Sup fags, about to enlist as 11B this week. Some last minute questions - Do you actually learn any Jow Forums tier shit? How white is it? Would you do it again?
Army 11B
op40 anything is better than 11b
>Jow Forums shit
Lol no
Like 18% on a good day
Hell no
just enlist and report back with answers in 2 years
Please take my advice on this one thing.
Sign up for the GI bill. Do your duty, then get out and get educated.
to be fair combat arms jobs are mostly whites and ultra religious spics for some reason. there are one or two niggers per company but most of the minorities do pog shit.
this is the best advice but unfortunately most won't do it
Further more, put in extra money towards your GI bill because for only a few hundreds more total, they'll more than double it
That's the MGIB, not the Post 9/11 (as far as I know).
Post 9/11 doesn't have any input and doesn't have an assigned value outside of max tuition for a public school in a state.
I miss Benning. I would do it again any day, any age any time.
That's what I'm getting but I'll prob wash out and end up a normal 11B so kek
When did you go user?
FFS, it is only just beginning. The worst part is yet to begin... You pass round. BOHICA.
Pad your pants fellows.
I'm thinking of 18x'ing it. Problem is I make like $150k a year right now.
Would you give up that much pay to do it? I'm so fucking tempted.
no that's retarded
Me personally. I would.
If you have completed your bachelors?There are better ways,
But do you want the experience, on your resume, or do you want to dig into the mud? You'll get the same either way.
What else you come out with is up to you.
Fuck you, pussy. Come back when you’re a man.
You're out of your fucking mind if you dump $150,000 a year for something you have a 8.6% of attaining and which will only end with you needing knee and hip replacements to go with your back fusion surgery by 42.
>Do you actually learn any Jow Forums tier shit?
1% science, technology, engineering, mathemathics
5% Jow Forums shit
15% following pointless orders so a superior can feel powerful
20% "where is the fire extinguisher" type presentations
25% "dont rape, touch, smell, joke, talk to, approach, or think about women/aristo races" type presentations
35% mind numbing manual labor a teenager is trained to do
>How white is it?
About half white and east asian, 20% brown (mostly mestizaje), and 30% solid black. Keep in mind the white (and east asian) enlisted will fall in line, follow orders, and do their job. This makes them blend into the background, so the people you will notice ALL OF THE TIME will be the blacks and mixed hispanics continually failing at their job or making a spectacle of themselves. It will seem at times to be 90% black and brown because they are always at the forefront making trouble and not fitting in.
>Would you do it again?
No, it's not worth it, at some point you realize the things you joined for - serving your country and doing the right thing - dont exist. You will either be relegated to REMF or you will be at the front lines being the bad guy and doing the wrong thing every day because being evil is enshrined in policy.
There is nothing the service can give you that 150k a year can’t provide, especially for a measly 20K (usually less) a year. (Yes I know you have benefits but at PFC combine everything they say it’s 45-50k a year, but I’m happy to no longer live in a black mold infested barracks.)
As bad as your boss might be now, I guarantee you a power-high 23 y/o who got bullied in highschool is no better. (At least when he’s not awkwardly hitting on the barracks bunny who won’t even fuck him)
>t. Former marine POG
Enjoy having the knees of a 70 year old at 22 while at the same time getting payed the same amount of money to work harder, get shittier gear and living conditions than the POGS you will hate.
Go Biomed or IT if you're joining the army. You'll have a skill that you can use to make decent money once you get out.
Go ahead and take it. Clearly somebody with a higher IQ wants that position more than you. Most people will murder for a lick of what you have.
I'm just letting you know now. There is a.... competition between 11bs and cav scouts. Basically both sides try to be as gay as possible. But unfortunately I for us 11bs we just never win. So we need you to give your all.
Do you like the taste of cum from dudes hanging out at the bar
what is it now that conjures up the idea of a weak cucky loser when i hear "husband"?
successful social programming
I wish Id gone 68w.
Its also mostly white with Hispanics common too, Id say 60% White 35% Hispanic although you'll probably see more Puerto Ricans now.
Jow Forums shit I mean you'll get to finger fuck guns like 50% of the time and shot them like .01% of the time during OSUT. You'll also become an alcoholic who craves nicotine.
just remember to have fun and be yourself. inless your a buddy fucker them be better then yourself
I click on that pic every time I see a thread started with it.
68w mostly white or 11b mostly white?
Which is whiter? This is most important to me.
And how much Jow Forums shit do you actually do? Like what guns do you train with, do you blow shit up, etc.
That's why I use it
>joining just because of race
I hope your dumbass joins and gets smoked every day.
I’m sure you have the exact same mindset that I did when I was dead set on infantry in you wanting to do shit with your service but believe me pog life is the life to live, you’ll realize this your first step into an army hospital when some fat spc checks you in for your appointment to get your back looked at and think to yourself that he’s making the same paycheck as you
I'm not just joining because of race, I'm joining no matter what, so just want to avoid the most nogs and beaners as possible. Shouldn't blame me for that.
try to do it in the guard if your state has an sf unit
g l o w
Bruh you dumb as fuck. Your team leader, squad leader, PL, PSG, BC, 1SG, Company Commander, and much more are gonna be non white or white. Does it really matter to you that much? I graduated Fort Benning Sand Hill about 8 weeks now at Ft Bliss and my drill sargeants were black, Hispanic, and white as the other trainees in my company. Just saying. You do you buddy.
this. Do this.
Then go into a MOS that requires thought and hard work. That shit will scare away all beaners and chimps. In 11B they're more common than general population. 13P you won't see most blacks, only some hispanics and asians. 15W is white guys mostly, you will see a minority of other races. 35Z it's only whites and japs. 09L you're basically swimming in blonde land.
I still want to do tacticool shit though, and these are the only options that aren't insanely hard like buds or some shit.
The GI Bill was replaced by the post 9/11 version and covers everything for you if you plan on using it.
You aren't going to get to do tacticool shit in the infantry. You are basically a warm body to fill a place and hold ground that the people who do tacticool shit capture. See when we capture an area we cant just leave it empty, the enemy will move into the vacuum thus making the capture pointless. All you have to do is stand there, follow orders, not embarrass your superiors, not rape anyone, not be racist, and know where the fire extinguisher is. You're the butt plug.
Sadly this. Wars over, if you wanna kick in doors and kill Muhammad your best bet is getting into ranger batt
Obviously a never serve
Fuck it then. I'll go RASP and take as many steroids as I can and hit the gym brutally. Fuck you nigger lovers.
I'm 30 and poor but very interested in guns and have done some tech support. In shape, but that shape is no upper body strength and poor cardio
Any chance I can get a shit position in the army and/or coast guard? Navy and airforce seem lame but clearly I'm an idiot so feel free to correct me
>Which is whiter? This is most important to me.
Doesn’t matter. Your full sleeve Aryan Brotherhood tattoos on both arms will get you DQ’d at MEPS.
Not him but he's kinda right. You'll get like a couple kinda tacticool exercises a year, and the bulk of training once you're off infantry school will just be drilling SOPs for mundane military shit, and the rest of the day is running bullshit errands.
If you think you'll be FLASHBANG THROUGH THE DOORing on a regular basis then just give up. Military life is boredom and stress, the cool shit you see on videos is either bootcamp or the aforementioned yearly exercises.
>How white is it?
Fuck off retard, we're full.
You obviously have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?
You think rangers go to the fucking gym, faggot? You think being ripped means anything in the military?
Navy and Air Force are your best shot to have a shred of a chance at a career when you get out.
>if you want a medical career after you get out, dont be a combat medic or navy corpsman, your career options will be emt
The best part about private white wizard joining the infantry is gonna be him getting the shit smoked out of him by his hard as fucking nails latino squad leader. If you manage to escape the infantry without respect for the work ethic of the latino dudes who joined up for citizenship but stayed for a career, you probably never deployed. Wartime infantry is the closest thing to a true meritocracy of any human institution.
Only pussies use the wall
You get to do Jow Forums shit on a pretty regular basis if by Jow Forums shit you mean fingerfucking and cleaning weapons you barely fire, masturbating excessively, and having retarded arguments about the most inane things with your peers
It’s kinda fun, don’t get me wrong. But, it sucks 90% of the time. Even the fun stuff like field ops actually fucking blow. Sure it looks cool to see kitted out dudes moving through a wood line at 3am under night vision but honestly, all I want to do at 3am is be asleep in my fucking bed- not trapsing about in some shitty wet forest with 60 pounds of gear on my body
I had a buddy tell me the same thing but for EOD.
This, except for the Crayon Corps, it's way more spics
t.Company Nigger
he is 10000% correct
Whites, beans, and azns are the only people who understand the concept of service for a greater good.
This. Actual, real world fitness is everything. Excess muscle is a liability. Obviously there is a basic level of strength you need. Are you strong enough to move under a heavy load? Can you carry or drag your buddy if he gets hit? Beyond this, strength doesn't matter for shit. Does the bullet you fire care how much you deadlift? Does incoming fire? Fuck no.
Special operations have a bunch of flabby dadbods who nonetheless can ruck 50 klicks under combat load.
Meat will stop bullets better than flab or bone. You don’t need to look like the hulk, but having more muscle will significantly increase your chances of survival when struck with a bullet.
When a soldier took pride in the shine of his boot and the cleanliness of his rifle.
Is muscle going to stop a round from nicking your femoral? Highly fucking doubt it. This sounds like bullshit but I don't know enough to say it is definitively.
>service for a greater good.
lol no
The greater good only needs to extend to the welfare of the military machine. Nobody really cares about the "greater good" in some kind of cosmic sense. What feels good in the military is being a component of something that is simply greater than yourself in scope, a cause which the military exemplifies adequately.
Yes and no.
Meat will slow bullets down, and you’re better off with more muscle than being skinny or fat. That’s just physics. If you’re skinny, it’ll rip through you and you’re just as likely to take a hit in a bone as anything else. And bone shots are lifelong injuries. Fat wont actually slow the round down like muscle mass can. That’s just physics. Obviously no one wants to get shot, and it’s not perfect, but more muscles gives you a better chance of surviving any gunshot.
Serve your empire bravo.
There’s been plenty of harder dudes that me that got shot, and they all say that if they didn’t have the extra muscle mass on them they wouldn’t have made it (or at least it would’ve been far less likely)
The dad bod operators aren’t scrawny dudes with a gut, they’re big dudes that drink too much beer. Plus the combination of muscle and some fat also makes you more likely to survive a penetrating injury. That’s how gladiators did it.
>The dad bod operators aren’t scrawny dudes with a gut, they’re big dudes that drink too much beer.
This, but also the optimal physique for endurance lends itself to being kind of flabby. Your body eventually starts burning fat more efficiently, which means fat becomes harder to burn off, naturally. You take your shirt off and you look like an office worker. It's just that underneath the normal looking physique is a machine which can just keep fucking pounding out the miles until the operator tells it to stop or it runs out of miles. I'll take your word for the muscle thing though, it does logically make sense.
No. If I could do it over I would have done
Air Force
>Any fucking job, even cook
nothing was stopping you from going to selections while you were in
I'd back out while you can. Infantry fucking sucks. You get treated like shit, do gay ass details, training that looks cool in movies but sucks when you do it, fat ass NCOs and Officers that can't even pass their APFT but somehow are still in the military, retarded ass lower enlisted, get smoked for other people's mistakes, and bunch more bull shit. And they wonder why the Army has the highest suicide rate and no one wants to enlist or reenlist. Fuck the Army. Leadership is toxic as fuck in the infantry.
I wish I had joined the Air Force, good food good pay, hot girls, clearances being passed out like candy, and easy as fuck jobs. Air Force has the highest retention rate in all the military cause its such a sweet fucking job.
Retire in 17-20 years with a pension, benefits, a clearance, and civilian transferable job and training.
In short, its better to have more muscle mass because it is more dense and stronger than fat. But having a lot of muscle and being 6% body fat is also bad. Being a stick is also not ideal because like I said, you do not want to have a round hit bone it will fuck you up for life.
Ideally you want to be as muscular as you can be, yes more is always better, but also hover around 17-20%BF for peak physical performance. Do not listen to idiots that tell you to only do cardio like running and rucking because that is retarded. Strength training and HIIT is ideal. If you keep your body in tune, you'll be able to run when you need to and hike when necessary.
Anyone that tells you not to get bigger either hasn't ever seen or spoken with anyone who has seen real combat, or is just trying to make excuses for their own lack of determination.
Get big. Eat your protein, don't be afraid of having a belly, and make sure you squat heavy. Abs are for children and those who skip leg day should be put to death.
>before anyone says anything stupid..
I'm not saying dont have a strong core. You absolutely want to work abs and have the strongest core you can, but you dont need to be worried about getting 'shredded' because as I said, 6-10%BF is also not ideal and hard to sustain. Especially in a combat zone.
>Strength training and HIIT is ideal
Sounds like bullshit to me. Goes contrary to everything I've ever done in the service. There's no replacement for just doing the distance in my experience. You can't work up to a 30 klick movement by doing strength training and HIIT. I've seen "real combat" and I did it at 150 pounds. I've never been close to shredded, or even muscular, but I could run and ruck like nobody else. Like *I* said, being an accomplished endurance athlete is important, especially in country, not just for your actual physical endurance, but because your body gets better at metabolizing fat stores. I also agree that you shouldn't worry about how your body looks at all. In my experience, I also don't think that having an excess of muscle is all that great. I ran and rucked better than anyone I knew, including guys who actively worked on their strength training. Building muscle for some likely minor effect it'll have on a very quickly moving hunk of metal entering your body seems like an iffy proposition to me, especially when the tradeoff is less efficiency in very real ways.
you're talking with 16 year old remember
>Jow Forums shit
It’s there if you’re willing to take it. Try to go to designated marksman school if you can. I can’t remember if that’s the real name but it’s basically a chill 2 week course at Leonard Wood where they teach you how to milk everything you can out of an M4.
>how white
My company was like, 85% white. Results will vary.
>do it again
Yes, especially if I could do it with the knowledge I have now.
>Goes contrary to everything I've ever done in the service
Remember, the army does not want what's best for you. Whatever they have you do is designed to burn you out in a four year contract because that want to maximize their profit.
All I'm saying is according to physics, more muscle mass with an ample storage of fat means you will ultimately out perform everyone else in the majority of situations. If you mix that will a whole hell of a lot of walking, you'll be golden. Just use proper footwear and a bunch of other crap that I am not even remotely versed in to protect your shins and knees.
Being able to ruck is important in the big army because they don't give a shit about you so you need to be able to walk 50km to your objective in a timely manner. But realistically, looking at the guys on the teams they could provide vehicles to get you within a few km easily most of the time.
Everyone is different and not everyone can get massive amounts of muscle and that's fine. But understand the differences between the two and don't skimp out on strength training. You cant armor your extremities with plates, obviously, but you can and should armor them with the body's natural armor as much as possible. Jared Reston talks about how when he got shot 12 times at point blank range with a .45 how he attributes the fact that he was bigger to his survival. Compared to other situations where smaller and or less muscular big guys got hit and didn't make it.
You shouldn't speak about living when you have obviously done so little of it.
Lol no dude, cash is king
If my overpriced, worthless degree could ever be useful for something, it's this.
>smaller or less muscular big guys got hit and didn't make it
Smaller guys = smaller target = less likely to get hit. Most SOF dudes aren't jacked to fuck when they deploy, because moving that much extra muscle around is mechanically/calorically inefficient. The best SOF guys are < 10% bf, under 6', and muscular, but most importantly have a massive cardiovascular range in which to work. They can sprint, they can hold steady state for miles while rucking, and they don't need 15 MRE's per meal because they aren't fuckhueg.
Reminder that being able to pull yourself up a wall with 60+# of gear is more important than being able to bench a HMMWV off of your trapped comrade. I don't think that any honest tactician or operator would say that 'muh 50 mile rucks' is what makes them combat-effective soldiers. They will still say that the ability to do something like that and still be combat-effective is what is important, and that their training is based mostly on quick and brutal action, but they still strive to retain the capacity for distance.
I'm not arguing with you, all I've been saying is that according to science the more muscle mass you have the higher your probability of surviving any kind of blunt force or penetrating trauma. Which body type is best for soldiering is not the topic I was speaking about and I let myself get sidetracked.
Muscle is more dense than fat, and does a better job of spreading the impact out than both fat and bone.
>Shouldn't blame me for that.
How fragile are you?
The reason you got sidetracked in the first place was trying to defend the SIGNIFICANCE of muscle theoretically doing a better job of protecting the human body against ballistic wounds.
The significance is simple.
I'm not in the military, and if I ever get shot its going to be by some nog with a glawk fote. With that in mind, I'm going to focus on getting as big as I can with my metabolism. I can still run a 10k in a decent amount of time. I'm good with that.
>and if I ever get shot its going to be by some nog with a glawk fote
>I live in a certain city with a significant amount of african americans AND on a completely unrelated totally not interconnected note, a lot of violent crime.
How about this - wear soft armor and work out normally. You'll still get shot in the femoral and die like a piggu, but at least you were jacked and armored huh?
Don't listen to these retardsEvery service member who now enlists gets the Post 9/11 GI Bill. You do not have to "sign up" for it. The Montgomery GI Bill is the one you can opt to sign up for, which ends up costing you $1200 and is really only beneficial if you plan on going to a non public or overseas institution. The "additional buy in" you can choose to opt into for the Montgomery allows you to put in up to an additional $600 to your initial $1200 to increase your payout for that Bill.
Maybe in your situation the MGIB is decent, but the Post 9/11 pays for all I state public tuition AND gives you a housing stipend based on the zipcode of your school's main campus. The stipend alone, for me, was more than the MGIB with the payout.
tl:dr: Do your own research and think about what you want to do if you get out and where
If you're white you have 90% of being attacked by another white person. Getting attacked by some random nig for no reason only happens in your fantasies.
Fuck no. If you really need to scratch the itch to serve, look into the natty guard or marine reserves, and keep your job
That about sums it up. Go get some experience and then come back with advices. You sound faggy and your shit is all fucked up.
That's stupid. I'll just roll around in full riot gear. Problem solved.
I've been 'attacked' by a non african person exactly 0 times. I've had at least 5 separate occasions where I've run into physical altercations with members of the melanin rich community. My job requires me to work in less than ideal locations all the time.
You will learn Jow Forums shit, you won't need to watch cringe youtubers for advice anymore. It's like 70-80% white. No, I would not do it again, but I don't regret doing it.