Is he right or is he just projecting?

Is he right or is he just projecting?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He is intentionally contrarian for views and is also a literal faggot


Stop giving him attention.

>taking advice from ass pirates

Who? Not clicking the link, like every smart fella here, so what is this nobody talking about?
>you will never be Paul

>doesn't understand the concept of recoil control
>doesn't understand what power factors in competition are
Just your usual ramblings of an ignorant fag.

If you don't sage and report YM threads for being low quality (bait) you're just as bad as op and YM.

Is there actually proof he's a turd burglar???

I want this boomer to die so fucking bad.

>actually watching this literal faggot
no thanks, fuck off.

Bro he literally has a picture of him with his husband and adopted kids.

He's not all wrong expect the bit about self defense loads needing to be hot enough to cause recoil. That part is blatantly stupid

I have no idea, I'm not watching that shit. I'm annoyed by this retard and I don't think I've ever suffered to watch one of his videos.

I've heard he's a second amendment absolutist, though, and gave hicuck45 etc shit for being fudds, which is cool, but I still don't want to watch his videos.

Ewwww I bet he's the catcher

Yup, a total Power Bottom...

Post it.

invents homosexual tryhard to be funny concepts no ne needs like "grammo" "wammo".

Cant shoot for shit his targets are shit, spends more on guns than on ammo

Can't stand him once watched 15 minutes of his shit, that was enough.. Don't care what he thinks about anything and don't want to know

>and gave hicuck45 etc shit for being fudds,

Hickock45 is a friendly face to gun ownership with a pleasant presentation style that has introduced tens of thousands to gun ownership. The objectionable little turd in OPs post has done the opposite.

Hickock 45 does shoot modified loads though... he's mentioned he's suffering from arthritis and does that to mitigate the pain

hes a fag

>makes claim on an image board that could easily be supported by posting an image
>doesn't post an image
I'm gonna go with 15 year olds being 15 year olds on Jow Forums for this one.

>having pictures of fag families on your hard drive

Every opinion that faggot has is to protect his fragile ego and to justify the next shiny thing he wants to buy.

My favorite evolution was his constant shit talking about how 357 mag is the best fucking CCW round ever invented and everything else is for pussies until he blew one of his fucking ears out and then suddenly he's "too old" to shoot 357 anymore because his body is worn out and he can't handle the of course now the 1911 in 45 BOOOMER is the best CCW ever invented...

I think I'll take my shooting advice from an actual shooter and not a shopper.

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I do love Big Jerry

Is this the guy that said bullet casting is retarded?

Yeah the faggot who is in the highest disease risk sexual group possible for a white man thinks lead ammo is stupid and he'd be okay if they banned it.

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Daily reminder that a picture of you, any other males, and their or your kids doesn't make you gay. Jesus christ there's ton of family photos with uncles and dads, or dads with their friend and kids/vice versa

You guys just look for a reason to hate youtube celebs, which is weird because this guy has plenty of legit reasons to shit on him without inventing them

>3 men in a hotel room
You're projecting you literal faggot. You're seeing what you want to see.

there are more pictures, one of which is a marriage certificate with both their names

Does everyone hold your hand through life or just random people on the internet.. you literal faggot

>I want the last few pro 2nd A fellas in Washington to go extinct so it can become more cucked than Jew Jersey
Not all boomers are the enemy user, even if they are cringe.

I think he is secretly gay. The guy is just weird too. Some people just need a chill pill.

What's with all these reddit posts lately?

Another OP pic that's thumbnail sized.

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You can't expect YM to learn board culture, he posts video links every time he makes a new video. fag

>wanting to see a large picture of a queer
Jow Forums went to hell when all the leftists started coming here

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I'm just making it a point to point out every thumbnail sized image in every thread it applies to because I've seen it way too often lately.
It ain't right and there's someone or someones who are running a shitty thread factory.

This is straight off the line.

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>every thumbnail sized image in every thread
in every thread op

YM needs to learn to post better I guess.