Welcome to Hi Fry the Sci Fi gun shop

How can I help you?

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certainly sir

Attached: phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.jpg (1680x1121, 799K)


Just what ya see pal

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35 Mateba auto revolvers please
Also a cerebral bore

One m47 medusa please

Mmmmn Flgistinitr, prs

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M41A Pulse Rifle, please.

Sorry were fresh out. Just sold the last one to a guy with bad heartburn.

>Hi Fry the Sci Fi gun shop
Formerly Skr'klrng's, right?

Anyway, can get a gas-pulse blaster? If you have a EE-3 in stock, I'll take that. Otherwise, I should still be good with a DC-15A, which I'm sure you have sitting in a surplus durasteel box somewhere in the back.

Attached: EE-3.jpg (460x326, 128K)

Do you by chance have one from the earlier batches of M-97 Vipers, sir? Preferably with lightened chassis, high velocity barrel and the revised scope...?

You have any ZF-1s?

I'm gonna need a couple HG-Cannons and a Hyperion Bazooka

Can I get uh, M36 Kantreal for anti heretic use.

I'm looking for a MS-18E. If you have one I'll take some hardened cockpit armor to go with that

It’s a long shot, but you don’t have a Las-Lock, do you? My grandpap used one, you see.

ZF-1 please. I heard it has a replay button

ZF-1 is cool. But the hallway hat doesn't get enough play

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I can't tell if they have a live Calico in there or if they just used a mold of one to get the grip and bottom barrel. If it's a mold/casting then they even got the text on the side of the magazine cradle. Nice.

Formerly Huck Fruck?

40 watts seems grossly underpowered for plasma.

I'd like to buy the 12.5" barrel conversion for the Bushmaster ACR in .300 blackout

Can i get the uhh Mosin-Nagant Z99 in 12.7?

Yeah, if you want to kill somebody with it you need killa-watts.

now 45 watts, that has real stopping power.

what if they were black??

Ash is always the same color

Then youse lookin fo nigga-watts.

I need a blaster pistol, model colt 45. It works every time

E-web heavy repeating blaster. Need a new home defense setup.

And if they're Asian?

I know my arms aren't authorized to shoot this more than once but you got any of these?

Attached: Gravitational Beam Emitter.jpg (1191x670, 57K)

Got any Destiny-class "hand cannons"?
>The whole range, friend. Kinetic, energy, common, exotic, you name it.
>Comes with a catch, though: Due to galactic import restrictions, I can only sell you one.
What do you choose?

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I’m gonna need a plasma rifle, any timeline works.

I wouldn't recommend the ones from the 41st millennium nor the Taus from the 42nd millennium

a man of culture

I should re-read The Weapon Shops of Isher


Am I the only person who wants a rail gun? I will not accept anything with a muzzle velocity under 15,000 FPS. I want something that will zip through 2 level 5 body armor plates like butter.

what do you think happens if you piss of tens of thousands of Iraqis constantly over the course of say 10 months

Yes hello, do you have a Union Aerospace Corporation E.M.G. Sidearm?

I know it's a long shot but I'm looking for a JSDF-issued accessory kit for a Zastava CZN-M22, ideally with all the doodads intact.

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Got any glocks?

one lightsaber, please

Sunshot is hard to beat for the uniqueness, but I'd prob go with Nation of Beasts.
Btw, that site is out of date. light.gg/db/category/6/hand-cannons/

I heard a batch of Arc Chargers dropped, you got any in stock?

Attached: Arc_charger.jpg (600x309, 13K)

Really anything from a Neill Blomkamp film would be nice to grab

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Looking for something to break my arms when i shoot it and purge heretics with.

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Bitch. Any Sargent can use them without their arm breaking, and for purging there is really only one option

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I'd like a TR-116 please, one of the last projectile weapons.

Can i get uuuuhhh. . . AR2?

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get out of here cybrid. we don't sell to your kind.

a G.B.E will do

No can do, here in the city we use AR3s

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Also a few extra drums and shotgun shells. Reloading is going to be a bitch and a half so I'd like as many topped off as possible before the bullets fly

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What can you show me in a fully armed and operational battle station?

is of the SECT. DECLARED\\ASSIGNED STATUS//DESIGNATION by the SECT. is SEEN\\IDENTIFIED on the same STATUS//DESIGNATION as . NEED\\REQUIRE ARMS//WEAPONS to leave . Everything’s moderately low temperature.

Filthy Non-Network-Gene-Carrier detected.

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Anything that isn't regulated by the fourth german reich gun control under the Kaiser's influence please...

I don't want to be traced...

just bought one of these. AMA

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The Teichmüller space T(S) of a (real) topological (or differential) surface S, is a space that parametrizes complex structures on S up to the action of homeomorphisms that are isotopic to the identity homeomorphism, and while each point in T(S) may be regarded as an isomorphism class of "marked" Riemann surfaces, where a "marking" is an isotopy class of homeomorphisms from S to itself, and if γ ∈ MCG(S) is a mapping class and {g,h} two diffeomorphisms representing it then they are isotopic, can every finite subgroup of MCG(S) be realised as a group of isometries of some complete hyperbolic metric on S (or equivalently as a group of holomorphic diffeomorphisms of some complex structure) ?

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wort wort wort

Fucking Commiefornia 2049

>not getting the HL2EP2 reference

It was the only time Gabe remembered the number 3

Just looking.

Looking for a Varon-T disruptor.

brainlet here, can this be translated from technical jargon?

Can I get a Rzya Pattern Hotshot Lasgun? A backpack power module for it and a half dozen standard lasgun mags as well, and get me one of those plasma pistols while you're at.

Not done yet. Come back later.

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Eine nicht autorisierte Waffentransaktion wurde erkannt. Ihre Adresse wurde protokolliert und die Behörden alarmiert. Versuchen Sie nicht, Widerstand zu leisten. Jeder Versuch, der Verhaftung zu entkommen oder zu entkommen, wird mit tödlicher Gewalt geahndet. Befolgen Sie die Anweisungen und Sie werden nicht verletzt.
Dem Kaiser und dem Großdeutschen Reich sei Ehre erwiesen.

Everything about Angel Cop's guns were really well done. Impressive for when it was animated in comparison to other anime.

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>California the post

Ah man, my boss is gonna kill me.

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I know the sign says scifi but by chance do you guys stock celestial claws?

I actually smiled and giggled at this.

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Mien Sir, may I see you're salted bomb catalog please?
I can pay in the FINEST of gold bullion.

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I'll take a Seburo on the side too.
>tfw the PDR is dead

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Do you have accessories? I'd like a harmonizer and all the T-ENG you can give me



Imperial's are fags, got a DC-15? Last thing I need is ISB docking down my ship.

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I'll buy 50 rounds .223 with heat seeking kid mutilator tips

>ordering green tips at the sci-fi gun store

I'll pay ya triple if you can get me the experimental MIRVs for it.

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Quite screwing around and catch those terrorists that blew up the last one and you won’t have to worry.

Next shop down.

Come back after hours.

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You definitely want something in 45 watts. Those old things can’t compare. All it takes is one shot.



based w+m1

I’ll have to order one in. Got a way I can contact you when it arrives?

Long as your payment clears I can help you out.