Malaysian SF Body Armor Demo goes Wrong

>Closer view 44 sec

>"Below is a video that was filmed during the 11 RKG demonstration. The person in the white shirt is a Major in the group. He shoots a Lieutenant Colonel with a 9mm Glock 17. The Lt. Col. then gets back up and shoots the Major in the back.Now it is not uncommon for soldiers to wear plates underneath their 1990s tactical Blackhawk looking vests and my source is not sure if he did so prior to getting shot. But the whizzing sound is highly suspicious to me. The fact that the Major went ragdoll and dropped to the ground is evidence of a spinal injury. In the video above you can see the Major trying to lift his head after hitting the ground. Unfortunately, he died on the way to the hospital.
>"According to my source, the supplier of body armor to this elite group is Pakian Saling Erti Sdn Bhd and they collaborate with Dyneema. However, the quality of their armor is very poor. The problem with many units in Malaysia, like the 11 RGK, is that they do not have a good grasp of how body armor works. They don’t understand ratings or that you shouldn’t “Test” your body armor."

Attached: Malaysian SF major.jpg (804x452, 44K)

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Special forces is right

>do not understand how body armor works.

Yeah. The longer I live the more I realize what a hellhole most of the world is.

Those vests remind me of every action flick bad guy ever

>buy armor from Pakistan
What did they expect?

did they just blast their friend wearing soft armor with like a fucking battle rifle ?

what the fug

>that clapping at the end
fucking kek

stupid jungle chinks


>did they just blast their friend wearing soft armor with like a fucking battle rifle ?
Apparently, there is speculation that he was not wearing any armor:

that was dumb and sad, why did those retards test the body armor like that? they thai sniper school dose sniper profesioncy tests in a similar way as well. These people are just dumb

why is it always poorfag or third world country militaries that have their "special forces" shooting each other in the armor to either test it or make it look like they train hard?

What the fuck were they thinking? There are TEST dummies for that sort of thing instead of risking it with one of your own guys.

Apperently he is documented by CCTV and highly praised by Chinese Comando with his CQB training during last year joint exercise between Malaysian and Chinese Special Operation Unit. Unlike the brave American way of training under safe soiboy bubble, this is look cowardly and stupid. Modern America special unit shouldn't be training like this, because safe bubble and soiboy sjw panic attitude are more important when bullets buzzing above the head.

(Skip to 03:52-06:15)

Pakis are just inbred retarded pajeets.

Basically curry morlocks.

Why do poorfag countries do this instead of focusing on training and debriefing failures?

Who does the nunchuck throwing and self-inflicted crotch shots impress?

Instead of throwing axes, wouldn't your time be better spent performing hostage drills so you kill slightly less hostages than usual?

Attached: russia spetsnaz axe throw.jpg (600x400, 197K)

A: Because those things don't look good on TV

Basically banana republic shitholes need to show they did a thing to the filthy plebeians so they know who's in charge

Because countries like Russia are all bark and no bite.

lol ok Zhiang Wu

The armor is not Pakistani it's from a Malaysian company you dumb fake news polfaggots. If you had taken half a second to research you would have figured this out. Kys 70 iq basement dweller

whoa, slow down there, Kumar.
What are some other retarded shit other militaries do during their training?

Anything that's vehicle handling is pretty much guaranteed to be hilarious, dangerous and very expensive
Course if you're a thirdyworldy that usually means jumping a tank, because tank stronk

Attached: blyat training.jpg (640x379, 120K)

There is no need to be so upset user. If you lose your composure again I'll have to ask you to leave.

Attached: 1567741407862.jpg (709x757, 59K)

Dude it says it right there. Sorry if I didn't fact check a story I hardly care about anyway. Regardless the fact that they shot each other is a bigger issue than where the armor came from

All said, I doubt Pakistani armor is high quality

>Not even checked the video out and being a racist.

Literally a soggy Pakistan

Because they try and make up for lack of proper resources with gusto. And the warrior culture of SOF should step into crazy zone, when it’s supposed to be experienced, professional, and highly trained.

>and being a racist.

Attached: 1563394701901.png (214x300, 31K)

>wahhhh racism on Jow Forums halp
Get fucked chink

> lack of proper resources

The thing is, having good light infantry/SF doesn't require a lot of resources like having a good armor divisions or a good air force.

It's a field where poor nations can excel - NODs and radios are the only gear truly needed, sometimes not even radios.

They simply don't have good professional culture.

Yeah, but throwing axes is pretty cool though

nice b8 m8

Racism is fine if you can back it up. Unfounded racism aka polshit faggot talk is CNN fake news tier so kill yourself cuck

五毛, 你需要学英文学得更多。你的英文非常不好。

Attached: limits to growth 45 year.png (578x529, 260K)

>seething chinktoid

>wahhhh racism on Jow Forums halp
Get fucked chink

we call them bug men here

>professional culture

More like anglo culture.

americans die durring training too

there's some kind of stupidity when it comes to men trying to be tough

Professionalism is knowing the difference between difficult/realistic and stupid.

Anglos are naturals at it, compared to some other nations.

>jumping a tank
I know people aren't dumb enough to actually do that. But for some reason, I can clearly see the Russians doing something like that.