What's the most damage that a single man working alone has ever managed to inflicted in any conflict throughout history?
What's the most damage that a single man working alone has ever managed to inflicted in any conflict throughout history?
Gavrilo Princep. It can certainly be argued that war would've come eventually anyways, but his assassination of the Arch-Duke kicked off one of the bloodiest wars in the history of mankind.
Simo Häyhä as far as kills goes.
Does it need to be someone who was completely alone or just someone who did most the work while their were others covering him?
My nigga Hathcock
And it would've been on Germany's terms. Instead we got world domination by Western capital and Third Rome suiciding itself into communism
also techniquely the guy who dropped the bomb on hiroshima
Maybe one of the German aces in WWII,
Maybe This guy
Or this guy.
All good answers.
1st Class Dillard Johnson is officially the deadliest American soldier and maybe the most humble with 2,746 confirmed kills.
There were some snipers with s feral hundred bodies. I imagine it’s some German machine gunner at Normandy who just drilled land craft all day.
How did they cope with their average-ass lives afterwards?
How the fuck has nobody mentioned Alvin York yet?
Hathcock just trained everyone he could when he couldn't go in the field anymore. Then he trained more people and wrote a book
>the chad bradley gunner vs the virgin SF sniper
Well, Obama got elected.
Gregory Pincus, lel
Guys who dropped the nukes
Good point, OP didn't specify soldiers. As far as America is concerned I'd pick Woodrow Wilson cuz fed
This guy
Billy Sing drank himself to death in poverty, and Audie Murphy would've done the same if he hadn't become a movie star.
>implying communism was originated in Germany
>implying communism isn't Judaic tribalism on a massive scale
>implying Germany isn't just big israel
>working alone
>in an airplane with several other crew
you mean the firebombs?
japan was never nuked. stop perpetuating the lie.
I will always love the fact that his first attempt failed horribly, and if Ferdinand's driver wasn't an absolute fucking moron, he wouldn't have gotten the second try when the car went down the street he just happened to be fleeing on.
Audie Murphy was from an era where being an average joe was the aim and the norm. Anyone who thought they were special was despised. The idea was to excel and be humble, your humility made any achievement look even better. Then in WWII propaganda/marketing and newspaper sales needed a single focal point, so they re-invented celebrity. A man like Murphy could be lauded for his kills and 'herois' even though he was a PTSD basket case drinking himself to sleep with a pistol under his pillow after beating his wife or picking fights with random teenagers in his neighborhood. Never mind all that, he killed a bazillion nazis and he's in the movies! He's living the dream!!
In terms of actual conflict against actual soldiers, my mind is immediately drawn to Simo Häyhä. Finnish farmer who killed ~500 russian troops over the course of a year. Pretty much single handedly kept the russians from taking finland
This is a hot take I haven't seen before. Any literature or videos on the nuke hoax user?
Anders Breivik is the template for all men. Brenton Tarant a close second, DEUS VULT.
one nip wrote a book about it. Akio Nakatani IIRC
>beating his wife
That wasn't as big of a deal around that time
>Nip wrote it
Hahaha holy shit
sorry i forgot. I actually do think it was just cluster bombs or something.
Tfw no aging marksman neighbor to teach you everything he knows before passing on.
>one of
You could argue for two.
I c wat u did there
I know that simo guy was annoyed he couldn’t go back to war after part of his face got shot off. He probably wished the war never ended for the rest of his days
Because he killed Hitler which led to the rotting of the entire Western world.
Get your faggotry out if here. Stop glorifying cowards who killed defenseless and innocent people.
>Inb4 "they weren't innocent because they invaded the country by legally immigrating there"
Shut the fuck up. The only thing to be learned from "The Great Replacement" is that Tarrant was a pretentious faggot for naming his manifesto like some philosophical piece of literature, and that he's an absolute retard who can't even use spellcheck.
That kicked off more than 1 war. That kicked off the entire thread of modern history.
It directly led to WWI, WWII, the cold war, the separation of the ottoman empire the partion of the middle east the creation of Israel. Every significant event since that one assassination can trace its lineage back to that. It's like the common ancestor of modern history. The branch from which we all descend.
Take it away and you cannot even imagine what the world might look like today.
george washigton cuz he inveted USA the greatest country ever
>Blokhin initially decided on an ambitious quota of 300 executions per night; and engineered an efficient system in which the prisoners were individually led to a small antechamber—which had been painted red and was known as the "Leninist room"—for a brief and cursory positive identification, before being handcuffed and led into the execution room next door. The room was specially designed with padded walls for soundproofing, a sloping concrete floor with a drain and hose, and a log wall for the prisoners to stand against. Blokhin would stand waiting behind the door in his executioner garb: a leather butcher's apron, leather hat, and shoulder-length leather gloves. Then, without a hearing, the reading of a sentence or any other formalities, each prisoner was brought in and restrained by guards while Blokhin shot him once in the base of the skull with a German Walther Model 2 .25 ACP pistol. He had brought a briefcase full of his own Walther pistols, since he did not trust the reliability of the standard-issue Soviet TT-30 for the frequent, heavy use he intended. The use of a German pocket pistol, which was commonly carried by German police and intelligence agents, also provided plausible deniability of the executions if the bodies were discovered later.
>Blokhin and his team worked without pause for 10 hours each night, with Blokhin executing an average of one prisoner every three minutes. At the end of the night, Blokhin provided vodka to all his men. On 27 April 1940, Blokhin secretly received the Order of the Red Banner and a modest monthly pay premium as a reward from Joseph Stalin for his "skill and organization in the effective carrying out of special tasks". His count of 7,000 shot in 28 days remains the most organized and protracted mass murder by a single individual on record
Based schizo
Wonder how many more of those types of mass executions were pinned on the germans
Careful user, you're sounding like an anti-semite.
oh, sorry rabbi goldstein. i’m a good goy, i didn’t mean to ask such a pointed question
Don't know if he counts with a machine gunner sitting behind him to defend from enemy planes but Hans Ulrich Rudel killed a lot of Ivans
>Rudel was credited with the destruction of 519 tanks, as well as one battleship, one cruiser, 70 landing craft and 150 artillery emplacements.
Great post. Don't have anything to add but this is a great post.
true legend
>records released in 1990
>prisoners in a camp
>german weapons used
>successfully pinned on the germans until 1990
well if that’s not fuel for the conspiratorial big picture. and this kind of shit is the same stuff leftists want for the US
and the Earth is - of course - flat
You sound mad user, who hurt you
>History still considers the Soviets to be a lesser threat than the Nazis were
What a fucking joke, I’m just assuming that the soviets have hidden 50% of the bad shit they got up to; if Stalin had these kind of sociopaths under his command it kinda begs the question if the world wouldn’t have been better off with the war continuing onwards and stomping the soviets in 1945.
He was a jew.
His kill count was laughably exaggerated for propaganda purposes and it's funny to me that you people still believe it wholesale.
The beast of Omaha
Honestly it would probably look just about the same. If not, slightly worse.
>unironically linking to stormfront
What was his kill count then, Mr. Hook no- I mean, Historian
At least two. Maybe even three.
Well said
Well, they all look like cannibals now. Remember, burger, your granddads used to boil japanese heads to present a skull to their loved ones. And made a song about it.
What's wrong with that?
>Pretty much single handedly kept the russians from taking finland
Nigga what?
I like stories about Simo as much as the next guy but I'm pretty sure there's a machine gunner from the Mannerheim Line that has more kills under his belt than a single rifleman.
Is that supposed to be bad compared to what the nips got up to? Skull trophies are fucking fun and games by comparison.
>Gavrilo Princep
He wasn't working alone though, there were at least five other members of the kill team on the route, one of whom lobbed a grenade before Princep carried out the shooting.
I don't buy that story for a minute. Two rounds of .380 with shitty ammo from a century ago results in two dead bodies. Ferdinand was probably iced by the pro-war contingent of the Austrians.
Samson killed 1000 men with a fucking jawbone
attacker: me
location: your mom
timeperiod: last night
Being modest helps a lot
Based and biblepilled.
Jesus will kill almost every single person that has ever lived simply by speaking according to revelation
>Germany's terms
This fucking retard
Yeah, rights. They were butchers, but they were your butchers. So you're okay with it.
But it works both ways. Now you get my point?
Your point is retarded
this didn’t happen
The sheer strength of your brilliant rhetorics just blew my mind. Cicero himself would cry...
In pity of you.
Fucking teenagers, everywhere...
You could argue for one, that started in 1914 and ended in 1991
Ended? We live it, user.
That one-eyed French-Canadian sniper, Léo Major.
>Germans kill his friend
>pisses him off so much that he takes an entire town by himself, Germans flee because they think an entire battalion is attacking.
>you cannot even imagine what the world might look like today
Almost same, I guess?
>invokes Cicero
>complains about teenagers
You have to be 18 or older to post on this website
Sure but how much of a more direct impact did they make? Its like the numbers for "gun violence" in america look massive compared to england, except then you see england is tiny as shit so any numbers there should be looked at in a percentage based way.
This. Even if Gavrilo Princip hadn't started WW1 and someone else eventually did, the key word is "eventually" - WW1 could've turned out astoundingly different if it started in 1915 or 1916 rather than 1914, and the outcome could've been different.
I love this website sometimes
Think Genghis Khan era
kek. based and christpilled.
There was a gunner for Germany in ww2 during D-day who killed something like 2.5k people.
Not the highest all time kill count, but a fun story nonetheless.
Dennis Croukamp and an accomplice derailing a train with mines during the Rhodesian Bush War