Do any of you know why southern rednecks love 30-30s? My dad owned pic related and he was from southern Missouri...

Do any of you know why southern rednecks love 30-30s? My dad owned pic related and he was from southern Missouri. Apparently this is a thing

Attached: marlin 3030.jpg (240x240, 4K)

They're fine rifles, killed plenty of durr dead.

>Fun to shoot.
>Kills a wide of range of shit

they're like an inferior (see also poor's) 45-70

Culture and tradition.

care to elaborate?

back in the day it was a good caliber for lever actions compared to .3006 or similar which didn't really work well in tube magazines. I prefer .35 remington as an unusual fudd caliber. .35s fuck shit up. Guy that killed bonnie and clyde used a .35

Plenty of power to kill durrs fine, not so much that it sucks to shoot. Long ranges calibers not needed for hunting because you're lucky if you get a 50 yard shot in southern woods. Pretty much the ideal round east of the high desert plains.

I like mine. then again I got it for free.

>Guy that killed bonnie and clyde used a .35
It was few guys, and at least one of them had a BAR.

this seems like a good explanation for hill people less than for the cotton belt

What more is there to say?

The rifles are classic Americana, and typically very handy. The cartridge is low recoil, and effective on deer and black bears. They get passed down through families and purchased for new shooters and hunters.

Is there any reason to pick .45-70 over .30-30 if you're not hunting a bison or something?

Trapdoor .45-70 loads are lower pressure than .30-30, so less wear and tear on the gun, but will still be enough to do the job.

Because they're good guns
t. Southron

45-70 is the only approved skin walker round, so there's that.

It's potency is pretty overblown by Jow Forums, but its cool factor is not. It's fucking awesome. I'd say either will serve you fine.
Good luck wearing out a .30-30 via roundcount, for a variety of reasons.

>typically very handy. The cartridge is low recoil, and effective on deer and black bears. They get passed down through families and purchased for new shooters and hunters.
see there you said it bud, that's what's more to say

They don't need a 45-70 in the south. 30-30 kills every thing more than fine, also cheaper.

The Cowboy - Mexican revolution thread answered it. Shotguns were more common in the actual old west, but Mexican demand for the 30-30 by Pancho Villa and Zapatita built up the infastructure for 30-30s, so winchester/marlin/savage pushed hard in marketing. I'm guessing the post war cowboy hollywood craze really helped, too.

>Do any of you know why southern rednecks love 30-30s?
Because not every gun needs to be high-speed, low-drag, Vickers-approved, tacticooled-out, and ready for the RaHoWa.

.30-30 has put plenty of venison on the dinner tables of lots of working class people. What's not to like?

Because for the entirety of the 20th century, the .30-30 Winchester was THE go-to cartridge for deer and other medium game in North America. Not as powerful as .45-70 Gov't (and that cartridge was actually dying out for a while, so availability wasn't always great), but it's still got some pretty good power still.

Since .30-30 Winchester is primarily available in lever-action manual repeaters, giving some decent capacity and a pretty fast action, you also have a rifle which would actually be pretty good for just all around anything, including self-defense, and it's a fun kind of gun to shoot.
This adds onto how lever-action rifles is part of America's romance for the frontiersman era, it's just an appealing kind of gun to people around these parts. Among the most popular you have the Winchester Model 1894, which came around after the 'Wild West' days were over, but is still a lot like those older Winchester rifles, and would to a casual person look right at home even in a movie set during the Civil War.

You can still get a Winchester 94 to this day, because it's still a good kind of rifle, and .30-30 is still as useful as a cartridge as ever, which people hunt plenty of deer with to this day.

Attached: PCMR-Winchester-1894-Full-small.jpg (1200x847, 192K)

I wish I got a free Winchester rifle.

Eh, almost every skin walker story I’ve seen, the protagonist uses .30 cal and up. .45-70 is good, but .30-30, .30-06, 7.62 Commie and 7.62 NATO all seem to work just as well.

Because it's the best caliber for tube-fed lever actions after the 45-70 and also cheaper than it.

If you're not hunting big and dangerous game, you can be pretty good with .30-30 Winchester, and even then a .30-30 will probably do an angry animal in with just a couple of shots.

.45-70 Gov't *can* be really powerful, but usually we're talking some pretty damn stout loads which most people don't shoot that often, the more garden variety ammo isn't that bad on the shoulder at all.
.45-70 will generally cost more off the shelf though, unless you want to do handloading (which mind, is pretty simple and easy with a case like .45-70), in which case you can roll your own for fairly cheap.

It's not like a .700 Nitro Express or anything, but high powered grizzly loads with heavy hardcast bullets are absolute monsters for the size of gun in question.
It's one of those cartridges where your selection of load can make a dramatic difference.

Im mexican and love them as well, i need a 10 ga single shot shotty and a black powder 7 shot or lemat to roleplay revolutionary with some 1901 bandoliers. A 38wcf migh be better but still. Anything in .44 too. And a golden cock ak as well.

You were born in Mexico? Your English is pretty good.

I got a 45-70 for hunting while I'm up here in AK ( I wanna do stalk hunting, but I'm too lazy for bow range). LEver actions are dope af. I'm going to get one in 30-30 when I go back home to NC.

Also I just love all things 45 cal

>It's one of those cartridges where your selection of load can make a dramatic difference.
Yeah, I know, I've fired a variety. The thing is, most of what you find on the shelf is relatively mild, most of what people shoot is relatively mild, and the truly ridiculous loads exceed the strength of the rifles that most people own.

It’s the Arkansas AR. Everyone had one.

We don't have large animals in the south, so .30-30 will do the job just fine.

.30-30 is ballistically very similar to 7.62x39.

Very practical then and now.

Wasn’t it like 6-8 guys who were armed with a various amount of arms and turned the car into Swiss cheese?

As an user said .30-30 is perfect for deer and black bear which is perfect for the south.

Similar flight characteristics, though .30-30 has a decent bit more velocity.


Boar are pretty big, but a .223 can handle one broadside.

ARs were expensive and rare in the poor south until recently.

love my 30.30
mmmmm venison

the .30-30 was the last great improvement to rimmed cartridges before the adoption of the .30-06 rimless.

the .30-30 was suppose at its time provide the necessary versatility and utility of black-powder era rifle while being able to use smokeless powder without any issues. the original rifles in this caliber were only intended to shoot smokeless.

simple the .30-30 was a rifle used to shift people into accepting modern smokeless powder, which it did wonderfully. it has the same ergonomics as a .30-06 leading to its sustained popularity. while ballistics differ, overall shooting a .30-06 and a .30-30 have comparable recoil.

many re-loaders also like the rifle as it could field black-powder reloads without having any major issues. because of corrosive powders they were often bored out to 35 cal and a .30-30 became a .35-30.

this is a problem now because of improved powders. the reason the .30-30 hasn't gone away is the same reason as the revolver and the .38 special, because it is durable, it once was popular for good reason, and it works.

Based skinwalker poster

They're cowboy 7.62x39

There’s a movie about that event that came out last year called Highwaymen. There’s a scene where Kevin Costner (one of the lawmen hunting B&C) goes into a gun store and buys an assortment of shotguns, pistols, and rifles: including a BAR, with ammo for all of it for like $200. Fairly Jow Forums movie

Watch " The Highwaymen" on Netflicks for a fairly accurate recap of the weapons used in them.

god bless PSA

I wouldn't worry about it user.