How are you holding up? Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
How are you holding up? Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
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>How are you holding up?
>Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition
latest is technically some ar mags, vickers sling, holosun red dot. Latest gun is a springfield saint w/ free float - really regret this piece of shit, just got it back from the factory after some warranty repairs, need to test it.
stressed as fuck.
judge told me I could have my firearms back
police said I have to get pistol permit first.
I live in a may issue state
my town has requirements for pistol permits beyond the confines. of state law like
an interview with a detective
detective interviews neighbors and friends and relatives
at interview get told there is no legal reason I can't have my guns back
they are just checking for "suitability"
they have concerns about why I lost my guns
story? what state? my sympathies for your troubles
>How are you holding up?
>Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
my increased understanding that despite my massive collection of dakka I cannot find true happiness except through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Slept away my weekend. Lost a lot of sleep this week, in no small part to seething over Beta O'Dork.
>newest acquisition
A new Rooga.
I’m hanging in there. I got 5 days left of a 14 day stretch with no weekends..... but I got lpk’s and buffers for these guys
you like in texas too?
>Mk IV
absolutely fucking disgust-
>22/45 grips
...alright, I'll let it slide. But just this once.
Not good. Ex girlfriend gave me herpes. Luckily it’s asymptomatic but still kind of sucks. I want a Glock 19x or a Glock 26 as my next purchase. Having a hard time deciding
Nah. Just upsets me that he's introducing shit into the overton window. I always knew "nobody wants to take your guns" was a lie, and I HATE being proven right.
Not bad. Wedding planning is annoying and I’m ready to just get it over with. No major complaints, and that’s really all one can hope for.
>recent Jow Forums acquisitions
Got a SWFA SS 6x42 quad-MOA scope and a bipod for my CZ527M. The goal is to learn precision shooting and fundamentals of distance shooting, and I’m pretty excited about it. Still have to sight it in, but apart from that we’re ready to roll.
I was wrongfully and illegally erpo'd by the VA in CT. I've told the story on k more than once but most don't want to believe me.
The police are not on the side of the 2a. The VA wants to disarm all vets. anyone who disagrees is dilusional. the police will make up lies to take your guns. the VA will tell lies to have you disarmed.
Doing great. Got the courage to ask a hot girl out on a date and she said yes. Bought a Ruger Blackhawk in 10MM for no real reason.
sorry to hear that man. I have a glock 19x and really like it, thinking about getting a suppressor for it. I like the full size frame and the trigger is definitely better than my gen 4 G19. Good luck
Just when I thought I couldn't possibly find another reason to hate the VA... Best of luck to you
everyone with an iq above room temp knew it was a lie. also its worse knowing that he was almost voted into the senate for texas.
>newest acquisition
>mark iv 22/45
>blued heavy barrel
are you me?
on the bright side I got me a new battle doggo
yea them niggers said I had combat related PTSD and was making suicidal threats and called the police on me. I got a moderate TBI in basic and medically retired. I'm rated by the VA but I sure as hell ain't no combat vet
Good. Got 500 boolits, M80 ball for plink. 500 lasts long time in bolty boi.
That's fucked up, glad to hear you're getting your shit back
>The police are not on the side of the 2a. The VA wants to disarm all vets. anyone who disagrees is dilusional. the police will make up lies to take your guns. the VA will tell lies to have you disarmed
That genuinely makes my shit boil, user. They toss you aside like a jizz kleenex after you do ZOG's dirty work and then want their broken killing golem defenseless... it makes me sick.
to be fair as stated above. I got med boarded in basic for a serious injury
Where in Ct also from this fucked state?
Enfield, you?
Stuck in a rut. Not sure where to go with my life and everything I take interest in seems to be a poor choice. I want to go to gunsmithing school but the previous thread on it has me reconsidering
Here’s muh new webley
Holding up well. Working full and part time. Slowly paying off loans and getting into a comfortable speed and looking to start lose weight again.
Got a makarov from classic firearms coming in so when NJ stops jerking off and gives me my handgun permit ill have that. Also bidding on a Yugo mauser that hopefully i wont get outbid by a Boomer
Stressed, but could be worse. I recently got a job that's pretty physically demanding and I just hope I can keep up and get in better shape. My brother I was really close to as a kid also introduced his boyfriend to our family last month and I didn't really take it well. I got a VZ24 for $250 at a small local gun show last week.
Buying a SAR-3 tomorrow with 5 magazines for 458 after tax
Other than my utter disdain for college I’m actually not doing half bad outside of it. I just gotta bear with it to make the family proud and one day I’ll be free.
Oh and looking at 10 gauge pump
One month of law school under my belt, busy as shit and havent gone shooting in a while. My eyes are starting to go, hope they get better if I get anti-strain glasses but either way meh.
was on her hook for a long ass time, my interest in her finally dies, somehow it feels worse.
Its not that anything is terrible pre se, its this gray soup of mediocre decline that really has me down
>how you holding up?
Just doing the grind, saving up money to buy a house with property next year
>recent acquisitions
A Henry .45-70 that fell apart on me at the range, still waiting for a response from them about my warranty. Besides that I’m getting ready to buy a Garand from the CMP
Good luck user, fuck the VA and fuck the oathbreaking pigs who took your guns
Im tired. Ive been looking for work for about a month now. Ive put in applications to every jobsite i could find, and all i get are rejection letters saying im either not qualified or dont meet requirements or some other bullshit. I have enough money saved up to wait until i find something i like, but having nothing to do every day is killing me.
Prolly going to get a wasr10
Here's my new items from this weekend. A very early 1900 model Luger, an FN 1905, three original Luger magazines, three spare mag bases, an Inglis Hi-Power cleaning rod and an Enfield No2 revolver cleaning rod.
>How are you holding up?
I'm ronery
>Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
CZ 457 Lux and my CSA Vz 61 should arrive in the next few days.
More depressed than ever. Feel like crying all the time. Suicidal thoughts constantly. Cant sleep. My job is ass. I got an eotech 552. Its pretty fucking cool.
>shoving shit through the trigger guard
So you want to make a pic look good by propping up the gun, good. But then you don't hide the object and just stick it thought the trigger guard, defeating the purpose of trying to make it look good in the first place.
Kill yourself.
I've been doing ok. Received a fat stack of cash from work a few weeks ago (yearly bonus); squirreled most of it away into investments. Feel a little lonely sometimes (tfw no gf as usual; never had one) but I always feel great when going out and shooting, or when just hanging out with friends.
Latest Jow Forums acquisition would be a well-worn CZ-82 with a spare mag, and the toolkit looking leather ambi holster with cleaning rod. Got it for $200 out the door. For that price - just couldn't say no.
Have a friend in a similar situation. Godspeed user. Hes going through a divorce and l hope he makes it.
I'm holding up OK I guess. Got my ingrown nails removed, so I can't go shoot until my toes don't hurt no more. I have four (potentially five) other medical appointments next week too. I already met my max of out pocket from shit earlier in the year, so I'm just jamming as much medical shit that is covered before end of year. I wonder if there are any proscription ear protection I can get. Pissed that custom insoles aren't covered though.
>My brother I was really close to as a kid also introduced his boyfriend to our family
Kill that faggot.
>How are you holding up?
I've taken up pretending to be carefree as a coping mechanism. I think it's working quite well.
>Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition?
Haven't bought anything lately. I have my eye in a Mauser rifle but unfortunately I have a greenhouse I have to pay for first. Such is life.
p320 x5 legion
only a threesome can mend this relationship.
Was literally doing great right up until today. My dad and I disagree on the on a couple things, namely the importance of women. My parents had a great marriage until my mom passed a couple years ago, and he is convinced the end all be all of life is to be married.
I'm having a great time, right up until he points out how much I suck with women. It's just him, everytime I think about it, or my friends talk about it, I get to do what I want, which is basically charity, it's not like I'm incredibly selfish or anything. It's the way my father looks down on me for it.
Also, Winchester 1300 for turkey season coming up.
Doing good, on my last night shift before 12 days of vacation. Gonna go in the morning an buy some 300blk for the new toy that came in on Saturday
What your dad doesn’t realize is how deteriorated the state of women are these days. You have no incentive to chain yourself financially to an entitled 20 something roastie that has been community property since high school.
I picked up an Andersen lower for my PSA kit that arrives this week, gonna put together my first AR. Feelin pretty great
Don't forget to sue them for slander/libel, malicious prosecution, etc. after you get your guns back. Whatever you can hit them with.
I'm busy as fuck. It's time to plant oats and wheat on a couple thousand acres. I was supposed to have jury duty tomorrow but I called and it's cancelled. Good.
Recent acquisition?
>pic related
Mossberg 46M-B
Ward's Westernfield Model 80A (Savage 29)
These were my wife's grandpa's. I didn't expect to get anything from him because it's a large family and he didn't have many guns. I don't know shit about them except from searching online today. The Mossberg has 2 sets of holes drilled for scope mounts and both are missing their rear sights. It's pretty cool though. They are both from the '40s and I don't have many old guns.
In sore and tired but good enough
>Also what's your latest Jow Forums acquisition
A PVS 14 and some 5.56 also looking for a DBAL now.
The fuck
I talked to a lawyer and he told me that most likely no one would take my case, because they don't want to take on both the VA and the state. The VA has a back for ruining reputations and lives
Inevitably people will bring up how "good women still exist; don't be an incel pessimist" but the problem is that women are like water: taking the shape of the societies around them. We are still surrounded by globohomo and hollywood everywhere.
Last jury duty I got was the first day I started a new job and totally forgot about it. Called the next day and they told me that everyone was excused and don't worry about not having showed up.
Yea good women might exist, but all women are spiteful by nature. If they get bored or god forbid you do something they don’t like, they are incentivized to divorce rape you and take all your hard earned cash
bought my first gun for about $200. i like it
Nice goose.
fuck, what a deal. congrats.
they're still for sale:
Havent boughten any new guns recently. Have come in to quite a bit of AR mags including a very rare Pre-Ban Norinco 120 rounder that I got for a steal. Also got an upper and im waiting for an AR build kit to get released but its taking forever
Nice Luger? How much did you pay?
I'm not jaded either. I still ask women out here and there. Very few times do I actually get a date or anything, but I'm not discouraged either. I'm cool either way, but he makes me feel like shit or a child for not making it a priority. To him, it's like every weekend not spent trying to find a wife is wasted.
I was a massive sperg in highschool, so I'm pretty happy not being obsessed with trying to find some one.
Everytime I try explaining that to him he just acts like I'm a coward or something.
Eat some lsd
Yea I deal with the same thing. It’s the boomer mindset. They have been preconditioned by hollyood and the media to believe that men cannot survive without constant reinforcement from a female. I refuse to believe that. Got redpilled after seeing so many miserable married people and failed marriages. I’m perfectly happy without being wifed up. I weighed the risks and benefits and the risks are greater than the benefits right now.
$1500. Here it is alongside one of my P.08’s for comparison. The 1900 is chambered in 7.65mm Parabellum and is what’s called the ‘Old Model’. The 1906 and later are the ‘New Model’.
I started collecting thousand stitch belts and good luck flags recently after learning about them, but with a preference for the belts. Recently received a package with 3 belts, a drawing of a tiger, and a flag from Japan along with some other Japan exclusive goods.
By pure coincidence, I found a drawing of the tiger that was nearly identical to the one I bought (pic related). The drawing that I found in the image search was given to Hirō Onoda (小野田寛郎). He's better known as the Japanese soldier that stayed in Philippines 29 years after the war. Apparently, both the drawing he was given and the one I bought were created by the same artist.
This is the drawing he was given that is now in displayed a shrine (宇賀部神社) after his death.
I borrowed this percussion shotgun from a local museum to clean and grease it best I could. Its 110% clapped but it looks better now.
How do you know it isn't an imitation?
It came as a set with a period correct belt. The calligraphy is noticeably different, although I believe it may say the same thing, and it has shrine stamps. If it was an imitation then those would be very strange choices to make. The material also shows aging, although clearly not as bad as one that was in a jungle for 30 years.
That was actually my first thought since the belts were typically given by female relatives (typically by the wife, sister, or mother) and were one-off creations. The article I found (
>how are you holding up
Fat, tired. But both are getting better with time and some scheduling so ok I guess
>most recent acquisition
Remshit 12ga that isnt even comparable with the sights I want
Got my tax stamp approved recently
Taking it day by day. Trying not to think much about my life because if/when I do it just depresses me. If I don't think about where I am in life or what I should be doing at this point in life and I just go to work I do alright.
>recent acquisition
I just picked up a KSG and a CZ scorpion evo 3 this past weekend.
The scorpion was kind of an impulse buy.
>Original Kriegsmarine handbook from 1941 (partially damaged)