis claiming they did it. The refinery is over 1000km away from the Yemeni border, and there have been parts of Iranian cruise missiles found north of the site.

seething vatnik, how's putin's dick taste? it's gonna happen this time.

lol here comes russia shit out of nowhere. How does hillary taste

Russia out of nowhere? Only vatniks and muslims like Iran, being a Russian client state. Did you not know that?

even still the chinese have to be pissed at iran somehow

> Not wanting to bomb a country is the same as liking a country
> Being lindsey graham on Jow Forums yet accusing others of sucking cocks

We've gone to war over less

They've more than earned it, I can't wait to watch the live leaks.

Go to bed, You've got school in the morning.

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Doesn't the US military love to bomb human rights abusers? They should thank Iran for the help in this case.

we have been playing this game for awhile user

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Wow, no wonder Erdogan didn't want the (((patriot))) missile system

>Don't respond to numerous hails on civilian frequency
>Get shot down

Maybe don't fly airliners in a warzone after a US warship was hit with missiles launched from a business jet?

clearly russian separatists in ukraine are to blame :)))

you should have been a lawyer for the US military, clearly with these facts they would have never had to pay out so much to the victims

I mean, killing civvies is bad and all, but it's pretty obvious that there was no master plan to shoot down Iranian airliners or whatever. Accepting responsibility and paying reparations to the families seems like a reasonable response.

Muh Persian war brides when?

It's just one gun for each crew member in the turret. Remember, tanks are vulnerable against infantry armed with rockets, mines, explosives, etc. So those give the tank the best chance in case it's getting swarmed or something. The driver doesn't need one because his ass better be firmly planted in the seat going full speed ahead in that situation.

What is this even supposed to mean?
>There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification.
Is the culprit locked and loaded?
Are they waiting on verification to be locked and loaded?
I get it, it's twitter but at least proof read to ensure its coherent

>at least proof read to ensure its coherent
I'm assuming this is the first time you've read the president's tweets?

>There’s zero evidence this was Yemen beyond the Houthis claiming they did it.
Yemenis fire shit at the Saudis and Emirates all the time. Why would this be any different?

There's only a "we" missing in there. It's not that hard to understand.


>Persians replace Filipinas as exchange cashiers and employees around bases
>Every military town is now full of cheap kebab shops
Could be worse.

>Why would this be any different?
Houthi drones aren't flying the 1000km from the Yemeni border to the Saudi refinery, and they've already found wreckage in the desert north of the refinery that came from an Iranian model of cruise missile. The attack was either launched by Iranian forces from Iran or their proxies in Iraq. The former is more likely than the latter.

>Trump and America are LOCKED AND LOADED to fight Iran!
About fucking time, the US has been sitting doing nothing while they chant death to America for the last 40 years. Fuck them up and send them back to the stoneage from 40,000 feet

>Persian war brides
this is a blue board

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Let me guess. You're circumcised.

>iran attacks US ally
>US threatens them back
fucking IIDF

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People like you make me ashamed to be American.


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How do we save our gas prices?

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>wait a week or two for shale production to catch up
>profit from desperate europoors and chinese

It was Yemenis who did it, how did Jews twist this into being Irans fault??

Kikes want Iran to be destroyed because its in the way of the (((New World Order)))


Why when anyone talks about smashing Iran about for being militantly USA hating does some /pol faggot arrive and start jewposting.

>how did Jews twist this into being Irans fault
The Jews teleported the drones from Yemen to northeast of Saudi Arabia while magically transforming them into Iranian cruise missiles? I know Hebrew magic is impressive, but wow.

Probably because the only reason Iran has beef with the U.S. in the first place is becasue we are largely Israel's bulldog. Remove Israeli influence from American politics and I would bet you Vegas money that all of our problems in the ME would dry up within a year or five.

Having a hard time typing Moshi?

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Maybe the US should destroy Iran for the following reasons
1)The Iranian hostage crisis, kinapping US embassy staff
2)Chanting death to America for 40 years.
3)Being a theocratic state that tries to export a vicious suicide cult religion.
4)Threatening the US and western Energy supplies
5)Having an apocalyptic theological state and developing nukes

Its always interesting to watch jewposters flood in to try and derail the fact that Iran has been asking for its teeth to be smashed in for 40 years

Operation Ajax. Now go fuck yourself.

O I thought the last dribbling excuse for behaving like savages for the last 40 years was something something neo colonialism. But here you are jewposting to try and pretend the USA does not have every good reason to curbstomp Iran just for threatening energy supply alone

Seriously how the FUCK does our entire military go along with being Zionist-Freemason puppets?

It's fucking disgraceful.

America is completely in the chains of Israel and Zionist-Freemasons.

How the fuck do any of you not hate America? Seriously, how can you have any other feeling than "I hate this fucking corrupt shithole anti-white country"?

>Big bad America wouldn't let Iran be communist in the 50's, so we should just let them get away with being overt enemies to our country's interests
Literal kindergarten-tier reasoning. Geopolitics is neither moral nor fair. Grow up.

Muh Jewposting

'USA SATAN USA SATAN we will cut off western oil'
'O don't bomb us because something jews'

Fucking hope the USA tests every weapon they have on Iran along with posting a declaration of war via snail mail saying, we've finally decided to give you what you've been begging for

You just blow in from arfcom or something?

I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not, but it sure is funny either way.

1) They had their reasons

2) Words hurt! Boo hoo! Everyone should love American jingoism!

3) Like Israel and Saudi Arabia?

4) The US is producing more oil than Saudi Arabia is. Fuck the Saudis and our fake dependence on them

5) You mean like Israel?