Do you want a war with Iran?

Do you want a war with Iran?

Attached: Iran.jpg (3840x2160, 978K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, fuck em


Yes it will shatter USA's empire for good

same fag
also sage

No I want a civil war

We won’t go to war unless there is a major recession. Or if they know a major recession is coming. So maybe they know shit is about to get choppy. Otherwise we would never go to war with the economy booming.

No. The VA is backed up enough from the Nam guys up to the OIF/OEF guys. Wait times on the medical side can take months just to see your doctor, even longer for procedures

It literally says there’s 8 posters in this thread you dumbass



>8 posters
>3 above that post
also sage

make it better

It's an unwinnable war which would inevitably result in the collapse of American global influence. Occupying Iran isn't the problem, maintaining the occupation is. Chinese and Russians would get erection and start helping insurgency which would make USA bleed, and much of world would support them. Most of EU (and EU itself, by extension) would oppose it.
It would quite literally be the dumbest move in US history.

How'd uhhh

.how'd that speech work out?

but it would be aesthetic as fuck tho

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R traps gay



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Whats it matter to me.
Jews run the USA - its really up to them isn't it?
I'm just a slave in the usa just like all my neighbors



People really think this.

yes so america gets btfo

No, but seeing all these smarmy euroswine throwing a bitch fit makes me want to say yes.


Best shit skin is a dead shit skin

Wait what? Newfag here how do you view posters?

By closing the browser window.

Yep. I grew up watching us steamroll Saddam. It'll be fun to see the same happen to the Ayatollah.

>anyone who doesn't think Jews run America is a Jew!

Do you open your mouth to breathe?

On the basis of thinking it would achieve some kind of victory that is beneficial to the United States? No.
On the basis of seeing shills and shitposters get fucking assblasted when every claim about Iran's strength, and the US's weakness, collapses? Absolutely.

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This. I think it's a complete waste of resources, especially with China rapidly becoming a credible threat, but if it does go that route, I'm sure the pics of destroyed Iranian tank columns will be fun.

If you’re on desktop, there’s some numbers at the top of the page. On mobile they’re at the bottom. They lost the number of replies, images, and posters

On every objective, rational level, no. It would be bad for the US, bad for the region, bad for the world, and get a lot of good men killed for no reason.

On a personal level, I'm dying for one.

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>watching Jow Forums leap through mental gymnastics when it becomes worse than Nam
hell fucking yea brother

No, everyone who wants war with Iran is free to buy a plane ticket and go attack them their faggot ass selves.

Everyone knows the US is ZOG

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Jow Forums-er I mean "Jow Forums's" obsession with the Jews is kind of hilarious. I don't think there's anything they won't contribute to the work of a Jewish conspiracy.

Are you suggesting the push for war against Iran ISN'T for Israel?

Are you suggesting that Iran hasn't pissed off multiple countries in the past years?

Just countries under Jewish control

It's really more about preventing the Iranians from fucking with global oil markets than anything else, so if you want to blame a country that isn't Iran, you could blame the Saudis for not better-defending their oilfields, I guess. I'd imagine the Israelis don't want a war with Iran unless it ends in the total destruction of Iran as a state, because no matter what happens, overt conflict in Iranian borders will mean that their proxies are gonna go ham on Israel. If it's just another dust up a la Praying Mantis, which is the most likely scenario (assuming there's any war at all), the damage that would occur is not worth it for the Israelis.

I dunno man. Why do (((they)) always want us to go to war with the most white conservative countries. North Korea literally sending nukes to Hawaii? No problem. Blow up some Saudi oil? Full scale war. It's all so tiresome.

>fucking with global oil markets
You mean selling their oil like any normal country. Why don't you take your fakeass, pseudo-geopolitical jibbajabba and shove it up your ass, Schlomo. No one believes you.

The 110th time will be planet earth.

>You mean selling their oil like any normal country
Nope, I mean either using their proxies or directly destroying half of Saudi Arabia's production overnight, reducing total global oil production by 5%.

>Do you want a war with Iran?
No, but it certainly seems that they want a war with someone.

>Iran attacks Japanese tankers in the Strait, shoots down a US drone, and attacks Saudi oil fields over the past months
>"It's (((them))) pushing for war!"
Holy fuck Jow Forums has hit its all time peak of retardation.

The United States has enough shale reserve for centuries. There is no oil crisis. If anything I'd say it's Israel in with the Saudis to false flag their oil reserves to bring the price up because they're losing money hand over fist these days.

I'd like to think most of them will grow out of it if they ever begin participating in society, but I'm not optimistic.

As if they weren't all false flags to begin with. We've been fighting the longest war in US history for an event that was orchestrated by jews and there's no end in sight. They want total chaos in the middle east.

Uh huh. They also hid your car keys and made the milk in your fridge that you just bought expire.

Just because the real world doesn't work like your make believe conspiracies doesn't mean every act by a hostile foreign power is a false flag orchestrated by the Jews.

And Assad gassed his own people after winning his war against the moderate terrorists, to helpfully give the Jews a justification to attack his country.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

t. Shareblue

I hear the Federal Reserve is hiring.

No only kikes and boomers want this war

>Or if they know a major recession is coming.

Better start reading stuff that economists are putting out then because it's certainly looking like it's coming.

To be fair, whenever there's not currently a recession occurring, it's easy to find economists predicting that the next one is coming any day now.

Shale oil in the ground isn't the same as active production. America is a fortress, we'll be fine regardless, but our standing in the world is based almost entirely on our navy's capacity to ensure that trade and shipping are ensured. It's the entire reason we're mortgaging half the midwest just to upkeep our carrier battle groups. We're the world's coast guard, thanks to the Bretton Woods and Bitter Lake deals.

I really hope China takes over the hegemony gig soon, it's a real fucking drag.

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braindead arab does a braindead arab thing, whats hard to understand.

>I really hope China takes over the hegemony gig soon
The global trend of democracy and relative peace that the US brought on in its post-WWII world order has been a net gain for humanity as a whole. A world run by China would be disastrous for anyone who believes in the freedom of the individual.

Thanks to Jews. They've been sticking their jewwy fingers in our business since the country existed. They purposely create conflict to line their pockets further. They insure their assets and then orchestrate their destruction for profit. It's all a game.

t. butthurt Arab

>They've been sticking their jewwy fingers in our business since the country existed
If that's the case, I don't know why you people are so pissed about it. America's been a pretty great place to live for the past 200 years if you compare it to literally anywhere else.

I'm not butthurt. Jews brought slaves from Africa. Jews orchestrated the civil war when slaves weren't profitable. Jews killed lincoln before he could send them all back to africa. Jews started world war one and two. jews created every financial crisis the united states have seen. jews did 9/11. they're literally behind everything evil in this world.

Yeah I want more Americans to die for Israel.

In my opinion it's been a net positive for the world in a lot of ways, but at the expense of America's identity. We were never supposed to be the new Rome, we were supposed to represent a new model of Republic. But we were the last man standing after WWII so we got the job.

It's word for word what Rudyard Kipling was talking about in White Man's Burden. And we let him talk us into occupying the Philippines anyway.

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Iranians aren't retarded Arabs.
The post WW2 order has been a disaster for humanity. Your "freedom for the individual" is the fakest and gayest thing in history. The sooner it comes crashing down, the better.

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Because they have taken what was never theirs and purposefully destroyed it for their own profit. They didn't fight for freedom. They're against it. They want to rule the world and make everyone their slaves. The only reason the US isn't as fucked off as the rest of the world is because we told the jews to suck our dick in 1776. We had a head start. It's only going to get worse.

>Iranians aren't retarded Arabs.
You're right, they managed to prove themselves to be even worse by getting conquered by them.

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Obligatory infograph for all the newfags.
Use this to identify (((their))) tactics.

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I mean, the entire reason we've been in a multi trillion dollar war for the better part of two decades is because some fat cat jew in new york decided to by the twin towers, insure the fuck out of them, and not show up for work for the first day in his life when the planes hit. So it's pretty safe to say that the jews did it.

This thread has suddenly become a comedy. Someone make some popcorn.

>this shizo abortion of an infographic again

Thanks for proving it right :)

It's been comedic this entire time.

>going on Jow Forums for actual geopolitical commentary
why the fuck do you want to do that? It's just retarded boomers and zoomers going at each other

Why would Jews be blamed for starting wars in the middle east?

There's profit in war - so, yeah.

Looting and selling historical sites
Burial black market
Oil smuggling
AWOL definitely isn't something to fuck around with.

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Go to a shitty thread and take your time. Scroll over everything and see what activates or gives headers. I know the site looks basic bitch but it has some interesting tools built into it. Stop asking questions and lerk more.

Why do you fucking nigs always assume war must equal occupation?? Break their shit then leave.


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iran has threatened the usa, france, the uk with terrorism and violence and is making a fucking nuke. Rip their fucking heads off.

>Just because the real world doesn't work like your make believe conspiracies doesn't mean every act by a hostile foreign power is a false flag orchestrated by the Jews.
whatever Mohammed, send a goat to iran and tell them they have two options, surrender now or surrender after they have been bombed and had their armed forces killed and sent to discover allah is actually a satanic moon cult and are sending ghostly reincarnations back waving white flags

>Jews brought slaves from Africa
muslims what a pack of lying bastards.
>Your "freedom for the individual" is the fakest and gayest thing in history. The sooner it comes crashing down, the better.
neck yourself raghead

>iraq has wmd's!
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me

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>Why would Jews be blamed for starting wars in the middle east?

Because muslims can't face their own history and the state their shitstain 'nations' are in so blame jews rather than stare in a mirror and realise their moon cult is fucking evil

>Why do you fucking nigs always assume war must equal occupation?? Break their shit then leave.

This. Sock and awe and repeat once a month until their supreme leader sticks a sharpie up his ass and posts it with a timestamp on /b. Please be this based Trump.

>kikes did slave trade
I see you kike moved from the other thread. But, I won't let my guard down.

>moves from the other thread to this one
Post your guns

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>War in Iran
>Fuck their shithole up more
>Displace 500 billion muzzies to europe and america
no fucking thanks

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>Do you want a war with Iran?
this is /k

No one is interested in your fuckery sandnigger shut up while the civilised people decide how you should be bombed flat

>warmongering kike is a noguns
Imagine my shock.

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overtime shift, chaim?

Post guns and skin sandnigger

No but I do want one with Israel if we're talking about sandniggers.

>n-no you post your guns
Already did that in , faggot
Post yours nicklenose