
When SHTF how will you cope with poor vision? You'll either have to make sure you keep your glasses clean and unbroken or carry contacts, which will obviously run out. For those that aren't blessed with good eye sight, is it hopeless? Are we destined to be overrun?

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get lasik retard

I have multiple pairs of back ups (getting more soon) and a pair of hard contacts. If I lose all of those I will develop my sense of smell far beyond a normal human's.

Just got PRK done on my second eye last week. A couple more weeks of eye drops and I'll be up to 30/20 in both.

Hurts like a bitch though.

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>when shtf
never going to happen

I personally know one guy that is night blind in both eyes from that, but if others want to risk it and it works out well for them then that is good.

But how will you clean your hands/contacts? Your hands will surely be dirty and you run the risk of infection.

Either get lasik or some prescription sport goggles. You could also not give a fuck.

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I dunno, how did Vining?

ive worn the same pair of soft contacts for 9 months and maybe slept with them out 10 nights in that period. i use eyedrops like 3 times a day and thats it.

Contact solution is everywhere. But should I run out then no more contacts, still have 6 pairs of glasses and sun glasses atm. Plan on getting it up to 10 of both. Most are cheap shit with Coke bottle lenses, but they only exist for true shtf scenarios.

>same pair of soft contacts for 9 months and maybe slept with them out 10 nights in that period
Don't fucking do that. People go blind from that shit.

fucking disgusting

biomedics xc master race. no blindness or reduced vision in 9 months. before i realized tossing them out every month was a scam i still slept in them most nights. same pair for 9 months no bullshit. high quality but they got discontinued and when these die i got acuvue oasys to try. doubt theyll last.

bet youd eat ass faggot if you could get any

i'll eat your ass if you keep talking to me like that, bitch

>I have multiple pairs of back ups (getting more soon)
Isn't poor vision get worse with age? I need a new script every few years.

too bad i shaved it no homo and dont have any dingleberries to feed you

It depends. If you're nearsighted, it can actually get better for a few years as your close-in vision deteriorates naturally with age.

Was gonna get PRK surgery done. Does it hurt during the procedure or is it just sore afterwards?

and do they give you pain killers afterwards?

Not for everyone. Mine has actually been consistently getting better for the ~16 years I've been seeing my optometrist. It's not drastic enough that I'll ever be able to ditch corrective lenses, but my prescription has gone down at least 3 points or whatever.

Shoot at every blurry thing that moves.

It does slowly, but being able to see almost 20/20 is better than being caught blind. My eyes haven't gotten much worse in a long time.

I had lasik when I was 19. I'm 35 now and my vision is still excellent

You don't feel anything during the procedure, the topical anesthetic dulls the eye completely. You do get a quick whiff of your own eyeball being burned by the laser, though.

I've read that most places give you a couple xanax before the procedure to take the edge off, and a day or two worth of vicodin for afterwards. My doctor said "eh you'll be fine" and didn't give me either.

For both eyes it was two days of feeling like there's gravel in your eye and lying in bed with the windows completely covered, listening to audiobooks and trying to sleep off the worst of it, followed by a couple days of light sensitivity and steady recovery. It's been 6 days since the procedure and I'm more or less back to normal, just with some eyedrops to assist the healing process for another month or so.

The single worst part is getting in the uber to go to follow-up checkups a couple times the first week. Its bright and the breeze on your eye feels like torture and the driver seems to hit every bump and jar along the way.

All in all, I'm happy I got PRK instead of lasik. But make sure you have the full week off and prep your meals beforehand.

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thanks man
could you not see at all after the surgery or was it just a bit blurry? really considering it

Yeah, I have wanted it for a long time but my buddy having extreme starburst at night scares the shit out of me. For the first year he was suicidal because any low light situation left him practically blind. He still isn't happy, but he has learned to manage with a cane at night.

I've considered it, my grandpa just had his done to correct cataracts and other issues, the price has come down a lot. Wish health insurance paid for it. My glasses make my skin dry. I worry i might be blinded by a sub par doctor.

I have prescription safety glasses complete with detachable side shields thanks to my job. Very durable. Z87 S+, baby!

The affected eye is basically useless for a couple days. With PRK they only do one eyeball at a time, so you still have the unaffected one to navigate around your apartment or whatever, but you really can't use a phone or computer screen for more than like ten seconds at a time before it starts to hurt. By the time the pain dies down it's blurry but already better than it was pre-surgery. The first eye I got done was up to 20/20 after a month, and improved to 30/20 from there. Doc says it'll probably slip back down to 20/20 in a year or two, though, that's just how eyeballs work apparently.

Oh I should mention that my eyesight wasn't all that bad before surgery, around 1.5 diopters in both. A friend of mine who was at like 6 diopters had a much longer overall recovery period, and he was kind of miserable for a couple weeks. It depends how much meat they need to work with.

I really need to save up and get this. The front sights of a rifle are fuzzy without contacts/glasses. I cant see a damn thing. How much did it cost?

Wear a nerd strap

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$2200 per eye, and insurance only covered the medicated eyedrops. Pretty steep, but tfwnogf helps you save. I do wish I had that money to spend on a class III M11 though.

Fuck me, that's expensive, but im sure its worth it.

contacts are superior to glasses as glasses give you trash peripheral vision

It took six months to save up for the second procedure. I could never have afforded it when I was still wageslaving, such is life in the zone.

I'll wear one a day contacts until one falls out or gets something under it, I go in excess of 4 months nearly every pair. I also don't take them out at night. Doctors say my eyes are healthy.

>Step 1: take care of what you got

Wear PPE while you're working wear sunglasses in the sun go to your optometrist regularly.
if your vision is so bad that you can't see anything without your glasses consider laser surgery.

>Step 2: PPE

Get yourself a pair of decent safety glasses bcg's, industrial, wrap-arounds whatever. Whether you are your working on your car in a machine shop or shooting on the range foreign object in your eye is not a good thing.

>Step 3: get yourself a pair of decent sunglasses and use them consistently Bright lights & the sun can mess with your vision transitions are perfect but they're better than nothing.

>step 4: get yourself a pair of blue blockers or have the blue blocker coating put on your every day glasses. Especially if you're working with computers or gaming a whole bunch.

>Step 5: grab the right gear

Stock up on cleaning cloths both the microfiber kind and the instant use disposable. grab the spray cleaner case they have at Oakley stores they give you lifetime refills on their cleaning juice.
don't break the bank but get a decent hard case that has some kind of positive closing feature either a heavy spring or preferably an actual latch or snap.

>***Last thing very important***

Buy yourself a nerd strap they cost like two bucks on Amazon prime and I'll save your ass. your $300 pair of high-speed low-drag tactical glasses are going to do Jack schitt if they fell off 30 ft back while you're bouncing around in a truck or if you're chasing down a suspect and they slip off while you're hopping over a barrier.
You might look like a geek but at least you we'll have an idea of what you're shooting at.

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Contacts don't like dust and smoke and dirty hands

I'm waiting until you can be put to sleep for surgery, I'm not good with medical shit, and when I say not good, the last tie I had blood taken (like 8 years ago now) I was arrested for flipping out and going crazy.

I am told a lot of people balk at the last minute with eye surgery, and I get it.

I didn't feel a thing during surgery but I guess it could freak some people out
>lie down and get my head strapped
>assistant drops anaesthetic in my eye
>can't feel anything but can see the scalpel coming down at my eyeball to cut around the iris and remove the protective layer
>vision gets blurry
>laser starts working
>it smells exactly like arm hair burnt with a lighter

huh PRK is older than LASIK, interesting.

I highly recommend getting PRK done, it changed my life. It used to be a pain in the ass keeping my glass clean while hiking in the mountains and worrying about losing them in the tent, now it's not an issue. There are a ton of simple things you can do like swimming and just waking up able to see that most people don't think about but glasses get in the way of. Poor vision is a huge disability that is easily corrected these days. As for pain and recovery time, is right. The first few days feel like someone kicked sand in your eyes, but follow the eye drop routing the doc gives you and it will get better. If you want to prep for SHTF get your eyes fixed.

When I read this my face literally contorted with disgust and i said out loud "fuck that EUGH" That's a nightmare.

fuck that

How the FUCK could any sane, normal, functional human keep still and allow that to happen?
We have an urge to fight back against exactly that kind of shit for a reason. What the fuck is wrong with you.

>can't feel anything but can see the scalpel coming down at my eyeball to cut around the iris and remove the protective layer
That's the part that makes my butthole clench right there. Ain't a whole lot that freaks me out, but this kind of shit does it.

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Also if you get surgery, no matter how much it hurts in the next three days, just leave it the fuck alone.
I used wet tissues to try to soothe the pain on the first eye that was done, and when the doctor checked my eye 2 days later there was a lot of little bits of paper residue. He made me lie down, dropped anaesthetic in the eye, and used some kind of miniature rake/brush to comb that shit out my eye. Didn't feel a thing but it looks weird

He has actual, like, self control...?

Anyway. Me, I only need reading glasses, and I think I own more of the annoying-but-necessary things than Theodore Roosevelt. One in my backpack, my glove compartment, my upper dresser drawer, on the back porch, etc. I'll be fine.

My vision is good enough without correction, just barely legally required to wear it while driving.

I'm mostly ok with that because I know the end goal is going to be getting rid of these fucking glasses. My girlfriend on the other hand is terrified of the idea

>tfw eyes are not bad enough to get PRK, but not good enough to hit targets properly at 200 meters

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Stop being autistic

he looks depreSSed

Literally get a pair of the shit you linked. Better yet, if you're actually worried about it that much, get a bunch of pairs. Don't even wear them in your daily life, they're ugly as shit. But they are basically bombproof.

Its not that bad

I had prk and its like they have a toothbrush instead of a scalpel; granted, the toothbrush is scrubbing off the top of your eye, but still. Gotta focus on the juice - I went from borderline legally blind to 20/20 and 40/20

checked. if i remember correctly in the 1986 fbi shootout in miami, one of their best operators was killed because his glasses fell off when he was exiting his vehicle and he wasn't able to hit anything.

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Wtf is wrong with you?

>When SHTF how will you cope with poor vision?
Realistically, I'll probably die. As nature intended.

>$2200 per eye, and insurance only covered the medicated eyedrops
The fuck is even the point of insurance. Fucking kikels

Not intentionally trying to be gay but if you have one good eye, couldn't you just wear an eye patch over the healing one?

don't get Mexican lasik, get expensive custom lasik doofus

Lasik was literally life-changing for me and after over a decade I still have better than 20/20 in my dominant eye

Lasik is terrible if your prescription is bad enough to actually benefit from eye surgery. I always laugh when I see people say how happy they are with their results because I ask them what their prescription was and they're like "hahaha -2.00." Those faggots don't even need glasses in the first place, you could just turn the machine on to make noises, not do anything, and tell them they're cured and they wouldn't fucking know the difference. I had a -8.50 and the surgery left me nightblind with double vision in both eyes because spoiler alert, actually removing tissue with a laser is wildly unpredictable and stupid to try anyway.

Kill all lasik surgeons. Biggest scam in the fucking world.

>Those faggots don't even need glasses in the first place, you could just turn the machine on to make noises, not do anything, and tell them they're cured and they wouldn't fucking know the difference

You're just trying to cope by saying it's useless because your eyes are too shitty to get fixed

Prk is far superior to Lasik though, there's a reason that it's the one allowed for SEAL candidates

Lmaoing@ all the faggots saying their "lives got changed" by getting their eyes cut. As if wearing glasses or contacts is anything but an extremaly minor inconvenience. Glasses double as adequate eyepro you should be wearing anyways and 1 day contacts are thin enough to be quite literally unnoticable and take less than a minute to put on every morning. I don't know how any of you princesses expect to deal with a serious SHTF scenario if that's somehow too much for you.
>b-but contacts run out
Even 1 day contacts are cheap as shit and have a long shelf life. If the SHTF scenario does last years, you still have your glasses.
>b-but glasses can get lost/broken
Have spares, duh. And I seriously doubt you could actually destroy titanium frames with normal use.

That's not to mention possible complications from eye surgery. Lasik is even worse since it creates a flap that can detach (recorded cases of this happening) and fuck your eye for life. Ask yourself why opticians still wear glasses.

Prk and lasik are the same thing expect one doesnt cut your cornea and the other does. Your results will be the same. I have 20/10 vision with lasik. You cant get better than that.

i'm waiting for better ocular technology.

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poorfag cope

>muh glasses are indestructible
>thinking you can maintain eye/hand hygiene in a "SHTF" scenario
massively delusional

For every Lasik anecdote you can find just as many if not more contact lens horror stories.

I've literally jumped out of airplanes thousands of times since Lasik. The flap is not as big of a concern as you make it out to be.

Broke my glasses at the start of an exercise in the army, was a pain in the ass. Got lost in the metro once because dust from construction work made me lose my contacts and I couldn't read the directions unless I was 20 cm from the signs.
Eye surgery made my life a lot more comfortable


dont make me suck your poo out faggot!

I knew a guy that was the same from bad laser eye surgery and I think it contributed to his suicide.

Use a high powered scope to make everything bigger to compensate for fuzzy eyesight. But you will be restricted to longer range engagements.

This is not a concern. If you're not retarded a pair of glasses will last longer than you will.

From what I heard he was actually on their competitive shooting team and was armed with a 357

But his glasses flew off when the car is impacted and he was basically blind.

>they're the same
>but they're different

That's his fault for not having them strapped to his head

You can get lasik and go seal now actually. Provided you’re getting modern lasik not the 200$ each eye mall version

The one advantage of glasses is wearing eyepro everyday. There have been many times where shit has flown in my face but didn't get in my eyes. If you have multiple pairs of back ups it should cover you for a few decades.

I mean at least you don't need insulin or some shit like that.

how can anyone here not see that S has already HTF. Look at the US post ww2 and it's already a post apocalyptic hell scape. Suicide is the highest it's been, mental illness is actively encouraged and as a society we actively work against building strong families. There is the flash and dressings of modern society but the substance is shit , there'll be no wasteland, no neighbor vs neighbor blood shed and the closest you'll get to a violent encounter is getting robbed or mugged.

Lasik destroys your ability to see close up.
You will need reading glasses if you get lasik.
So its a choice, near sighted or far sighted.

I still their eyes when the battery on mine is about to go bad.

I run the Oasis for two - three months before they shit the bed and I never take them out. When I say never I mean I don't even own a contact holder.

What does something like this cost, ballpark.

I paid a bit less for mine, but that's about the usual price. It's considered an "elective" surgery, so insurance won't cover it whereas they will cover glasses or contacts. It's bullshit.

this and this.

They'll have the same result for your vision but the cornea flap *can* potentially be a weak point in the eye, even after healing.

False. You'll need reading glasses when you get old period, not from lasik

You can, and I did just to keep the light out, but whenever your eye moves around in the socket it still hurts. It's enough to go to the bathroom or microwave some tendies but there's really no getting around at least a couple days of bed rest.

Yeah it's not the light that hurts, it just feels like the inside of your eyelids is sandpaper for a few days. Lying in bed without moving at all was pretty much the only way to feel less pain

>poorfag cope
Rationalize your poor life choices all you want, princess.
>muh glasses are indestructible
They practically are for regular use if they are made for it, and if you do manage to destroy them, you have spares. Which I already said.
>thinking you can maintain eye/hand hygiene in a "SHTF" scenario
You don't have enough water and soap and/or hand sanitizer stockpiled to afford washing your hands? Even if you don't or have to bug out, you still have glasses. Which I already said as well. You need to work on your reading comprehension. Should have spend that money on reading classes.
>For every Lasik anecdote you can find just as many if not more contact lens horror stories.
False and contact horror stories happen due to improper use, not an inherent risk like with eye surgery.
>I've literally jumped out of airplanes thousands of times since Lasik. The flap is not as big of a concern as you make it out to be.
>he says, after complaining about anecdotes

He's not a bitchmade faggot even if he's a retard for choosing lasik over prk

I may be a retard but I had surgery in 2004 and my vision is still perfect and I never had any issue

>why isn't he punching out the doctor he paid specifically to have this procedure done????

>he fell for the eye laser jew
Haha rrtard

>Lasik destroys your ability to see close up.

Wrong. That's called being over 40. The only issue I've had from lasik is dry eyes more often than I'd like, but fuck glasses. It was worth it. I only use readers so I don't tire my eyes out.