Where's the lie?

Where's the lie?

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looks like dumb boomer trash
I just want guns because they are cool

Remove the bolt action and you’re good. A scar 17 is perfectly fine for hunting.

I need my handgun either when no rifle is available or to fight my way to my rifle.
Rifle is for 99% of MY needs. I don’t need a shotgun but they’re cool.

>I don’t need a shotgun
The drone war is approaching, fren.

>Where's the lie?

That you can't use any of them for any of the reasons listed

This. I just stay strapped to look hard and flex on bitch niggas. I don’t even shoot the shit

>Where's the lie?
The SCAR 17 being a useful modern combat rifle.

for personal protection you can carry easily on you
for versatility in both dealing with people and animals.
A modern semi-auto can hunt as well as a bolt action, but also bring you better defense against people.

It really is just down to handgun, shotgun, and a semiauto rifle is the absolute bare minimum.

Remove all but the Scar 17 is good enough for all of them. Or you could do all of the with any of the guns. Although pistols do lack some.

I'm going to go gladiator on their plastic ass

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Good luck shooting birds and concealed carrying thay scar 17

I grew up shooting birds with a pellet gun. I also conceal carry my KSG for shits and giggles sometimes. That said ya id never limit myself to one gun, and the practicality of conceal carrying anything other than a pistol is impractical.

Not saying you won’t hit it, just saying if you do it’ll explode lol.

You can replace the first sentence for
“I need this for niggers and spics”

>dont need a shotgun
>not even for flamethrower drones going at 80mph
Have fun getting cooked

Does anyone else get a weird hard on when you see your exact gun in a pic like this?
I have that same Mossberg 500, and my heart just swelled up with pride
My subconscious was just like "That's her! That's my girl!"

Fixed the image

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Based. I think you should replace the hunting one with a .308 though, don’t want to track an elk for miles after shooting it with a 5.56

Shotgun is unironically better for home defense.

I too, am posting from 1918.

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I’m just waiting for the day of the rope so that I could finally shoot niggers (in minecraft)

NPC tastes


>year of our lord and savior two thousand and nineteen
>buying a SCAR

Except you don't need a bolt action now that semi autos have caught up. It's a similar argument to automatic and manual transmissions. So you could effectively combine 3 and 4.

Also, you don't need a shotgun as your handgun can pull home defense. BUT I theorize shotguns will make a comeback when drone swarms become a thing. They'll only briefly be a thing because the most effective drones will be suicide drones, ones that move too fast to be hit, aka mini missiles. But they will be a thing briefly and we'll shoot them all down with birdshot and lol at all the wasted money.

You don't use a rifle indoors. Ask a cop who's cleared an uncountable amount of dwellings. You want the ability to shrink your profile in tight spaces. With a rifle you need a bullpup or SBR and it's still unwieldy in any door or hallway, with a handgun you just pull it closer and it becomes shorter than any SBR.

You don't hunt with .223. Just don't.

One could argue that .223s main appeal is being lightweight enough to carry enough rounds for suppressive fire. If you're going to start a rebellion and incorporate suppressive fire as a tactic, you're not going to last long. Even the fattest of preppers don't have a continuous supply line. Invest in a marksman caliber, not ammo wasting tactics.

.223 is good for deer and coyotes, fuck off retard nogunz.

>One could argue that .223s main appeal is being lightweight enough to carry enough rounds for suppressive fire.

One could also argue that it's carrying more rounds to fight longer without resupplying. I wouldn't expect an american insurgency to have permanent bases with loads of .308 they can go back to every so often.

>Except you don't need a bolt action now that semi autos have caught up.
Wrong, dummy.


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>This one for self defense against enemies foreign & Domestic, and for preservation of freedom & Liberty, and to prevent government atrocities
The US government is already infringing on our constitutional rights to the nth degree and their atrocities are immeasurable. This line doesn’t make sense when no one is willing to do anything about it, despite owning the means to stop it.


>Confirmed retard

The lie is that you need anything but a COLT 1911 .45ACP! TWO WORLD WARS!

Poor detected

>he needs a net
git gud skrub

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>You don't hunt with .223. Just don't.
Heh sorry Elmer, but it isn’t 1972 anymore. Bullet technology has changed the game.

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Here’s what 75gr TAP looks like.

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We faceboo/k/ now

t. ARG

Thats a smug look for a dead pig

>You don’t hunt with .223. Just don’t.
*cough cough* hogs *cough cough*

Bobby Francis. After you take the semi automatic Springfield Armory 9mm XDM pistol in my gun safe, don’t forget to remove the magazine with 19 bad boys and empty the chamber with 1. Owner’s manual is in my large weapons folder under the crew seats in the pickup. Use it so someone from the campaign doesn’t accidentally get killed or worse.
No need to look for these weapons in CA. Outlawed there. OK here in Oblong, IL, so far.

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>Devil's advocate
Vanishingly small numbers of people will encounter 1, 2, or 4 not to mention encountering them in such a way that their firearm will help.
3 is usually accepted, but weapons that A) aren't well adapted to killing humans in combat and B) are easily traced and confiscated make people feel better about others owning them and skulking around the woods.

I don't agree with grabbers, but their logic isn't hard to understand.

You're right, it's not hard to understand. The issue is that it's just overly simplistic. They don't think about things in sufficient detail so they let reductionist models drive their narrative.
Take the example you brought up. It's true that you're not likely to encounter situations 1, 2, or 4, but if you ever did encounter them without having firearms, you would be in some serious shit.
It's all about preparedness. People don't keep fire extinguishers in their house expecting to have a fire. They keep them just in case there is one, they would have a decent chance of getting it under control.

>using a shotgun for home defense
>and not a m1918a2

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Your dumb ass ain't going to do shit against "enemies foreign & domestic & freedom & liberty & prevent goobermint atrocities"

with your tacticool toy rifle. grow up.

I don't know. I'm personally a "because I like them" gun owner. I don't think it's always a good risk-reducer to own a gun.
Given how unlikely using it for defence really is, it's pretty comparable with NDing your kid to death or getting glocknaded. I mean, all of those things are about as rare as lightning strikes, but you're just trading one kind of trouble for another.

I liked it.

check you local regs, it's an illegal round in a lot of places

Good one. For F*cebook ofc

>Tfw no white trash wifey to defend our trailer

Lmao what. I can think of 12 different animals that .223 would be perfect for

No, that's horseshit, actually. NDs, at least lethal NDs, are fleetingly rare. A rounding error. Murder, rape, and theft on the other hand, while unlikely, happen everyday.

That's bulshit Faggot.
But I could believe your a cop and that you can't count the three houses you've cleared.

11 states for the sole reason of restricting salt weapons. .223 is perfectly fine for north american whitetail in all 50 states.

>You don't hunt with .223. Just don't.

its literally a varmint round

Fixed again

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>glocks good for self defense / CC
>shotguns for home defense
>you can't use a battle rifle for hunting too

Wrong need 6mm in my state.
Fudds love their 243.

>self defense against enemies foreign and domestic for the preservation of freedom and liberty and to prevent government atrocities
nigger I want to participate in atrocities not prevent them

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boomer cringe

Kind of cringe bro.

That's a dog you fool.

If you think you need guns for self defense, you're a fucking coward. If you legitimately need them for that purpose, then you live in a shithole country.

You are a nogunz
Go learn some actual information before you type nonsense.

>>where's the lie
>all of these are for defense of liberty
>except SCAR
>which is used for defense of virginity

Imagine hunting with a gayar

Rosa Parks was a high yaller attention whore.

She kinda looks like that porn star, Sammy Grand

what sort of faggoty ass tiny birds are you hunting


based and shotgun-pilled

based and shotshelled

Good luck with your turkey goals of 2k19, after hitting it with a .308

>retard fuddlord
checks out

Home invasions happen more often than house fires and still I keep a fire extinguisher under the sink.

You need to think bigger

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>Replace bolt action with scar for hunting
>It's perfectly fine
The thing is, the traditional hunting rifle is perfect for hunting. It's usually under 1 moa, it's streamline so gripping it and getting a crackshot off is easier, you don't leave spent brass hurling everywhere, its lighter weight for long distances, and it's usually got a longer barrel, which helps with aiming stability and velocity. The scope can also be mounted lower than your usual battle rifle.

And then it's his right to shoot you

Cool post yours.

post the aforementioned guns with a timestamp you fucking autist

stop interacting with this board until you prove that you actually own firearms.

Think again sweaty

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>this one for putting food on your table

Ok boomer

These idiots will never get it. They think a military rifle design primarily for supressive fire is a one sized fits all talisman.
The shotgun is, quite ironically really given the low tech of it's design, the true thinking mans weapon.

le bob semple has arrived

haha look at this dude haha

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Absolutely based and positively red pilled

>implying you need a reason/justification for any

Fuck you, it’s my right.

At what range?

OP was a dude named SkyPup
Here’s what he said:
>So far, I have shot 27 hogs up to 500 pounds at ranges out to 175 yards (most 75-125 yards) using the Hornday 75 grain or Privi 75 grain bullets, none have moved more than 50 feet from POI and none have required a second shot. One shot even immediately killed a 175 pound porker and then killed another 75 pound piglet after it went throw the first hogs lungs and hit the second hog in the head - both dead.

>Ninety percent of my shots and kills have been placed one inch behind the elbow through the ribcage and in every case the lungs were completely trashed. One time I missed and hit the front forelimb and it put a hole as big as my fist in his chest and he died instantly too but much more meat loss.