Hey friends! This is not a politics thread just a quick explanation of most common European "weapons laws" .
KNIVES >You can carry them and the lenght does not matter as long as it is a folding knife
AIR RIFLES >Everything above 200m/s or roughly 600 fps and or avove 7.5 foot pounds of energy is regulated >That means you have to pay for and complete a firearms training course in which you have to get a certain score shooting small caliber pistols >You then have to sign up the air rifle to be added in the weapons list
BLACK POWDER >Only slightly less regulated than smokeless powder firearms >Complete gun training >Obtain a permit to buy black powder >Get your firearm put in the weapons list
REGULAR FIREARMS >Gun training >Must own a safe to house the firearms >Must purchase a license >There is a separate license if you wish to load your own bullets >Need a "viable reason" to own firearms >In most countries you can collect full auto firearms but such a permit is hard to obtain
BLUNT "WEAPONS" >Recently batons are getting banned left and right >It's becoming hard to buy them let alone carry them around
You have no idea how cucked it is. Every day here is suffering especially after normalfags here support banning everything.
Adrian Robinson
>Knives Mostly correct, except for one-handed knives or ones intended for combat. >air rifles 7.5 Joule, not footpounds Stronger ones require a one year membership in a shooting club and shooting there, certified training in how to handle a weapon and you need to ask for a goverment permission. It needs to be stored in a certified safe. Same goes for actual firearms and you can only buy 2 per year, significant weapon parts count as full weapons.
Josiah Green
>most common Kind of useless trying ro explain one set of laws as it varies wildly from country to country.
Jaxson Allen
Let me sumarize it even better
>Gun laws.. obtain funny white powder, mix with oil and aluminum, fill one truck to the brim (gta a truck by shooting the driver.) Drive to the europarlamient. engage the fuses and shit.
>BLACK POWDER >Only slightly less regulated than smokeless powder firearms In France anyone above 18 and in possession of a valid ID can buy a black powder gun and reloading supplies. >REGULAR FIREARMS Yeah no, I have several unregulated unregistered legal firearms and they sit on a table, no safe needed. And the only "valid reason" you need to get a license and range membership is "I'd like to shoot" Laws aren't the same across the (((union)))
Sebastian King
>Kind of useless trying ro explain one set of laws as it varies wildly from country to country.
Not really. All European countries have very similar gun laws to the ones I mentioned in my OP. Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, Slovakia etc.
>obtain funny white powder, mix with oil and aluminum, fill one truck to the brim (gta a truck by shooting the driver.) Drive to the europarlamient. engage the fuses and shit. Get good karma and good ending..
Funny story a muzzie tried that in my country and guess what his job is now? He drives a bus!
Tyler Barnes
>Rightwing NAZI terror attack killed a few politicians >Out of pure luck and totaly not lazyness 90% of politicians where not present during the attack >we need to crack down on private gun ownership and controll chemical subtances better
Croatia: KNIVES:Any melee weapon is legal to carry on public property as long as it can't be seen.A weapon that can be seen counts as "disturbing the peace". AIR RIFLES:You can get anything you want but you have to give the cops the serial number and your id. BLACK POWDER:Same as air rifles. REGULAR FIREARMS:Clusterfuck.Almost impossible to get legally. BLUNT:Same as knives.
I really don'r want to get into a fight because there's a 90% chance the other guy has a knife or even an axe.
Juan Perry
Nope. Two muslim men stole a truck used for transporting large quantities of oil and attempted to drive it into a government building. They were caught, stopped and then quickly released back into public. Both now work on public transport, one as bus driver and the other as a train conductor.
It was confirmed by our secret agency and then kept quiet for a long time until one small news house found where the men worked.
Levi Bennett
France Knives: technically can't carry in public but judges have ruled that pocket knives are part of our culture and traditions so you would only get in trouble if you're found carrying a knife in a sensitive area.
Black powder: be 18, buy anything you like, originals and replicas
Manual action firearms with a barrel length of 45 or more cm: get a paper from your GP that says you're fit to hunt or practice sport shooting. Get a hunting permit or join a sport shooting club. Buy anything that fits the category and as much ammo as you want except for a few restricted calibers
Handguns, semi autos, some pump action shotguns: need to be a sport license holder for at least a year, file a request for a specific gun, buy a safe, prove that you shoot regularly. 2000 rounds per gun per year maximum.
Most smokeless powder guns designed before 1900 are under the same conditions as black powder guns. But not their ammo
Leo Mitchell
>government building So they are the good guys after all.
Mason Watson
Here is another more recent story which I can even find online but I would rather not dox the obscure country I hail from.
>A gypsy broke a kid's jaw and then posted pictures of himself with an AK-styled rifle on facebook >He was not punished for the jaw breaking until he DID IT AGAIN which is unbelievable and then they finally arrested him and found a legit AK-74
Benjamin Gonzalez
What a wonderful world we live in
Eli Butler
>What a wonderful world we live in
Gypsy villages in Europe are the original "no go zones". They usually have 100 members which are heavily inbred. 90% of them are unemployed and their children do not even have shoes. They drive around without license plates, they steal and intimidate a village 10 times their population with ease.
They will also pimp out their own children for cash. Somehow a lot of them legally own weapons because they have a legitimate claim that their lives are in danger from fights with other gypsies.
Sometimes gypsies are forced to relocate because entire villages band together block the roads and threaten to get them out by force. When that happens police arrives with over 100 men and tries to calm down people. If that fails the gypsies get relocated to another area
Gypsies are also given free land due to "past injustices" like some sort of reparations.
Wyatt Garcia
Knives are definitely restricted in the Netherlands when considering length. Anything spring assisted “or scary to open” is banned as well (because those are extra deadly obviously). Double bladed knives are banned as well, if you’re caught with it outside they’ll confiscate it and you might get fined or get called up to court. I fucking hate my countrymen with a vengeance, they are by all definitions fucking sheep and by no democratic or free means can they be persuaded that individual liberty is better than handing over your responsibilities to the state. Based, the europarliament is a fucking scam anyways and I hate every faggot defending said institution. It’s got some ringleaders, blowing them up would be enough; but like all other tyrants theyre probably protected by significant security details.
Juan Morris
You do realize that Europe is not a single country, right? Every nation has different weapon laws. Maybe if you'd write what country you are describing, your thread would be somewhat useful.
Joshua James
>I fucking hate my countrymen with a vengeance, they are by all definitions fucking sheep and by no democratic or free means can they be persuaded that individual liberty is better than handing over your responsibilities to the state.
The few people who care about politics are almost always faggots and animal lovers who either protest for fag rights or against animal cruelty
Tyler Moore
>common European
No, you just listed how it is in Germany. Laws are completely different from one country to another. In most countries you can't carry any kind of weapon, including knives. In most countries you can't get your hands on a full auto firearm no matter what. Batons aren't being banned anywhere.
Cameron Martin
Finding people legitimately interested in firearms are rare and there’s even fewer willing to go to the hassle of shooting clubs and other assorted bullshit.
The problem with our system is that identity politics has infected it to its core and ordinary voters are dumb fucks that could be persuaded by hi-jacking the 8 o’clock news or changing their Facebook feed.
Ayden Green
>you can carry a folding greatsword as long as you can fold it >you can carry low power air rifles while jamal can go around with his illegal gun >you need a "viable reason" other than keeping niggers away from your kitchen >batons getting banned, assault sticks are next in the ban list, gotta prevent those mass-bashings before its too late Fucking euros
Justin Morales
Please stop talking out of your ass. I am an European, and many of those parts (knifes being OK to carry, needing a license to reload ammo...) are simply false.
Ethan Bennett
Laws are different across different members. In one country you can buy black powder weapon without a permit in another one a crossbow and in a third one carrying a pepper spray will cause you a trouble.
Logan Clark
laws are different everywhere the eu is not a country you fucking retard
Asher Garcia
>Need a "viable reason" to own firearms Can that just be "for fun"?
Ryan Ross
>European "weapons laws" You don't know shit about fuck.
Jeremiah Hill
load of bullshit
Dominic Fisher
Good that you offloaded all this information about your particular country, but did you know the EU is coming for the ammo next?
Luke Hall
>Not going to your friendly mosquee shop to get the newest 7.62 from your friendly shopkeeper Mohamed.
Luke Reed
This doesn't apply the the UK at all though all going well that's not going to be a problem for too much longer.
>Knives non locking folders with blade less than 3 inches may be carried, nothing else may be carried. "zombie knives" are illegal, curved swords like katanas are illegal unless made by traditional methods
>Air rifles below 12ftlbs and they're lightly regulated (must be over 18) above that and they're no different than regular guns
>black powder no difference in regulation to normal guns other than you can own black powder pistols whereas you can't own smokeless pistols (not sure on that one)
>regular firearms >must have a "good reason" >must be in a gun safe >only allowed to own the amount of ammo specified on your cert >no reloading specification
Blunt weapons >kinda redundant as carrying LITTERALLY ANYTHING as a weapon is illegal.
bonus prohibition round >pistols are completely prohibited (excluding NI) >semi autos that aren't in .22 rimfire are completely prohibited >pepperspray is completely prohibited >stunguns and tasers are completely prohibited >blowguns are completely prohibited (kinda, a bit more complex) >a whole bunch of shit is completely prohibited
>obtain funny white powder AN Is HEAVILY restricted here to the point of being unobtanium unless you own a farm
Blake Baker
>>Handguns, semi autos, some pump action shotguns: need to be a sport license holder for at least a year, file a request for a specific gun, buy a safe, prove that you shoot regularly. 2000 rounds per gun per year maximum. -6 months, not a year. -You don't file a "request for a specific gun", you send forms (aka permits) and you buy what you want when they come back. -Ammunition quota only applies to some calibers not all.
Sport shooters can have the exact same guns as in the US (no select-fire though)
the first step in making them mandatory.
Charles Lopez
the trench gun version is Cat B, only the long barreled version is D.
Charles Flores
>Need a "viable reason" to own firearms This is the only thing I strongly disagree with. If you were allowed to declare home/self-defense for your reason, then I would consider moving to Europe.
Landon Richardson
speak for yourself, EU-filth. i can legally buy full autos at reasonable prices and i live in europe.
Jacob Smith
Super gay laws
Chase Jenkins
Well akshually...you are oversimplifying it in the same way as someone who would claim that all US states have the same laws. Example for Croatia:
KNIVES >they cant be "spring assisted automatic knives" and there is a length limit, you cant walk around with a machete.
AIR RIFLES >no license required, just registration if over 7.5J
BLACK POWDER >no license required, just registration
REGULAR FIREARMS >training only if obtaining on grounds of self defense, otherwise its assumed gun club or hunting club trained you. you can defend yourself with them ether way. >no special license for reloading >special license for CC, hard to get unless mall cop, taxi driver, lawyer, journalist, etc >you can collect full autos if their barrel has been sealed by lead >AR's AK's allowed but with 10 round mag limit, 20 for pistols
BLUNT "WEAPONS" >the fuck would you carry that around, get mace
>REGULAR FIREARMS:Clusterfuck.Almost impossible to get legally You are full of shit CroBro. Got an AR15 and a pistol. Go to "Las" shooting club, join, tadaaaaa, you are now a sports shooter, and have valid reason for buying guns. Takes less than a month of time and a few trips around town.
>they can't be "spring assisted automatic knives" They are D category weapons.You can carry them on public property under the condition that other people can't see them.Cops have taken both my cheap chinkshit brass knuckles knife and an otf in a cafe raid, but they returned both a few weeks later.
Jace Ortiz
Pole here. >KNIVES Literally no regulations at all. You can carry a kabar in plain sight if you don't mind normies sperging out. Hell, you can legally carry fucking greatswords in plain sight too. Regulations on melee weapons are very few and mostly reserved to banning meme shit like brass knuckles, nunchaku, hidden blades, baseball bats etc. Whoever wrote the regulation watched too many movies. Pepper spray and tasers are perfectly legal and not subject to any registration or regulation either.
>AIR RIFLES Anything up to 17 J is not regulated at all. Anything above 17 J is legal with no permits, but has to be registered. No upper limit as far as I'm aware.
>BLACK POWDER Anything that doesn't use actual cartridges (the primer has to be a separate part, specifically) is not regualted and doesn't have to be registered, can be bought by anyone over 18 just like alcohol. Matcchlocks, flintlocks, cap&ball revolver, etc. >REGULAR FIREARMS Without going too much into details - it's not hard to get a license, be it for sport, hunting or collecting. I'm a sport shooter and a collector myself. The process is comparable to getting a car license. You can own pretty much anything other than full auto and supressors. Calibers are limited to 12mm. Has to be stored in safe while not in use, but there's no random inspections so they can fuck off. Sport shooters CAN conceal carry according to the regulations, but it's a bit of a grey area so it's better to be quiet about it. I know a few people who CC. Too much of a bother for me right now, but I did too on a few occassions.
What sucks is that crossbows are almost completly banned, I know of a few people who got permits for them but it's a major pain the ass. Bows on the other hand are completly unregulated, a child could buy a hunting compound if it wanted to. Fucking movies.
Btw, full auto can technically be owned, just not by indivduals. I could got a shooting range and rent a full auto something for some fun, at the very least.
Nicholas Kelly
Also also, I should probably add that we don't have any limits on mag capacity, barrel or overall length, none of that gay shit. SBRs with drums are fair game. As a matter of fact, mags are not regulated at all, so again a child could technically walk out of the store with a bag full of mags. No registration either. To all euros whose mags are not subject to registration, better stock up beforehand in case the directive hits you. I know I'm giving up shit if it happens. Well, maybe one or two out of a few dozen I have so they fuck off.
Jose Morgan
>Europe is one country Blow it out your ass.
>Knives No regulation whatsoever. >Air rifles No regulation whatsoever. >Black powder Once you are 18, you can own both powder-based weapons and powder itself too. No permit needed. >Firearms Get a license, it's easy as fuck (easier than driver's license) and you can own pretty much everything but full autos, suppressors and some kinds of special ammunition (you need an extra permit for that). CC is actually required by law. Licenses are either for usage (hunting, collecting, personal protection, etc.) and you can own them all easily. >Other shit that can serve as weapons like bows, crossbows, etc. No regulation whatsoever. >Mags No regulation whatsoever. >Why Because we are not a faggot nation.