Jow Forumsonfession thread, I will start:

Jow Forumsonfession thread, I will start:
>I have terrible aim and I do not practice enough.

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I have terrible aim, and I dry fire, have a range membership, take pics of groupings to see what could be wrong, and have even paid for a one-on-one lesson.

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I'm a no guns bong and I tell people I go shooting

I do but it's with a .22 air rifle, fuck off mutts :(

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We all do. This is Jow Forums after all.

I don't like shooting guns, I only own one that I take to the range twice a month because I feel obligated to. I just like learning about the history of them as well as the ballistics.

I sometimes wait a few days or even weeks after going to the range to clean my guns.
I even like cleaning them; I don't know why I procrastinate on that.

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2/3 of the guns I own I have never actually shot because I have nowhere to shoot. Been trying to buy my own land but finding anything less than 15k/acre has been difficult.

I have not owned a gun in over three years

I own guns, I just bought one a couple months ago, but it’s been at least 5 years since I shot a gun.

>although I like AR’s and other kinds of guns my favorites are bolt actions and shotguns
>my personal favorite gun in particular is a .308 783 that was the first gun I bought, it is as basic as a rifle like it can get but I just love shooting it and is my go to durr gun
Also far from a fudd, would love to have an M4 with SOPMOD and a PKM. Guess I’m just even more of a weirdo.

>im from the uk
boys im sorry

You're not a fudd, fren. Fudd is an attitude towards 2A. If you prefer boltys and shotguns while not infringing on the rights of the rest of us, you're G2G.

I can't hit anything at 100 yards without a scope and need to practice more.
I also should work on arm strength. Really bad.

I put more money into collecting old relic firearms than into modern useful ones.

I know in the literal sense of the word I’m not, just making that clear for the amoebas that would flip out for even daring to like boltys and shotties.That being said I am planning on getting an AR pistol set up, just deciding if I should go with something like 5.56 or some other caliber. Probably 5.56 so I can actually regularly shoot it, but I guess we’ll see what happens.

Instead of posting in these faggoty threads why dont you betas go do something productive? Everyone has things they wish were different but crying about it on 4chin will not fix your shit.

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based bolty bro would shoot with

I'm right there with you, manual actions are just more fun at the range. That said everyone needs at least a few semi-auto handguns and rifles.

I only shit-post while at work and while taking a momentary break. What's your excuse for posting here?

I want to own guns but I'm scared it would put a target on my back

I am too cheap to buy a gun and I still live with my parents

I agonize over how much I'd spend on a potential purchase, then spend it anyway.

I’m basically a lazy entitled idiot

Two things define my background for the purpose of this confession, that I come from a wealthy, privileged family and that I’m a bad student. I’ve been a bad student since before I left high school, and I have dragged out college for too long by not taking enough hours and failing/withdrawing from a litany of classes. Going to class, or even talk or thinking about school, makes my stomach turn in disgust. I like to think I’m of above average intelligence, but I have fuck all to demonstrate that so I often doubt it. Everything I’ve been given in my incredibly fortunate incredibly privileged life has been on the condition that I fulfill my obligation, but I’m for some reason so utterly averse to my obligation that I repeatedly fail my family. I feel like that giving me all of these benefits puts me into a debt that I in no way consented to, to force me into the one option in front of me. I also feel like I’m just trying to justify my utter slothfulness, though, that I’m giving myself anything to tell myself once I’m inevitably confronted again about my failure to do my duty.

I had one semester in which I was on academic suspension that I went to work at a job. It was a good job, I went everyday and I worked hard. It’s what I had been saying I needed since graduating high school early and immediately being thrown into the college grinder. That said, I know it wasn’t enough. One of the greatest criticisms I have of college is the excessive overwhelming credentialism it breeds, an absurd condition that makes young men and women spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars on any degree they can muster just to enter into a position that likely isn’t even related to the degree they got. I perhaps resent this aspect of college most of all, that I have to bear with something that I so deeply despise to be able to participate in this nonsense society.

And I don’t clean my rifle often enough

I scored a 13% my first (and only so far) USPSA match

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I haven’t shot my guns in months. I use to go every week, but I slowly stopped going. I live in a big city and the only place to go is indoor ranges and they are no longer fun to go to.

your in our servers now you red coat cunt

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The only gun I actually own is a .177 Vigilante Pellet Revolver
And I know how to spin it

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I'm a brit who's not been to the gun range in ages because I've not been feeling up to handling firearms. I've been using VR "simulations" to try to keep up to scratch with practice and drills, but it's not the same. Been meaning to get some actual range time in lately, but i've been trying to work off an injury.


>i got obsessive about being accurate with my guns for a 3 month period.
>now that ive achieved that i don't really shoot regularly anymore
>everytime i do shoot, though. my accuracy is as good as it always is

My first gun i ever purchased was a .40 smith and wesson and I got arrested with it before I ever even got to shoot it.

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I avoid the bans regularly because the jannies are trannies

Ps: I'm a tranny and I dislike Jewish influence in the West - ban me again fags

Drove down the road with a gun on the roof of my car for 5 miles until someone told me by slapping the roof of his car and I realized I didn't have my cc, reached out the window and it was there.

This was all in Minecraft and not an actual real event - fuck jew mods - you'll go into the ovens feet first

Good God, man... Story nao

based. you wanna go out sometime?

You'll have it forever user

A couple hundred bucks and you'll have a rifle that'll live longer than you and be your best friend for life

I have guns hidden in my house that nobody even knows about. Nobody even knows I spent the money to have them.

I'm in a committed relationship with my innawoods trap. It has made me butch up and only trap out myself once a blue moon

Innawoods trap is much hotter

Make sure the normies don't find them

post innawoodstrap pics for great justice

Can't due to ban, but you can watch her sissy run on my innawoods trap video on my YouTube channel

Yeah self promoting go n suck it

Yeah you can’t be a trap, can’t pass at all. Unfortunately, I was actually somewhat amused by the Foreskinwalker bit

What's beta about posting your deepest darkest secret and gun preference?
That said, square rectangle rule is in effect. May not be beta to post but some posters are certainly betas

I don’t have self control and shoot my entire stockpile of ammo in one sitting. I only have guns others on here make fun of like a g2c. I am afraid to try and build this lower because I may ruin it.

I ND'd with a 240 once.
Also I'm probably gonna be a KHV my entire life and I've given up on changing that.

I keep buying shitty cheap meme guns instead of practicing with my proper defense/business weapons, even though I'm a bad shot.
I want to get better but I also like collecting and want to get all the shitty surplus I can before it dries out completely.

G2C is legitimately a good gun. @

I unironically love shooting my nugget. I just enjoy how klunky it is working the action. I have a k98 as my other boltgun and just prefer shooting the nugget.

>I sometimes wait a few days or even weeks after going to the range to clean my guns.
>I even like cleaning them; I don't know why I procrastinate on that
Same. A few days ago I was laying awake at like 4 AM on a weeknight when I had to be at work at 8. I couldn't stop thinking about how I hadn't even run a patch down my AR barrel since my range session the weekend before. I had to get up and clean it because it was keeping me awake.

I want another 4 years of obama instead of trump.

youre legitimately a schizo but its fun to watch, subbed

I've never shot a gun. I don't find guns very interesting either. I'd really like to work in the defense industry though.

I had a C&R FFL and never used it then forgot to renew it. It's on my list of things to fix though.

It's been absurdly long since I refreshed any of my medical training or CPR qualification. Also on my near-term to-do list. At least I started buying supplies again slowly to toss in my gear bag.

Same I just come here because I find the culture interesting

Ok legit. How many of you have made sure you aren't left eye dominant and are shooting right handed with your bad eye?

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I own a ton of guns and stockpile ammo in case of the big igloo, but the second they show up at my door to confiscate I'd hand all of it over with zero resistance.

Holy crud!

If your aim is shit the first thing you should do is stop "practicing." You're training bad habits to become muscle memory. Get professional help.

Fags like you were probably the people who were hating on me for buying a FNH 509 tactical...

Get out no gunz!

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I only have shotguns because a rifle license is harder to get in the UK and rifle shooting on public ranges is boring, expensive and full of fudds.

I shoot with the military and the thought of jumping though all the hoops just to own a cucked centre fire rifle I can only shoot stationary surrounded by old goons outs me off becoming a proper gun owner.

I do have 5 shotguns though

I shit in op's mouth and didn't even slip a .22 in
just pure poop

Anyone else have crush on Marie Kondo?

Not much to it, i was a drunken mess at that time because i was going through the 2017 crypto currency bull run and I was fucking losing money!!! So I decided it would be a good idea to purchase a pistol because muh dick, then I went drinking all day, and decided it would be a good idea carrying my gun while drinking. I ended up pointing it at some crack head that was going to ask me for something, and they called the cops, i tossed the gun when i saw the cops coming so they found it, but not on me, i denied the shit, i shut up, and I didn't get any felonies to stick so i can still own funs in peace.

>Haven't shot either of my guns in over 6 months.
>Too lazy to travel over an hour for a range that supports more than standing shooting.
>Have noodle arms that can't even hold a CZ 455 steady.
>Don't know if my aim is shit because I'm always fighting sway.
>Been procrastinating for over 5 years on finishing this pistol permit application.

She looks just like my wife.

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that must be horrifying
I feel bad for you


I ND'd into the ceiling of a range once because I was an idiot and forgot the round in the chamber.

If I ran that range id put a target there to forever mock you

I have no fucking clue what to look for in a scope and have avoided buying one for my 464 for months now.
I only have a couple hundred rounds for my guns at any time and buy as I need it.
I pay extra for non corrosive just because I am lazy and don't like cleaning out the rifle extra thorough

I thought the EarPro I bought was for kids because It wouldnt fit or adjust on me. I am so used to how headphones adjust. I didn't realize the earpro adjusts differently

Join the army and shoot actual guns before you miss the next big war.

I grew up shooting my .22 just for fun and for rabbits, Its a great way to get started in bongland. If you ever get your shotgun license you can end end up with a collection for cheap as well.

As long as you keep up with it, I don’t see a problem.

Im a member of an nra affiliated range that requires nra membership.
I've never had an nra membership because I dont want to support those funds. I fake it when renewals are due.

Don't own a single gun
Just here for planes

nothing pains me more than not owning a gun

How does this make you feel user

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What the fuck is Jow Forums about that? Go back to Jow Forums with that retarded shit nigger

I haven't fired a gun in nearly three years. I only clean my nugget immediately after the range. My AR can go thousands before I bother to clean it.

I had a chance at OCS for the Army, but chose to go enlisted instead
Ill be signing on as a 35L counter intel agent, hoping it will get me a federal LEO job after, but also the weight of leadership and not getting tp pick my MOS scared me

Now im wondering if I did the right thing and feel like I fucked up.

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