2019 Mexican Independence Day Military Parade

youtube.com/watch?v=0JH4xVjK1BM [Open]

Come watch anons.
Pic related, Mexican paratrooper.

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Bumping with pictures and info.

Pic is the FX-05. It is the standard issue rifle of the Mexican Army and is chambered in 5.56.

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This grenade launcher is under development for the FX-05

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i love the footage of the white/black dudes clumsily doing an obstacle course

Bayonet issues with the FX-05

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isn't that thing just an AK in a g36 shell?

More like an AR-10 than an AK.

Pic related are FER (Fuerza Especial de Reacción, Special Reaction Force). The guy on the left went through the sniper course as evidenced by the patch on his arm, which is worn by special forces snipers. The patch reads “The Will of God and Mine are the Same”.

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>south america, spain and portugal show up for obvious reasons
>poland also there randomly


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Cadets from the Heroic Military Academy in Mexico City

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Based Catholic brothers
More special forces guys.

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What are they doing now showing their petroleum industry?

Mexican Marines training with the Belize Defense Force

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>Mexican thinks they're free.
Yeah how are those cartels who terrorize your streets user?

Armed forces are involved in supporting the national petroleum company as well as in natural disaster support and some environmental safekeeping. Nationalizing our oil is seen as a historically good decision on our part and is generally a source of pride and sovereignty in Mexico, so they put it in the parade sometimes.

Mexican Army paratroopers. They serve as pathfinders in the Mexican military.

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Guys parading in brown rn are conscripts btw.

Desert camo fielded in northern Mexico by the army.

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Colt IAR fielded by the Mexican Marines since 2014

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Army Special Forces going through sniper school. The course has a 2 week portion in desert fighting as seen here.

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Marines manning a checkpoint in Guanajuato

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Naval cadets

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Mexican and US Marine during joint shooting practice.

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Got any pics of them with the Galil ace?
I’m also trying to find the shootout video of cops vs cartel

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Mexican Marines and UK Royal Marines
The Galil ACE is not fielded by the military, but by several state polices throughout the country. There are several such videos throughout the internet.

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Mexican Army Fuerza Especial de Reacción with US Army Special Forces CIF/CRF. Guy in the middle died in Afghanistan last year. Don’t ask how I know.

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Does the wateemark on that pic say
Surprise, Violence, and Speed of Action?

ARM Reformador frigate currently fielded by the Navy. 7 more are on the way.
Yes it does

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Friendly reminder that Mexico has one of the best special forces in the planet. Having been facing the cartels in nonstop cold blooded combat since the 80s and pushing harder than everyone else. Along with Peru, Colombia and the United States, they single handedly dominate every international competition in different fields.

No one thinks about the fact that they’ve been actively involved in combat for decades now

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Ok so do you have more pictures of Mexican cops with the ace?
Also does the military fight the cartels and do you have more videos of that?

I don’t have any. The ones online are pretty low quality. But yes the military fights cartels. Search “Mexican army shootout” on YouTube and a bunch come up.

Same as those daily mass shootings.

Ever since I saw them I wanted one.

Some Charro things.

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i actually hate mexicans

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Who would win in a fight out of those two do you reckon?

>that Aztec snake on the sheath

fucking metal, I love it.

Better to die for your country than to die for Israel

>The Will of God and Mine are the Same


Mexcrement peddling the same bullshit as liberals, is there really any surprise?

I like the new paratrooper uniform

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Wow Jow Forums, a thread about a nonwhite country with minimal racism. I'm proud of you.

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It’s made by the same company that makes the uniforms for the naval infantry.

Is that a first spear plate carrier? damn

2 separate camos for deserts and woodlands
The kind of logical shit the US army would be doing if it weren’t busy dicking around. USMC got this right.

Standard issue for the Mexican marines for like a year now and now for Army paratroopers and special forces. Idea is that regular army troops will have it in the near future too.



Their uniforms are honestly miles ahead of their US counterparts.

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Fuck you, you stasi, you outsider, you child-molesting filth who presumes to think that come the revolution, you wouldn't meet the same fate as the gulag guards who shot everyone up to themselves.
These Mexicans are the good ones, they're the best their country has, and there is no contradiction or hypocrisy in admiring these guys and hating the drunk driving violent criminals creeping into our North because they're two different groups of people.

>Their uniforms are honestly miles ahead of their US counterparts.
Wouldn’t be the case if we didn’t spend so much money on useless shit.

I was going to snigger at the bright green but then I looked at the bushes in the background and it's pretty near spot on

Yeah, i want one. Any sources online?

How do you know?

>what would you rather have
>a slightly nicer plate carrier
>or the world's two largest air forces

gee whiz user, i dunno

Literally just 20 years ago (a little less, actually), the Mexican Army used OD green uniforms, almost exclusively Soviet aircraft, “outdated” G3s, never participated in multinational exercises, and still fought wargames with early Cold War doctrines. In that time their infantry has changed COMPLETELY as has their doctrine. They modernized fantastically fast in some aspects and it’s a real shame that not many milheads have been paying attending to see it because bigger militaries take the spotlight and fascinating smaller militaries get written off.

*paying attention

What’s really cool is how much of it has been done domestically. The army’s camouflages, the FX-05, their armored vehicles, navy radars, etc. were all designed and are produced by the department of defense itself.

I remember soldiers at a small airport back around 2013 with G3s that looked like they came from Far Cry 2 with all the missing paint. But also some sweet transparent plastic magazines

They originally used LBT plate carriers

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>transparent magazines
Domestically produced. Wished I could find some for my PTR.

Their g3 mag pouches are pretty neat.

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>be American
>get shot

This is your daily reminder that according to the Mexican government, 80% of Mexico is under cartel control. That more or less makes their army a moot point. It's either ineffective or corrupt or both.

This is your daily reminder that trip favs are 100% ZOG controlled

You say this like your mutt army has ever fought an insurgency successfully. Maybe say something when some illiterate goatfuckers that you’ve been fighting in the mountains for 20 years don’t have your entire country begging for mercy and your senile chuck president inviting them to Camp David for peace talks?

Mexico has a history of rapid and sudden modernisation. They did it under Porfriro Diaz, they did it after the reorganisation of their government following the Revolution, they're doing it again now.

t. gringo with a strange interest in Mexican firearms and history.

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if these are real soldiers doing this is just ratty

also they did this because they are spics

How is that ratty? Words have meanings you know

what’s happening in mexico you say revolution like something is happening

ok fine it looks unbecoming of uniformed military members

ratty was just the first word I thought of

It’s based on historical figures.

ok we don’t dress up our actual officers in bandoliers and ass-less chaps remember US calvary men

NGL, frijolepat looks pretty good

That’s literally what Trump did for his lameass 4th of July parade.

>the good ones
>their best


Those that stayed are 1. Too poor to leave 2. Too dumb to realize their government is sending them on suicide missions 3. Suicidal idiots 4. Corruptly wealthy

So really just like US, and 90% of the VERY best outsource themselves to live elsewhere, away from their homelands.

Don't know what you're on about, in Mexico military personel are generally better off than the general population. People that go into the military in Mexico are

1. Rural people, often indigenous who were actually smart enough to make it into through the testing process and knew that getting an education through the defense secretariat is the most realistic way out of poverty.

2. Middle class people who genuinely want the country to improve and be more secure.

3. Conservative people who see it as some civil duty

The armed forces in Mexico are probably the least corrupt sector of Mexican society. Mexicans in military service are the only people in Mexico subject to death penalty which can be carried out by the Army or Navy at anyone convicted of treason which can span from actual armed attacks on Mexicans or as simple as stealing from military finances. No other segment of Mexican society faces those penalties or scrutiny. Military personnel in Mexico are also paid a pretty stable middle class wage to remove the poverty motivator for corruption.

>1. Too poor to leave
The poorest people and coincidentally mostly the least educated are those who do leave Mexico because they can't become successful in Mexico and want to live in a first world country where shit is easier. The Mexican military isn't large and has more applicants per year than open roles and you have to test in to positions. The dumbest people in Mexico can barely read or do basic math. They don't get in. Typically it's the smarter people from rural communities who get into infantry and combat positions, meaning people who were intelligent enough to actually test out of their rural backwoods hick villages.

>2. Too dumb to realize their government is sending them on suicide missions 3. Suicidal idiots
The Mexican military has some hilariously high kill to death ratio when fighting narcos something like 950 to 1. They're so effective at killing them that they got investigated under suspicion of taking part of extraducial killings.

>4. Corruptly wealthy
Rich people in Mexico generally don't go into military service unless they have some actual desire to.

>So really just like US, and 90% of the VERY best outsource themselves to live elsewhere, away from their homelands.
It is very uncommon for wealthy Mexicans to migrate out of Mexico unless it's for safety reasons or they have business interests abroad.

>better off
Yeah because they are ordered to turn a blind eye at the trade of narcotics.
Sounds like you are still in mexico, I cannot atest the amount of mexicans that moved out of mexico and live in the states that are middle class.

The reason why there is so much immigration is because the lack of jobs for the truly skilled. I have friends and family that have to travel the entire fucking country to find work. They are engineers and doctors, the competition is so large that many pack up their things and come to the states to practice their trade under a visa and go back, lately thanks to idiots who think it is all black and white they stopped trying and are now stuck. Living in conditions, that people in the states would consider deplorable.

>Yeah because they are ordered to turn a blind eye at the trade of narcotics.

The fuck are you talking about? The Mexican Army raids narco shit all the time. The people who don't want the army going after narcos are crooked state and municipal politicians in backwards shit regions in the country that don't want the army cutting into the drug trade because those corrupt politicians are in fact profiting off the drug trade. The army isn't allowed to act without gov approval. Hence why every time the army successfully knocks out cartel activity, local "human rights advocates" usually paid by local politicians come out with any military rhetoric saying the army can't operate as police or the army can't arrest people or the army is being too mean to those poor disadvantaged drug traffickers.

You don't sound like you know what you're talking about.