has the corps been corrupted? looking to join in a few years and want to know if it's still strict and demanding like it once was, no point in joining if it's gay
Has the corps been corrupted...
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You’re gay, so who cares.
So just out of curiosity, how much do you make> I mean you make the same fucking thinly veiled "America weak!" thread at least 3 times a day asking how gay/white the US military is.
Like what, the 70s? No you're not going to dig 60 holes until your hands fall off then get punched in the gut for losing your hands.
uh, i'm actually interested in what people who served recently have to say? if you look anywhere on this board its people bashing the military nonstop and i doubt it's as PC as people say
Was Infantry. During war time it was pretty sweet. Was stationed at 29 palms so pretty much every field op was live fire and high-ex authorised. Deployments were ACTUAL deployments and not shitty sit on your ass in kuwait getting fat off of airforce chow "deployments." We had a very clear goal and we were usually given whatever we needed to achieve that goal in most cases.
We didn't really fuck around with garrison type bullshit, I only ever wore my service uniforms on like a dozen occaisions in 6 years, and only had to wear dress blues once a year to the ball. It was kind of a "we fuck with them enough in the field, let em be more informal in garrison, that shit aint combat related anyways" kinda mindset.
Towards the end though, about 2014-15ish, the last of the real deployments dried up and when I left in 2017 shit was starting to get really gay. The POGish garrison type fuck fuck shit to just keep busy was creeping back in.
Having to wear service alphas on duty, or having to march in formation everywhere instead of just walking.
Or field ops with "notional" targets and notional ammo. Which is to say, pointing empty weapons at pretend targets in the desert and making gun noises with your mouth as "training." Quality of boot drops was getting lower too. All the real combat vets were getting EASed or promoted to staff so the quality of Infantry School instructors dropped, and so did the quality of the boots reporting for duty.
I was offered Sergeant if I re-upped, but declined because it seemed like its just really really gay to be in the infantry when there aren't any wars to fight. I have no idea what its like as a POG, since its pretty much always gay for them anyways, but I suspect the answer is "much gayer" as well.
Honestly, don’t do it. It’s strict and lame for all the wrong reasons. Commanders are more focused on political correctness and bullshit admin milestones than having a force capable of combat operations. There are a few good ones out there, but I can count them on one hand.
Very gay
Whats your GT score fag?
Case in point, read the final line of this story.
Pfc on boot leave tackled a few kids fighting at a high school. His recruiter had this little gem for the press.
die for israel faggot
Female Marines were a mistake. You may be over the female marine standards but you will never be the equal to a male marine.
I mean why fight for a race of people not your own?
All branches have a level of gayness. Marines just lead the way, with Navy boating them to that way. No, they're not strict, they lost their strictness when got told they cant beat recruits any more. Now they just yell at you and PT your fucking ass off, if you some how quit because those (Hopefully more for the PT) than you're a little bitch.
die a virgin, incel
Oh hello 7th Marines.
You guys, 1/7 in particular, were always soaking up the deployments back in the day. Then again, your entire training area is pretty much a backyard Afghanistan. 29 Palms in general always had a combat and field orientated mindset compared to the other bases, it was especially bad on the east coast. You can get away with a lot more in 29 Palms because of the wide open training areas.
It's up to NCO's and seniors to bring boot quality up to snuff but they will always venture into the boogy-man of "hazing". Yeah, that 20 year old corporal will get stupid about it because guess the fuck what, he's 20 years old and his only education was the Marine Corps. However, it takes a good squad leader or platoon sergeant to catch him before he does something incredibly stupid like making boots eat dirt with a spoon. Repeating the mantra of "Be a Professional" will not generate competency nor a more lethal marine but will only ensure somebody's career will be prolonged to his retirement date.
Here's hoping for a reset with Iran.
Lol, yeah, I was 1/7, and yeah, we did soak up aproximatley all of the deployments. Mostly because our quality of life is actually better in Afghan than in 29, and because we spent the entiretey of our time stateside doing live fire training. Other units get 45 days at MRX or ITX, we literally live in it non-stop. So we were pretty fuckin good at desert warfare. Coincidentally, we did a shit ton of fighting in the desert. Honestly, I loved it.
I mean, I hated it at the time, everyone does, but looking back I realise I was actually the happiest I've ever been knowing we were 1/7, and our job was to wreck shit and live like savages as far out in the desert wastes as they could put us.
And yeah, my opinion on hazing was that it needed to serve a purpose. Marine falls out of a hike? Guess what bud, you and ol' corporal user are getting up 90 min before everyone else for a pre-PT ruck run until the next hike. That oughtaa condition you to not fall out of the next one. It serves a purpose as it corrects a problem and builds a better Marine.
But nnnooooo, "Senior" Lance corpal shmuckatelli has to kick private fall-out's door in at 3 AM on a saturday, smash his TV, make him do pushups in broken glass, then somehow one thing leads to another and it turns into a sexual assault because shmuckatelli is an uneducated inbred white trash moron so why the fuck wouldn't he use a guy's lack of accustomization to the desert climate and his own position of authority as an excuse to rape somebody?
So now hazing is a court martial offense, private fallout never gets properly conditioned for desert warfare, and Corporal meanswell gets drummed out of the service for actually doing the right thing as he had been instructed by his seniors.
It could be another one of those Shareblue efforts. Apparently they’ve been doing a lot of that kind of thing lately. All of the recent ND threads are supposedly Shareblue, and they’re apparently going to be doing a bunch of FN FAL and Rhodie threads. I have no idea of what they’re trying to accomplish.
>pointing empty weapons at pretend targets in the desert and making gun noises with your mouth as "training."
what the actual fuck
wow, just wow. where do you come out under?
like brother yuri said - a nation/people who are demoralized, are ineffective.
it's the same reason/intention behind Jow Forums being so obviously full of demoralization propaganda psyop threads.
Its all demoralization - an attempt to break board unity and cohesion and isolate us into little small granular elements afraid of doing anything or even living life and shooting guns because the armys full of mutts or gay or whatever and were all racists (see look they like rhodesia!)
Also helps to divide and conquer
The communist agitator never sleeps
Yeah, the Marine Corps is one of the best funded LARPing groups in the US. It’s really a shame as we could do so much more with the right attitude and leadership.