How does China's Type 99 tank measure up against other modern MBTs?
Tell me about the Type 99
it's a fucking baseline t72 with chink (inferior) sights, era and engine
pretty shit since their own tankers dont know how to use it
PRC is literally USSR 2.0 at this point
Don't they have thermals?
thermal barrel sleeve, pretty outdated
meant to quote (you)
>The Type 99 has hunter-killer capabilities, operating an ISFCS-212 fire control system with an IR automatic target tracker.[22] It is capable of firing on the move with a stabilized gunner's thermal sight and laser range finder. The gunner has a maximum target acquisition range of 5 kilometres.[22] The gunner's thermal sight has optical magnification at 5x and 11.4x.[7]
>The Type 99A MBT is equipped with the improved 1A45T Fire Control System including new generation of thermal imaging scope, new ballistic computer and weather measurement sensors, thus improve the ballistic trajectory under adversary conditions. The commander also has an independent panoramic sight with laser range-finding function that can rotate 360 degrees. Both gunner and commander sight is fully stabilized and capable of day/night operations.[2]
Yeah, they actually do, you fucking lying faggot.
oh man look the chinks finally caught up to american MBTs in the 2000s
There's very little information on it that isn't speculation or disinfo from the PRC themselves. They seem to be at least OK, given the performance we've seen from the "VT" export model of the Type 99. I think we'll be seeing a whole new MBT from them pretty soon- don't they traditionally have an event in October?
>say they have "T-72" sights
>turns out they don't
>makes some other gay quip
Pro-tip: I'm American you retarded monkey. Go find some thread with some vatniks so you can fling shit at each other you dumb subhuman.
did i ever claim they had t72 sights? the thermals they use are outdated
go get mad elsewhere, burger
yeah theres a thread for it already. they have a new light tank and some guns
The Type 99 is good enough given that tanks will be only marginally relevant in a major war now. Also what matters are things like crew training and experience, the tactical situation, overall numbers and logistics. With even a marginal edge then a second rate tank can defeat the technically "best" tank.
>being proven wrong
>o-o-oh u f-finally caught up
Retards like you should be lynched on sight.
VT4 is from a separate development path. They share some boot on tech, but that’s about it,
If your idea that tanks will only be marginal is from the proliferation of ATGMs, systems like Trophy have made tanks pretty much immune to anything that's not top attack.
Type 99 and 99A are completely different tanks tho.
Should be the best non western tank in service right now.
Its on par with the M1A2, which is why we're working on the M1A3.
hello winnie the pooh bot
shouldnt you get more content?
hello street shitter. GREASE MY THREADS, BOI.
bold of you to think i support either side
your tanks suck btw
probably at least competitive with western MBTs, but Chinese tank training hasn't changed since the days of Soviet surplus, so the crews have no idea how to utilize them on a modern battlefield.
bold of you to post here.
you're retarded btw
pic related is YOU
>but Chinese tank training hasn't changed since the days of Soviet surplus, so the crews have no idea how to utilize them on a modern battlefield.
>t. double digit IQ mutt talking out of his ass.
+10 social credits points
"However, the elite brigade was heavily suppressed during the exercise because of obsolete ways of thinking, the CCTV report said."
""We only studied the capabilities of older tanks, but have not completely understood new ones," Zhao Jianxin, another battalion commander, reportedly told CCTV."
>national interest
it's the daily mail for mutts. no argument that chinks need institutional knowledge tho.
I thought all chinese news is fake?
>hurr, i was proven completely wrong, but i'm gonna respond with buzzwords so anonymous people will still think i'm cool
holy fuck, you're stupid
the fact that it is embarrassing to the Chinese government and military, but still allowed in state media makes it very likely to be true.
Shut up and post the sexy digicamo and whitewall road wheels.
Who are you responding to? Are you so fucking new you don’t even know how to respond to a post? C’mon, user. This is day 1 stuff. Also, the wiki article you cited simply proves that the chinks have active shills. I could go on wikipedia, edit that article to read that the Type 99 has cardboard armor and hamsters for power. The shills would delete my edits quickly, but it would be hilarious while it lasted. Much like China, when you think about it.
they are so expensive, production and maintenance wise, that the gubment stopped producing them and only comparatively elites get them
stupid faggot.
Die, bitch.
>T-64 with added armor
you tell me, user
Hopefully we'll get to find out soon.
These Chinese tanks are just like their warplanes, they are expensive as fuck for China and will only be produced for a short period of time. China is and always will depend on either Russian or knock off Russian technology because their scientists are shit at designing high tech weapons.
you're confirmed retarded.
is your IQ even above 50? Just commit suicide, fag.
The Chinese balanced it on the round barrel and didnt fix it on a purpose built platform like the germans did.
>I extrapolate my views from the thing I want to hear - which was heard from some guy who got their info from somewhere, but I still say it with absolute certainty hoping to fool others and myself into a false sense of security.
Damn, go easy on him. He’s already dead.
yeah obviously it's a T-54 with ERA bricks slapped on
>The best China can hope to do is handle curryniggers
>posting the doctored version
this faggot
I mean both of these are actually pretty impressive
Why was the pic shopped?
Huh, I'd seen it with those weight plates before, and was surprised to see it without them.
IIRC, they're to duplicate the weight of a new armor setup
>The Chinese balanced it on the round barrel
[citation needed]
Watch the video, tard.
>hamsters for power
Do they make little rickshaws for hamsters?
dat stealth seig heil tho
>no evidence that the jar hasn't been fixed to the barrel
excuse me for not trusting a civilization built on deception and thievery.
I'd sign up for PLA service for baggin' Patels & Pajeets.
the jar did shift a bit in that clip you mong. You must be the first case where mental retardation impairs vision.
You’re retarded
Amen, bruda
I'd say something about how there's definitely ways to affix one object to another without totally securing it, but that would be pointless. You've taken a big gulp of the schoolboy piss flavored kool-aid.
>there's definitely ways
in other words you can't think of anyway to do it. Thought so. Even if there is, doubt your IQ is high enough to conceptualize.
>water sloshing around in jar
>barrel bounces around
>jar stationary
Oh yeah, the Chinese totally didn't attach the jar to the barrel.
Original footage shows that it is literally balanced on the barrel.
The jar is also inclined without falling down despite being on a circular barrel lel.
Have you ever seen a big circular object in real life? Have you ever left that basement?
U welcome
Why won't Chang make a cheapo Nato-compatible export version for poorfag countries like the V4 or Baltic states?
VT-4 is basically the export version.
Thailand has them.
And even though there are major external differences, internally, the VT-4 and the 99A are literally same in terms of FCS and BMS
Both also utilize the same auto-tracker functions.
Is it just me, or does that interior look really low-quality?
I bet they're fantastic if you only need to kill your own malnourished unarmed civilians.
It's just you.
The VT-4 commander and gunner positions are a lot more flush and integrated compared to the Abrams, simply because the tank isnt just an upgraded 80s product, but was designed from ground up with all these MFDs and computers.
Pic related. The Abram's consoles are literally bolt on upgrades floating around like some ductaped tablet computer.
It looks fine for what it is, the el cheapo thirdie model.
That's the point of training exercises though. No doubt they are addressing the shortcomings.
Adding to that, this is part of the Zhurihe excercises, Xi Jinping's hallmark projects to clean up the PLA of incompetents.
Basically, thje BluFor is being used like a Western army and gets lots of handwavium sci-fi UFO technologies, as well as casual tactial nukes and absolute air-superiority, while the RedFor are the individual PLA units that are getting rekt by literal Gundams, death-ray lasers and WMD strikes against any troop concentration that is larger than a platoon.
The goal is to train to fight WWIII against an enemy that doesnt hold back and has superior technology and commanders of the Red Force are forced to fight outside the box and display individual leadership and trickery to stand against the BluFor. Those who dont, get demoted and purged.
As of 2017, the track record is 2:27 for the Red Force.
>used like a Western army and gets lots of handwavium sci-fi UFO technologies
Such as?
All-seeing eyes in the sky, nerve gas and stealth tactical nuke cruise missiles, lasers and railguns, 100% information sharing between each unit.
Literally the BluFor fights without the fog of war, while the RedForce gets rekt and has to deal with it.
This is Xi Jinping's answer to decades of scripted training of the previous presidents. When says that the PLA needs to "fight and win wars", he means it.
So it's a near unwinnable bullshit test, and if you fail you're fucked. Does he specifically pick guys he wants to get rid of to lead the red side here, or does Xi simply intend to chew through the entire PLA officers corps here until it's nothing but three smart guys who got preposterously lucky and a bunch of fresh butterbars?
It's terrible. Armor quality is all over the place, depending on the factory that made it and how the workers were feeling that day. Autoloader is still shit.
Gunpowder is also shit and the impurities lead to rapid deterioration of the interior linings/grooves of the main gun barrel.
The rest is what you would expect. Optics are semi decent but as mentioned earlier main gun accuracy is trash past 1 - 1.5km.
He chews through the entire corps. The first one to get victimized was the 38th GA's elite unit equipped with the Type 99s.
They managed a phyrric tactical victory in a delaying action against the BluFor offensive that used Type 59s but with simulated stats of an M1A2, but literally lost everything in the process.
This was one of the two victories in favor for the RedForce.
>All-seeing eyes in the sky, nerve gas and stealth tactical nuke cruise missiles, lasers and railguns, 100% information sharing between each unit.
If that's true, then the exercise is near pointless. Like the other guy said it's probably an excuse for Xi to get rid of people he doesn't like.
Not pointless, if you simulate the Iraqi Army during desert storm.
Because that was the war that scared the PLA the most and all their efforts was to train for such a scenario where the enemy is overwhelming in the fields of technology.
So the usual dictator practice of trashing the armed forces so they can't stage a coup then. Which can backfire in spectacular ways if your neighbours don't like you very much, but I guess having nukes helps with that.
Mildly wasted
Loyalty is ensured through other means. These tests are primarily meant to weed out the incompetents and those who have bought their ranks with money.
Dennis J. Blasko, the US military attache to China, has some writings about this:
That a whole fucking lot more toys than NATO ever had to play with in Desert Storm, and a whole Uckington lot more than they have today as well. You're not gonna discover anything new about boxing by pitting a heavyweight champion against a twelve year old with a bum leg. And if you then fire the kid's trainer for not pulling an outright miracle out of his ass... Then you're not actually doing it to learn, you're clearly doing it to fuck over the trainer.
>These tests are primarily meant to weed out the incompetents and those who have bought their ranks with money.
Except that the test as you described it is damn near impossible. It's like weeding out those who aren't fit enough by demanding everyone run a marathon in under 125 minutes.
>If that's true, then the exercise is near pointless. Like the other guy said it's probably an excuse for Xi to get rid of people he doesn't like.
Nope, Xi is leading and organizing the effort to get the PLA into combat ready, fighting shape to take on the USA in open war.
>Between May 31 and July 28, 2014, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) began the annual large-scale exercise codenamed “Stride 2014.”
>ince Chinese President and Commander-in-Chief Xi Jinping came to power in 2012, when he decided to implement reforms within the PLA in order to achieve a fighting force that “can fight and win battles” (PLA Daily, February 21, 2013).
>Although the unit is equipped largely with obsolete equipment, such as Type 59 main battle tanks (MBT) and Type 63 armored personnel carriers (APC), its strengths are actually in its deep integration into combined arms. Also through the large-scale deployment of laser engagement systems similar to the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) used by the U.S. military, the unit quite possibly simulated M1s and Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles. This is never implicitly acknowledged by official media but open source evidence seems to suggest that the unit sometimes utilizes doctrine similar to that of U.S. Brigade Combat Teams, meant the 195th proved to be a lethal opponent (China Military Net, June 16, 2014).
This has been going on for 5 years now.
The BluFor was modeled after a US Brigade Combat team and all these supports is what the Chinese believe the US will have during a future war. You can dispute them on that, but this is what they believe:
>The mysterious “Blue Force”—as the PLA terms its OPFOR—is actually the 195th mechanized infantry brigade, commanded by Xia Minglong, under the Beijing MR (formerly the 1st Armored Division, 65th GA, one of the early pioneering units in “informatized warfare”). This unit appears to have been retrained during 2013 and activated in January 2014. By March 2014, the Central Military Commission (CMC) under President Xi issued the directive “Recommendations Concerning the Improvement to the Realism of Military Exercises” (Xinhua, March 20, 2014), and the 195th was to be the “grindstone.” “Stride 2014,” therefore, was personally approved by Xi according to the new “2014 to 2017 Trans-Regional Base Located Training Regulations” (Liao Wang Dong Fang, August 6, 2014).
>Although the unit is equipped largely with obsolete equipment, such as Type 59 main battle tanks (MBT) and Type 63 armored personnel carriers (APC), its strengths are actually in its deep integration into combined arms. Also through the large-scale deployment of laser engagement systems similar to the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) used by the U.S. military, the unit quite possibly simulated M1s and Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles. This is never implicitly acknowledged by official media but open source evidence seems to suggest that the unit sometimes utilizes doctrine similar to that of U.S. Brigade Combat Teams, meant the 195th proved to be a lethal opponent (China Military Net, June 16, 2014).
>Prior to the establishment of the OPFOR brigade, opposing forces were always made up of rotated units with little experience in the role. This is due to political as well as doctrinal issues. If an OPFOR unit defeats a high-profile visiting unit, then there is a chance that the senior generals of the latter will take offense, something that within a military such as the PLA—with its intricate web of patronage and personal allegiances—can prove disastrous to one’s career. Therefore, institutionally, there had been little incentive for OPFOR officers to try and defeat visiting forces (Sina Military, August 8, 2014).
>One of the other key issues identified during the exercises was the proper usage of new equipment. Several of the formations that were defeated by the OPFOR possessed the most advanced hardware within the PLA, including Type 99 and Type 96 MBTs as well as Type 04 IFVs. Nearly all the formations possessed highly mobile, organic, mechanized or truck mounted artillery. In essence, they represented the fruits of two decades of hardware upgrades for the ground forces aimed at fighting a fully mechanized war. However, these did not save them from defeat. The only unit that scored a win/draw was equipped with the most advanced Type 99 MBTs, but it was a scratch battalion led by a captain (the higher ranking commanders all having been ‘killed’) that “won” the fight (Guancha, July 8, 2014).
Seems like China has commited itself to the inevitable confrontation with the USA and decided to start preparing the PLA accordingly.
>Basically, thje BluFor is being used like a Western army and gets lots of handwavium sci-fi UFO technologies, as well as casual tactial nukes and absolute air-superiority, while the RedFor are the individual PLA units that are getting rekt by literal Gundams, death-ray lasers and WMD strikes against any troop concentration that is larger than a platoon.
Or, all your aggrandizing descriptions aside, the BLUFOR is equipped with top secret hypothetical weapons that the Chinese suspect are in the USA arsenal. Minus the Gundams and UFOs.
Death lasers and tactical nukes are well within the realm of possibility.
Yeah, basically these reports that burgers like to post here as evidence of failings is literally Xi propaganda to embarrass the high brass and whip the PLA into shape.
>The nature of the exercises was very different from previous brigade-sized maneuvers. These ranged from the doctrinal—no more scripted confrontations, to the mundane—no more large red banners and flags on the vehicles. Everything was done to create “realistic real-war conditions” (PLA Daily, December 31, 2014). The most significant change, however, was in “allowing” the OPFOR to win. The role of previous, temporary OPFORs was to delay and obstruct the “Red Forces” but not to defeat them. Thus a Red brigade commander could previously issue commands that resulted in large losses without fearing defeat. However, the painful defeats inflicted on “Red Forces” in “Stride 2014” were not only highlighted as a major takeaway from the exercises, but also gleefully rammed home repeatedly by official PLA media coverage (Xinhua, June 22, 2014).
I bet the Chinese know that the US would use the Marauder Plasma guns and quantum clairvoyance technologies in a future war against China.