How do you guys with rabid anti-gun family members...

How do you guys with rabid anti-gun family members? My grandmother is your classic CNN boomer antigun Christian type and any conversation is like chewing sand. I love her but damn, she really doesn't understand anything about why the 2nd amendment is there. How do y'all cope?

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Going to ignore your question since it gets asked every day. Why ban juul pods OR guns?
Shit, is vaping cool now?

>Shit, is vaping cool now?
Yes. It's based and redpilled. In my opinion it was always cool, but I'm a faggot zoomer so what do I know

Because boomers hate it for some reason. I don't think they understand that the 6 died from vaping pesticides.

That always bothered me about the stories. Constantly referring to it as an epidemic and ANOTHER did but the total amount was like 100 people in the whole of the USA.
It's the most nothing there has ever been and mostly consisting of TMP and CBD Frankenstein mixes.
If you're going to smoke up don't be a pussy and actually smoke up you fags
Every person lost was just Darwinism and we're better off for it

I dont know why vapers are throwing gun owners under the bus so hard. I say we should have each other's backs.
One gets more gun rights and the others get more poisoned vapes
The endgame is more gun rights and more dead vapers

I look at guns for sale online and feel sad. I have to live with my parents, because I can't pay for rent and uni at the same time, and after I tried buying a mosin, they told me that I could either buy a gun and start paying for rent, car insurance, food, and whatever other shit they want on top of uni, or not own guns. They're also super antigun christians. I was seriously considering buying a replica m1 garand a while back, but I was suddenly struck with shame over how I had sunken so low that I would consider paying $200+ for a garand that doesn't even shoot. I'm thinking of buying a 1911 when I turn 21, since it'll be easier to hide than a full-length rifle and has some historical interest to it, even if it wasn't a WWII era gun. I want a luger, broomhandle mauser, or Steyr GB pretty bad though.
> I don't think they understand that the 6 died from vaping pesticides.
I'm pretty sure the consensus is that they vaped cartridges with too much vitamin E in them. The vitamin E accumulates in their lungs and causes that weird respiratory disease. Solution is to either not vape, or be careful dhit what you vape by checking ingredients and not doing black market stuff. Personally, I don't see the point of valuing nicotine unless you're trying to quit cigs. I've tried friends' vapes, and I either felt dizzy, burnt my throat, or felt nothing at all. Vaping THC, on the other hand, is great. Only fine it twice, though.

Look at this woman who had unsupportive parents. Mine don’t like semi autos so I just don’t show them mine only my Duur guns and antiques.

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I am very much male. I have a big male peepee. It's not my fault my parents are retards. Hell, my mom got pissy when I said I wanted to buy a type 30 bayonet because "weapons are bad". She keeps taking the shitty $5 pocketknife I got when I was 12 out of my room and putting it in the knife drawer when I'm at work, too, even though it's dull as hell, and I never really use it.

Oh lorde

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She broke my laptop on accident, too, and used to hit me when I was little. Not because she's a hateful person, but because she can't properly control her emotions. She's usually pretty kind abs does stuff for me a lot, but sometimes I wish she'd just disappear.

Beat her head in with a rock.

This whole vaping thing is hilarious to me
>A few death blamed on vaping
>Suddenly every lung issue is related to vaping
>Calls to ban vaping
>Cigs are still ok though, don't ban those.

DeFoO, like a Motherfucker.

Your mom is an abusive, mentally ill, twat, and you will be better off without her in your life, if you are over 18 its time to move out user.

Not worth the felony. Besides, I don't hate her as a person, I hate her as a function. The stuff she dies is because she's dumb and trying to be nice, not because she's a cruel person. I feel nothing for her as a person, though, but I don't really love any of my family. Not sure why, it just happened eventually.

See . She stopped hitting me a long time ago, and us now mostly kind, but really immature and controlling. I can't afford to move out on part time KFC wages anyway, especially if I want to go to college, have a car, and not eat ramen every day.

>The endgame is more gun rights and more dead vapers

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By not caring. I don't rub my politics in their faces and if my family chooses to try to engage me on guns I'll generally just say something like "you know I enjoy shooting, do we really need to have this conversation again?" It doesn't bother me if my family has opposing political viewpoints. It's just politics after all, despite what literally everyone wants you to believe in current year.

When it comes to your grandparents just agree to disagree and spend as much time with them as you can. If you don't you will regret it when they're gone.

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Levelheaded and rationalpilled

2a was there to ensure the freedom of states from federal government tyranny, not your personal liberties, just like some people were guaranteed their property rights, even if that property were other people. Natural right fundamentalists drink from the same fountain as people who think founding fathers envisioned gay adoption when interpreting the constitution, because it's too difficult to actualize it, it has to be reinterpreted out of context, eternally, your grandma is right.

Yeah, they were anti gun until they shot an ar-10 a few times

>is vaping cool now?
I dunno about that but it is a pretty helpfull way to get off the cancer-sticks. Went from a box a day to vaping to nothing at all over the course of a year and without having to try that hard... had cravings for about a day after I went completely dry.

As far as I know all the fatalities are a result of people vaping THC cartridges/juices.

since is when is vaping banned?

Trump said he would do a thing so now everyone says Trump has done a thing even though he hasnt actually done that thing
>muh suppressors 2.0

> can't properly control her emotions
big think

Oh, so literally nothing happened like always.


>Hahaha weird how the second amendment exists right goys?

>told him to fuck off to canuckistan if he hated freedom so much
>he did a couple years later
Other uncle is a gangbanging faggot who thinks nobody else deserves gun rights because he lost them being a retard tho. Fuck him

But Canada is the most armed commonwealth nation. Pretty much everyone own guns up here in the boonies, I hope your faggot uncle ends up living around hicks and gun owners.

That's like being the tallest man in a combloc state

>parents making you pay for uni

Are you me user? My parents used to tell elementary-aged me how much they hated me daily and beat me sometimes. I want out, but I need that uni money so I can actually have a career.

I'm not sure if that want me to go 50-50 on whatever scholarships don't pay, or if they want me to buy a used car, and then pay for uni themselves for the tax deductions.
My parents never told me they hated me. In fact, my mom randomly tells me that she loves me. I don't like it because I keep thinking she's going to say something important, and she doesn't. You sound like you have it a lot worse than me, and I feel like I'm being a dick by mentioning that my parents don't say stuff like that.

Nah don't feel bad, I'm glad your mom tells you she loves you. Mine also says that, but she might be kind one day and then the next, tell me she'll send me to an orphanage to go get sexually abused. It's probably an act of God that my parents only had two kids when they really wanted more. Hysterectomy.

Shoot home.made machine guns, pop ollies, blow fat clouds. Fuck the feds

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Only partially related but I've noticed alot of grabbers, fudds, and (((moderates)))dont seem phased by the knowledge that they are factually, thematically, and practically incorrect on everything they say. Even when they accept that (which is rare) its usually "but gonz stiwl bad tho"
>nigger you JUST admitted you don't know what the FUCK your talking about!

My mom says the same to me. One minute she tells me she loves me, the next she reminds me how easy it is to poison me and move to an island with lax extradition laws. Also how simple it would be to sedate me and stage a murder to look like i shot myself.
Come to think of it, my mom talks about how to kill me alot...

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i just respect their right to an opinion and dont engage with them. its not like what they think has any real bearing on anything

It's not like you're going to convince them anyway. Arguments like that rarely, if ever, result in anyone changing their mind. It's just for the sake of your ego and reinforcing your sense of solitary with your in-group. The byproduct tends to be that one or both of you will end up getting butthurt. So you really just get nothing out of it except negative emotion and accomplish nothing concrete in the process. Just avoid it unless you're a gifted social diplomat.


Jesus. Hey aren't women 20 times more likely to kill their children than fathers are?

Both of you have me concerned.

I've spent my entire life arguing with my parents about one thing or another. So this issue is no different really.
They fall back to absurdist sarcastic mocking "fight the gubbment with muh AR15!"
I try to explain the point of the 2a. And why legislation is stupid, impossible, unenforceable, etc.
I like arguing so it's whatever for me.
The day they found my AR my dad mentioned something about not having it in his house, storing it at a gun range or gun locker or some faggot ass nonsense.
I told them if they value our relationship they need to not push too hard on this.
I kept my guns in my room, we still argue about guns but we're living peacefully under the same roof.

>Because boomers hate it for some reason.
Ironicly my boomer dad started it to quit smoking.
>I don't think they understand that the 6 died from vaping pesticides.
Not pesticides, but some shady black market THC liquids that where contaminated with some shit.
No reason to ban that stuff, but to come up with a certification system on wich liquids are safe.

That some shit? Pesticides.

Locking your guns up in your room is reasonable though, that way they are safe in case someone wants to do shit with/to them.

report that bitch to the FBI ASAP, she sounds extremely dangerous.

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>on wich liquids are safe
Medical science is still very much out to lunch on this

My parents are anti-gun and I am nogunz .It is horrible .

Same way my family copes with all politics loud annoyed arguments at family dinners where we may or may not insult each others' intelligence like its nothing.

Move the hell out, jesus christ user.

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Reasonably safe then.

>just tell the federal bureau of investigation your mother verbally threatened you bro

>rabid anti-gun family members
Don't talk to them

I mean, that's probably true. But I think it's more of a symptom of women traditionally spending more time with children than fathers do. Sorta like how nations with less guns have less gun deaths.

1. Never bring it up.
2. Answer first question with, "I don't want to talk about it."
3. Answer any questions honestly.
4. Shoot them in the face.

If they don’t want to discuss it like an adult with a functioning brain then tell them to piss off, that always did the trick. Luckily I never had to deal with such a thing too much. You could also just hide them, but that could be potentially difficult if your privacy is invaded often. Luckily I never had to deal with them all too often.
Boomers being retarded shitty tv addicts aside they took the whole THC thing hook line and sinker, so a pretty sizable chunk think it is some sort of legal workaround to mary ja wanah even though that was just black market shit, as stupid as it sounds.
She is kind because she is trying to get you onto her “good side”, don’t fall for that nonsense for a single second.
t. abused as a kid

bro you can live under my bed or something if you need to


Dude you ok? You need to get out of there NOW.

The vaping deaths were caused by disruptions of lung function caused by inhalation of aerosolized lipids (glycerols) leading to the onset of lipid induced pneumonia.

So inhaling lipid rich solutions is bad for you, who'd have thunk it?

Inb4 absolute state of burgers dying from inhaling fat.

You need to be proactive user.
Smother that boomer with a pillow before she does the same to you. It's self defense.

meanwhile half of Jow Forums was abused apparently, or even still is
real thinkin time indeed

thanks Jews/boomers

To be honest , I have come to the fair conclusion that all anti gun people and liberals in general, genuinely do have a mental disease and we should address the problem. Heres a little story..
>be me
>Well adjusted 28 year old Male with loving aryan gf and apartment
>I befriend everyone regardless of belief systems because I'm not a fucking retard
>Have 34 year old friend
>union plumber who watches cnn and the young Turks on repeat
>lives alone with 4 pets in a rundown house in the city
>genuinely a good guy but has a drinking problem.
>everytime we drink we get into discussions
>last time it was guns, he knows I'm a gun owner and carry and promote carrying for self defense
>tells me they're weapons of war and recites me the entire cnn meme
>explain to him kindly and slowly that they're wrong and go about to tell him assault rifles dont exist per se and rate of fires
>starts screaming calling me names
>he lives in a terrible area and has had encounters with heroin addicts and nigs
>Also has had encounters with police
>I explain to him why the 2nd A is important
>tell him about self defense
>tells me he has an axe and swords and will slaughter anyone who tries to approach him violently.
>tell him guns are humane and more straightforward than blunt objects
>proceed to tell him about government and police abusing power and why if hes so anti police and government why wouldnt he arm himself?
>tells me it doesnt matter, he wants to die doomer.

After the conversation we just changed the subject and then started talking mad shit on his mother, calling her a whore and all sorts of names. Hes a genuinely nice guy and I love him to death but i realized he has insecurities, mental issues and some sort off manchild complex, just like every other liberal I've met.

Reminder: You aren't fighting your government, and you're not going to fight your government. The entire "muh guns" argument is a fucking LARP where you're pretending you're going to do jack shit. And you're not.

Yeah that's what I was driving at. Don't smoke THC just smoke weed you pussy
That said the numbers of this "epidemic" were so low I don't see how it is an issue at all or worth mentioning.

there's a lot of projection from the left

>Convince antigun libs about 2a good for protection from oppressive police and state
>Shoot with them
>Ultimately they can't buy a gun because 'I can't trust myself with firearms I might kill myself'
And I thought I was the one in the 40% suicide rate character class.

stop projecting dude
1/10 made me reply

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I don’t. Fuck them my guns are more important than some faggot latte sipping cousin or aunt/uncle. My mom is based and so is my dad.

Let's stop pretending that this is anything but the federal government, likely even big tobacco, trying run through the same motions they did against tobacco in the 80s.

For real, gonna second the other guys here. Find someone to rent from and try going it without her for a while. This ain't healthy.

Also, general location? Just something broad like state or region, just to see what you're working with.

I don't talk to them about guns, unless they bring it up then I will with a caveat outlined by me i.e. "I'm not here to have my mind changed because it won't". I'm there to talk about how to use the firearm and how to obtain one if you wish etc etc.
Vaping is gay as fuck, but I'm not in favor of their ban, also it's not a ban on vaping devices it's the flavor shit which I'm still not in favor with.

it is weird though
America is a weird fucking country
you can like that, I certainly do, but it's important to acknowledge this is not something most countries do

I've cut out and disowned anyone in my life who is even remotely anti-gun. If you don't own guns, I don't trust you and don't want anything to do with you.

>I get along with everyone
>I even like this guy that's awful
do you see the disconnect? to truly appreciate him and others would be to see that they're not awful and not assume that a whole class of people are mentally ill just because they make different assumptions

Fuck off, statist.

he's right though, guns aren't for fighting the government because if even 1/4 of the military follows orders to take the guns and ammo in a remotely effective way you won't have jack shit before long
now, the fact people have these things does disincentivize the government from trying to take them or do a few other things, so it is relevant, but it's not a hard counter so to speak, it doesn't 100% prevent anything
point being, guns are for your fellow man
that's why the argument comes up about large magazines and high ROF, which is still less than valid, but it's more valid than talking about taking on the government

Fuck off shareblue with your collectivist mediocrity. Most other countries are shitholes ruled by those who understand that removing the tools of capability & self-reliance are how you keep your people as serfs, not citizens. Enjoy the free (You)

>dad spend 12 years as an Infantry Marine
>full on SHALL NOT
>mom doesn't like guns
>but her dad was a constitutional lawyer so she's fully aware of the entire reason for firearm ownership in the US
>sister is full on grabber

It's a mixed bag, I moved out two years ago.

There is no logic in ranking certain reasons above others: they are ALL valid reasons for firearms ownership.

And in the end, a reason isn't even needed. The mere fact that you would like a firearm should be justification enough for you to own one. Anything otherwise is labeling you a criminal even though you have committed no crime, nor expressed any intent to commit one.

>tfw moms family lives in Kansas and love their guns
>tfw dad’s family lives in Colorado/Texas and love their guns
>tfw immediate family loves their guns
Feels pretty good to not have these arguments on the rare occasions that I see them

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They were fake THC cartridges from China

how about you actually read and think
I didn't say it was bad, I said America is different
fuckin doofus
and you're high if you think the people that run America are more noble or ever have been, 2A exists because the first ones to run the country didn't want to be seen as hypocrites and didn't want their peers to get too comfy

there certainly is logic, because some reasons are more realistic or practical than others, and some are more convincing
as long as there are people who think differently you'll need to be convincing and not just say stuff that's obvious *to you*
that, or use your guns to shoot them, but convincing them is less messy

I agree that some arguments are better than others for a given situation. But, without the context of a specific person being more receptive to one argument over another we can't really address that.

>>as long as there are people who think differently you'll need to be convincing
Yes, that was my point exactly. Instead of worrying about what's "the best reason", worry about which one is the one that your audience is most receptive to, or the one that's the most relevant to the exact conversation being had.

Personally, I think one of the big mistakes that many Pro-2A people is immediately jumping to reasons of defense or screaming SHALL in the context of debates like this....when pointing out something like "Isn't labeling all gun owners as murders being prejudicial" would go much farther given their target audience.

Since when did christians watch CNN and since when were christians antigun?

I just don't visit grandma very often, and whenever I do and she starts ranting about politics, which is every time since all she does all day is watch CNN, I just get really quiet and make non-committal noises to show I'm listening, because I don't want to say the wrong thing and end up written out of the will.

Not him, but my dad's reasoning is that Matthew 26:52 says "... for all they that take up the sword shall perish eith the sword", and apparently that means that weapons are bad. Also, he thinks that demon-possessed people use weapons to kill people, and that Christians don't need guns because God will protect them, despite all the instances in the bible of the Israelites taking up arms against their enemies. My dad is an interesting dude and very hard-working, but if he believes something, you can't change his mind, especially when it comes to the bible. He's kind of like me in that respect, but I only act like that when I'm right.

Correct me if I'm mistaken here, but didn't Jesus specifically say that if you didn't own a sword you should sell off your possessions and buy one?

Luke 22:36

In general, we’re not. However, there’s a large percentage of Christians who are incredibly sheltered normies. The type of person who genuinely believes that they can save the world with only love, because they’ve never left their 90% white suburb. They’re just oblivious to the realities of the world, even the ones that the Bible makes very clear. Also, a lot of Christian boomers liked warping Christianity into their own personal ideological beating stick for pacifism and other dumb ideals. OP likely encountered some of those types and it left an impression. The hysterical boomer-churchianity damaged the faith in a way that will take a long time to recover from.

Convicted felons should have the right to own Howitzers.

This is a serious problem with older generations. They took one bible verse, devoid of context and shaped the entirety of their Christian life on that one verse that supports their views. The Bible abounds with differing perspectives and situations that, without context, clearly contradict each other if only viewed in segments.

I'm a pastor and I carry and advocate for your gun rights. It's your GOD GIVEN right. You were created to make your decision as a moral arbiter and anything contrary to life and liberty has to be met with an opposing force. That's just the way it is, objectively.

I'm pretty sure he did. I have zero interest in talking theology with my dad, though, because he gets offended if you try to tell him he's wrong, and because he spends all his free time reading the bible or listening to preachers, so he could easily wipe the floor with me if he chose to stop getting butthurt and sperging out.
Yeah, my mom does that. I like calling her out when she pulls God out her pocket to back up her views by reciting 1st Timothy 2:12, or even just telling her to read it.

What is
But civvies with guns stand no chance against militaries, right?