/ak/ thread

Kissable Lips Edition
Previous thread here

Attached: lickablelips.jpg (1100x1442, 1.22M)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for kebab removal

Attached: tarrantchan5.png (1423x1566, 631K)

Jow Forums is an Islamic board. Go back to Jow Forums

Get fucked cunt

Attached: latexfieldstrip.jpg (2176x2443, 419K)

You're racist prick.


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Shut up dune coon

Attached: 1568352686704.jpg (312x188, 11K)

This is so lame.

I love Ruby!~

Attached: 65004506_p0.jpg (2480x3507, 2.62M)

This was posted here a few threads ago, anyone have a sauce for her?

Attached: 1567271702791.jpg (2080x1760, 638K)

Artist name "Ogami". And boy, he/she got a taste with hot sweaty, muscular, hard abs girls.

Attached: __original_drawn_by_ogami__c174fdddca524861cc78911c122a23b4.jpg (1872x1584, 525K)

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So they're a man of culture as well then

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Why she's such perfect tank instructor?

Attached: ea5d781e6eee732f7eb78a862ca1b1b7c838a12f.jpg (2591x3624, 770K)

lips are the thinking mans fetish. Anyone who disagrees in inarguably a monkey troglodyte.

Small lips>big lips.
Big lips means either a subhuman or a plastic surgery bimbo.

amen to that

Attached: arty fluff.png (968x1400, 829K)

shapely lips>Small lips>big lips

Like the cookie addict-girl.

Attached: __ruby_rose_rwby_drawn_by_rosa_katze__sample-63c7a677feeb7873fd6eec7319d94576.jpg (850x1026, 154K)

I like sharks.

Attached: 76693408_p0.png (2400x3021, 3.44M)

What ship-based /ak/ material is out there that's actually /ak/? Seems like most recent stuff has been girls with miniaturized cannons attached to them. Not thst I necessarily dislike that, but...

Aside from High School Fleet I don't know of any. It's a rather niche genre.

Attached: 1568635273330.png (1736x2456, 3.66M)

I just realised I know 4 different anime/games that are entirely unrelated to each other and all contain WW2 warships presented as Anime Girls

Attached: __reiley_miller_senjou_no_valkyria_and_senjou_no_valkyria_4_drawn_by_pen_steelleets__sample-0a6eb194 (850x1202, 473K)

Anyone know what is the model of that car behind? Thank you kindly.

gives hands on, private tutoring sessions with the girls

Duce says it's a Lancia Stratos

Attached: image (2).jpg (1513x1000, 499K)

Might be a fantasy piece, though does look vaguely like this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_X1/9

This on the other hand, is a Type 90 Kurogane Scout Car, and thus totally Jow Forums

Attached: OoraiHotRodShow.jpg (850x611, 255K)

I never did like that pic

Attached: 1553207191847.jpg (788x604, 67K)

Its a Lancia Stratos. Mid-70s rally car. Wedge shaped, stupid short wheel base, engine in the middle. Considered great at what it was made for but took a skilled driver.

/o/ver and out

Attached: 1526701885553.png (714x528, 597K)

Imagine posting this gay op to try and legitimize traps on Jow Forums
your just a faggot user accept that (or better yet eat lead like that one fag did with a kal tec)

Attached: Du6Bc1yV4AAmlKt.png (583x426, 264K)

Please elaborate on how this is even remotely Jow Forums related?

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Attached: __rainbow_six_siege_and_etc_drawn_by_sola7764__0624375acc1d967cacc798d0db1e4654.jpg (1024x1280, 1.17M)

Man you AK guys are a bunch of fucking weebs

Attached: __rainbow_six_siege_and_etc_drawn_by_sola7764__f8737b339d98b159ed394d5342a615d3.jpg (1024x1280, 1.22M)

>t. weeb posting in a weeb thread

Attached: __original_drawn_by_kfr__9678163e02eca88d781f1e74d84e188e.jpg (717x1200, 415K)

>they made the UH1 even more XBOXHUEG
oh god

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>tfw ywn break a hipoint

Attached: __girls_frontline_and_etc_drawn_by_danielle_brindle__sample-21ea35f37d47d8a25d0f581b1c675c2d.jpg (850x813, 172K)

Attached: __girls_frontline_and_etc_drawn_by_danielle_brindle__sample-2c0426bf2572f8fbf04d92af8d55d374.jpg (850x1133, 139K)

>race superiority Jow Forums shit stays up
>Ruby (holding a weapon) gets deleted

RWBY is /co/
-t. janny

Attached: 1501064380323.jpg (450x340, 69K)

This board is lost friend. Correction this site. Be like me and try and find a new thing to waste your time on.

And a guy who yeeted some Muslims because he couldn't find some willing hole is?

This isn't even a debate.
Also by using your own logic, these threads should be moved to /a/ or deleted altogether.

Nice of you to let us know that you're a staunch Jow Forums supporter though, so much that you'd even break the rules for it that you're supposed to be following, enforcing, etc.
Like a vegan, you just have to let others know or take offense to something that you presume is "attacking" you.

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Go back to your containment board, thanks

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Good Shad finally heed the call of God and redeem himself by quitting this sinful drawing career forever. May Jesus Christ will forgive him. God and Jesus Christ forgiveness is real. May love of God and Jesus Christ will shinning brightly upon him.

Attached: E15F14F5-20E0-46EE-970F-D8757BEF41EC.jpg (563x843, 229K)

>tfw no roach oper8r gf
Why even bother living desu?

Attached: M16A1 in 'Nam.jpg (2048x2048, 408K)

Attached: What she said..jpg (568x259, 48K)

I doubt you even know what that word means without quickly googling it, which may or may not give you the actual definition as opposed to generic newfag usesage.

Its not from an anime, nor is it from a manga.
So why is it being posted in this thread?
You do know /ak/ isn't just "random anime girls: the general", right?

Attached: rally n minnie.jpg (640x480, 49K)

>I'll take "who is Brenton Tarrant" for 500

Attached: hmmhmm yea.gif (150x200, 1.07M)

You didn't answer my question. How is Brenton Tarrant related to anime and manga of a Jow Forums nature? You know, the subject of this general?
Don't tell me you think he's /ak/ related just because some faggot drew him as an anime girl. That would be retarded.

For you

Attached: BLAM.jpg (714x720, 326K)

>Jow Forums shill jannies
>not retarded
im not sure what you expected, user

Attached: did someone say tank.jpg (639x1031, 77K)

>anime girl

>you think he's /ak/ related

Attached: brentonchan.png (910x650, 305K)

He's not an anime character, and he has not appeared in any anime or manga (officially serialized) that I know of. It is completely off topic.

Attached: gripen mad.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

If we go by the series she really isn't, her teaching them about how to operate their tanks was one day gig and then off she went. I mean even Momo was better instructor than she was as shown in the training montage after the Gloriana match.

Shouldn't the last one be Shadyounglings. You know take a piss at RotS for using that instead of children when descriping how he slaughtered room full of them in the Jedi Temple.

>Read this
>Read comment on his site...


>he has not appeared in any anime or manga (officially serialized)

neither has the picture included in the OP, or any of the girls frontline pictures

go whine to the jannies about these off topic images too
none of these characters appeared in any anime/manga (officially serialized)

go whine to jannies more and more about muh off topic OFFICIALLY SERIALIZED ONLY anime characters

Attached: glock.png (1322x2048, 1.52M)

Oh, so because other retards are shitting up the thread means you can post offtopic garbage too? That aint how it works, buddy.

Attached: gallforcegallery-10.gif (491x640, 44K)

you're the only one shitting up the thread screaming for jannies to delete half the thread

Attached: goku.png (478x442, 187K)

Rubes > Jow Forums crap

This is an objective fact.

Attached: Ruby_Rose_(BlazBlue_Cross_Tag_Battle,_Character_Select_Artwork).png (1057x1233, 771K)

Because I've been here long enough to remember when we actually used to talk about anime in /ak/ instead of mindlessly spamming videogame and Jow Forumsshit art.

Attached: 1dcfc38765719f33e20775dab85fb7bd.jpg (1456x1116, 266K)

Anyways, I guess I should lead by example. For anyone who is craving some rootin tooting cowboy shootin, you should check out Red: Living On The Edge by Kenichi Muraeda. Follows a native bent on revenge after his tribe got wasted, joins up with an exiled samurai. There's some kino panels in this one.

Attached: red living on the edge.jpg (3236x1400, 811K)

Attached: RED.jpg (1690x1200, 602K)

>that pic
muh PTSD is still strong from reading that, dont get me wrong i painted buckets of cum from it, but its still hyper fucked up.

Attached: tp-composite-auschwitz-survivor.jpg (750x500, 118K)


More Y U K A R I :)

Attached: happysuprise.jpg (700x900, 322K)

Attached: masterchef.png (750x1000, 519K)

Attached: pack.jpg (739x967, 289K)

I prefer tight kissable pussy lips with that ass spread.


Attached: 1568206466360 (1).jpg (900x675, 332K)

Also love the 3D as well >:D

Attached: 1558918433964.png (664x664, 568K)

Oh shit..nice to see some good old skool Lum awesomeness.

What anime is this from? Like the characters and may may check it out after I'm done with New Game.

Attached: New_Game!_Anime_1560380328254.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)