Cmmg banshee for at home

thinking about getting one of these for home defense in .45 5" version instead of 8". what does k think? also any other suggestions

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If you're willing to use an AR style gun for HD why not just go with a 556 version?

>Central Missouri Machine Gun
>Doesn't sell machine guns

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loud, going to put can on it. and 45 being subsonic figured was best choice?????

147gr 9mm is subsonic.

so go with that but in 9mm?

5" is really if you are planning on running suppressed, getting rid barrel length allows you to run a suppressor with a smaller profile. Should be good either way because you are getting a more controllable package compared to a traditional pistol.

>not wanting to go load and wake the entire fucking neighborhood in the event of a night home invasion

Im aware that there is school in the morning, but fuck the neighbor kids. And let the neoghbors call the police, giving you more time to lay down supressive fire.

.556 put of short barrel is super fucking loud. People fucking hate me when I shoot my AR pistol at the indoor range. Every time the people in the lanes beside me pack up and leave. I actually laughed when the guy in the lane next to me said
After my first shot with the pistol AR after I had been shooting my 9mm. The difference in noise, blast, and muzzle flash is huge.

My home defense gun is a CZ scorpion with folding pistol brace. I keep it loaded with 147 grain HST hollowpoints.

dosnt noise at a certain level fuck up your other senses? i dont want to compromise anything else in such a stressful situation

How short of a barrel of you use? I have an 8.5" in 5.56 and never get any complaints, although I do have a flash can on it.

pcc are retarded for home defense. you have all the disadvantages of a handgun with all the disadvantages of a rifle. if you're going give up the maneuberability of a handgun to use something in a rifle configuration, move up to a rifle cartridge. it will be vastly more likely to cause a one shot stop on an intruder even with the short barrel.

Seems like a pretty good choice to me.

gr 9mm is subsonic.
It is, but if your whole goal is to shoot subsonic then you might as well stick with .45 since it's essentially ALL subsonic, and if you're limited on velocity you might as well get some more mass behind each bullet.

If you are limiting yourself to subsonic ammo then 45 makes a lot more sense than 9.

>you have all the disadvantages of a handgun with all the disadvantages of a rifle.
I disagree.
They are nowhere near the size or the weight of a rifle, so there is no size disadvantage. Sure a handgun is smaller still, but that only matters for carry, not for home defense. And the fact that a PCC has a stock gives you a massive advantage over a handgun. It's a pretty ideal choice, really: more controllable/accurate than a handgun, without being large enough to cause any issues if you have to move through the home.

> it will be vastly more likely to cause a one shot stop on an intruder even with the short barrel.
1) that's not true
2) it comes with the cost of a massive amount of noise, and increased overpenetration risk.

Unironically use a 300 blackout. Gives you quiet subsonics with performance slightly above .45, but you can also load in a supersonic mag and have a hot ass 30 carbine/weak sauce 7.62x39 rifle. 8" is ideal. A pcc is fun, but offers no benefit over a handgun other than marginally better accuracy. In short distances like HD, a handgun is much easier to use when dealing with corners.

while we are on the topic... look to buy/build an AR9 for home defense and because I am a poorfag who doesn't shoot enough. wat buy?

I built mine. cmmg colt lower, then used optics planet + paypal credit for the rest. get 6 months plus no interest to pay off parts. search online and you will find a uscca coupon that gives you 10% all purchases through optics planet.

Seeing the dorks running the PCC division at my local match has convinced me that it's a pretty fucking fast gun. You have guys who are only decent shooters on PCC putting in overall times for a course with guys who really good but using a pistol. A rifle stock, the added weight, and fuck hige mags are no joke.

As for 9mm compared to .45, what's .45 going for on the low end? If you don't have a 650, you can still swing 147gr for $190-210 a case of 1000. How does the .45 stack up?

$0.25/round for ball ammo online. Hollow points are similar but just a little pricier than 9mm.

>As for 9mm compared to .45, what's .45 going for on the low end?
I dunno about you, but I'm not going to let the cost of ammo determine my choice of a home defense weapon.

As for .45, you can get new manufacture brass case for about 23-24 cents per round, making it cost more than 9 but not by much. I'm sure you can find it cheaper if you go to steel case or reloads.

>I'm not going to let the cost of ammo determine my choice of a home defense weapon.
Second most important consideration for me after pen tests (that I have to just assume are honest). I have to buy all my own ammo for training. And to try and get competancy, I'm already blowing through 1000 rds of 9mm and 400rds of 5.56 a month. And it fuuuuuucking sucks to see thay money go out every month.

>I have to buy all my own ammo for training
So do I.
I'm just going to cut my expenses elsewhere rather than training for my HD weapon.

>It is, but if your whole goal is to shoot subsonic then you might as well stick with .45 since it's essentially ALL subsonic, and if you're limited on velocity you might as well get some more mass behind each bullet.
>If you are limiting yourself to subsonic ammo then 45 makes a lot more sense than 9.

9mm is significantly quieter than 45 if that's important to you. Also there's absolutely nothing wrong with supers through a can for cheaper practice.

>He shoots 1000 rounds of 9mm a month

Sure you do. Assuming that's true why are you shooting that much if it's a caliber you don't trust for HD? Why not just get a sub gun in this caliber you are already supposedly extremely proficient in and let the training roll over?

You can buy Palmetto State Armory parts or a kit or a full gun for under 600 in 9mm. Or you can go with an Extar if you don't want to build it and want to motivate yourself to stop being such a poorfag so you can buy a better gun.

>9mm is significantly quieter than 45 if that's important to you
eh, not enough to matter.

>> Also there's absolutely nothing wrong with supers through a can for cheaper practice.
Yeah, that's certainly an advantage for 9mm. But like I posted above, if I'm picking a HD weapon then I'm going to value performance over budget any day. I'll gladly pay the extra 5 cents per round.

hadn't heard of this before. watched a couple reviews. Any experience with one?

Nope its just dirt cheap and can be a budget entry point. Don't know if there are any 5k+ round reviews out there. Most gun reviews are just shills playing with a toy for the weekend they usually don't even clean.

>what does k think?
Stop being a fucking hipster and just get a Glock 19 like a normal person.

Mine is 12" with A2 flash hider. People comment on how loud it is every time I shoot it at the indoor range.

>pcc are retarded for home defense. you have all the disadvantages of a handgun with all the disadvantages of a rifle.
Superior control with weapon shouldered
Muzzle flash will not blind you when eyes are adjusted to the dark
Muzzle blast will not blow your ears out
Recoil is so light you can mag dump as fast as you can pull the trigger and stay on target

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It's a gun from the Central Missouri Machine.

>Assuming that's true why are you shooting that much if it's a caliber [9mm] you don't trust for HD?
I do, my man. That's why I shoot it.

> Why not just get a sub gun in this caliber you are already supposedly extremely proficient in and let the training roll over?
If I was that proficient, I probably wouldn't have to buy $180 of ammo every month. Which, incidentally, is the same reason I don't have a CMMG in 9mm. Or a red dot. Or a nice 229.

>eh, not enough to matter.

It's a lot quieter.