Anybody else suddenly want a wheelgat?

I never really had interests in revolvers aside from old school SIngle action army and old smiths/rugers. However now after seeing the rerelease of the iconic Colt King Cobra, I’m REALLY feeling the urge to drop some coin on one. Can’t explain it, there’s just something about a new Colt spinnyboi that gets my jollies off.

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I suddenly got this urge to eat some curly fries, real bad. Anyone else know exactly what I'm feeling in my subjective experience of the world right now at this exact point in time?

Have always had a wheelgat on deck. Granted a J frame, but I appreciate diversity in my carry routine.

It's a really aesthetic gun, but I'm fine with my GP100

Yeppppp I love me some Filipino made revolvers

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No one cares about your fast food cravings you diabetic loser.

I want a Mateba auto revolver more than anything

Your GP100 probably wont shit the bed if you look at it wrong like all Colt revolvers. They're aesthetic but that's about it unfortunately.

GP100 is aesthetic in it's own right.

Colt manufactures the new king cobra revolvers in Hartford Connecticut. Faggot.

Nobody cares about your consumerist impulses, you retarded fudd.

Revolvers are a fucking joke and Colt isn’t the same company that once manufactured decent firearms.

I unironically want the new taurus revolver, I think its the 605. And yes, I am a poorfag

How do you even have money for guns when your poorfag ass is spending every spare penny on triple decker roast beef sandwiches every day.

What does irony or lack of irony have to do with your bad taste?

>colt isn’t the same company
Waaaah I’m so poor I can’t spend money on anything other that a 300 dollar police trade in budget pistol. Waaaaah

Only poorfags blow $600 on a gun because they “got a hankerin’ fer a revolver this morning.” Did you know that the poor spend 40% of their income on frivolities like lottery tickets, drugs and guns they bought on an impulse? Pay off your credit cards, then we’ll talk.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a poorfag project this hard before.

I suddenly wanted one last month and got one within a week of thinking of it. Got a 625 Performance Center (which isn't near the quality of an older performance center auto loader I have) because I didn't want a new caliber. I maybe should have gotten something in 9 instead though, since I shoot 9 a whole lot more than 45.

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That’s people who don’t budget. We are talking about buying a 975 dollar colt revolver. Not a 50000 dollar pickup truck that you take out a high interest loan for. God you poorfags are insufferable. Always triggered and ready to attack when you can’t afford something.

>the shape of that trigger guard

because some people like things because they`re shit.

I agree that poorfags are insufferable but truth be told there's plenty of reasons to stay away from these revolvers Colt is churning out.

Except you didn’t name any. All reviews have been positive on them

LGS took a late 80's early 90's 629-3 Classic in on trade.
Has the full underbarrel rib.
Forged internals, with pin in hammer.
Really lusting for it.
8" barrel

Not his job to teach poor people how to make smart financial decisions.

This, although I think I would be perfectly fine with a chiappa rhino as well, due to being largely the same. Not sure if it carries the auto loading design over though, actually, come to think of it.

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The cylinder advancement pawl is a super janky J shaped thing and I feel like that’ll snap given time, couldn’t take a look at the internals but trigger pull is pretty nice and at least looks good in person.

I’ve been a spinboi for a long while.

Other than the fact that the action Colt uses is inferior to the one Smith/Ruger uses. They're known for timing issues and being rather fragile. Also, the old world fitting and craftsmanship on these revolvers is long gone, these are MIM part infested assembly line junkers meant to make a quick buck on nostalgic boomers and hipster zoomers. If Colts prime time revolvers were fragile, imagine these. That's why, my low I.Q. negroid who's a spendoid friend. Want to spend a couple of a hundred bucks on an inferior product that's meant to take advantage of your low intelligence and appeal to emotion? Then be their guest. The rest of us can buy a tried and true revolver for much less.

I just think they're neat.

Anyone know why the 6'o clock firing position as seen in the mateba and rhinos never took off?

My only guess is marketing as it seems to be an objectively superior design.

Colts custom shop is long gone. It’s not the same revolver anymore.

Complexity of machining and bore axis is not in line with training for revolvers.

Have you seen the internals? The design is less robust and more complicated. This might be hard to understand, but revolvers, just like semi-auto handguns... Come in different flavors, actions, reliability, issues, etc

Could you elaborate what you mean by "bore axis is not in line with training for revolvers." ?
I think you're saying "people who trained with revolvers firing at 12 would need to retrain", but that line of thinking prevents almost any differences in weapon advancement.

Sure, I get the internals would be more complicated for the auto revolving part(s), but if you were to do the same SA/DA that the rest of the revolvers do, only at 6 instead of 12, would it not be effectively the same?
(No, I haven't seen the internals to answer your probably rhetorical question though)

I fucking hate the new cylinder release buttons on the new revolvers.
I don't get why they changed it either. I stuck an old button on my 629 and it fit just fine without even blocking anything.

I've been lusting for some classic S&W wheelgats (specifically a model 10, 4.5" model 19, and 6.5" model 29) and a single action army. I'll have to settle for a 629 or a Ruger Redhawk until I can actually find a 29. I've been getting the fudd bug pretty hard lately, looking at winchester 94s and M70s, and looking for a good deal on an old remington 870 wingmaster.

Your sex life is a joke, nigger. Revolvers kick ass.

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Finally saw walking dead, huh?

The benefit isn't big enough for most people to give a shit, so it's not worth the investment for manufacturers

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I want a wheelieboi but it's time to buy ARs and AKs while the getting is good

I wouldn’t mind getting one pretty soon. Does anyone have any input on hammers? Shrouded or regular? I’m looking into concealed carrying a revolver and lots of people are recommended DOA but I really want a hammer on there.

Recentlyish got a gp100 match champ. Very happy. Heard good things about new cobras and price is decent. Looking at getting a lcr in 327 atm

Roog revolvers aren't the prettiest but they're charming and they work damn well.

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Revolvers have killed more men than your nigger-nines ever will, you pinko faggot.

I am a certified wheelgun faggot but I have my doubts about his claim. No doubt revolvers have killed a shitload of people but with the massive increase in population from the revolver era to today along with the mass shootings by nogs on nogs that happen every day I'd be willing to bet that 9mm is probably the single most used cartridge for killing humans in the history of ever.

It's kinf od like the model 10 being the king of 20th century production @ around 6 million units and then Glock completely BTFO'ing that number in like 25 years.

I hate revolvers. The only reason I have one is because I live in Kodiak and I constantly see bears. Never had a reason to shoot one but I'd rather have this S&W 500 just in case. Usually keep it with me when hunting.

My GP100 is one of the few guns I would never sell. Will give it to a grandson someday.

Had to find the thread again, but wanted to say thanks for that. I don't know mechanisms very well, i would have thought it would have been pretty equivalent, just make some things different sizes. I guess not. [spoiler] I think I still want one though. [/spoiler]

They’re manufacturing in CT again?
Is there any chance I can work for them?
Have no machine background

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Thanks for posting this, I happen to be looking at snub noses, considering a Kimber with dovetail sights, or a Ruger or Smith & Wesson.

I noticed the trigger pull on the Cobra increases dramatically in force, right before the hammer falls, is this considered a good thing?

That's called "stacking" and no it's not ideal.

Balancing things on a semi-auto is boring as fuck to constantly try to re-cock it. DAO with some snap caps and a coin on top to practice dry fire is way more fun. Most people shy away from them before they even try one out because the trigger pull sounds too heavy. If you just want to practice most martial manuals say to use something heavier or more complicated than what you want to actually do. Wheelies are pretty fun to mess around with privately. No matter which kind you get, you can always throw in wad cutters and ignore the bill cosby types talking about gelatin.

>there are people who don't own an older Colt Detective Special
Explain yourselves.

I need a wheelgat for my levergat.

When old Colts get fucked it's usually more expensive because parts can be an issue and smiths who know how to work on them are getting rare.

Old S&W on the other hand I can fix anything that's not a major(frame, barrel, cylinder) part myself and parts for anything that's not an obscure model are generally widely available.

I keep telling myself that one day I'm gonna get some kind of older Colt like a Police Positive or a Detective Special but so far I just haven't.

I've had a DS for years, and it's never once had issues. Timing is perfect, it locks up tight, etc.

Neither is any firearm company

Can you get a secret security clearance?

i feel it
theres a gun shop near me with a model 29 in 8" for like 700. only thing wrong i saw on it was a scratch in the barrel
i might go back and buy it

I'm happy for you. It's not just my opinion that Colt actions are more fragile than S&W though. It's a widely accepted fact. They will shoot themselves out of time in a way that S&W guns just can't. It's also a widely accepted fact that repairing a Colt is not a job for an amateur. Smiths are child's play by comparison.

Don't get butthurt, I'm not saying your gun is junk because it's not but user asked why you wouldn't own a DS and I answered. There are legitimate reasons to not want to get into old Colt revolvers.

I bought one last weekend, shot 250 .38 target loads and 100 full-powered magnums. Mechanically it was great, felt little different from my s&w. The rubber grip that came on it is not too good, there is a weird texture on the backstrap that basically acts like a meat tenderizer. I have ordered wood grips for it, the are both slimmer and longer, should make it more comfortable to shoot. Accuracy is fine, I consistently put all shots in a 10 inch circle with 1 handed rapid fire at 12 yards, 2 hands slow fire was a 3 inch circle at the same distance. There are a lot of sharp edges that can be felt through a pocket liner, making it uncomfortable to pocket carry without a holster. I plan to fully dehorn it and slim down the trigger guard when I get home tonight. If this thread is still up, I will let you know how that goes.

Yep. My dream is to be an old timer, out in the country, recalling those old times where we actually carried semis.

Shrouded is mandatory for pocket carry but otherwise I'm a fan of the hammer too.

Very few guns are good financial decisions you retard name a reason not to buy this specific gun or shut up

>I plan to fully dehorn it and slim down the trigger guard when I get home tonight.

If you're using a dremel you can sand that rubber backstrap smooth as well.

>buying a post 1980's Colt anything

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Seeing as there is no spinboi general out, I didnt want to start another thread.

Which single action revolver is the easiest to cock while maintaining the barrel in line with the target? You know what I mean, not having to change your grip all that much, kind of like a Lee Enfield had great ergos for rapid fire, same line of thought.

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name one new interesting pistol colt has manufactured in 30 years faggit

That's one of the sweet things about the GP 100.push button cylinder release.

You want to use the thumb of your off hand to cock the hammer for rapid fire.

I've always had wheel guns. I've sold three of the four here. I'll never sell the 66. Also have a D Wesson 44 mag that will never leave me. First two ex-wives both absconded with smiths. First got a 4" 66, second got a 4" 681. Damn I miss those guns. I've had a couple of 6" L frames. I never can get used to the extra barrel length and traded both. Now I'm looking for a 22 revolver for family training. 617s are stupid expensive, but is probably what I will buy.

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No. I've always had a slight revolver itch. Once I get an MR73 and a Webley in 38.S&W I'll be happy though. Already have a single six, security 6 and nagant.

I'm in the same boat. LGS has a new Model 19, 4" K Frame that handled nicely and looks good for $850. Anyone have experience with the new "Classic" series? The gun lock is a bit of a bummer, but a new .357 Magnum is mighty tempting. They've also got a nice 1961 Model 10 for $900 but that seems a tad high

I just watched this. Definitely helpful just wanted some other input. I repect Miculek and that he vouches for it but he is literally shilling for it in this vid. Hickok has a vid and it starts spitting and locking up mid vid

Yeah current year S&W has QC issues. You gotta inspect them really well before purchase. If you get a good one it will be a superior gun to a vintage model in every way except fit and finish.

But... why?

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awesome vid. yeah I'll have to inspect closely, will follow tips in vid. I have no problem with owning a new revolver as long as it can perform the way I expect it to. MIM parts do not inspire confidence though, coming from a guitar owner perspective


Kys colt

Dehorning is complete. I do not have a dremel, I used hand files, so I was unable to alter the grip. The dehorn went well, I was able to knock down all the sharp edges and blend everything smooth in about an hour. The hardest area to complete was the frame right where the loading gate joins it. I ended up not thinning out the trigger guard, it would have not gone well with just a file. I would definitely recommend dehorning for any Taurus revolver you intend to carry, it is much more comfortable in pocket now.

For the clips

kek btfo

They're really quite nice.

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your penis is a fucking joke

fug. it's literally the only gun that I see that I want to buy every time I see it. I just read a bunch of reviews on them and apparently the double action pull is pretty bad? If you have any experience with one I'd love to hear your input.

Mine has a fantastic double action. Then again its the double action only, 9mm competition model. Not much experience with the regular rhinos.

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I wouldn't buy a dildo made in CT Seriously, all of those NE gunmakers if they haven't moved out then fuck them.

You mean you don't make 100K a year and can just buy a gun for yourself? What are you going to do about that?

ah, kk, thanks for that. I heard that they were going to look at the DA trigger pull but I couldn't find any reviews for after they said they were going to do that, which was a few years ago.

Nope the Rhino is pure Italian clockwork

Saving my shekels for a Chiapa Rhino.
>when you absolutely need to blow a dinner plate sized whole in something

There's alot of machining apprenticeship programs in CT, I would look into those. My friend's dad works at Colt and loves it.

Also you can do this!

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