The Kill Team
Summarize because I'm not going to click a link for no reason
what is it about? ill probably watch it
Bored infantry who just wanna get it on use off book grenades and AKs as drop weapons to merc civvies.
Oh and the ring leader psycho was making a necklace of human finger bones.
loosely based on a true story of war crimes by this dude in iraq, where he killed civilians for sport, and had a "kill club" of dudes under him doing the same.
some new guy ends up spilling the beans to his family back home because he is disgusted by it.
his dad contacts the military. they tell him basically "not interested", and nothing happens.
then the new guy ends up going to higher ups over there and spills the beans to them.
you can find the confession interviews on youtube.
as with everything in hollywood, it's only loosely based on real events, but they had to jazz it up and make it movie-ish
It's a documentary faggot not a dramatization.
>some new guy ends up spilling the beans to his family back home
>his dad contacts the military
Family of snitches.
wait nevermind your OP pic is from the 2013/14 documentary of the same name.
the documentary is about the real actual events.
the movie of the same name released this year, is loosely based on the events. but only loosely.
trailer for the documentary:
other trailer:
CBS broadcast on it:
ABC Aussie broadcast on it:
you can search "murloc kill team afghanistan" on youtube for more, including people getting prison sentences including life sentences, further in depth news stuff, as well as the actual military interviews from the investigation.
now here is the the "inspired by true events" hollywood movie. note the "inspired by". like I said, it's only loosely based on the real events. it's hollywood.
yes I am aware of that now but you are clearly unaware there is a new movie out soon of the exact same name, based loosely on those events.
I don't have to be aware of that because that is not what the OP is about.
>making a necklace of human finger bones.
Now that's just based
Is it worth a watch if I just wanna see Brad Iceman Colbert ice some iraqis and sperg out on the new guy?
I feel like the main kid who tried to involve his parents in what should have been his shit to handle probably never should have been infantry in the first place. Do you think that little manlet could drag anyone out of a killzone?
larpers who never even served talking about how based it would be to murder civilians and keep it under wraps lmao what a thread
this desu fuck em theyre pretty much animals
Fucking who are you talking about faggot?
Probably the one fag ironically calling a finger bone necklace based.
no because you'll come on here and spout quotes you don't understand or even begin to know the meaning of
Oh fuck guys this 92G has seen some shit don't piss him off.
no, but you would understand the mix-up due to that fact
stop speaking like a nigger
they're just edgelord tryhards who have never been in the military.
probably never even been laid, either.