What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts?

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10/10 i wanna suck every agents big fat willy

not a fan to be honest

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Who willingly becomes ATF? Like do they wash out of FBI and didn't want to be a state level PO?
Like why them of all agencies?

Does your boss know this is just going to get you bullied?
Go away ATFaggot

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I didn't want to make a thread for this story but guys I pissed off the ATF on Wednesday.

I am retard.

They serve an important purpose, stopping the flow of unsafe, illegally produced liquor and siezing untaxed counterfeit tobacco products being pumped into the country. Keep up the good work, fellas.

Post it fag

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Putting retards down in the name of the greater good since Ruby Rdige. God bless.

They are wholesome, pleasant people but they need to leave my funs alone.

> Go with nogunz friend to pawn shops and gun stores for our days off.
>Stop in a pawnshop in N Texas
>Chat with guy behind the counter
>Dude seems really Jow Forums
>Have him pull a couple AK's off the wall and I check them out.
>Besides him are a couple of chicks going through stuff in the glass cabs.
>Get to talking about Bump stocks, gat cranks, Binary triggers and the likes.
>Girl audibly "UGHH"s and storms out.
>Pawn shop worker bro says "Yea they always are like that when you start talking about laws and stuff"
> Retard brain thinks hes talking about women in general.
>Retard brain thinks its dumb she'd work around guns and not like to hear about gun laws.
>20-35 mins later me and pawn shop bro are still talking about stuff now on the topic of the price spike in Nuggets and import bans.
>lady comes back still looks pissed.
>fuck her anyways gonna keep talking
>Guy has some Suppressors for sale and tries to red pill me on them
>I love suppressing what ever I can but don't want to pay cuck tax.
>Tell Him my suppressor is just an oil filter and a thread
>Pawn bro goes quiet with a "oh shit" look on his face.
>Lady pipes up for the first time.
>"Those laws are in place to protect people from dangerous things, and those fees pay for people to keep track of them"
>I respond with "SHALL"
>She says "all your doing is asking the government"
>Free men don't ask
>She storms off again heated
>Pawn shop bro says to me while laughing his ass off "You just shit talked an ATF agent to her face"
>Tells me I'm probably on a list now.

What do I do Jow Forums I've already sent my dog to mom's house?

Did you give a name? If not then just avoid that pawn shop. Unless she got your license plate.

Rape her until she goes full shall, stockholm syndrome is a bitch like that.

Didn't give a name.
Will look into this more

throw away your oil filter and just wait a few months you sperg.

C'mon into my lair, gentlemen.

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He should have his dog give her the knot.

unamerican traitorous pieces of shit.
atf should be a brand of vending machines.

if the government opened a department of raping babies,would you get a job there to user?

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me neither

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playing with bombs legally of course