Close encounters with normies

>at work
>Manager "hey user come here"
>Me "yeah?"
> Manager "do you carry a pocket knife all the time?"
>Workers put there stuff on a designated shelf before starting work. I had my keys, phone, and knife sitting in my shoes on this shelf. She must have been looking though my stuff.
>Me (too much of a Manlet to confront her about looking though my stuff) "yeah, why"
>Manager "why do you have it? Is it for shanking people? You don't look like the type of person to carry a knife"
>Why do normies always assume pocket knives are weapons?! Who do you picture carrying a knife? Tyrone? It wasn't even a scary looking pocket knife.
>Imagine if she found out I cc
>Screw off normies.

Post close encounters with normies

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Post close encounters with normies

You first.

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1/2chan /rwhinek/ tier post

>do you carry a pocket knife all the time?
>"no" (technically its a letter opener so its not a lie)

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>>at work
>>Manager "hey user come here"
>>Me "yeah?"
>> Manager "do you carry a pocket knife all the time?"
>>Workers put there stuff on a designated shelf before starting work. I had my keys, phone, and knife sitting in my shoes on this shelf. She must have been looking though my stuff.
>>Me (too much of a Manlet to confront her about looking though my stuff) "yeah, why"
>>Manager "why do you have it? Is it for shanking people? You don't look like the type of person to carry a knife"
>>Why do normies always assume pocket knives are weapons?! Who do you picture carrying a knife? Tyrone? It wasn't even a scary looking pocket knife.
>>Imagine if she found out I cc
>>Screw off normies.
>Post close encounters with normies

Posted to r/thathappened. Thanks OP. A million up votes for me

>OP: post Reddit tier material


Hello OP

>be me
>encounter normie
>say hi
>normie say hi back

>>Me (too much of a Manlet to confront her
Literally stopped reading it right there, and don’t care enough now to go any further. Go back to Reddįt or something kike.

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how to delete someone elses thread?

I know the type real well. “Progressive” independent strong wimminz. She can bully you for carrying a knife legally, but when you bully her for being a pot-smoking degenerate, suddenly you’re the bad guy. You’ve got to get out of that situation to

You confront women, easy

>go to pawnshop
>go buy M1A with extra magazine and ammo boxes and get scope on it and have the guys sight it in for me before i head on out
>put it in the back seat of my truck and go get in my driver side and go head on over to the liquor store and buy three packs of beer, not the bud light shit
>go head on home but stop on by a gas station truck stop to get black coffee
>head on out to see some woman trying to get into my truck
>go on over and pull her by the hair and yell at her face abd tell her what the fuck she trying to fucking do
>she yelling at me about how i shouldn't be having a dangerous guns around places where people go to cash their checks
>tell dumb bitch that this is an Arkansas state and she can take her Arkansas Universality ass back to campus
>get hit in the liver side which makes me instinctly throw my hot coffee at the dumb bitch and turn to sucker punch the guy behind me while the woman scream
>sudden rush of adrenaline of rage kicks in and confusion kicks in and i get in my truck and grab my new rifle out (unloaded obviously) and headbutt whoever was behind me
>turns out it was the dumb bitch's bf since he assumed i was attacking his dumb bitch
>aim rifle at his now bloody face and his gf as i yell loudly at both of them and scream at them how i should blow their fucking guts open
>cops arrive
>all of us gets arrested
>all three of us get questioned
>cops review security camera and see the couples instigated the fight and see that i acted in (self defense) but would have risked jailtime if i actually had the rifle loaded and shot them while they were on the ground
>was let go after the whole ordeal
>go home and drink 16 bears before going out due to getting drunk and not giving a fuck

I fucking hate Texans so goddamn much.

Fucking hell Arkansas is just a clusterfuck of a state

Go easy on the bottle tonight, Cletus.

Did you spill the coffee on her pussy by any chance?

Based schizoanon strikes again.

Based. Going to school at Fayetteville, goddamn Texans everywhere. I feel saturated by them, like it’s a stench in the air

Did it happen in Arkansas? He said it’s just an Arkansas state. Possibly one of many. At the end, he states that he dislikes Texans, implying that he’s actually in Texas.


>16 bears

I know that you meant beer but reading that makes me think that you just slit the throat of 16 bears and drank their blood before passing out drunk.

You must have typed this out while drunk

Tbh you should have had it in a place where no one can see. Best to avoid soccer moms at all cost.

those blonde razorback sluts are nice to look at tho

Yeah it happened in Arkansas and he is saying the couples are texans due to how texans act similar to Californians

Blood is not the only liquid you can extract from a bear.

How many Arkansas states are there, though? Do we know?

I've lived in Texas for 20 years.This is the first I've ever heard of something like this.

Inb4 cuz niggnogs and spics are stealing guns before you can prosecute them

The term “normie” originated from Jow Forums, brianlet

>complains about reddit tier material
>uses normie tier meme format

We’ve always said normalfag. “Normie” was coined by actual nornalfags to describe rank bluepillism that is so beyond the pale that even normalfags can’t cope.

>Blood is not the only liquid you can extract from a bear.

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The term is normalfags. Normies is what normalfags on reddit and twitter say because they're afraid to say the fag word.

>mom is noguns and antigunner
>"I cant understand why you would want to own a dangerous weapon of war!"
>everytime I go back home she talks shit, gun owners have tiny peepee, sociopaths, etc
>get fed up with it
>drive her up to the mountains
>let her dump 200 rounds of steel cased out of my shit AR
>"thanks user! That was a lot of fun! I can see why you like these things"
>when I run out of room in the safe I plastidip it purple and give it to her
>pretty much just collects dust in her room but im glad she has it
Wholesome normie thread?

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OP i see you samefagging

>those manhands

>go home and drink 16 bears

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>soïs when they realise that a 57 year old women has stronger hands than them

About tree fiddy.

Imagine them grabbing your cock and strangling it. Manhands like that are amazing for it.

What in the hell are you saying about your mother?!

>got my buddy a job where I work
>someone jokingly pretends to shank me with a boxcutter, i laugh
>guys being dudes.exe
>my buddy, who knows i used to box, train in multiple knife arts, have a black belt in judo, karate, and carry a kershaw auto knife on me "oh i wouldnt do that, dont you know user is a ninja or some shit"

Now everyone makes bruce lee sounds when they see me at work, or ask "how would you block this?" "Can you disarm a gun?". All because i do martial arts for fun and fitness but now people think im fuckin Steven Segall. Im the karate edge lord now.

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>be today
>driving past buddies house
>3 pals are over and chillin outside
>stop and ask of he wants to purchase a sidearm
>go get my beer and come back with the pistol
>walk up driveway with pistol in hand
>mag out and unloaded with slide back
>pal #2's girl is there and almost has a panic attack
>squawking about gun in public
>proceed to talk price with pal #1

Why are women the worst kind of normie

Might as well get the pony tail and glasses.

There was something I read a long time ago that said that a human with a knife multiplies their ability multiple times over, and that it is the single most useful physical tool we can carry. Does anyone know what the fuck I'm talking about or can reference it? I've tried to explain it multiple times to people but can never remember the correct wording.

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>do you carry a pocket knife all the time?
Nope! Just helping my brother move to a new house, we broke down a lot of boxes.

Oh sequel, different job

>talking to redpilled coworkers how my dad gave me his Mak 90, and how stoked i was that he had that ak stashed in a duffel bag for 25 years without me knowing about it
>manager overhears conversation
>oh jesus user is the LAST person i want to own a gun! I hope youre kidding!"
>coworkers "oh we all own guns its cool we dont mind him talking abou-
>come to find out manager has been 5150'd before, is on antipsychotics and mood stabilizers, previous fiance an heroed. Is literally the last person on earth that should own a firearm

I hate when normie civilians project their mental illness and insecurities onto gun owners.

>coworker Tyrone, a minor, posts pictures on his social media of him with a glawk
>manager "ooh Tyrone youre such a badass"



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>work at a place
>talk about how I bought an AK after I got on permanent with them
>all the niggers think I'm cool
>rednecks already like me since I am one
>some of the other whites act like I'm going to shoot the place up
>"if you shoot the place up, tell me first haha"
>reply with "well then be careful not to piss me off then haha"
I almost always get my way at work. FUcking love being around normies

Dude are you me

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That depends. Do you also semi jokingly threaten to shoot up your workplace on a daily basis? I sure do.

>be innajobsite
>me and friend are the only ones under 25 y/o in my crew
>we’re both semperfiniggers and crack edgy jokes all the time about the boogaloo
>on lunch break, topic about guns come up
>boomers talk about their shotguns and .22s
>we talk about our ARs and AKs
>they bring up red flag laws, buddy says he’d rather go down fighting
>I add I’d rather just shoot gun grabbing politicians for their tyranny
>boomers are aghast, start saying we better watch what we say
>one says you “pro-2A guys” are going to ruin it for everyone
>other says he’d probably just give up his shotgun if it’s the law
>look to my buddy, he’s absolutely seething
>says gutless old fucks like them are the reasons it got this bad in the first place
>boomers start to get pissed, I change the subject before my buddy gets his ass snitched on
>mfw the boomers always say we’re gonna go postal any second now

What the fuck is wrong with boomers, why are they almost always the biggest bootlickers you’ll ever meet? My friend is just starting to own it and getting confrontational with the old guys, he’s getting tired of taking their shit and frankly so am I. Last time we butted heads with the old guys I almost got into a physical fight after I told this particularly salty boomer he’d let a fed fuck his wife if it were the law, if it weren’t for the fact I was their only certified pipe welder they’d probably would have found a way to fire me or snitched on me already. I’m trying to avoid bringing it up but these guys won’t let it go at this point now, how long do you guys think I’ve got before I get no knocked?

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No i dont joke about it, you seem more chad than me.

We got robbed by nigs once and it was my first time looking down a barrel and i cried after the cops left.

All the girls hugged me it was the gayest shit ever I quit shortly after.

>What do you carry that knife for? To stab people?
>What do you need to carry that gun for? Are you gonna shoot someone?
>A suppressor? What you wanna assassinate the deer?
>When are you ever gonna need high capacity magazines? You expecting a warzone?
>Why would you need assault weapons, their only purpose is to kill as many people as efficiently possible!

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women are just the worst kind of humans in general

kek based Arkansas user

I get comments for using a fucking boxcutter at a warehouse in a job that involves opening boxes because I use a proper one and not the retard proof company-supplied stamped steel ones that only give you 2mm of blade and loosen up so quickly they're actually more dangerous than a proper one.
Imagine pic related but probably shitter.
Farkin Straya Cunt.

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boomers deserve to be killed(in Minecraft for their diamonds) just as much as gun grabbing politicians and cops prove me wrong

>Be me.
>Walking in a mall with a CC. Kinda obvious because the shirt was short. Just showed a bit of my pistol grip, enough to know it was a gun. Yes, I know this was fucking retarded of me. I wear longer shirts most of the time.
>Security Guard asks if I am CCing.
>"Cool, I assume you have all your shit in order, but some teens complained and I have to look like I did something about it."
>Notice these teens following me around taking pictures, but I didn't give much of a fuck what they said or did, it was legal.
>Bought my shit and left without incident. Probably on some faggot's Snapchat story being called a terrorist or something.

Boomers are like that because they grew up in an era where they trusted their (mostly conservative) government. Now that the shoe is on the other foot they can't let go of that conditioning.

I'm fucking glad I work in an environment where easily over half the people in my office own guns, and probably a fourth have more than just a pistol. One of them shoots cowboy action tournaments and is the coolest lady I've ever met. And all of this is in a software development business.

I've been to Arkansas, and I believe this story really happened. I had the misfortune of meeting Texans there as well. What the fuck is wrong with them?

>Last time we butted heads with the old guys I almost got into a physical fight after I told this particularly salty boomer he’d let a fed fuck his wife if it were the law
Kek, he's just pissed because it's true, boomers are gutless cocksucks.

>normie bumps into me at work
>standard "my bad" "all good man" kind of exchange
>come back 5 minutes later and the same dude is just kinda stuck in a cycle of bumping into people inside that same space seemingly unable to leave, while dropping one of 2-3 canned responses one would hear when bumping into people
>ask him if he's OK
>tells me he saw a mudcrap the other day
some kind of zoomer meme i havent come across yet or what?

I bounce around with my friend between job sites and crews because we’re the only welders/pipe fitters and most of the time we work with younger dudes or boomers who are still salty about the ‘94 assault weapon ban and Waco, it’s just this one site I posted about that has the most toxic sons of bitches I’ve ever met in my life. It’s almost as if my company put those guys together for a reason, to be fair one of them is like 29 years old but he’s some guy we hired on from San Francisco and he’s a liberal who just stays quiet and seethes to himself because he’s in a more conservative part of the state now. He’s still got a shitty attitude and the only time he’s piped up about what he thinks is when the those boomers start to shit on us

>you seem more chad than me
The trick is to use your autism to your advantage rather than trying to hide it. Normies are generally intimidated by autism and it can be a powerful tool. Last week, I spent 2 hours lecturing my crew about the Boshin War and not one person dared to stop me. In the end though, it's all an act.

Why do you think they're from Texas?

>well then be careful not to piss me off then haha"
Axing for it, bad move d e s u

>At my Placebo, erecting Pax Ikea with girl I asked to help me
>ask her to toss me the box cutter
>"geez user, don't let the workplace safety people see you" [winks and throws it to me] "We're not even allowed to use real box cutters anymore"
Apparently a major German company doesn't trust its engineers no to cut themselves, so all they get are seatbelt cutter like devices to open boxes.

the simulation is breaking down

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What an absolutely, undeniably shit thread.

Stay mad nigger lover.

similar story with my mom
except she actually really respects my opinions and beliefs
so when i told her i bought a gun she didnt mock me or talk down to me
but she was very upset
and we agreed to discuss it later
before we had a chance to talk about it my little brother told me he wanted to go shooting
so i asked her out of respect and after she thought about it she asked me to take her shooting first to help her understand better and to make her feel better

turned out to be a very positive experience
she wanted to shoot all the guns i brought for the experience
and she actually listened to my instruction and remembered all the safety rules
she was safer and had better form than either my dad and my brother who ive now taken shooting multiple times
ddint complain about recoil or pussy out of shooting anything either unlike the above mentioned brother and father

and since shooting we've had several long conversations about guns and politics
and while she may not share my beliefs and will most likely never own a gun herself she does fully understand my point of view and guns are no longer a taboo subject

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Why is literally every reply to this thread

>well, my MOM

Don't you faggots have any male influences in your life

This reads like the shitty poetry your 63 year old spinster hippy AP lit teacher from Chicago gives you

I bet you’ve probably ever had any female influences in your life

Have sex incel

You don't carry all the time. There might be a couple hours of sleep where it isn't strapped to your body.

Be careful around normies bros. Keep your powerlevel well hidden.

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>inb4 LARP

I have the FOIA docs.

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>happened about 6 years ago
>was CCing as per usual
>turn corner in store and run in to guy who was looking at his phone
>bumps straight in to me and obviously feels pistol through my shirt
>"Woah buddy, sorry. You a cop?"
>"No, and it's okay"
>"Well I felt your gun"
>"Is there a problem here?"
>"Nope, but I have to go now. You have a good day."
>guy walks straight to cashier in store and starts telling them I have a gun
>leaves all nervous
>grab my shit and go up to pay
>cashier is young girl
>"That guy told on you" and starts laughing
>"Yeah. I figured. It is legal."
>"I know, I told him I was calling the police and he better get out of here."
>had a good laugh and left

Anyone else getting 404 errors on this image? I suspect glows.

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Australia is basically Germany at this point, I'll send you over some beaches and asian uni girls if you send me some autobahns and beer.

So did you fuck her or

Nah, the story ended there. She wasn't cute, I'm married and I had the beginning of the flu and was picking up medicine. Hope the fucker caught it when he bumped in to me.

I was at a party right aft making a new purchase, it was in my trunk. As the party went on I met to so gun enthusiasts. Eventually I I ended up seeing something one of them had just got. It was an IWI Jericho. They seemed knowledgeable and I asked if they browsed Jow Forums.
They turned out to be Reddit types.

>wake up drunk/hungover
>take shower
>get dressed
>stumble out to car and go to work still half groggy
>get to work, scrounge for coffee
>boss walks in
>"hey, where the fuck is your gun?"
>look at holster. it's empty

Kinda weird how you first said she wasn't cute, then you added a bunch of other excuses.

Personally I don't hit up girls that aren't cute and I consider that a sufficient reason. Why did you feel the need to add more?

Cop/CO/Security detected.

Not that I blame you or don’t understand, I quit drinking when I quit LE.

because we live in a matriarchy you dumby

no shit it is you dummy, they own the damn place kek

none of those
I am required to be armed though. I leave it out for the office cameras but once I'm in the company shitbox car I'll pull my shirt or coat over it

Is this real? Is this how America is?

he is a glowie

Because there were multiple reasons that wouldn't have happened.

Boomers are the worst, not only are they bootlicking cunts, they actively destroyed the social and family home atmosphere in order to have more spending money to go to cancoon.
Those fucks will gladly do trade ins to get some gibsmedat for Montreal next spring.
But worst of all is the boomer attitude, disconnected from everything, not willing to fight for something, and spreading their cheeks for their precious gubbamint.
Now i know there's a lot of boomers on here, but the facts don't lie, more boomers voted clinton than millenials did.
Fucking hippies

I fix ATMs. sorry, no CIA
and my shitbox company car is an amazing NISSAN SENTRA with something like 250k miles on it. very glamorous

sure buddy

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your ip has been logged. please do not leave the premises. our agents will be with you shortly

your first reason was sufficient. your other reasons make you seem nervous and therefore suspicious.

I'm on to you.

I never noticed he got auto-balanced.

Unbelievably based.

I remember the original thread, I might be remembering a different greentext but I thought it was discovered they weren't fbi and it was some ploy to make you quit?