Hey Jow Forums. I'm currently building an AR-15 and can't decide between a Faxon BCG or a Lantac BCG

Hey Jow Forums. I'm currently building an AR-15 and can't decide between a Faxon BCG or a Lantac BCG.

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Also consider LMT’s enhance bolt carrier group. It looks basic bitch but the devil is in the details and it’s actually got some really slick things going on.

It's just Jow Forums, look at the top of the page if you need help next time.

A thread died for this. Are you sure you are ready to build an AR?

Have to check if I can get one in the commie land of Canada


Already bought an upper and lower. Just need to decide what parts to get. Looking at BCGs right now and kinda stumped between the two.

Nobody likes /arg/.

/arg/ especially does not like /arg/

Did you know heavier bolt carriers are likelier to bounce out of battery because the spring and buffer are overwhelmed by the mass?

>getting autistic about the k being capitalized

do you get mad when people dont use forward slashes too?

ESL and underage fags like you who capitalize it or drop the forward slashes anger me, yes

/arg/ is a containment thread for trip fags larping about their non-use tactical gear. Grownup airsoft nerds.

but serious answer is Toolcraft. can haveshipped for just under $80.

KAC bolt with rounded lugs, less likely to shear off

Thats the E3 bolt
Faxon makes parts in house. I dont know anything about Lantec.
I have a Faxon barrel. Bretty Gud

What coatings do they have?

any decent bcg this is already an unlikely event that you won't experience until 15-20k+ rounds

get a bcg from the same company as barrel
there are machining tolerance differences and the most important thing is that the clearances are correct going into and coming out of battery

First of all, almost nobody who makes quality barrels also makes bolts. Second, you're posting fuddlore.

Now fuck off retard.

true that its hard to find them paired
i literally run a small machine shop for a living, and we don't make gun stuff, but if you think all the companies set up the machines the same and use the exact same drawings then you're crazy. a few thousands can affect long term reliability... maybe its fuddlore but i would guess the fudds know something about reliabiltiy
i have mismatched ars, but i would think the most reliable ones use matched parts

Palmetto State Armory has DLC (diamond like carbon) coated BCGs for great price. DLC is cool stuff. Basically as hard as diamond and a lower coefficient of friction than any other solid known to man. Slicker than graphite and teflon.
I splurged on a Titanium DLC coated BCG from toolcraft and it just wipes clean. Was like $300. Not really worth it, it was a drunken late night internet splurge purchase.

user, even the ones you think are "matched" likely aren't, as the name stamped on the BCG isn't actually the people who made it. Same goes for the barrel much of the time.

Welcome to the 21st century, machining tolerances are really good.
>but I run a small machine shop
It's not the same thing and you know it, or you should.

Faxon makes barrels and bolts. I got a matched pair with laser engraved numbers so you can tell they go together. Faxon headspaces them for you to make sure they are a good fit. It is free if you buy the barrel and bolt at the same time. It just adds a few days of delivery time since they need to do the extra service and can't just drop parts in the mail.

Is you serious? Dont send that nigga in there. The thread was already at the bottom, it deserved death

Just buy a toolcraft and be done with it. They're suppliers for most places. Unless you're going for something lightweight, don't spend several times as much on a cool logo.

then just get a heavier buffer, brainlet

>headspaces them for you
AR bolts aren't manually headspaced. What they do is shove a gauge in, and what do you know it doesn't close, ship it. In other words, it's a service for morons.
>matched bcg and barrel
Again, this is silly. It's not a handfitted firearm in any way, shape, or form. They take one barrel and one bolt and say they're matched. They are not any more or less matched than any in spec bcg and barrel.

The service is free. It isn't like they are suckering people out of anything.

>A thread died for this.

From what I understand the Faxon really doesn't have any significant improvements. Consider the LMT enhanced. Lantac is also solid. Cryptic is expensive, but the coatings do work (mystic black).

Otherwise just go Toolcraft for $75

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They make deadblow buffers. Same concept as a dead blow hammer. No bounce. Hammer as in the tool, not the gun part in case anybody is unfamiliar.

Im thinking Lantac. The Nickle Boron coating seems real slick.

Nickle Boron and Titanium Nitride are both great and slick. Nothing wrong with them. But DLC is harder and slicker.

DLC, nitride, phosphate, NiB

I have heard mixed things about the Lantac. I can only really recommend the LMT EBCG. I have personally used one and ran it through a few 1k courses almost entirely suppressed. I had HORRIBLE luck with the Gemtech BCG. Pic related my 10.5 I ran it in mostly

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/arg/ is cancer and literally anywhere else on the board is better to ask about ARs. Shit even other boards are probably better for that.

BCM's BCG is probably one of the best for the dollar
BCM's QC standards:

Is not made by BCM. They are good, because they're a standard milspec BCG from a military supplier, and those are good.

Want the same shit for half the price? Buy a Toolcraft.

i dont know if you care but lantac goes darker with use, just aesthetics but fyi

Cool lightsaber OP

>heavier buffer to address the issue of heavier BCG
take the aluminum pill, smooth brain

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Don't care. I heard their NB coating was crazy good.

>LMT’s enhance bolt carrier group
Doesn't that only work in barrels 14.5" or shorter? I thought it had issues with rifle length gas systems. The enhanced bolt from LMT still seems pretty cool though: dual ejector springs and something about improving the geometry of the lugs.


Neither. Get a chromed bcg or a nickel boron bcg with a piston system from Adams arms

Spotted the boomer. You know there have been advancements in coatings since 1960, right?

>piston system from Adams arms
2009 called

Such as?
Please, tell me what would be better than hard chrome for durability.

It still an excellent coating. It was moved away from my the army because of cost reasons. There is a reason they still chrome expansion chambers and gas keys.

Fail Zero holds the patent on Nickel Boron coating. Everything else is generic.

DLC is harder than chrome and lower coefficient of friction. It is the new hotness meme coating.

LMAO no bugs use that and it’s probably brittle as all fuck and not resistant to corrosion.

I have a DLC BCG with about 2K rounds. I know that isn't much but there are zero signs of wear.

Nitride. Anything else is wrong.

>brittle as fuck
>not resistant to corrosion
It's a carbon coating, retard.

Nitride is fucking garbage you mongrel.
It’s a cheap solution.
Lol you think we went away from chrome lined barrels because it’s worse?

This, it is literally "diamond like". And as we all know, diamonds are known for being super soft.

>nitride is garbage
wrong, retard.
>muh chrome barrels
Are only barely harder than nitride and less accurate

Nitride isn't a layer put on top of the steel, it is a treatment that soaks into the steel itself. So the dimensions remain unchanged. Chrome is a layer on top so for super tight tolerances like the bore of the rifle they actually have to account for the thickness the chrome will add. Nitride makes it easy because dimensions do not change before and after treatment. Chrome is very durable, I am not talking shit on it. But it can add imperfections to the surface. I am not saying it always adds imperfections, but it can. Both nitride and chrome are good.

The point was that it's completely arbitrary and shouldn't be considered when looking to buy parts. I'm no more likely to go for a faxon barrel and bcg for the service because the service is meaningless


Go have your final concussion wuggy, and take your abomination of an ak with you.

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Who is she? Coscom/D.A/insta on this girl?

Cope retard, a shit thread on the last page died so user could get some actual advice about a product he's choosing to buy instead of posing in the autistic fucker that is /arg/

And this is why you don't give faxon your money. They have zero problem telling lies to your face. They have shit QC and a shit warranty on their products.

Yeah, I looked more into it and it sounds like they don't last long and aren't high quality. I want high qaulity since I need it to last due to the highly probability of a ban in Canada. I have a set up that won't be banned and I know that the ban is going to make parts a bitch.

How well do they last, any idea why they are cheap?

They are so cheap because they are nitrieded with out chrome lining. Buy aJdurititog ik smen awwrop dorkla yooorrrbreadimsinki faggot

are the brownells brand BCGs toolcraft? I have a Brownells gift card that I want to blow on a BCG

I heard that Jdurititog ik smen awwrop dorkla yooorrrbreadimsinki doesn't have great customer service or QC

One Seven Three Four Six Seven Three Two One Gape Four Seven Six Charlie Three Two Cock Seven Eight Slut Nine Seven Seven Seven Six Four Three Tango Seven Three Two Victor Seven Ass Three One One Seven Eight Eight Eight Seven Dildo Three Two Four Seven Cum Six Seven Eight Nine Seven Six Four Three Seven Six

Reverse image yielded nithing. Sorry can't help there. She does have nice tits tho.

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Yeah. It’s better for shorter barrels. It has a different cam pin cutout that allows the bolt to unlock more smoothly. It has an additional gas port on the side of the carrier and they’re cut to aim slightly forward to keep gas away from the shooter. A few other things.

the LMT enhanced bolt carrier was made for the carbine length gas, 14.5"-16" barrel rifles. so basically, rifles that would typically be over gassed. putting one into soft shooting rifles like a 14.5" w/ mid-length gas might not be the best idea.

the LMT bolt on the other hand is a strait improvement for any rifle and can thankfully be purchased separately from the carrier.

the bolt is the important part. as long as the bolt carrier group cycles and has reasonable quality control it's not a big deal who makes it.

Can someone redpill me on lightweight bcgs? I've had a few short strokes on my 14.5 midlengh. Would a lightweight bcg or lighter buffer fix this?

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How about the Reliabolt from Sharps? How would it stack up against the LMT enhanced bolt?

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Odin Works makes a good BCG.

fuck of cunt no one cares about some stupid page ten thread thats almost as retarded as your post

>AR bolts aren't manually headspaced.
High-quality AR barrels absolutely are headspaced to your bolt. You're describing GI spec, some barrel makers do better than that.


lol who is that?

>based. I have a nitrided one from them and it rocks. Plus they're an oem for a lot of other companies, including some Gucci.

Toolcraft if poor, cryptic is coated toolcraft, else SOLGW, LMT, KAC are all good.

I've got one.
I don't own an LMT enhanced bolt so I can't compare it to that, but I do have a couple generic GI spec ones and a RCA (Rubber City Armory). I use the Reliabolt on a .300 BLK which I run suppressed. It does seem to work more reliably if I shoot a fuckload before cleaning, it seems like the cuts on the front of the lugs allow it to go into battery a bit more easily if the gun is dirty. I haven't noticed any difference in accuracy.


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I have heard a bit about Cryptic. Their coatings are that good hmm. Might have to check it out. I want a crazy smooth bolt.

Toolcraft bcg
Dont waste your money on their branded stamp.

What retailer do you all get Toolcraft BCG's from? A google search turns up a bunch of websites I've never heard of and I'd prefer someone who's actually bought one to recommend a website that won't give me the runaround.

I'll never buy another bcg other than toolcraft. Waste of money otherwise.

Thanks. How's their shipping? I just don't want another hassle like when I bought from PSA like five years back and had to wait three weeks to get a can of ammo shipped.

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Fair from what I remember. The bcg are always $70 there, cheapest I've seen.

Just buy a nitride toolcraft milspec bcg ya stupid faggot!

Fuck you nigger you have to go back

Tim Kennedy

Thinking about a DLC BCG from tool craft.

>Recommending anyone ever go to /arg/

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nice trips

>Can someone redpill me on lightweight bcgs? I've had a few short strokes on my 14.5 midlengh. Would a lightweight bcg or lighter buffer fix this?
I would not fuck with lightweight BCGs unless you have an adjustable gas block. A lightweight BCG feel have less felt recoil and take less energy to cycle, but it also has less momentum and is more prone to failures to feed because the lower mass is stopped easier by resistance. I have a lightweight BCG but I also have a superlative arms adjustable gas block and I got a JP silent captured recoil spring that came with 5 different spring weights. I played with spring force and gas block settings until I got a reliable setup that cycles just right.

Get a Mini14 instead since they are actually built better and actually look nicer than GayR15