Questions that don't deserve their own thread

why hasn't anyone made a bullpup pistol that takes, rifle rounds like 5.56 or 7.62 rounds

i am thinking it would be an advantage as both the pistol and rifle could both use the same ammo also

dat stopin powah

Attached: 23996631-3d-digital-render-of-a-bullpup-pistol-isolated-on-white-background.jpg (1300x1300, 77K)

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Bushmaster made the Arm Pistol.

Attached: armpistol1.jpg (1024x473, 35K)

Rifle rounds perform poorly out of pistol-length barrels.

well maybe if we funded public schools better they would perform better in whatever circumstances they get put in.

fucking racist

Why hasn't anybody made a rifle that cycles the action using a solenoid instead of gas or recoil? Solenoids are super simple and reliable. And making the cycling of the bolt completely independent of the bullet firing would let you have plenty of time after the bullet leaves the barrel before the bolt unlocks. You could have the bolt wait that extra few hundredths of a second before it tries to unlock putting much less stress on the parts. The spring would only need to be powerful enough to strip a round from the magazine.
I have a Wolf A1 piston upper for an AR-15 and was feeling how buttery smooth it cycles since it has no gas rings. Made me think about how if it had a solenoid instead of a gas piston it wouldn't take much juice to operate at all.
And since weapons now have weapon lights, lasers, red dots etc. Why not just give the gun a central power source instead of a bunch of small batteries of different types?
>INB4 what if your battery runs out
Carry a spare that swaps as easily as a magazine swaps. Just slap a new battery in.
Solenoids work in wet environments too. I also got this idea while working on a solenoid water valve at my job. It is a solenoid designed to be submerged. It finally needed service after years in water.

electronic firing systems are considered "readily convertible to machine guns" and are thus prohibited by the ATF.

Talk to a large manufacturer today.

Where do you go for more nitty gritty information for comparing trigger packs, recoil springs, ect
I know it's quite a "to your taste" thing but I don't wanna get ripped off by low quality

kinda looks like a sbr

Anyone know a site selling a 14.5 Colt SOCOM stripped barrel? Cursory google searches are showing the handful of sites that have them listed are out of stock. Everyone else just has the FSP version.

Attached: FSP 14.5 SOCOM.jpg (1536x2048, 427K)

What I am thinking of could work as an AR-15 upper. It would still be semi auto if the trigger group is semi auto. Basically all that is changing is what makes the bolt carrier move. Remove the gas system and make the bolt carrier mobe via solenoid instead. The trigger would still need to reset to fire again.
But yeah the ATF would probably still shut it down.
Somewhat unrelated. Remington sold a electric fired primer bolt action model 700 called the EtronX. It had no hammer. It fired with electric primer. But I am sure the stuck it in a bolt action specifically so the ATF would have no way to argue it was a machine gun. It was on forgotten weapons.
But the solenoid controlled bolt I was thinking of is completely different. I still imagine using traditional bullets and primers. Just a bolt cycled by electromagnets instead of energy from the cartridge.

Every gas block is a low profile gas block if you're not a pussy.

Attached: I have a solution.jpg (425x383, 13K)

Yeah, I know I should stop being a lazy piece of shit and just buy one with a FSP and remove it myself. I'm just trying to be cheap and save an extra $50.

Attached: IMG_20190904_155845.jpg (1960x4032, 1019K)

What if you found some way to charge this central battery with the energy of firing?

>why hasn't anyone made a gun that requires batteries to cycle for no apparent reason?
Dunno, man.

What’s the meme about Africans flipping sights up to increase damage?

It's NERF or nothing!

Rhodesian forces noticed many captured weapons had their sights adjusted to maximum range, when combat had been taking place at shorter ranges. They inquired about this with captured combatants, and learned there was a myth that the rear sight was a power setting.

If you fire steel core ammo it would induce an electrical current in a coil wrapped around the barrel, or maybe a coil muzzle device. That could possibly contribute back charge to the battery. But any ammo that did not contain a ferrous metal would not produce charge. So lead and copper would not create current.

The bolt would cycle gentle. In a suppressed gun it could wait that extra fraction of a second to unlock the bolt and reduce gas to the shooter and reduce fouling. Current designs require the bolt to start moving while energy from the cartridge is still being released. An electric bolt could let the bullet leave the muzzle, let the pressure blast out of the barrel before the bolt begins to move.

Your pic has no room for the bolt to move behind the mag so it must use some weird complicated mechanism like the TKB-022PM
The magazine isn't large enough for standard 5.56
5.56 out of that short a barrel won't perform as well and a small gun like that will have a lot of recoil for a pistol, you'd be better of going for something specifically designed for such a gun.
If you want a smaller rifle you could use telescoped 5.56 in a magazine that feeds through the pistol grip to reduce the overall length and weight a bit compared to a standard rifle without having to make it full bullpup, get rid of the buffer tube and have an HK style collapsible stock that only sticks out an inch behind the receiver when fully collapsed.

You could do it with pizo crystals or with small chargers inside the gun that recharges it self from all the recoil from the gun. You could replace the crystals as it wears down just like the parts of a gun

I thought setting the sights high would mean more power to the rounds when I was 9 or 10

I want to shoot suppressed and I don’t believe in the infringement of all that wait 14 months pay blah blah blah. How can I make a good suppressor for a .22 pistol?

begone glowing one

cringe and fagpilled
Tons of books and guides, fucking google it you lazy motherfucker