What fudd shit are you gonna buy once assault weapons are banned?

What fudd shit are you gonna buy once assault weapons are banned?

I'm looking forward to getting one of these bad boys in 460 rowland.

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>Thinking another assault weapons ban will happen
Ok retard.

I'm also gonna get a snubnose revolver in .357 magnum or .327 federal magnum. What's the .32 caliber bullet situation like for reloading?

Ok retard. It's pretty simple math.

Total jewish control of the media and the American political machine + easily influencible majority nonwhite america = disarmed goyim.

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I've been unironically trying to get a magnum rated SxS shotgun and beater 1911 from like Armscor or ATI

I think I'll be picking up some full auto AKs, a SVD or two, a PTRS, and a pile of PKMs after the New American Republic is formed.

>gun control will NEVER HAPPEN EVER
Hahahahaha, that's the spirit kiddo

Fuck the PTRS,
>Inkunzi PAW, lighter, smaller, meant to be shoulder fired

>implying ptrs isn't a shoulder fired weapon
Also South Africa probably won't be shipping in surplus arms to the balkanized USA.

Russia will.

Attached: 14point5mm.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

I won't buy fudd shit.

Because I'll be dead.

I guess I'll get into 80% lowers if another AWB passes. Does anyone make an M16 pattern 80% jig instead or AR pattern?
As far as fudd stuff goes I've always liked the SAA and it's clones.

>implying bankrupt South Africa won't be emptied out on the open market by the Chinese
You're like someone who'd rather carry a full length Krag instead of an M1 carbine

Buying fuddshit in 460 bigboii anyway. But getting an AR in it too because fuck that shit

>cast frame

Only if that Krag is in God's own caliber, 6.5x55.

Over my dead body you fucking piece of shit weakling boomer.

Not OP but any 10mm 1911 youd recommend that has a forged frame and slide? Heck even a 45 1911 with forged frame a slide that isnt fucking extremely expensive.

>God's own caliber, 6.5x55
Always thought the swede's to be some pansy ass nature worshippers
>Godstown caliber...bitch please I'll take 8mm, .308, .303, or .30-06 on a crusade waaaay before 6.5-Ikea


Dan Wesson

Catholic pls, back in the day Swedes stacked fucks like you six feet high in Germany.

What's your problem faggot?

I bought a compound bow, mechanical release and made a target so all I have to do is swap out my back stop and place some old hay bales

shut up faggot

Bootlickers like you

Nigger, I'm not gonna buy assault weapons once they are massively expensive, I already have many.

I'm just realistically looking forward to being able to buy other types of guns besides shit that's likely to be banned soon. Im not bootlicking at all. I've been prepping for the incoming ban for a while and its kept me from getting many non threatened guns that I would have otherwise purchased for my own enjoyment. Shit like 1911s, revolvers, and shotguns.

Fuck glowniggers, fuck communists, and fuck jews.

You could have just said "fuck Jews", since the glowniggers and commies are literally kikes with some shabbos goys sprinkled here and there.

if they manage to get my ar before I have a tragic boating accident I'll get one of springfield's m1As or a garand

Daily reminder to filter Sieg

Once whites are the minority it will

you're being too obvious shill

>Catholic pls, back in the day Swedes stacked fucks like you six feet high in Germany.
Was that a 30 Years War reference?
