I was not sleeping drill sergeant sergeant

>I was not sleeping drill sergeant sergeant
What did he mean by this? And what happened after the video cut?

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He's staying coherent even when lying which is great.
Probably chores, running and pushups/situps. Possibly at the same time.

Really? The video comments made me think he actually got beaten by the drill sergeant.

Young privates fuck up all the time, it's part of the process. He probably just had some extra exercise, nothing serious. The DS publicly shaming him by recording this and putting it online is fucked up and he should be punished for it.
That literally never happens.

That doesn't happen anymore. You're thinking of the 60s and 70s

You calling me a liar!?

From his perspective he blinked. But his exhaustion made it longer. Unless he had any specific thing to tell him how long he was out he wouldn't have known.

Isn't it really stupid to put your most exhausted people on lookout, no matter how much you want to "train" them?

It's basic everyone is tired.

You’re out of your depth here kid

Don't eat too many crayons today, buddies.

Why, you got some?


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Fucking frogs I swear

it's training dumbass

They stopped being able to beat you in the late 70s. My uncle was a marine around this time and all vets from that era are super proud to be the last generation of soldiers/Marines that were beat when they fucked up. I guess since there were no conflicts at that time, you gotta find something to be proud of.

Purble with japaneño cheez!!!!

they cant lay a finger on you, he probably was taken aside after into his office for a talking to though, thats what they would do when I was in.

He will learn things that save lives by that.

falling asleep on watch is a huge offense in wartime, it gets your unit killed. learning it in boot and getting your shit smoked for it is the best place to do it

I really hate it when you guys dont post the video

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I had to interrupt very, very important business because OP was too lazy to post it.

>Sir I wasn't sleeping, *looks at uniform* drill se-.... sergeant
Every time.

Are you retarded?

What happened when the camera stopped recording?

Did they come inside or did they make you swallow?

Went for a wide angle lense, for what was to follow.

>beaten by the drill sergeant
I wish. They aren’t allowed to touch you. In fact they have to differentiate the difference between spit and ‘spittle’. One time when I was sleeping a ds picked me up by the throat and slammed me back down. That shit freaked me the fuck out and I couldn’t report him or anything cause it was too dark to know what was going on. Fun times.

What the fuck did you do?

>bald faced lying to a drill sergeant after getting caught red handed
his asshole must still be sore

I have a faggy face. Guess it got annoying after a while

Don’t eat the green ones. They’re not ripe yet.

>tfw your DS body slammed you
>tfw another DS punched you in the chest
>tfw another DS sat on you to prevent you from doing pushups with everyone else then yelled at you for not pushing

god i miss benning

what did you do to get dabbed in this hard

things that never happened.

He was inspected the threads on his uniform.