Is exercising in my 5.11s autistic?

Is exercising in my 5.11s autistic?

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No but you might be.

>manlet feet

Without the shadow of a doubt.

>Manlet feet
Those are size 12s, sonny boy

Yes. Wear normal sneakers like everyone else.

notice how all professionals who run for a living don't wear boots.

Do you also were the 5.11 khakis with a collared shirt tucked in?
Do you wear your oakleys indoors?
Do you bring a gallon of water with you to class, while using the GI bill to get a retarded major?
If so, you might be a faggot.

H-hey, that gallon of water is to hydrate for my anthropology final!

well, as long as you're exercising at least, enjoy

Extremely autistic and probably worse on your feet long term than a good pair of tennis shoes.

Well, I just ran 3 miles in 18 minutes wearing them. That's 3 6-minute miles, so blow me.

And you're going to be pulling 60 minute miles in your wheel chair because you're a faggot with shin sprints, stress fractures, joint damage, and torn ligature.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should

I bet you wear dress shoes on a hike too you retard

whats wrong with oakleys indoors? i got them for free and they haven’t worn out yet, why waste money on dumb shoes when i could put it to funs or my business

not gonna make it

>I can measure the size by looking at the photo
brainlet detected

Yes, and as a medical professional, you need to get running shoes and be easier on your knees.

the only way you won't look autistic is if you're working out ON BASE coming straight from work ON BASE and you are in the military. Even then you look retarded for not changing.

Dude. Ruck in boots, run in shoes whilst training. Dont weaken your ankles with support during training and incidental daily use.


Well that’s a fucking lie.


I had been using boots for a long time and that caused me to have weak angles. Then, inna army excercise when jumping out the tank, snap. Nowadays I do prefer regular shoes in daily use and running training.

To cut a lot of the nonsense a simple question, are you currently in the military in such a way that you can get line of duty injury doing this? If not stick with sneakers and don't murder rape your joints when the VA won't pay.

>not manlet

nephilim plz

Cut off is size 15 and will be 17 starting in 2020, sorry you didn't get the memo.