Does anyone else specifically avoid NFA items because it's basically putting yourself on a...

Does anyone else specifically avoid NFA items because it's basically putting yourself on a first-in-line-for-confiscation list?

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maybe stop posting on Jow Forums, James. We're watching you.

Also watching you too Rick and Eric. All you fuckers are on our list. I'd say more but, you know how we roll. ;)

Hey James!
It's okay we already have you in the second wave of confiscation (hooray!)
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to us

Come to my office (304)

We're done here guys. That's enough fun for one night. Pack it up - 3682RD12-7

If you’ve ever bought a gun through an ffl or ammo with a tied card you’re already on a list. Maybe even on a list if you browse gun forums or armslist and buy directly with cash with users on there.

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Will I get raided if I buy a solvent trap?

No. It’s not a suppressor.
Probably don’t want to be caught one if you’re arrested for a different reason.

I believe it's a legit concern. I am a stamp hog regardless and accept the risk because life is too short. All it means is you need to be mindful of the information you submitted and what the blast radius will be (friends, family, etc) if you get burned and they want to find you. Remember that the 5320.20 isn't required to update an intrastate change-of-address, or for silencers or AOWs.

Possible but think of the comparative levels of effort involved. The NFRTR which has all the NFA entries nationwide is a single SQL database that any federal bureaucrat with enough clearance could instantly dump a full list of tens of thousands of names, phone numbers and addresses.

In contrast, the 4473 system only helps map a known firearm serial number to its first retail sale, it can't map backwards from an owner to their corresponding transactions. And most 4473s live on-premises across thousands of gun shops around the country, so it's a non-zero amount of human effort to gather it.

It is possible that state govts and the alphabet agencies are tapping into NICS and logging their own illegal registry, but having worked as a government contractor I am skeptical that anyone in washington has the comptenence to maintain that without someone leaking it. You would also expect to see the ATF complaining less about their low rate of gun traces, and more egregious parallel construction claims popping up.

But yes, buying in a private sale with cash and practicing good infosec is still safest for all parties.

no faggot.

To help preserve what hearing I have left, I'll take my chances.

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>a single SQL database
So would something like this work?

forgot pic

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Make one at home on the cheap. Also, dont ask a public forum for advice.

Not me, I'll surrender those. They're just for fun.

I thought about getting an sbr for all of 5 seconds and then I remembered pistol braces exist.
Honestly why the fuck would anyone get an SBR in 2019 that isn't a ps90?

I wouldn't mind a suppressor. But I figure it's more trouble than it's worth. Expensive plus the fuck off fee, name goes into a database somewhere and the government now knows I have guns. I can't take it across state lines without telling the glowies. Just an all around pain in the ass.

A SQL injection? They can be largely mitigated against using prepared statements (where you set up your code to seal off each user input field of the database query into its own entity, rather than just adding strings together), but SQL injections still remain a major vulnerability. Wouldn't surprise me if the feds were still vulnerable on that.

Honestly if you're really concerned about this - I'd just build an 80% lower AR or Glock and cache away some ammo/magazines for them. Those can be traced but aren't serialized; how're the feds going to prove that you didn't shoot up all 1000 rounds of Federal ammo, and that you didn't wear out and discard some factory magazines? If the time comes where they start confiscating stuff, hand over the stuff with the serials they read off, wait for them to leave, then pull out your 80% builds and start griefing Minecraft server admins (in Minecraft).

>I can't take it across state lines without telling the glowies.
You don't have to do that with suppressors


because I have an MCX in .300 blk

Don't have to inform the atf for AOWs and Suppressors

Not him but the rule that states you have to notify them does not list silencers.

well to be fair, they're not omnipotent and will never know if you do cross state lines!! oh noes!!
that said, PS90 is tits.

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>so it's a non-zero amount of human effort to gather it
Your statements are all pretty much correct but it bugs the shit out of me you chose to phrase it this way. Dumping the entire contents of a SQL database (especially one that is probably ancient and terribly managed, as someone who works with plenty of government databases they are universally terrible) is very very much also a non-zero amount of human effort to do. Not nearly so difficult as acquiring all the 4473s out there, but still decidedly non-zero.

You guys act like they aren't just going to corral up the ones that would fight and kill them anyway. There's no list, too many names. Just an idea, and X amount of time to determine how to do it.

plastic tubberware shit

Is that a form 1 suppressor or a commercially available one? Either way ive always though that short, thicc suppressor look the best

Suppressors are gay, SBR's on the other hand

>need ear protection anyway if not alone
>increased wear on guns

the shear amount of suppressor tards shooting supersonic ammo and wearing ear pro anyway confirms that suppressor tards are tards.

>fox and grapes

I'm jizzing myself

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I swear I'm not Australian

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When I first learned internet I found xkcd funny. Now I think it's obnoxious. Randall is a cuck.

This. I have mail ordered many thousands of rounds and gun parts, sights etc. online. I am sure I am on a list already. Fuck it.

It still significantly reduces blast and muzzle flash. Thr crack of a supersonic bullet is loud, but it doesn't feel like it is going to burst your eardrums and isn't disorienting like muzzle blast. It is like the difference between a subwoofer that kicks hard as fuck and some refular size speakers playing a higher frequency really loud. Yeah they are both "loud", but in very different ways.

You really overestimate the organization of the government. Watchlists are saturated. Short answer is yes, but anyone who strays away from what the government deems good is on a watchlist. If you've bought ammo or a gun you're probably on a watchlist. You're on a watchlist for even saying certain words.

Jow Forumsing the nsa trigger words copypasta

Imagine thinking the only way the government knows you have guns is if you apply for a stamp. Imagine living in a mind so small.

>cans are pointless with supers!

Is there a bigger nocans identifier than this statement? I see it parroted often.

I don't make a point of following it or any drama surrounding it. It bugs me a bit that the comic works fine without the fourth panel, which doesn't really add anything since the punchline could be inferred from the third.

Maybe just move to a European country where you can get silencers, like Britain

Er, get them more easily, maybe

For me it's less not wanting to be on 'a list' and more that I don't want to pay inflated prices on NFA items, plus the stamps, just to get my door kicked in in a few years. I was really hoping the HPA would come through for suppressors, but alas.

It's not *hard* here, OP is just a sperg. "hurr durr move to a country with more restrictions and liscensing, that'll make you feel like less of a CUKC"

Most of the ATF's arrests are for first time non-violent offenses.

>saltg H&K marketing rep

>not putting yourself on the list so you get to blast government thugs away
smol brain

greyman jacket

Not advertising your residence as a "Canine Game Farm."

I'm Californian. I'm on a list for not being a registered Democrat.

Yes. I also buy private only.

I don't think there is one. Nocans seem to think that suppressors automatically become pointless if firing supers, and cannot conceive of an individual firing on private or abandoned land.


Where do you think you are?

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The database will be protected with government grade security and a government grade backup strategy will be in place.
So yes.

>Come to big Bundy's ranch of tobacco, moonshine, and guns.
>See our world famous dog hills, where the dogs run in straight lines at varying heights over the hills.
>We've got solvent traps for your cars and motorcycles
>We've got fertilizer
>We've got gen-u-wine militia training from former military service members
>The only thing we don't have is any cameras on the premises

The ATF just like TSA are so completely and utterly pointless and need to be demolished.

p-09 is a great gun

you are living my dream sir. P09 shall be my first suppressor host.

>he doesn’t want first crack at the alphabet bois

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Because AKs don’t come in wire folding braces, also stocks are truly superior.

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Nice gat desu

>The only thing we don't have is any cameras on the premises
>That we know of

>It's 2021
>Insert dnc candidate was elected
>Someone uses a sup. In a shooting
>Exec order banned Trump style
>Every suppressor owner is registered
>They start knocking on doors.

What do?

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Hide my puppers and get to boogalooing

Pic related

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>government grade security and a government grade backup strategy will be in place
That doesn't sound as impressive as it does in your head.

That was the joke dummy.

calm down, sean. you dont work for us, stop trying to fit in

Thanks, took it out to the range today and I was most impressed with the can.


Domestic Security, Assassination, Attack , Domestic security, Drill, Exercise, Cops, Law enforcement, Authorities, Disaster assistance, Disaster management, DNDO (Domestic Nuclear, Detection Office), National preparedness, Mitigation, Prevention, Response, Recovery, Dirty bomb, Domestic nuclear detection, Emergency management, Emergency response, First responder, Homeland security, Maritime domain awareness, (MDA), National preparedness, initiative, Militia, Shooting, Shots fired, Evacuation, Deaths, Hostage, Explosion (explosive), Police, Disaster medical assistance, team (DMAT), Organized crime, Gangs, National security, State of emergency, Security, Breach, Threat, Standoff , SWAT, Screening, Lockdown, Bomb (squad or threat), Crash, Looting, Riot, Emergency Landing, Pipe bomb, Incident, Facility, HAZMAT & Nuclear, Hazmat, Nuclear, Chemical spill, Suspicious package/device, Toxic, National laboratory, Nuclear facility, Nuclear threat, Cloud, Plume, Radiation, Radioactive, Leak , Biological infection (or, event), Chemical, Chemical burn, Biological, Epidemic, Hazardous, Hazardous material incident, Industrial spill, Infection, Powder (white), Gas, Spillover, Anthrax, Blister agent, Chemical agent, Exposure, Burn, Nerve agent, Ricin, Sarin, North Korea, Health Concern + H1N1, Outbreak , Contamination, Exposure, Virus, Evacuation, Bacteria, Recall, Ebola, Food Poisoning, Foot and Mouth (FMD), H5N1, Avian, Flu, Salmonella, Small Pox, Plague, Human to human, Human to Animal, Influenza, Center for Disease Control, (CDC), Drug Administration (FDA), Public Health, Toxic, Agro Terror, Tuberculosis (TB), Agriculture, Listeria, Symptoms, Mutation, Resistant, Antiviral, Wave, Pandemic, Infection, Water/air borne, Sick , Swine, Pork, Strain, Quarantine, H1N1, Vaccine, Tamiflu, Norvo Virus, Epidemic, World Health Organization, (WHO) (and components), Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, E. Coli, Infrastructure security, Airport, Airplane (and derivatives), Chemical fire

National infrastructure, Metro, WMATA, Subway, BART, MARTA, Port Authority, NBIC (National, Biosurveillance Integration, Center), Transportation security, Grid, Power, Smart, Body scanner, Electric, Failure or outage, Black out, Brown out, Port, Dock , Bridge, Cancelled, Delays, Service disruption, Power lines, Drug cartel, Violence, Gang, Drug, Narcotics, Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, Border, Mexico, Cartel, Southwest, Juarez, Sinaloa, Tijuana, Torreon, Yuma, Tucson, Decapitated, U.S. Consulate, Consular, El Paso, Fort Hancock , San Diego, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales, Sonora, Colombia, Mara salvatrucha, MS13 or MS-13, Drug war, Mexican army, Methamphetamine, Cartel de Golfo, Gulf Cartel, La Familia, Reynosa, Nuevo Leon, Narcos, Narco banners (Spanish, equivalents), Los Zetas, Shootout, Execution, Gunfight, Trafficking, Kidnap, Calderon, Reyosa, Bust, Tamaulipas, Meth Lab, Drug trade, Illegal immigrants, Smuggling (smugglers), Matamoros, Michoacana, Guzman, Arellano-Felix, Beltran-Leyva, Barrio Azteca, Artistic Assassins, Mexicles, New Federation, Terrorism, Al Qaeda (all spellings), Terror, Attack , Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Agro, Environmental terrorist, Eco terrorism, Conventional weapon, Target, Weapons grade, Dirty bomb, Enriched, Nuclear, Chemical weapon, Biological weapon, Ammonium nitrate, Improvised explosive device, IED (Improvised Explosive, Device), Abu Sayyaf , Hamas, FARC (Armed Revolutionary, Forces Colombia), IRA (Irish Republican Army), ETA (Euskadi ta Askatasuna), Basque Separatists, Hezbollah, Tamil Tigers, PLF (Palestine Liberation, Front), PLO (Palestine Liberation, Organization, Car bomb, Jihad, Taliban, Weapons cache, Suicide bomber, Suicide attack , Suspicious substance, AQAP (AL Qaeda Arabian, Peninsula), AQIM (Al Qaeda in the, Islamic Maghreb), TTP (Tehrik-i-Taliban, Pakistan), Yemen, Pirates, Extremism, Somalia, Nigeria, Radicals, Al-Shabaab, Home grown, Plot, Nationalist, Recruitment, Fundamentalism, Islamist, Emergency,

Emergency Broadcast System, Cyber security, Botnet, DDOS (dedicated denial of , service), Denial of service, Malware, Virus, Trojan, Keylogger, Cyber Command, 2600, Spammer, Phishing, Rootkit, Phreaking, Cain and abel, Brute forcing, Mysql injection, Cyber attack , Cyber terror, Hacker, China, Conficker, Worm, Scammers, Social media,

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Report that shit destroyed and request it be removed from the registry right before it’s banned. Boogaloo at earliest convenience.

>He uses a suppressor
>Everyone instantly knows it's still gunshots
>Less hearing damage
>Less trauma to people who weren't shot
>"let's ban suppressors anyway!"
I can see this happening. Why are retards allowed to breed again?

I really like the look of those welds.

It's amazing.
Do it, only took 9 months for my form 4 to process.

Biggest problem is that leftist retards breed like mice, and their hispanic hordes that they are bringing in breed even faster.

laser welders and rotary tables are 100x better humans.

>>worried about being on a list
>>uses social media

Laser welding is a thing to behold.