CC in public bathrooms

What do you guys do when you're CC but have to use a public bathroom? Do you remove your holster and precariously balance it on the tp dispenser (making sure to muzzle the poor bastard in the stall next to you) like me?

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Pull holster out, set on underwear, clip back before you tighten belt

I just make sure my pants stay on my knees.

>doesn't clip the holster to his thighbone
Never gonna make it

Just pull your gun and keep it in right hand pointed at the stall door, wipe with left hand, reholster when you're done then go.

Is that guy ccing a single action revolver? Based

this guy's got the right idea
make sure you're ready to blow (away) peeping toms

>What do you guys do when you're CC but have to use a public bathroom?

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I don't use a public restroom.

Yeah buddy, assholes like to victimize people when they're vulnerable. I don't know of a more vulnerable situation than your lants around your ankles dropping a turd.

>out with the famalam
>had a nice large black coffee from dunkin
>go to see the joker
>make sure you're armed so some snotty incel doesn't shoot up your theater
>start eating your beans
>critical scene in the movie
>beans and coffee have combined forces and are knocking down the door of your inner sphincter
>they burst through
>all that's holding them at bay is your outer sphincter
what do?

I think my family dies in this scenario

user... we are your family

Please don't remind me

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At that point you recreate the final battle scene from The Last Samurai using your accumulated bean projectiles then when finished say pafecto. The audience will clap.

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I like it

Use the stall and don't drop your pants on the ground like a 5 year old?

Or are you talking about shitting in public like a trashy retard?

yeah just hold it in, that's healthy.

I hang it on the little hook on the door

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>remember this picture next time somebody offers to let you shoot their pistol

Is that how they got the name "Browning"?

i take my gun out and put it in the toilet until im done

>recoil snags trigger
>bumpfire entire mag into public bathroom


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Just set it down while you pinch a loaf.

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>carrying with a round in the chamber

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>Or are you talking about shitting in public like a trashy retard?
>public bathroom in the OP twice
maybe you're the trashy retard
unironically this

Just keep it holstered as usual, ready to draw whenever needed.

forgot pic

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>Having to fumble with drawing your weapon AND racking the slide in a life or death situation where every second could be your last
Your funeral. That said, I'd be hesitant to carry something like a Glock with one in the chamber.
>inb4 glockfags REEEING about the trigger totally counting as a safety
You pull the trigger, the gun goes off. That ain't a safety.

>Carrying without a round in the chamber

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>spending the rest of your life racking your slide

Remove holster, with handgun inside, and put it into whatever bag I'm carrying that day.

I was at hugely liberal campus doing my undergrad, and anyone remotely seeing a firearm would REEEEE until the National Guard were deployed on campus.

My graduate school doesn't allow CC, but I'm tempted some days to carry anyways (worrying about copy-cat active shooters shortly after an event).

One of my first research papers there was on active-shooters in a university environment, and I very mildly told my university that their policy was stupid as fuck for such a situation.

I'm going into a field of academia, but most in the field have 0% knowledge or background with firearms, and worse off, they don't want to. I may have fucked up in my career choice.

I put it on the toilet tank, then forget it, and walk out

Don't drop your trousers all the way, keep them up around your knees. Gun should be well above line-of-sight of creepers

nobody will see it in the crotch of your pants

In case of really filthy bathroom then go with the knees method or go full nip mode and squat over the shitter with gun in hand. Only had to do that once tho

Depends on the blaster I'm carrying and what kinda stall it is. Half the time its placed on the tp holder (incentives for cleaning later) or I unhook my loops and just leave it nestled against my nut sweat soaked boxers.

>pic very related

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Mine fits in my pocket

I balance my 1911 on my head

Sit there and play with the slide/magazine while taking a shit

Incall it ND bingo

I had a hearty chuckle at that.

If I've gotta piss and the shitters are full I keep my hand pressed against it. If I'm shitting I just keep my waist band above my knees. It's nice to have a stall though, my holster shifts when I undo my belt, and it usually needs to be moved back to 3:30.

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I spread my knees so my pants stay up tensioned up around them. That keeps the holster above view of anybody outside the stall.

For me? I put it in the gun hole in the stall.

It's so damn convenient. I'm seeing them all over when I go to take a shit in truck stops.

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>You pull the trigger, the gun goes off. That ain't a safety.
I fucking hate glocks, but you're a pussy. I carry a beretta 92g, so the safety just decocks the pistol. Feeling so insecure about your weapon that you need to add features that prevent it from operating is max cuck.

>Loaded gun pointed directly at your leg

user, I have not taken a shit in a public restroom in over a decade. Besides it being disgusting, my body is pretty much on a poop schedule. Every two days around 830 to 9am in the morning, I poop.

I carry a shield chambered and it has no safety. Pistols are designed to be carried with a round in the chamber

>single action that's not even cocked

>every two days

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Three if I skip a meal or two.

I wish I had your bowels. I shit 2 times a day

I'm in the same situation, undergrad at a uni that doesnt allow CC, but in a state that is extremely pro. What did you carry? I'm thinking of getting an LCP or M&P Bodyguard, since the implications of being caught with a gun here are not good. I wish I could be more serious about CC and carry a double stack compact but its just not that way.
Any tips from anyone out there on undetectable college CC?

Yes, most of us aren't niggers so we have a proper holster and don't shove the gun in our waistband.


y'all muthafuckers need Jesus

I don't starve myself. I eat 3 times a day usually. A lot of it is meat.

>Every two days
You don't have to eat MREs anymore, user. Those days are behind you.

I put a lanyard on mine and hang it around my neck.

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i laughed at that harder than i should have fuck you

Typical of poor fags that have to carry S&W....have to use public bathrooms instead of the more elite private options. Have fun sitting on the piss covered seats.

Trips of truth.

>Every two days around 830 to 9am in the morning, I poop.
I used to be the same way when I was younger, but not anymore

Most* pistols

Leave it in my pocket

This, it's kind of a pain in the ass but there really isn't a better way with a gun unless you're carrying it in some autistic way (ankle holster comes to mind but I'm sure there's as many dumb ways to carry as dumb ways to do anything else)

I poop twice in morn and once after lunch. Any other time is squirts.

In my mid 30s and still holding strong. Hopping for another 10 yrs of scheduled poops.

I haven't used a public bathroom in like 15 or so years, so I have no fucking clue what I would do.

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I have a colostomy bag.
check and mate suckers.

those Hogue grips are a mother to get on. Had to soak mine in hot water and use vise grips.

worth it tho.

>easiest to conceal
>supreme comfort
>spare mags/speed loaders/dump pouches distribute weight
Shoulder holster master race

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This tbqh famalam
I've done it with a dozen other things. Sunglasses, wallets, keys.

I've yet to have to use a public restroom when I'm carrying though so I haven't left a gun somewhere yet.

>Eating beans
>Inna movie theater
>Worries about the incel
Buddy, I worry about you more than some misunderstood whiteoids; a shooter is rare, some fuck ripping ass gas bombs in the theater is a more realistic concern.

Hey cool, he got a 1000


This, why are people such against shoulder holsters? I'm thinking of getting one for when I'm wearing my jacket (button/zip up) or on my motorcycle (same situation for jacket)

Hi speed/ low fag types, think that's its boomer and slow as fuck. Me personally, I think it's about the most comfortable carry method aside from an open holster, plus I'm unwilling to shove a gun down my front or back


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Jesus fucking Christ. I shit like 4 times a day, but it's one single plop, takes ten seconds and leaves no mess.

if your CC trigger has that light of a pull then you deserve to ND like a nigger because you ARE a nigger

>pooping in public

You deserve everything bad

nothing better than stopping by a mcdonalds and laying a huge steamer down, then leaving without buying anything. just leaving a giant log and stench behind

>every 2 days
H-how do you not shit at least once per day?

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if it spins like a chinese fireworks wheel, that would be awesome

anyone have a good shoulder holster that doesn't muzzle the guy behind you?

>Having to fumble with drawing your weapon, disengaging the safety, AND racking the slide in a life or death situation where every second could be your last
Safeties just add more steps.

the "active shooter training" at my workplace (a university) actually used the argument "if you have a gun the cops won't know you're not the shooter"
are cops actually retarded?

Vertical orientation points it at the ground and makes it much easier to conceal under a jacket. I can hide some very large guns under as little as an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt.

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>be a kid
>shit once/day immediately after dinner
>steady perfect schedule all the way through age ~24 or so
>start getting heartburn frequently
>start shitting more
>morning shit has been added to the docket
>get heartburn all the time
>diagnosed with GERD
>shitting a bare minimum of 5x/day
>some days as much as 9 or 10 times
>cut out alcohol
>still have heartburn most of the time and shit ~4x/day
>cut out all carbs
>shit twice/day
>zero heartburn
dunno if it's actually the fad diet that's doing it for me, but something is helping

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thanks m8

>unclip holster
>remove cc from holster
>balance on your already erect cock

Pull pants down, pull underwear down, sit on shitter, pull underwear up to ankles, wrap underwear over top of gun. Easy to grab, hard to see by people trying to sneak a peek of my hanging Chad.