Accidentally pissed off my neighbor who is from Arkansas and afraid he is going to kill me

Alright long story short, i somehow managed to royally pissed this guy that lives next to me off badly and is now showing threatening signs and I'm sure that he is planning on going to get to me at any moment. Don't have any guns since i have sent one off to have it be repaired and all i have is a kid's baseball wood bat.

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What did (you) do?

First, what did you do and do you deserve it. Second, go buy some beer, go apologize, and spend some time chilling and drinking. Might be the start of a friendship or at least being friendly neighbors.

I took a fat wet shit on his porch because he shot my dog for chasing his cows, but he stepped on it in his slippers and now he's constantly glaring daggers at me. I think he does meth.

Pics or it didn't happen

He already powerwashed it. Seriously, I'm really scared guys, what should I do? He used a lever gat to shot my dog, if that matters.

your dog deserved it. useless manmade vermin disturbing his livestock

disregard . Sounds like you deserve it. t. arkansan

pray tell, was it a pitbull?

Shut the fuck up, your not me.

Anyway here is what happened.

>was mowing grass on my yard at six in the morning
>ten minutes later he comes out telling me to cut the engine and tells me that he was trying to sleep and he is pissed that i woke him up early
>i apologized to him but exolained to him that the grass needed to be cut and that it will be over in just ten minutes
>"if you dont cut it now I'll take the blade from that shit machine and cut that fucking neck of yours you fucking asshole"
>try to defuse the situation with him but he storms off and two minutes later comed back with a hammer and hits my lawmower and then throws bleach at me
>tells me to fuck off and learn to cut grass at 8:00 like normal faggot and if i do it again he would crack my head and mix bleach inside my head

>mowing grass at 6:00AM
what the fuck is wrong with you

Just carry a gun, go about your life as normal, and next time he spergs out and physically attacks you or your property or comes near you with a weapon after threatening to kill you, just shoot him dead.

Still deserve it. Mow your fucking grass after 8 am cunt. He probably works at a real man’s job you pussy .

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Mow his grass tomorrow at 6AM.
When he rolls up, hit him with your bat before he can say a word

I got threatened by my neighbor for cutting grass at around 6 AM as well, he ended up getting arrested for filing a false police report against me and another neighbor.

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Anyway the part of the situation on why i made this thread was after the incident i decided to go and report it to the police

>the police arrive and they question me and inspect the lawnmower and the damages and then go on over to the Arkansas guy's house and they start asking him questions
>was hoping that they would arrest him but surprised to see them come back without seeing him in handcuffs but to tell me instead that he was goven a stern warning that he was warned to not to do it again and that i am warned as well due to noise complaints
>police leave and then suddenly the guy next door comes charging over and i shut my door and lock it
>he just breaks it open with his shoulder and punch me in the face and starts beating me up and he pulls out a revolver and almost pulls it but somehow doesn't do it
>tells me that i ain't got alot of time left on earth now after what i did and that i should be looking over my shoulder now and that I'm a fucking bitch for what i did then he proceeded to hit me with his gun before he kicked me in the goin
>he storms into my kitchen and destroys my dishes and then comes back and tells me that if i say anything he will kill me sooner then he storms off
>been week and half now and i see him keep eying me and just recently saw him came back home with a shotgun and a hacksaw now
>went outside yesterday to pick up the mail and he was drinking beer and just yells out "dead man walking!" Which made me quickly ran back inside the house

Fucking afraid to leave my home now.

You should beat him at his own game and drink bleach before he gives you his


Sorry bud, it sounds like your ass is grass.

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>royally pissed

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I doubt they will do anything and the last thing i want to do is end up making this Arkansas guy go over and strangle me with my own intestines

Lol you call 911 over him hitting your lawnmower but not over breaking and entering and assault? You're full of shit

Good, you deserve it

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>I doubt they will do anything
>about a death threat, breaking and entering and assault with a deadly weapon
I'm gonna kill you before your neighbor does if you keep this bullshit up.

Go pick up a cheap but reliable gun. Remove screws from your doors and replace with longer deck screws to make it much harder to break in. You can get small cameras like dash cams for 20 bucks, put one inside your home for legal purposes and one watching your driveway. If you hear glass breaking at nigh, open the door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur.

seems legit for the level of autism on this board

>being here
>not owning a gun

get out

He threw bleach on me which counts as chemical attack aka terrorist attack and i told the cops of his past aggressive behavior towards me in the past but all they did just have him a warning and then a warning on me for noise complaints.

Cops do not care unless the act of murder is committed which is what i am afraid my neighbor is going to commit soon. I think i should just call my parents and move back in with them.


call the fucking cops. He assaulted your ass and has threatened to kill you several times. Also get a gun.

I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY FOR GUNS SINCE ALL MY MONEY WAS SPENT TO PAY OFF OF SCHOOL LOANS AND TO HAVE THE GLOCK TO BE SENT OFF TO GET REPAIRED DAMNIT! I am just gonna have to just have to sell my home and hope my parents will let me move back in and hopefully that Arkansas guy won't track me once i leave.

Never knew they were this temperamental but i never mean to cause this much issue with just a simple innocent lawnmower.

>afraid to leave my home
Kinda sounds like the worst possible place to be, considering you have some kind of lunatic next door that can’t appreciate a well kept lawn.

Ok OP, here's what you're going to do. Get a bat and drill screws in it. Wrap barbed wire around it and then solder it to the bat.

Then, in the morning if you're not dead, wrap duck tape around the handle of your lawnmower and send toward his house. Then, he he knocks your door down, wait by it and drive the screws and barbed wire bat into his head. Make sure to twist the bat in your hands and pull it off, then repeat. Call the cops and say you managed to rip it from the guy's hands and killed him with it because he also had a gun.

Go pawn your phone, tv, vidya system whatever and buy a fucking shotgun, Lcp something. Don't fucking run away

This is honestly a shit bait thread, but I gave you 2 (you)'s. So then again.

Honestly may as well just do that while i just go and call up my parents and have them prepare a spare room while i go and just pawn off stuff to go buy a cheap handgun just to do that because the guy next door is erratic as hell right now all because i cut grass.

“Dude came at me with a baseball bat covered in nails and barbed wire and shit AND a fuckin gun like a Chaos cultist, but I beat him to death with his knockoff Mace of Molag Bal after I wrestled it away from him, during which process he never sensibly thought to shoot me in the liver.”

Airtight story, should probably add in you were away at the beach when it all happened so the boys in blue think someone else did it.

No, easy. Take the gun with a towel and put it in his hands and beat his hands.

Hello, to beat Arkansas, you must think like Arkansas

quit being a faggot and drop $100-200 on some pistol ro shotgun you stupid fucking cunt.

next time he comes to assault you, you shoot him in the fucking face.

Much bait. What was so wrong with a glock that it had to be sent?

it’s a glock.

This thread is stupid.

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Perhaps you’re right, I’ll defer to your experience with them. Arkansas is a lot like New Zealand and Wendy’s to me, I often forget they exist.

you expect me to believe that?

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What even is the purpose?

I hope op will die a painful death I really do

This could work.

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Buy a shotgun and some buckshot. stage it near your door. Next time he is on his porch make eye contact with him and flip him off. He sounds like a mong so he should react by charging into your house again. Shoot him with the shotgun until you're out.

Anyone replying to this thread who believes it is true is an idiot

Arkansas here, I fully endorse the actions of the man from my state. OP is a colossal faggot. Even if all he did was mow the lawn at 6 in the fucking morning, which it isn’t just that, he still deserves everything that has allegedly happened to him.

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Here you go.

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lmao this shit can't be real
You call the cops after the lawnmower incident, but not after he threatens to kill you, breaks into your house, etc?

It’s a fake story and OP is big gay.
I was willing to believe it up until he started complaining about student loans.
I should have stopped reading after he talked shit about Arkansas.


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If only we had something to protect ourselves from such attacks secured as a right in our founding documents.

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He literally committed a crime retard, call the police. The death threats will give your case more legitimacy in court

You’re not too poor for a bare minimum shootah

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Can you stop posting this outdated as fuck image

>>was mowing grass on my yard at six in the morning
>six in the morning
You deserve everything that happens to you. Retarded faggot

Build a slam pig out of some pipes, an end cap & a nail.

Also, you should be documenting these interactions on video.

Based Arkansas man. Fuck you yankee.

fucking six in the morning? you *are* a faggot, and he *should* kill (you)

Why do Americans act like such niggers?

>letting a man live after he kills your dog for any reason

kek this thread.
OP what state are you in, just out of curiosity?

i genuinely cannot tell who the psycho is in the scenario. what kind of looney bird mows the lawn at 6am?

Alright back, sorry for not responding to anyone on the thread but i decided to go on over to try and talk things out with the guy to try and make things right between me and him and hoped that i could talk sense into him with reasoning.

Only thing got in return was loud yelling at the face and a sudden hit to the face from his beer bottle and a stomach punch before being door slammed. Tried to talk the moment the door open but first thing i saw was a fast hit to my face and yelling.

Just thankful he didn't straight up shot me right on the spot........

this is so fake and I'm so ashamed that anyone in this thread actually believes the words of the eternal tripfag

get a fucking ar, call the cops, and when he comes in shoot him dead

he shouldn't have violated the auditory NAP

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Things that never happened the post the thread the musical.

He shot your dog be a man and fucking kill him first

They're both man made vermin user

Oklahoma just close by to the boarder of Arkansas but it takes like four hours drive to actually reach on over to the actual boarder of Arkansas. The guy is fucking insane.

DId you let him fuck your wife, too? There's pathetic and then there's letting someone come into YOUR house and beat YOUR ass. You should've gotten your gun the second he started bashing the door in.

But this is Jow Forums and this is fake as fuck.

Just get a Mexican to mow your lawn at a reasonable hour, you absolute fucking psychopath. Fuck you for mowing your lawn that early. Actually fucking comprehend how early 6am is and realize that some of us may have obligations that take us till midnight or later to finish and that last thing we need is some early bird fucking with the grass.

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>Cops do not care unless the act of murder is committed
As they well shouldn't. It's not their duty to protect you, it's yours. Their duty is to find out who murdered you and punish that crime after you cucked out and got murdered without fighting back.

T. Desert raider

Remember, OP is always fake until pictures are given. With time stamp no less.

If someone that lived near me shot my dog I'd murder their whole family.

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