It's going down.
>Iran admits to overtly attacking Saudi
But Jow Forums told me Iran dindu nuffin!
Redpill me on what Iran has to gain from war with the US? Surely they have no hope of winning?
>US slowly getting drawn into another shitshow innasandbox.
They got a shot via actual military and American war fatigue. That said they just hate the Saudis. America doesn't have much to do with it
Well, given their constant lashing out over the past few months, it’s quite possible that their economic situation is so deep in the shitter, they’re looking to invite anything to alleviate that, even what they see as a limited war. Assuming the US doesn’t straight-up remove the current regime, having big bad America bully them on the world stage may help them get sympathy and potentially some relief from the current sanctions.
This won't be a stand up fight. They will wreck the world economy and sow chaos.
>Another war to waste years on and accomplish nothing
>More profit for Israel
>More displaced muzzies moving in
They might have won with the first strike. The increase in oil prices may be enough to destabilize the global economy all by itself. The fiat/central back system is on the verge of total collapse as it is.
Why couldn't they do this in the past?
Not enough incentive to? It's like flipping the table at a card game because you're losing.
The increase in oil prices are a mild drain on the US economy in the form of gas prices, but end up strengthening America’s overall position due to increased funding for more oil extraction. Depending on how long it takes for the Saudis to get production back up to previous levels, the American oil industry could find itself in a really great place.
Yes the US is in the best position but that doesn't mean we can avoid any issues from the rest of the world crashing and burning.
Why would it burn? Buy American or Iranian if you don't like that sort of thing
>Iran: It wasn't us! You have no proof, stop blaming us and trying to start a war!
>Iran the next day: It was us and we were justified to do it.
Why the fuck do they keep doing this? They do something stupidly aggressive to try to make a statement, they initially deny it, and then admit to it while whining about retaliation and claiming the other side started it.
Obviously a war with Iran would be a costly mess, but at this point they are leaving the world with few choices. With such a sporadic nature it's seemingly only a matter of time until they do nuke someone and then try to pretend things are normal the next day.
Well, muddying the waters is a time-honored tradition in warfare. Anything they can do to induce chaos in the decision making apparatuses of their potential enemies is a net gain for them.
caalm down, Rouhani merely mean that the Houthi Rebels are striking back at their neo-colonialist persecutors with guerrilla tactics and with good reason.
He's not admitting Iran did anything.
>Attack launched from Iraq
>It was the Houthis
the quote is iran's president saying yemen did the attack in retribution for what saudi arabia is doing to yemen
quality journalism
To an extent it is beneficial to be ambiguous. Until the chaos subsides and it's decided there is a war. Then Iran is facing multiple nations which are clearly better than them in just about every aspect militarily.
They're just hellraisers.
I don't like Israel either. But spare me this shit about
>Iran dindu nuffin dey wuz Aryan bruthas an' sheeit
Because the global financial order is too intertwined. A collapse of any one major market is going to cascade the whole system. We are in uncharted territory. The fairy land that is current economic theory can't predict what's gonna happen on the day of the rope.
>mfw my gf is deploying to the immediate region soon.
another day. another war to destabilize the ME and ruin the US, but hey someone out there will surely profit...
Don’t worry, if she’s deployed, she’s not your GF for the time being.
In this case perhaps it was a misquote by the outlet, but the general trend of "Wasn't us....okay it was." has existed in the past and will surely continue into the future. The denials usually end when images of Iranian forces or tech appear or when a clear link is found. Then it becomes trying to claim it was justified. Rather than doing like North Korea and taking responsibility for whatever it was from the start because then it's spun as a propaganda victory to the people by state media and used as a leverage for demands from the international community.
Just nuke the ME and the world will be a better place.
At least 5 on Israel specifically.
>Another war that accomplishes barely anything
>1 trillion more mudskins to invade europe and america
Cool I cant wait for shiria law
>missed the GWOT boat because Iraq was over when I turned 18 and I'm a pussy
>27 now and have my shit together with a big boy job and a college degree
>the only adrenaline opportunity is the unlikely boog or dropping everything I've built to die or lose my soul/mind in a stupid oil war for Israel or the Saudis
What do?
>not pillaging the country after we conquer it to recoup the costs of invasion
It’s our own fault if the war isn’t profitable, desu.
The sanctions are destroying their economy. My guess is they are trying to get a conflict started in order to focus their own people on a common enemy before they lose patience and start to revolt.
>Believing anything that comes out of Mike Pompeo's mouth
This administration is a Kremlin-tier misinformation factory.
The sanctions keep getting lumped on because they keep doing stuff like this or attacking tankers. Iran's foreign policy is so bafflingly self-destructive. They need to keep up appearances of strength to keep their government in power, but their actions create conditions that make life worse for their people (which makes the idea of revolt become more popular.) I understand what the Iranian government is trying to do but they are so bad at it.
Speaking of which, they just took another tanker:
If it wasn't launched from Iraq then why were the missiles spotted from Kuwait?
Or the fact that the holes were on the northeast side of the tanks and they found debris in the desert to the north.
t. russiagate conspiratard
If the tanker was trying to smuggle Iranian fuel bought cheap to another country then they may be legally in the right there. That's what the article sounded like.
If they seized another tanker just sailing through international waters then it's another aggressive move.
ain't nobody seen shit. "according to US officials" doesn't mean shit in this administration
Kill because it feels good.
To be fair, every time the Iranians have captured a tanker, they’ve made this claim.
You may want to be siting down for this, but drones can change direction.
You're asking the wrong question. What does other countries in the area have to gain?
They haven't released the nationality of the tanker and crew yet. Or where exactly they caught it. Once the name of the ship is released then those who know maritime routes and stuff can pull up their trackers and see what/where/when things took place.
Removal of a pest and liability to their own security? I don't think war with Iran is going to happen tomorrow but unless something big changes then it is coming.
Lmao this is such blatant manipulation of the public with half truths and lies.
He didnt say "This was retaliation by Iran against Saudi Arabia on behalf of Yemen"
he said "This was Yemeni retaliation against Saudi Arabia for attacks on Yemen"
I'm old enough to remember the outright lies and hysteria surrounding the Iraq invasion.
I'm saddened that so many people are total idiots when it comes to the media and government selling them a narrative.
at this point i don't even care if it was the iranians
leave us the hell out of it
>Iran just says fuck it and dumps everything they have on Shlomohammed in a sneak attack
They might as well just do it now because they're not going to get another chance. Finish the game.
If you did more than read twitter feeds, you'd see that Rouhani stated that Yemen acted in self defense, conducted the drone strikes, and did so in response to Saudi aggression in the region
I'm more confused why it even matters. In what weirdo scenario does Iran declaring war on Saudi Arabia mean we get involved? The countries lack a shared land border, so any hostilities would be limited to the coasts, correct? Or is Iraq expected to let Iranian units stroll on through?
If the US gets dragged into another fucking war, they'll probably face revolution
There is no more support for even sneezing in the direction of the sandbox, let alone another fucking war
No they won’t lmao
It matters to the boomer generation and their mind slaves who feel that any reason to attack "arabs" or "muslims" is good, and that Iran is a CRAZY ROGUE STATE led by THE MULLAHS who are hell bent on destroying the USA and ARE GREATEST ALLY, the ONLY DEMOCRACY IN THE REGION.
So basically an ever smaller and daily dying portion of the American population, who unfortunately have a lot of power in DC right now, and who are extremely easily manipulated by ARE GRADEST ALLY and DUAL CITIZENS.
Also if oil markets get too wild and gas starts costing too much and slowing the American economy, Trump loses re-election because the economy is literally the only thing keeping him afloat.
>they'll probably face revolution
Not sure about that, but it's not popular, and Trump knows that.
I'm not an r/TheDonald polesmoker, but I think DT has shown considerable restraint when deciding whether to take military action. Blumpf knows that an unpopular war nobody asked for would sink him. The fact that he called off the opening airstrikes a few months ago just as they were airborne shows that he doesn't want war.
Plus, the Warrus just got shitcanned.
Gas prices are gonna be a bit disconnected from this mess, increasingly so as time goes on and US production ramps up to meet demand. It’s already going up, but it’s unlikely we’re gonna see recession-era gas prices coming back.
>another shitshow in a middle eastern shithole
>They will wreck the world economy
>dabs in oil, food, and economic independence
Sucks to be China, India, or Europe right about now.
this. OP and the fags at twitter are outright lying. i find it interesting that 1 out of the 3 who run that supposedly news account is tribal. they fucked up so bad they outright deleted both of those tweets.
>people dont even bother to look up what is being posted and takes whatever OP says at face value truth
we are TIGHTTIGHTTIGHT with the saudis on every level including intternational corporations. they are the swing arm of our middle eastern influence sphere with Israel n the other side.
look up the history of ARAMCO and you'll see a lot of familiar names that go back a LONG way
Assuming direct retaliation against Iran is wise (I don't think it is, I don't give a fuck about Saudis or Jews), why would we need to go to war with them? That just seems pointless. Couldn't we just
1) Park a CBG in the Gulf of Oman and shut down any tankers/containers going to or from Iran
2) Use airbases in Europe/Africa to bomb the ever living shit out of them and their infrastructure
3) Take the remaining 3% of unemployed Americans and have them build Iowa+s that cruise around under the support of our CBG in the area and constantly shell Iran
Going to war, in the conventional sense, just seems pointless. Everyone knows what a blunder it is to wage a land war in Asia, and when their a perfectly good alternatives, it just seems extra silly, especially considering it would be at the cost of American lives. If Israel/Saudi Arabia want to conquer Iran, they can do so themselves.
From a brother in law at nintendo, Iran has Russian-supplies subs in the Dead Sea poking around US military installations. Booga gonna loo soon.
The issue is that Iran has a credible ability to shut down the Straits of Hormuz for a while, which will completely fuck Europe and Asian economies that rely heavily on gulf state oil.
I'm not saying that Iran will defeat the USN and firmly control the gulf forevermore, but they do have the ability to make it too hostile for civilian tankers to transit for a while. They also probably do have the ability to hit Saudi and Kuwaiti oil infrastructure.
Israel and Saudi Arabia want us to destroy their only long term rival in the region because they aren't strong enough to do it themselves.
All of those things ARE war in a conventional sense.
Israel and the Saudis could both make like hellish for Iran. It doesn't directly involve the US, but should Iran develop both nuclear weapons and missiles then it goes from threatening Tel Aviv or Saudi oil fields to threatening the "Great Satan" (America) with missiles. If there is going to be a war in the region then it is better to have it while the US is still out of Iran's range.
>fucks with chinese and europoors
>leads to the release of 4K footage of tomahawks hitting targets innadesert
>shuts up Iranian shills on Jow Forums
I see literally no downside to this.
Lmao this is 100% neocon crack.
Iran nuking the USA with an ICBM? are you fucking serious?
I bet you thought we had to invade Iraq to stop Saddam from doing the same thing.
>someone talks shit
>gets shot
>person still goes to jail
Fuck off. Yemen attacking SA because they talk shit isn't self-defense. That's them attacking first.
They could hypothetically launch a SCUD missile from a ship and cause an EMP in our airspace. But that would take so many levels of fuckup on our part that it's impossible.
>Yemen attacking SA because they talk shit isn't self-defense. That's them attacking first.
not for long, buddy
Gotta giggle at this one
>they do have the ability to make it too hostile for civilian tankers to transit for a while. They also probably do have the ability to hit Saudi and Kuwaiti oil infrastructure
As an American, I literally don't care (except that it's pointless). Our main interests in the ME (besides muh greatest ally), are Saudi oil reserves in that a stable oil supply meant we weren't fucked energy wise, and muh petrodollar. Both are solved by shale oil. We no longer need foreign oil to function (convenient as it may be), and with the Gulf shutdown the rest of the world would still be forced to buy oil with dollars, because we'd become one of the only major oil exporters. It would definitely suck, and war would likely break out in other places (China would stop pussyfooting and start aggresively annexing, if only to negotiate for a peace treay where we let them buy oil from us/Iran/Saudi), but besides a mild economic downturn, the US would be fine.
I'm only saying where things will go if the status quo of Iran developing these weapons will go. It will become like North Korea and once nukes are in the picture then it becomes harder to deter other actions. Raids on ships in the Strait of the Hormuz will continue, proxy attacks through Houthis will continue, threats will escalate. War is at least definitive and can end the situation. Peace should be sought but that has its limits if there are more attacks in the future.
Prediction: the next mass shooting will be commited by "Iranian backed terrorists" and will be the worst one in US history. A group of armed men will use silenced pistol-braced ARs that they bought from a gun show without a background check to kill 6 gorillion children in a shopping mall somewhere in middle America, maybe Iowa.
Suspiciously, no one will have taken any cell phone video of the incident and all the CCTV cameras were down for maintenance that day meaning there's no footage of the attack avaliable to the public. Also, everyone who actually SAW the gunmen was shot to death so there's no true eyewitness accounts. Thankfully the shooters just so happened to drop an Iranian flag and a koran at the scene so we know who the perpetrators are.
That will let Trump invade Iran and finally ban evil assault guns with multi shot magazine clips all at the same time! :^)
Nothing will happen, except for the refinery being repaired and strong defenses being built
Nothing will happen. Why do people always think anyone will do anything about this shit?
Gas is projected to rise by like 30 cents.
>All of those things ARE war in a conventional sense.
Not really. Every one of those things can be done, from a technological standpoint, with no American personell in the area. Obviously, we don't have such technology anywhere close to battle ready, but what it does mean is that there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to deploy a single American troop to the region except as back up. The Army could sit on the sidelines in case something goes sideways, while the Navy and Air Force beat Iran into submission from the air and sea. There's absolutely no reason for an American boot to touch Iranian soil, or for us to demand in any way whatsoever that Iran cede control to us. Where'd be there to aggresively enforce sanctions until they submit. But it really is pointless to even do that.
>should Iran develop both nuclear weapons and missiles then it goes from threatening Tel Aviv or Saudi oil fields to threatening the "Great Satan" (America) with missiles
Fucking kek. You're retarded. Russia would never let them start a nuclear war.
congrats on becoming a dad when your GF is six months into deployment user.
By the start of December at that.
I'll summarize real quick; there's no reason for American occupation of Iran. That's the only thing you technically need boots for, and it's the traditional objective of war (in some manner for some reason). The US has such a powerful Navy and Air Force and the (hypothetical) needs of the situation are such that all of *OUR* policy objectives can be accomplished with a blockade and bombings. The objectives of our "allies" on the other hand...
Claps and then Jews sweet murdered in the street for their crimes against humanity
Now compound that with the increase in food prices from the record crop losses this year and shit is going to get spicy.
You suggest something like an Operation Praying Mantis 2.0. That would be fine for making a statement and putting some hurt on Iran's military and industry, but it wouldn't solve the underlying problem that their government is one which continuously tries to escalate tensions. The security of trade in the region won't be secured through tit-for-tat acts. Only through a regime change in Iran to one which does not seek to be hostile or fund terrorist proxies.
You can say the US should not initiate seeking that change (at least one that involves putting soldiers into a land campaign) and I would agree with that. But the end result that would need to happen is for someone: Saudis, Israelis, Russians, or whoever, to go into Iran and see that the change is made. And so I would say if someone eventually does bite the bullet and try to move into Iran or create a revolt of the Iranian people, the US should support it in some capacity, but make no mistake that would be another war in the Middle East.
Yeah man i read that book too. It was pretty good.
The USA still imports 10 million barrels per day. Not much of that is from the Gulf states, but if the Straits of Hormuz were closed, we'd all feel it at the pump and thered be severe economic consequences for the country.
Youre saying that with time, shale production would ramp up to make up the difference, which may be true but it wouldnt stop the economy from falling apart before that happened.
North Korean nukes changed nothing. They always had the ability to inflict massive damage on South Korea, and effectively held them hostage long before they had the bomb.
Based grand solar minimum user
>Iran attacks Saudi Arabia whose defense pact with the US predates the establishment of Israel
>this is the Jews fault!
Weak taqiya Muslim shills
Pair it with an Operation Bayonet 2.0 while destroying every dock, airstrip and blowing up every main transportation way and air defense in the region.
Kill the majority of the head of government and you will see how quickly the left overs become quislings.
Why are the “fellow white kuffars” posters pulling their hair out over what will amount to a few tomahawk strikes on shitskins? Iran is weak chickenshit and nobody is talking about invading. Relax
Iranian shills and people obsessed with magical jews
The US only imports 1.4 million barrels per day from Gulf states, roughly 7% of total US oil consumption. Domestic shale oil producers are expected to add 74,000 b/d in October. It'll hurt, but it won't be a catastrophic price increase.
Praying Mantis was a single day of fighting. Against Iran we'd probably see something closer to Operation Deliberate Force or the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. Massive degradation of their conventional military power and specifically targeted industrial capacity and government buildings.
Get back in the middle east, goy
Yes, I am aware that our total imports from Gulf states are low, but we still import over 10 million barrels per day. If the Gulf gets taken off the market, the total oil available worldwide goes down by a significant amount, and our imported oil therefore becomes more expensive or even impossible to acquire.
The shale boom has radically changed the domestic and global energy outlook but it doesnt erase the Iranian ability to completely fuck the global economy.