How much "front" can a division defend?

how much "front" can a division defend?

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We’re a bucket of paint.
How thin you wanna spread us?

Exactly one front.

how thin is reasonable

Depends on how many friends they can make.

not so thin.

Its one of those questions that is too complex to answer. There is simply too many variables that effect their ability.

One man per square foot.

Attached: Planet of guardsmen.png (1089x2066, 586K)

With the newest upgrades to the 4tonne Krieg Panzer MkIV combat mechs, we estimate approximately 1.5 kilo/hectares per pilot, with a rapid response time for additional units ranging from .72-1.25 kiloseconds.

Those new, jumpthrusters are something else!

I want 3 company deep
1 company needs to 1 mile for patrol and
the other 2 pull up reaction and counter attack when our patrol hits significant forces.

Depends on the attackers and how thick they are. Ideally you'll want a 1 to 1 ratio or men to men, tanks to tanks, etc. But this also depends how well dug in you are and how well supplied you are. Any defense can be defeated given sufficient man power and time. Attackers will almost always choose the thinnest part of your lines and attempt to exploit it.

About tree fiddy

fuck off, there are tons of standardized answers you can give for this question


Charlemagne Division defended Berlin and were the last unit to surrender

all i have to do is open ONE field manual and i can answer OPs question without being a pseud like you

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They were down to the strength of a pretty heavily damaged platoon dude. The last defenders of the reich chancellory were like 30 men

As much as the enemy will let them defend effectively.

depends on different factors:
>How much supplies the division has and if they can be resupplied
>How well trained the division is
>What equipment they have
>What equipment the opposing forces have
>How many opposing soldiers and how well trained they are
>Are they allowed air support
>Are the opposing forces allowed air support
It can go from "No inch of land given, give them nothing but take from them everything" to "We lost an entire country because we're shit". It all depends on hypotheticals and information given. But an average division could probably hold several hundred to several thousand acres.

Depends, anywhere from 10 to 50 kilometers.

actually it was the zoo flak tower. they had line of sight direct fire with 128mm on the attacking soviets. they were just defending the chancellory from a distance.

bout tree fiddy.

A full German division was about 13.000 men. Maybe 2000 were front line, down in the first trenches front line soldiers. The rest had other tasks. An outrageous amount of this was supply train personnel tasked with bringing in food, fuel, food for the animals, drivers, mechanics and so on. Then you had messengers, guards, cooks, butchers, medics, radio and phone crews etc. In the best case there also were a few artillery and anti aircraft batteries. Plus all the officers.

So your actual front line is divided among the 2000. A 100 platoons; each platoon with maybe two hmgs, shooter, second shooter, four supporting crews. 200 mg nests then with the remaining hands spread between them. But you can't have them in a single line or the enemy will just waltz through with strength at any given point. You want one line zigzagged behind the first, and maybe a third behind the second. Now you have less than 70 nests along the width. And you want each nest to be able to support the ones on each side, so maybe 100 meters between them. Half that if the terrain allows for easy cover. And there you have it; a 13 000 man division covering a 7 kilometer stretch. As soon as combat starts those 2000 able men start dying. The line is then replenished with men fron the 'non combat' ranks; the radio men whose radio is gone, the car driver whose car is without fuel, the medical orderly who has pneumonia. And then enemy just keeps on coming.

How big is the bucket?

One front, and in a pinch, one rear

Well that depends dude, are we talking a division of weekend reservists or some Delta/SEAL/Marsoc type fellas?

>11000 pogs
>2000 combat troops
>being this wrong

>some Delta/SEAL/Marsoc type fellas?
Yeah those guys don't organize or operate at divisional level, and I'd be surprised if there's a single div's worth of them in the entire force.

seals suck at infantry shit

You're right, it should be closer to 90/10 than 80/20

Anything divisible by 20 duh

Ya they fought almost to the last men against the Bolshevik menace

Sure, apart from those who hadn't surrendered or were on their way west to surrender

are you fucking retarded?

>(1:22) Only mentions "dedicated" supply units
State the exact nature of your objection.
