>tfw I'm the range trap
You guys have made me anxious whenever I go to shoot, thanks
Tfw I'm the range trap
>I'm an attention whore the post
>Gender identity disorder (GID), recently renamed gender dysphoria (GD), is a rare condition characterized by an incongruity between gender identity and biological sex. Clinical evidence suggests that schizophrenia occurs in patients with GID at rates higher than in the general population and that patients with GID may have schizophrenia-like personality traits. Conversely, patients with schizophrenia may experience alterations in gender identity and gender role perception. Neurobiological research, including brain imaging and studies of finger length ratio and handedness, suggests that both these disorders are associated with altered cerebral sexual dimorphism and changes in cerebral lateralization.
It's all in your head.
>Have posted in the range trap threads, included my favorite gun
>Worried every time I go shoot someone will recognize me with it
What the fuck does this even mean to you really. People like this should not be allowed to handle firearms. hurr durr im the range trap. fuck outta here it's a fucking meme and anyone actually attempting to be a trap anywhere is a 30 year virgin neckbeard size xxxxxl wearing striped kneehighs that can barely fit halfway up.
Dont worry. Just make sure your as well lubricated as your guns are. Everyone likes a little degeneracy in the range bathrooms
>best part is nobody can smell the sex-anal or otherwise over the burnt gunpowder
Off yourself, faggot
Which state are you living?
Haha, gay shit. Epic win XD.
Are you single and live in the SE?
How would you prefer someone greet you if they do recognize you? Is it considered rude to gently bend the range trap over a bench or the counter in front of the lane and lube him up and slide inside while he's shooting? That seems like the most natural way to go about this.
pics bitch
Homosexual ramblings! Epic win XD! Tell us more about how much of a flaming faggot you are!
>tfw no range trap gf(male) to cuddle
On the bright side you have a 45% chance you won't have to worry about that any more.
Too soon
who's going to stop them?
angry christian larp boomers fuming at their computer about “gay shit”
Id love to see some tranny at my range have an estrogen induced freak out so I can legally defend myself in fear of my life
You’re not feminine you’re skinnyfat, low testosterone and ugly
It’s why these trannies always wear a mask
You're welcome.
>Anonymous 09/16/19(Mon)05:49:59 No.4262554
When will you AIDS-ridden faggots realize we're not sharing a planet with you?
Traps aren't trannies
They are you stupid faggot
These ones just watched too much anime
>“men” who watch anime
Kys yourself my man
>I really wanna see you unload your gun user!
What do
Me on the left
You're on an anime image board
Wrong, faggot.
All most every single tranny is a weeaboo
I stopped watching that shit long ago
Are you 40
so your shining counter point is showing you admire Brazilian level garbage people. Nice job ace. Le Epix kill all da gays poster
You are an immigrant.
No, just an ex weeaboo
After I stopped watching anime I lost 20lb of fat and gained the weight back in muscle
Some tranny in the philipenes killed himself on livestream
If someone in a first world country did it it’d be all over the news
t. mestizo
I believe the common process is to court them with some type of cute clothing or outfit as a way to show your intentions. An offering of tall socks would be simple and useful. Also whenever they put that on in the future they think of who gave it to them
He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks.
You must have come here around gamergate or some shit.
40% suicide rate, let's get that up to 44% by 2020
Not an argument you trannime loving tranny chaser
I’m rarted plz explain
back to central america
Attention seeking bastard.
I'm sorry nobody cared for you when it mattered. Before you mutilated yourself.
Behold, the power of Jow Forums without Jow Forums.
It's just as pathetic as Jow Forums without/k/
Pics? For research
You have to go back
you fuckin should be faggot
Most trannies are niggers and spics
Dilate you will never be a real woman
I'm not going to defend anime shit but that image is beyond retarded
kill yourself tranny
the best trannies are little pale white sissies
absolutely bueno
judging by the comments some fag probably offed himself wearing this