Time to turn ‘em in boys
Time to turn ‘em in boys
I’d rather be the latter than the former with a sore ass
"Come and get it......FAGGOT"
The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law, is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose; since unconstitutionality dates from the time of it’s enactment, and not merely from the date of the decision so branding it. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law, and no courts are bound to enforce it.
— 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d, Sec 256
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
a whut?
New Rule - You can't call yourself an undocumented citizen if you illegally cross the border and were never a citizen to begin with.
Lol. Too bad the second amendment isn't a law or a privilege, it's a right.
Oh my bad, I didn't know we had to follow hypothetical laws too.
Blow it out your ass
>New Rule - You can't call yourself a law abiding citizen if your response to the Fugitive Slave Act is to undermine the institution and smuggle slaves to freedom
>Either you'd follow the law and aid in returning the slave to it's owner (because that'd be the law), or you're an irresponsible criminal who has no business exercising freedom outside of prison
You took an oath to uphold the constitution?
Come and get it, faggot
Who cares about being within the law on this board anyway. We all drilled the 3rd hole. We all shaved off our digits. We all made at least one gun out whatever we could at home depo. We all still have our bump stocks. Being an outlaw is fun. Come and them.
> The electoral college is a flawed & archaic system.
well, they lost.
I can't put into words the level of dishonesty I'm reading. I've never hated a person so much in my life.
I'm in school and one of my professors went on a whole spiel about how the electoral college is outdated and the death of America.
She's part of the political science department.
NEW RULE: GUYS LIKE THAT GET *SHOT IN THE FUCKING THROAT* IN PUBLIC :)))))) in minecraft. I disavow violence.
new rule - these "people" swing from street lights
"Criminal" and "traitor" probably don't have quite the weight around these parts as some would expect. General Gage tried it in 1775, and Andrew Volstead tried back in 1920. Neither had a lot of luck.
How about this, you can't call yourself a politician when actually just a huge faggot with no power and sucks corporate dick for money
Yet at the same time she says she's for minority rights and affirmative action, correct?
((Rubin)) eh?
Every fucking time.
>you're a criminal if you object to a law that makes you an ex post facto criminal
>also, civil disobedience is a virtue, but only when leftists do it. When the Right does it, they're domestic terrorists.
Anyone else feel like things have gotten a lot more tense ever since Beta did the anti-gunners' equivalent of naming the Jew?
Of course.
You could describe probably 90% of her political views without me expounding any further.
you can take it from my cold dead hands
Daily reminder rosa parks, by this logic, was a criminal for disobeying the unjust law
Keep in mind that the pussy-hat wearing harpies and onionsboys taught by the likes of Tim Wise are the future of academia. Just when you thought it couldn't get any more insane.
People said the same in reply to the tweet and some idiots said it was fine because she didn't kill anyone.
New Rule - you can't call yourself a liberal if your entire political philosophy is based on depriving the individual of their rights and empowering the government to the point where it has complete control over every aspect of life.
Remember, their goal is so that nobody owns guns ever. They want people defenseless because the Church of Liberalism holds victimhood as the highest virtue.
Someone fucking NEEDS to tweet this to him.
>We all drilled the 3rd hole. We all shaved off our digits. We all made at least one gun out whatever we could at home depo. We all still have our bump stocks. Being an outlaw is fun.
>it was fine because she didn't kill anyone.
Neither have 99% of gun nuts not named Paul Harrell. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns.
>since Beta did the anti-gunners' equivalent of naming the Jew?
He did what now..?
Only one poster noticed the obvious. (((Rubin))) is Jewish. Jow Forums is right again.
Modern liberalism is a natural outcome of classical liberalism.
It's what the American Civil War was all about.
New rule - if a politician suggests any gun control measure, they're a fascist.
None of them get we abide by law by choice. The minute the law becomes unreasonable, we buck the law. No one is a slave to a piece of letters on a paper.
>"Hell yes, we want to take your AR-15 away! Your guns will not hurt Americans anymore!"
Where have you been since Thursday night? Even Dems are upset because Beta just proved to the fencesitters that the whole "nobody wants your guns" shtick was a big fat lie (though we all knew that).
A right given to you NOT by a government of men but by God the almighty himself.
Oh that. I just wasn't sure what you meant. Sorry user.
dude I don't care what you call me
people have a right to be well armed and you have no right to dictate otherwise
>people have a right to be well armed and you have no right to dictate otherwise
Yes we do, because our democracy demands you forfeit your means of defending yourself for our feelings!
You only have those guns because you are insecure and have a tiny penis! Give them up! Your white priviliege precludes any rights you have!
>I’m afraid of guns so you can’t have any!
>I’m to mentally unstable to own a gun so you must be as well!
>illegal guns will dry up once you turn in your legal ones and we close gun stores!
They can't hide their goal of full disarmament anymore. Once your made a felon overnight, what's a few more crimes? People take justice into their own hands when no one else will, and the demagogues run risk of getting v&, either from their own people for not being extreme enough, or from those who are done with unjust laws, and constant demoralization.
They are dumb enough to open this door, gods help us all.
Rosa parks was a criminal sjw
Damn, he got me good. I guess I'll be turning my guns in.
It's still poignant to show their own hypocrisy on civil disobedience. Look at how they claim they are noble resisters speaking truth to power when they do it, but when anyone like us does it we're all criminal domestic terrorists.
These wannabe Stalins will soon feel the sting of being disobeyed and having their egos injured.
>you're an irresponsible criminal
Why yes I am! How could you tell?
>He thinks godless commies give a shit about that.
Wow a Jew committing a sly logical fallacy covered over by a bunch of slick talking. Who could have ever seen that one coming?
Look! A glowing nigger in action!
It has become apparent to me that euroswine and dems can't differentiate between laws and rights.
>implying I posted that for commie scum
I’m reminding my fellow God fearing Americans to not comply and be unafraid because The Lord himself has bestowed this right on you. To comply is blasphemy against the almighty creator
> they claim they are noble resisters speaking truth to power
"You're not speaking truth to power, user! Don't you know the NRA has the entire government in their pocket?"
In better times I would be sure this was sarcasm.
>mandatory gun buyback
only good communist is a dead communist
Clean your grout you subhuman.
Woah woah woah, that's racist user and illegal voter suppression!
But undocumented immigrants don't vote! That's a lie made up by Drumpf and Fox News!
When guns are outlawed, I will be an outlaw
>But undocumented immigrants don't vote!
With over 1000 cases of criminal convictions, I'd imagine the amount of people doing it and getting away with it are much bigger
>police to your door
>user we are hear to confiscate your ak-47 we were told you have one
>launch into hour long autistic diatribe about how there is no such thing and the history of russian small arms development
>police give up and leave after realizing you are probably just some kind of harmless autistic
Stop posting hatefacts, white supremacist. You are suppressing our democracy.
Death is a preferable alternative to communism. Better dead than red
But saying "Come and get it" is literally saying that they can come and take their gun if the government is willing to buy it back... the fact that he thinks that there is ill intent behind saying "come and get it" tells me that he knows a gun buyback will be ineffective and is afraid of what might happen if it was put into law.
replace the references to god with reason and i'm with you, user.
*tips internally*
I fucking told you all along, I fucking told you they'll paint you as a terrorist even BEFORE you start going all Waco/Ruby Ridge.
Guess what, you're fucking doomed because you'll never have enough manpower to call it a revolution instead of just some "redneck domestic terrorism". I'm so sorry about it, I'm from Yurop and I know the feeling but they know exactly what they're doing, they may not succeed in 2020 but it will happen eventually.
Too many people are too comfortable, too reliant on their work, their reputation and their status to even dare go against the politicians. Only a divine intervention could save you in the US and us in the EU.
>years of dead skin cells
Oh god
have some faith, dude
even if things do end up that way down the line, better to keep your head up and do what you can, help who you can help, inform who you can inform
carry your ideals with you
and I forgot to mention disabling government infrastructure and killing crooked cronies along the way
Worked for the IRA until they just stopped
then call them natural rights instead of god given like i do if it bothers you so much you fedora tipping heathen
I've never called myself law abiding. I'm a gun owner. An owner of arms. An owner of explosives. A guy who gets up and goes to work, gets his paycheck. Who has side revenue streams that are not reported. Who keeps his assets liquid or tangible. Who doesnt keep his assets in one place. Who doesnt keep records. I'm a man who has committed few violent acts, but is cognizant of his capability to perform them, and respects violence.
But I have never said thay I was law abiding.
>"On the one hand, the guns were there to help capture the imagination of the people. But more important, since we knew that you couldn't observe the police without guns, we took our guns with us to let the police know that we have an equalizer."
>Bobby Seale
This post is a hate symbol.
These white supremacists are unbelievable.
New Rule: Shut your beaks, kikes
I prefer the term responsible criminal
Legitimate laws only, though.
Any and all regulation of firearms contravenes the second amendment and is therefore unconstitutional. Do not comply.
>Cant abide the law if we chabge it every week, therefore youre wrong and should be punished
Its almost like no one has ever read the constitution.
New Rule - you can't call yourself a law abiding women if your response to a mandatory anti-abortion law is "I'll go to an illegal abortionist anyway."
Either you'd follow the law and bring the child to term (because that'd be the law), or you're an irresponsible criminal who has no business owning a vagina
jannies love these threads they let them exist
but they will kill any actual thread of anons trying to mobilize people to save their rights.
4chans a fag
Why do you faggots have to taint proper patriotic resistance to irrational leftist prototyranny with stupid antisemitism? Are you just brain damaged? Did a Jew kick sand in your face and fuck your girlfriend?
You don't need an army, you need a WoW raid group, 20-40 people could do incredible damage, and that's something politicians should consider before going down this path.
All it takes is a few people who are sick of it all and with nothing to lose. Honestly, they're probably not even on this Mongolian bread trading board, and working in a factory or some dead end office job. One day, the power goes out, and the people that they're pissed off at disappear in the chaos. They learn how easy it is to pull off, and it happens again. and again. Eventually a few pissed off fools become a revolution, and all the big data collection in the world won't save you.
Why does it matter? Sure OP is baiting/shitposting but most of the posts after are actual gun rights discussion.
The IRA is the most ridiculous organization, fighting the brits for decades because they were that butthurt about people from the next island over being in charge of things, and now the PM of ireland is a fucking pajeet and they are letting in more migrants than the UK. Why did they even bother fighting for self determination to allow themselves to be replaced by 70 iq niggers?
German citizens reporting known jews and those conspiring with jews to local Gestapo were in the right because they were following the law.
ok then support the next anti-gun-control
mobilization bread with your (You) next time you see it.
We need to ask the Ire anons on Jow Forums because this makes me question their entire legacy too