Jow Forumsontent

What are some Jow Forums-rated shows/movies? Any weigh-ins on Barry (not the Obabo netflix swill)?

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first few episodes are fun but it gets boring fast

Band of Brothers, the Pacific, mail call, generation kill
Even good sci-fi like fifth element and the cartoon Clone Wars (avoid the CGI), maybe Edge of Tomorrow
I love Gundam (0080, 0083 best) but not everyone can be into /m/ec/k/a

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>Men of Harlech on to glory see your banner told in story

I cri everytiem

>mad respeck for the chocolates

Gladiator was cool. Not sure how Jow Forums it is though due to the inaccuracies.

Hardcore Henry

What's good on Netflix or Hulu? I can get away with watching a movie or 2 at work.

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Not Jow Forums related, but by extension, if you like Bill Hader and James Ransone I would say IT chapter 2. Those two carry the entire movie.

I've never been a big fan of Bill Hader's comedy, but this show has actually been pretty good. I think it balances aspects of comedy and tragedy really well. I don't know how Jow Forums-rated it is though: they got the suppressor sound effects right in the stash house raid, but not during the scene where he's getting shot at while in his bedroom. Also, after his fight with Ron, how the hell did he get away from the cops? Did they just not see the dude running down the shopping aisle away from both their suspect and a dead police officer, or did that one supermarket not have security cameras?

I wish Noho Hank's text messages has become a running gag.

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End of Watch was good
>But cops
It's a movie and it's good in that capacity

CGI clone wars was dope

13 hours I think it's called. Should still be on Netflix. It's about Operation Nimrod and shows the planning and training that went into it. SAS are some top tier lads


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I don't really get the point of looking for "Jow Forums movies."
Movies necessarily make guns look weak because the protagonist has plot armor. Even in marketed "pro gun" movies like John Wick, he has plot armor against all the opponents fully automatic rifles which should be an instant game over if used with any sort of coordination.
The director must accommodate this by having him, jump, roll, and dive out of harm's way. All the while scoring mid air headshots with a 9mm pistol.
We know intuitively pistols aren't very powerful, and if everyone using rifles is getting bested by pistols, it makes rifles look no better than pistols. It makes guns in general look unwieldy and ineffective for anyone but elite assassins.

Games on the other hand, not only give you control over the gun (objects which you control are more interesting that objects you passively observe). But most importantly, games don't make you invulnerable. You will make mistakes and you will be punished.

And you will do the same to your opponents. Even though you are not a legendary assassin, and you are probably no better at the game than most other players. The gun was what got you kills. You can prove to the viewer guns are powerful and thus interesting because both sides use them to rapid deadly effect. Rather than as noisemakers one hand, and esoteric specialist tools on the other.

>imagine being so autistic you can't enjoy movies.

>make guns look weak
Haven't you seen ANYONE get shot in a movie? They fly like 10 feet.
Also as much of a sperg you are about Vidya, sure the interaction can make it more valuable an experience, but that doesn't mean you should disregard an entire form of media

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The protagonist might do this, but everyone else's gun might as well be airsoft.
Which makes it a stronger association that it's the protagonist that's powerful, or maybe his special snowflake henry lever action. But all the AKMs, MP5s, and AUGs wielded by the antagonists are worthless toys, rather than machines that can and should rip the protagonist apart the second he steps out of cover for a flashy combat-dance move.
I guess it would help if the protagonist at least showed fear and a need to stick to cover. If the protagonist could ever be suppressed. And if the protagonist ever got shot and had to drop out of a fight leaving his backup to rescue him.
But no, fear and consequences are played down as much as possible, outside of war movies and documentaries.

If you're a weeb, gunsmith cats is pretty neat, short show.

But that's not clone wars, that's the shitty disney one

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after the you know what event, i watched it. damn was it cool, but a little hard to follow at times. took me longer than id like to admit to realize the helper dude was like an avatar constantly.

as for television shows, my whole family loves watching The Unit. its pretty entertaining, even the non-combat episodes. it really makes you hate military wives, but in a good way

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Ah, Rebels and CGI clone wars blend to me due to the art style. Haven't seen the CGI one so I'll instead say that the cartoon was very good and avoid rebels like the plague

I still would disagree. Often when a protagonist is hit there's a reaction and instant first aid (which is far more effective than it should be in most cases, I'll admit)
There's just a silly amount of missing going on.
It really depends case by case though. I'd understand this opinion if you only saw The walking Dead (that fucking Jeep scene) but I think there more than enough counter examples before writing off cinema

The Unit is a bomb ass show.