Why do we still have these?

why do we still have these?

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For the same reason you like onions so much

So we don’t have to drink coffee out of our boots.


Woah wait a minute... You can't say s o y?? When did this happen?


mods got rump rashed from spam on pol


What do you suggest as a replacement?

Canteens, mre bags

Mre has plastic bags for mixing drinks

>When did this happen?
Two years ago you newfag

>Mre has plastic bags for mixing drinks
and they fucking suck. once you put water in it, you better fucking drink it because there is no way to store it outside of just holding your bag of koolaid in your hand like a dipshit without it getting punctured.

Can I make onions soup in canteen cup? Maype crumble some MRE crackers to add to it?
That what canteen cups are for anyway, making tea and shit.

Obligatory F for canteen user.

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>wanting to shit up your canteen with anything other than water
>unironically suggesting people use a plastic baggie as a cup

to put over a fire you retard.

Because in 1909 the government placed and paid for in advance an order of 1.24 trillion of them.

The only thing I'd change about the canteen/cup setup is to give the canteen a wider mouth and make the whole package slightly larger to accommodate 1L of water instead of the slightly smaller 1 Quart.

I use mine to heat water for shaving in the field. I've seen someone make ramen in theirs, and I've seen one guy use it for coffee.

That was a great thread. F

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a long ass time because s0yb0y was an effective meme

2017 wasn't half-bad a year for Jow Forums. The 2016 election faggotry died down slightly, redditors hadn't overrun the janitor positions, and Acute Glownigger Derangement Syndrome wasn't as rampant.

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The dual survival guy's canteen/cup/stove set is pretty handy.

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give me a rundown on canteen user.


ONIONS onions Onions

It is I like mine

>that's a canteen dude not a nickel
fuckin gets me every time. that was a great thread.

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>Because in 1909 the government placed and paid for in advance an order of 1.24 trillion of them.
Yes this. Along with the old stainless steel GI mess kits, which are still awesome.

This is interesting. If it is meant to fit into a standard one quart canteen pouch, where does the lid go?

Jesus fucking Christ, kid

Those pathfinder sets are Chinese made garbage.

The borderline useless pan/tray combo mess kit? Nah, those are pretty shit for actual field use if you aren't standing in line at a field kitchen waiting to be served by someone else doing the cooking. German style ones are more flexible for individual use.

Do you not use cups?

Onions (check em)

Who makes his capital I like that, what the fuck

>Those pathfinder sets are Chinese made garbage.
Actually made in the U.S. the set up is solid as shit.

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Good luck heating soup with either of those, genius.

Designed in the US but made in China is not the same as just made in China.

A lot of high quality stuff Western companies design is made in China today.

Raw aluminum isn't food safe

well the first year of the magatard invasion was mostly on Jow Forums, then the /sig/ losers started directing people to other boards to get 'educated'.

this phobia of chinese-made products is really childish. naturally there cut-rate products but remember ipods and iphones are made in china and they're solid.

They're stainless, not soldered with lead, and solid as shit. I don't really care where it's made.

It's where I shave my face, wash my balls and make my coffee.

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Me, an autist who mixes cursive curves and swirls into print. Not long after Canteenons death I finally just switched to only writing in cursive since it was easier to read.

newfriend spotted

I've found an Italian mess kit from ww1 in the woods in Croatia.It has holes in it so I can't use it.I also found headphones from ww2 and buttons from ww1 uniforms.

put it at the bottom I think

I looked around briefly. Seems that the Pathfinder canteen comes with a huge carrying pouch of its own. I guess that means it likely isn't compatible with the standard army pouch. I can't see from this picture if the pouch even fits into the standard pistol belt.

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>one guy spread a fake scientific articles on Jow Forums about how eating onions increases testosterone
>Jow Forums didnt fell for it, but poltards picked it up and made it a thing on Jow Forums
>it became something like a holy grail for them, no questioning or reasoning allowed
>anyone objecting was declared a basedboy leftist, redditor or a jew trying to stop Jow Forumstards getting their testosterone raised
>almost becoming like a religion for them and like with so many other things they cant stop bothering other boards with it
>finally the guy making it up the whole articles thing reveals how fake it is
>entirety of Jow Forums makes fun of Jow Forums for their gullible believes and how dead set they were on the topic
>mods add a world filter that changes s.o.y. into onions to remember that event
>Jow Forums spends the days since this moment whining about how it wasnt actually their thing and how everyone else is just butthurt about them


aluminum is non toxic

>inb4 unproven claims of aluminum toxicity

>fake scientific articles
I don't think it's worth it to eat 400g of raw onion a day based on an Iranian study, but it's worth looking into if you're desperate.


You understand that there was more than one thing?

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This was one of my best tools in the army. I still have 2.

Wtf was that canteen contaminated with?


The cup may not have been so much contaminated as damaged. A relatively small number of US canteens /cups manufactured during WW2 were made from alternative materials including tin and zinc. Zinc is poisonous to the human body; not a problem if the item has a layer of a different metal. If that layer is damaged things can happen, especially if an individual person is extra vulnerable.

The Brits used tin in their mess kits and it apparently caused som poison cases.

Keep in mind that war materials were not always produced to peacetime specs, nor was everything tested for as long as it should be. The authorities even had scrap metal collection from the civilians and some of that metal would end up in, yes, military gear.

I guess that would explain it, although I feel like a potential deadly reaction to drinking from your canteen would be bad for moral but as you were saying I guess its mainly from a bad allergic reaction?

The canteen cup was fine when it was manufactured. When the guy got it, it was pretty banged up on the inside and it may have had the surface layer damaged. It is supposed to take a lot of abuse but if someone used metal tools inside it, or used it to store some chemical, metal can react. The 'strong odor of pennies' should have been suffient warning but wasn't. Pennies are made almost entirely of zinc.

After all the chinese make the best Winnie The Pooh merchandising!

They're really nice after you jump on them a little

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Why are you paying over $100 for a canteen kit that doesn't have a lifetime warranty

The same reason they issue all outdated equipment..
In hopes that it gets lost or stolen so they can hand out a statement of charges and recoup funds.


where else am I going to make my instant coffee, shave, dissolve bullion cubes, etc

I used my canteen as a spitter. The metal cup was good for holding water to clean my razor while shaving.
I just drank out of my camelbak. I feel bad for whatever dumb fucking boot gets issued my old canteen. I never once cleaned that fucking thing throughout five years of spitting dip in it. Would just pour it out away from the tents every time it got filled.

>remember ipods and iphones are made in china and they're solid.
You mean a cheap piece of garbage that breaks instantly and becomes slow after apple wants you to buy another computer?

>why do we still use steel
>why aren't we using plastic
beware the wrath of Crom

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I've got an Austrian 3-piece mess kit. My Esbit folding stove, waterproof matches, fuel tablets, fire gel, water purification tablets, etc. all fit inside and the whole thing fits perfectly into a pouch on my large ALICE pack.

The big pot is the perfect size for making chili or beef stew, the frying pan works great for pork and beans, SPAM, scrambled eggs, or heating water for coffee/dehydrated meals, and the bowl is just the right size for a meal. A steel coffee mug just barely nests inside.

Everything I need to make a meal, where it's an MRE, canned ration, retort, Mountain House, something I shot in the field, or whatever.


Fucking kek

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So long story short dont drink from surplus canteens?

>When did this happen?
2 or 3 years ago.

Shit like this is why I'll never understand why canteens aren't a disposable item. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from a drill sgt in basic when he told us to just buy our own canteens because people use the issue ones for exactly what you did. I've never used an issued canteen since.

Onions s.o.y. onions


For all the dissenters of being able to use basedas an insult, I literally used it a couple of days ago on this board, and it did not substitute it. So fuck off with your hurrdurr look how long we've stuck around, you know nothing patheticness.

Now it replaces so.y with based.

You deserve getting shit on for being one of those bandwagoning buzzword drones anyways, get fucked loser.

Found the guy who loves so.y

I do it like that. I only write cursive so if I have to print it ends up like that

There are millions and millions of the old metal canteens in use among civilians today, never mind various armies. You might as well avoid second hand computers, old cars and divorced women - they are all going to cause you grief at at least one point eventually. As long as you steer away from the computers running on a Russian version of Linux, the cars held together by duct tape, the women with kids in more than two colors and the canteen cups that gives you a violent allergic reaction ON THE WAY HOME from where you bought it you are highly likely to be fine. Canteen Cup Hero was just another sample of Darwinism.

A lot of stuff goes into a namefaggot's ass, but this number sure as shit came out of it.

Hmm after reading that canteen story about tasting like pennies I have to wonder is the '05 QS' batch I assume from 2005 safe? I bought mine off Rob Simpson the owner of Canteenshop.com and the one I bought back then was brand new surplus old stock.

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That's not the right one, that's a rip

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>brand new surplus old stock.
You mean it arrived as neverused? Should be perfectly good then.

True story. Back in college the school cantina coffee tasted so vile that I had a friend in Chemistry test the liquid for acidity. Turned out to be fine, aciditywise at least.

Yes I bought mine a few years ago after discovering canteenshop.com (don't work for them or get kick backs.) after watching some of Dave Cantebury's videos and somehow ran into some of Rob's videos and likes his cooking videos and learned of the lids and such.

I ordered a heavy cover stainless lid (signaling/fry egg/meat or dutch oven top or with the canteenshop.com grill top stove as a crawldad trap, lantern, strainer, etc), heavy cover rubber lid (only fits with real USGI canteen cups tho), canteenshop.com grill top stove, and a new surplus canteen cup.

Back then Rob still had stock of the new old stock surplus. Last time I checked like a year ago he has top grade inspected used canteen cups for sale now. The man really knows his canteen cups if you watch his videos he goes off in detail about a ot on cleaning, history, cooking, etc.

I got mine and expect it to last a life time. Planning on getting another one because 'one you go black you never go back' and use that for wood fires. My current setup is for canister/alcohal fuel cooking or charcoal to keep the can as clean as possible.

Yeah, idk what they guy was thinking, as someone who grew up with severe allergys (was allergic to corn and onions) if something gives me a reaction I immediately put it down and rinse my hands in hot water or whatevers reacting, I grew out of 90% of them but occasionally my body doesnt like something

Also corn and onions were the main 2 that causes issues for me but aren't the only allergys I had in the slightest

That's a lot of detail. Interesting.

I have a collection of canteens. Some of the US ones and from a number of other countries. What I actually use is decided by two things. The first is that around here you look like a total weirdo if you keep a canteen on your belt (it's wet most places, no one need to hydrate constantly). Hell, even a pistol belt will raise eyebrows. The second is that I give high priority to weight. Enough stuff that needs carrying already. So I have a plastic canteen that I keep in a pocket in my backpack, and a folding plastic cup that will fit into any pocket. That is all. For food making purposes I have a light weight cooking kit with pan, pot with lid, and coffee kettle with lid. I am interested in a canteen based kit that can replace the other stuff, but only if there is no cost in added volume.

Rob did a lot of research on the canteen stove and implemented what he thought was the best improvements (along with lots of feed back from those that served) to it for an all in one unit that.

I only bought those items and nothing else and have not seen any of the other products in person. Heck I was buying 'blind' in a way before only on trust of the history of the USGI canteen cup and after watching lots of Rob's and other youtube videos on cooking before buying it.

Rob did partner with Dave Cantebury on Dave's pathfinder series USGI style canteen grilltop stove and bottle grilltop stove.

However from what I am seeing the Dave's USGI style (taller then original canteenshop grill top stove) looks to be thinner compared to my gen1 canteenshop grill stop stove.

I know for a fact I can stand on my gen1 canteenshop grilltop stove (I'm $1.50 + 25# of kit/water a few years ago) can handle being stood on with my weight and full kit I had. I'm even confident now that I'm a fatty at $1.80 that it will hold me plus my kit before I Jow Forums myself back down to my weight before (I'm a caregiver for someone with dementia so time for self care is limited).

So what I'm trying to say is, is it worth the $20 USD (price back like 5yrs ago IIRC)? Hell yes given what it can do. String some paracord on it and I have full confidence it can survive a newfoundland barfight (and that's saying something).

I don't carry my canteen kit as a daily EDC tho, tho I should but normies will raise an eye brow if I did given the military history. I'm considering getting the canteenshop grilltop bottle stove which I will nest a GSI stainless folding cup (18oz) and nalgene 1L widemouth for urban EDC.

I should also note for anyone considering an urban setup like mine the GSI stainless 18oz folding cup will nest a 40oz Hydroflask and a 40oz single wall klean kanteen. I own both bottles and a few nalgene 1L widemouths.

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Ran out of space in last post. I have done some serious ass digging before with it to test it out. My soil in the backyard is clay. I dug out a 1ft x 1ft x 1ft deep at first then tried 2ft x 1ft x 1ft then 1ft x 1.5ft x 2ft deep.

Going armpit deep was a PITA but the stove held up as a shovel. I would not want to dig a foxhole with it but if I needed to I know it can be done and better then a stick given metal but not my first choice but maybe second to the shovel if I didn't have it. I just tried simulating for digging for caching or for making dakota fire holes.

IMHO worth the small weight for so much additional function besides grilling..

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Okay, started poking around. canteenshop dot com brings me to survivalresources dot com where I see neither a Rob nor a Dave, but they do have the Pathfinder gear in their products list. Interesting site, really. I'll be bookmarking this and go through it.

so wait are we not eating 36 hard boiled eggs and 3 onions a day anymore?