What is the point of stealth if third world countries have quantum radar?
What is the point of stealth if third world countries have quantum radar?
what's the point of hiding in the closet when I'm fucking your wife?
>national interest
wew lad
>Buying into the propaganda from a Chinese owned news source
You’re an absolute Lobotomite
You can't just put "quantum'" on front of things to make them sound more high tech.
>Third world country
Are you retarded?
...but it is ACTUALLY quantum...
Why is everyone acting like a doublenigger in this thread?
>European country that doesn't border Baltic Sea
>Not third world
Rokay Ahmed
Because “Quantum” inventions are a Chinese meme to make their shit military sound super advanced
>popular mechanics wrote
>no primary sources
Yeah, I'm chalking this one up as 100% bullshit. I'll be more interested to see actual proof that quantum physics is anything other than the pointless hobby of bored mathematicians and desperate post grads.
You are fucked in the head mutt. If you call Austria 3rd world, you break the scale in the same way a SJW does when he calls centrists nazis. You should get out more fatso.
>German assumes anyone who mocks his failure of a people is a mutt
God your people are an embarrassment to the white race, you're like the white equivalent of the Chinese except atleast the Chinese can make a unified state that lasts longer than a century, hell even a country of retarded mutts can make a country that's unified for more than a century, what does that say about Germans?
Jesus big deal, the aussies have quantum radar that's hardly worth calling them third world. They're chill and they do good bants.
I sincerely pray nearly every day that Poland will fucking rape you and take your asses out to the woods. You kraut niggers are nothing but cannon fodder and mindless bugs who get "inspired" every now and then. Hell, every great war or conflict in the past two centuries can basically just be drawn back to you inhuman fucking dogs.
Nice try at trying to belittle Americans when your desperate asses emigrated here, too, not to mention you're inbreeding with fucking arabs and niggers at such an alarming rate that after several mass rapes Merkel had to call quits.
Kys fag
OP is the wife.
It hurts my soul that Shadowrun is stuck in the hands of the retards at catalyst. 4e was the best we got and even that was a dumb self-conflicting and confusing mess
Kinda like OP
If we're double niggers then OP is a triple nigger.
Journalism was a mistake.
National Instrest doesn't understand how a gun works, let alone a radar system. I doubt LE QUANTUM RADAR actually works the way they think it works if it works at all.
>third world
pick one and one only
I'm afraid your knowledge of reality has been limited to chang and vatnik propaganda sites and your head has disappeared entirely up your ass
Quantum radar is real in theory and has been researched by the us and china for years now. Theres nothing released on it and its all very secretive, but theres no way austria is any where near them in tech
Does it really matter if they can see the F-22 or F-35 when they can't stop the fighters from doing whatever the fuck they are doing because every fighter they have is shot down and all air defence sustems were destroyed?
The shitters in the middle east certainly could see a fucking A-10 come in and strafe them. Could they do anything about it? No.
Yeah after you use stealth to destroy all their fighters and air defense you don't really need stealth anymore
Because of one simple rule:
Anything not stealthy, will be spotted by this newer radar far easier than the stealthy aircraft.
All these new radars do is reinforce the NEED for stealthy craft.
Also it's their fault Rome is gone.