Is 00 buckshot too much for home defence?
Is 00 buckshot too much for home defence?
Only if you're a city cuck
No, but I like no 4 buckshot because it gives you a more consistent pattern. Either will do the job.
I use 000.
>too much for home defence
>too much
no such thing
maybe a grenade launcher
If you live by yourself in a brick house in the woods, use 00. If you live in a suburban house or an apartment in the city, use #4.
prefer 4 buck personally. but at self defense range almost everything would be practically a "slug" anyways.
offtopic question, but what does 00 actually stand for in the name?
If you value your walls use something that makes less holes in anything but the person you're shooting at. 00 is just fine or slug
the size of the pellets inside. google images buckshot size chart to compare them. 00 is .33 caliber balls, so slightly smaller than a 380acp bullet, if memory serves me correct and #4 buck is .26 caliber.
Only a feel prepares himself for a fair gunfight.
00 buck still penetrates not too great, paul harrel does a video on it but #4 is a pretty great balance point.
>use a slug for home defense
You're the reason people think shotgun HD guys are retards
>only a *fool prepares
my bad. Any of the bucks should be good, just avoid birdshot probably unless it's BB or maybe #2 led (not steel).
Birdshot causes more pain.
Always recommended 1buck if you can find it but 4 is still very acceptable
There is no such bullet/projectile that won't go through drywall, brainlets. Consider a house not built out of fucking glued together plywood. If apartmemt dweller, then don't miss.
It's more how much drywall and plywood after the home invader that is my concern. Given I would be upstairs for most issues a 45-70 is fine as it would just dig a hole in the garden after the door/wall. For everything else #1 buck and various hollow points from longer barrels
12/20g is too much for home defence. You will hurt your ears if you don't have ear protection equipped.
I sure as fuck couldn't locally, and my research recommended going that way, too. Guess I'll have to track some down online.
SG had some cases of S&B last I bought, probably still got some
its ideal
>Explicitly excludes my cuck state
Yeah, sounds right. Knowing it exists is fine for now, though.
NY? If so same boat and need to get back into reloading.
lel faggot
get your efforts into improving a non-shit state
Eh funding the SC challenges via NYSRPA works for me
And that's a big maybe
It makes no difference
Just shoot them in the face.
CA. Not quite on your level yet, but we're trying. I'll add that to my list of things to grab when I get around to a bulk online order.
It's a work in progress.
We do race to the bottom but NJ could be catching up on us.
pretty much any shotgun load will be lethal at home-defense range
Can be lethal, birdshot is shit for reliable penetration. It can do it but don't count on it.
Yes, like shooting 8 9mm bullets at once. You should give criminals a chance, it's not fair if they go down in one shot placed anywhere on the chest, shoulders and thighs. Get a 9mm as your home defense option, it's not nice to cheat and gain an unfair advantage over a person with a knife or handgun.
Not enough.
Use a magnesium ratshot load.
No, if anything its not enough unless you're going with a low recoil option. If you're gonna go full bore then #1 is the way to go, unless your home has a layer of babies duct taped to the exterior, in which case #4 makes a lot of sense.
>If you live by yourself in a brick house in the woods, use 7.62x51
Read a book
00 Buck is fine, but I prefer #4 Buck for home defense
Pain is not a guarantee that the aggressor will be demotivated. Massive bleeding, trauma, and organ damage is what will reliably stop an attacker, as such damage will cause involuntary cease of bodily functions. This is why RIP rounds are shit too-- yeah they look super painful, but their penetration is superficial and hinders their ability to stop an attacker. Ideally, a HD load should consistently penetrate 12-18 inches of tissue after penetrating heavy clothing. Anything less and you're running the risk of a target not being injured enough to stop trying to hurt or kill you. You've gotta hit vitals and major blood vessels.
Its not nice to break into my house with my family in it either
Anything 40mm and under is fine
Most burglars will run at the sound of gunfire, thou.
Then feel free to paint a cap gun black and use that.
#1 or #4 buckshot in low-recoil loading is technically ideal. 00 Buck isn't going to dump as much energy into a target and the extra range isn't useful in home defense. I still use 00 buck because it's cheaper and easier to find though, the difference isn't that important unless you're some autist trying to min/max like they're playing an RPG.
Birdshot will still kill the fuck out of someone from 10 yards, and it definitely won't over penetrate.
Put certain birdshot like fiocchi on an x full choke from an 18in barrel and it's practically slug like up to 10+ yards.
Pic related is a test I did on a couple brands right at 10 yards.
I use it to cut down trees on the regular and it just destroys coons.
>He doesn't have slug/buckshot candy cane for HD rn
I live in the suburbs and I will just aim well.
Remember the longer the barrel the greater the velocity. Long barrel hunting shotgun failed to bring her to the ground even at point range with birdshot.
Birdshot sucks. Got shot with it in my teens and only lost my carhart jacket
Different loads can act pretty differently. Some brands spread fast and near instantly, others have a bit more of a lag time.
He probably just bought whatever federal crap he saw at walmart with the "barely" shot cup that insta-opens it's petals wide and disperses shot.
At what distance?
You're not achieving a 1' spread at four feet out of the barrel.
>Read a book
"Data" is not the plural of "anecdote". For pretty much any cartridge, you can find an outlier story of someone who took a hit to what you'd think would be a vital area, and walked away. The FBI - and most of law enforcement as a whole, really - dumped 9mm for a couple of decades after the Miami shootout because of a story like that. The thing is: there wasn't really anything wrong with 9mm. The problem that day was just a combination of inadequate marksmanship training and shit luck.
>NY? If so same boat and need to get back into reloading.
In fact, ordering ammo online is still completely legal in NY (outside of the city). A lot of companies won't ship there (though TargetSports will), but it is legal.
Nope, but I wouldn't rule out most of the shot being within that 1 inch.
I use 0000.
I'd say... MAYBE 10 yards?
That is not just like a slug
I use 00000
>10 yards
I'm assuming it was a 12 gauge? If it was then I'm calling bullshit. I've absolutely fucking killed rabbits, turkey, and possums with a 12 gauge at 10 yards which is 30 feet, using skeet loads because I was a young asshole too cheap to buy buckshot.
Also, I had a friend get shot with bird shot from about 55 feet and it went through his jacket, shirt, back, and made it about 6-7mm into him. He still has the little vial of pellets the doctor pulled out of him when we took him to the hospital. It fucked him up pretty good, a wide dispersion over most of his back and he's got gnarly scars from it. He's got some wicked scars on his side when the pellets scraped his skin as they went between his arm and body.
If you'd been hit with bird shot from a 12 gauge from 10 yards, it would have fucked you up if it was anything other than a grazing shot.
Federal #1 Flight Control Low Recoil is the best defensive shotgun loading, Federal 00 8 pellet Low Recoil is a more common almost as good standard. 9 pellet flight control tends to have one flier for some reason.
Hornady is OK too (Versatite)
Everything else is shit/why bother when all the flight control stuff exists.
Slugs are ok too but FC reduces the importance due to tightness of pattern. But out of force of habit I have 5 slugs on my SS on my HD SBS 870 and regularly shoot them at 100 yards at the end of a range day.
Shotguns are still great, but users tend to be on one extreme or another, in terms of confidence and practicing. Literally the dumb you don’t even have to aim dudes or people like me who shoot a pretty considerable amount of defensive shotgun shells a month, and practice stuff like tactical reloads and select slug drills.
bird makes very shallow wounds, largely stopped by muscle tissue
scary looking, but non incapacitating like 12 holes through your guts/lungs/spine/liver/heart
I use 40mm grenades loaded with buckshot.
the 40mm buckshot load is less powerful than even low recoil 12ga buck loads
thats completely incorrect, theres a whole paul harrell video about this
Literally any kind of firearm will work for a hole defense situation with the exception of black powder maybe
Confederate Cavalry loadout, couple sawed off double barrel 10 or 12 gauges and a brace of 58 Remingtons or whatever similar, I think you’d be fine.
Maybe take a baker rifle too Incase it goes outside.
I love doing a cavalry charge in my own house, I just hope the burglar doesn't shoot my horse
Dont know what to tell ya. Worst I had is a couple pellets slip through into the skin layer. And those werent even bad enough to visit the hospital
Story behind you getting shot?
>Birdshot causes more pain
Yeah, because it leaves the assailant still alive
>be me
>in a HS
>the guy the girls were curious about and almost all the guys hated (we all knew of at least one)
Told a guy his woman wasnt being faithful. He accused me of sleeping with her, and I mentioned that while I'd had the opportunity that's just not me... He didnt take it well, reached into his truck and I only got about 30 ft away before feeling something hit me in the back
>I get suspended, he gets a talking to
Poor bitch done lost a boob. Let's assume for the HDD argument that you're shooting out of an 18'' barrel. What was the shooter using?
Let's be real Jow Forums
458 socom
fake and gay
Doubly fake and gay
#1 buck for me, but I would feel OK with 0, 00, or 000 buck.
You have to go back
Dos anyone really do that Dave Chappell thing and load bird buck bird buck?
If I were to even consider doing something like that it'd just be escalating violence. Something like two bird, four buck, three slugs. Maybe make that last slug Dragon's Breath to give me some shock and awe time while I reload my boutique rounds. Also, the house burning down might scare away any survivors if the shotgun failed.
This is a retarded, complacent mindset that will set you up for failure. You do not have a crystal ball. Assume your attacker won't stop until you're dead, and you've got a good metric for how to prepare.
load with pepper granules
You should learn to share. Sharing is caring.
9 pellet 00 is shit and always patterns inconsistent typically with a flier. Even the premium defensive flight control shit. 12 pellet is vastly better.
Second vote for #1. I use Rio personally. First 2 shots #4 27 pellet, next 3 are #1 12 pellet. Side saddle of #1 and slugs.
#4 buckshot is my go-to.
no 4 buckshot (hevishot variant) actually is lethal out to about 70 yards with a turkey barrel. 32 pellets in a 10 gauge magnum load. spread like double doors
Of all the things that never happend, this never happened the most.
Did you really, while typing that out, think anyone would believe you? Are you 13 years old?
How are you going to get gratification from tying him up in your basement and rubbing pizza on his face if he's dead?