

Attached: WlrD6ek.jpg (1200x900, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Chibi 22

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stealth 18

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Any other leafs wish the arrow program would have gone on to make a multirole variant?

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Attached: IMG_3574.jpg (1024x768, 127K)

Internets spotty.

I'd like to see an f35 with a V tail

Attached: bomber.jpg (2048x1418, 213K)

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>f35 with a V tail
That would be the McDonnell proposal

Attached: USMC-JSF.jpg (632x383, 54K)

Attached: Mig-51.jpg (680x460, 50K)

Stealth Starfighter

Attached: 2ee469a095e258c0052c7d6ffa7bc05c.jpg (1200x806, 65K)

I'm erect.

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Cargobob CH-53 mixed with CH-47

Attached: Cargobob-GTAO-front-Magnet.png (270x152, 67K)

Attached: Stealthy Yak-38.jpg (1440x810, 61K)

YF-22/F-14 hybrid

Attached: 1410838204074.jpg (800x535, 30K)

Anyone who plays Arma III will see that silhouette and shit their pants.

can i post fake planes?

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That's screaming out for the tailplane from a Sea Vixen.

F-22 mixed with MiG 1.44

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I had a professor that worked on that

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cool, did he have any stories how bureaucracy fucked his project?

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Not really - he was just starting out as an engineer at that point. Besides, the F-4VS was really just an opportunistic attempt to capitalize on the failure of the F-111B. The F-14 was objectively a better choice.

He did end up working for Grumman afterwards. Among the big projects he was a part of were the X-29 and Grumman's ATF development.

>The F-14 was objectively a better choice
sounds about rigth

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why would this be built? why does it look so cool?

speaking of the F-4, there was a proposal by McD to make an improved model of the phantom, but was cancelled for money reasons.

Attached: 2702 3d model.jpg (1880x860, 530K)

Which time are you talking about? The F-4X?

Attached: F-4X.jpg (869x336, 38K)

no, the program that birthed the Kurnass 2000 and terminator 2020, the phantom 2000. (i think thats what it was called, been a while since ive seen the exact stuff for it so take this with a mine of salt). McD wanted to make a kind of super-phantom like the super-hornet, but determined that it didnt have the money to put it into production and then sold off some of the plans.
here it is, second from the bottom. it was conceptualized by McD, shelved, looked at by Boeing, then formally cancelled, sadly.

fake planes?

Attached: latest[1].jpg (1280x720, 678K)

speaking of frankenplanes, this is what the F-4s first mock up looked like.

Attached: McDonnell_F3H-G_mockup_in_1954.jpg (1024x768, 114K)

MiG-21 meme bullshit

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Was just about to post this. What a cool design.

In theory, pic related would have a better ordnance capacity: conventional aircraft typically require downforce in the tail, which counteracts lift

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Is that a f-35 Photoshop?

ah yes, the Fairchild Peoples Republic M-10 Warthind Skyhog

But your center of lift would be well behind your center of gravity. Would be unstable as fuck, especially if it was dropping a massive payload mid flight.

Center the bomb bay on the CoM so that dropping your load doesn't affect CoM

no, but this is

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The XB-38: A B-17 Flying Fortress with P-51A Mustang Engines.

Attached: XB-38.jpg (1800x1209, 216K)

this needs to be a thing

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*pierre sprey screeching*

>Jug Lite

Attached: 0ddd3a504db85cb8884b37b01b314e7a.jpg (950x550, 38K)

Der Mustang ist ein turkey

German warthog

>pic related
English warthog

Attached: Gloster_Reaper-02.jpg (800x533, 39K)

Attached: fuckjet1.jpg (800x533, 65K)

Alternatively known as "I am an illiterate moron who can't read tail numbers"

Attached: republ15.jpg (800x639, 159K)

Lol. Beat me to it by 5 seconds.

even though its a remodel of an american airplane, that thing looks violently British


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Metal as fuck.

Attached: P-1112 Aigaion.jpg (1000x563, 51K)

>Fairchild Peoples Republic

Attached: 7.jpg (250x247, 7K)

stealth 15

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>Fairchild Peoples Republic
I'd live there.

>State sponsored commuter A-10 takes you to the plant where you work for 34 hours a day, 9 days a week, only to be payed in depleated uranium

Yeah, I would too

Oh god muh dikkkkkk

>currency is 30mm DU rounds

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sides are fuckin orbital, fuck you I have a back injury christ this hurts.

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>Fugg, here come the SDBs

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tfw you realize the F-22 is just a stealth F-15

>lets take an F-16 and make it look like a flanker
i really would like to know how that would work

Attached: zsawww.png (270x270, 156K)

Falcviggen (reads like volksvagen)

Is all ready fast with one engine, fuck it we mach 5 now.

Attached: boeing_f_32a_stratofighter_by_bispro_d32wjo7-fullview.jpg (800x600, 63K)

>even though its a remodel of an american airplane, that thing looks violently British
Because unlike krauthog from which is A-10 with kraut engines and greeblies,
the Bonghog model is actually built using parts of british aircraft rearranged into A-10ish shape.

I do, but the silent eagle is somewhere inbetween, and the art is nice.

is that the hehe plane?

I havnt figured that out yet.


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The Soviets Su-25 replacement looked very similar to this actually

McD did have a proposal for an updated Phantom with the wings and avionics of the F-15 as a fallback incase it got cancelled

Now that is a sexy B17. If I wrote a novel set in some world where a hardboiled PI investigates crimes in some massive city in the sky, that right there would be his ride.

The F-4X was disarmed and rolled into the RF-4X because McDD didn't want to tread on their future F-15 sales so that sounds like bullshit to me.

im not sure about what that user was talking about, but the F-4 2000/super phantom had something similar, but that was made when McD had little money and when it was bought out by Boeing respectively, so maybe that had something to do with it.

it kills you without anybody noticing


World fastest invisible lawn dart.