What ever happened to the psa mp5?

What ever happened to the psa mp5?

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I don't know.

It’s coming out early 2020 in mass production. Of course boomers will buy them up and election season will make things even worse. So expect long wait times and availability to regular people mid 2021

Q4 2019-Q2 2020 is their release bracket.

The only thing I dislike is the mags. It’s kind of an oddity

what about the mags?

I'll wait for beta testers and for them to release something other than a fucking reverse stretch.

Do you know the release date for the versions that won't fall apart?

They will be a pain in the ass to get.

what? MP5 mags are everywhere. You can get korean ones for like 30 bucks, roach and paki ones for like 50, and german ones are still imported because the SP5k but expensive as fuck at 80. ETS also makes polymer mags.

wait, so they're different from surplus mags?
I'm not following

Are you saying that they take proprietary mags, or are you saying that MP5 mags in general are a pain in the ass to get?

Are korean ones any good?

I've only used German ones. The Korean ones are made by KCI, and I have used KCI P90 mags that work fine.

>Of course boomers will buy them up and election season will make things even worse
If we get cucked laws before I can get my poofag MP5 im gonna be pissed

How the fuck are you unable to get MP5 mags?
I am so ready to see the teething issues a RDB gun from PSA will have, their AK had like a year of bullshit so I can only imagine the kind of shitshow their MP5 will be out of the gate. Their trigger housing is unfortunate enough.

With that said I'm hoping they'll be able to provide a ready stream of A3 stock components

The initial KCI MP5 mag was reportedly a complete dumpster fire, but later runs were fine. I have 3 KCIs complimenting the 3 MKE ones that came with my Zenith and all six have run without a hitch.

Ah fuck I've been wanting to get a pcc for a while and now I learn about this thing. It looks like I'll have to decide between a PTR 9c, stribog A3, and this psa clone when christmas rolls around.

I'm sure Magpul will come out with pmags for it of PSA actually releases it. They do make evo 3 parts and magazines after all and they already make an mp5 selector switch so it's not too much of a reach to assume they'll make magazines for it if a company like PSA with the manufacturing capacity to flood the market with the gun starts making them.

Agreed. Might build a second AR9 because of just this reason.

How cucked you think gun laws are gonna end up?

>MP5 gets pmags and plenty of clones
>HK91 gets dirt cheap surplus magazines
>PTR 32 uses regular AK mags
>HK93 stuck with either shitty promags or $80 german steel mags

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I legitimately dont know. I think/hope Beto shot gun control in the foot because itll make swing voters (such as myself) not vote democrat. However, trump wasnt exactly great, and apparently he might be working on a new proposal. Hopefully, nothing happens. But the election season will be a mess. Everything will be sold out, which fucking sucks because im finally getting money to buy stuff