Seethe harder

Waited a few weeks to make this post, saw some people commenting on how "obsessed" people here are with accumulating gear, they were talking about mags in particular. I just got my first order of 100 d&h 30 round mags and that's just getting started, hopefully I can get like 1000 before they ban them, but if they take a while I'm really aiming for 10,000.
Oy vey!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:,

Sorry my camera sucks, and so does my wall. But you get the picture

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I'll give you 20 cents on the dollar when your 29.99% APR Credit Card is crushing your nuts and there's still no ban.

That won't be neccessary because I bought a shit ton of LINK at .20 cents and various price points before 1$. Like I said, I'm just getting started.

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I got about 20 d&h 30 rounders during freedom week.

I was ordering 20-40 of 6-7 different ar/ak mags from different websites.

I got a bunch of sterilite cases to house them. Kept them in their original packaging though. I don't really need them, I have enough AR mags to use at the range.

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That's the only thing that irks me about the order, they didn't come in any plastic packaging! :( ah well.

>not buying surefeed mags
you fucked up

Why not magpull? Srs question

Uh. Why? Seems retarded

Maybe I'll get 100 of those too, I'm not done, so I'll diversify. Didn't even know those exsisted so thanks.

Not a bad idea. I had a friend who had a bunch of 10/22 50 round mags. In the height of the 1994 to 2004 assault weapons ban he would sell them to people for over $100 each.
But with 3d printing there is no way they can ban mags now. Printing a mag is way easier than bending a metal magazine out of sheet metal. It takes some skill to get the tolerances just right with sheet metal. Any retard can click print on a 3d printer.

Lmao found ya.

I'll probably get 100 of those too, I looked at a lot of d&h reviews and prettt much everyone liked them, i like metal mags, I got 10 asc stainless mags and i think they are cool because they will last forever but the spring is a little tight, so it's not ideal to load a full 30 rounds. I have a few magpul and I like how smooth they load and feel, but I feel like they won't last nearly as long as the aluminum of steel ones. I am probably wrong, but thats another reason why I made this thread, to learn more and piss off kikes.

I bought a couple of the super heavy duty steel HK 30 rounds mags for ARs. They cost $50 each but they are fucking tanks. The feed lips aren't going to bend like an aluminum GI mag. I wanted a couple because I think they will essentially last forever. But I mostly have pmags and some lancers.

I have Lancers, pmags, okay.
Im getting rid of my pmags. They will all crack on the feed lip. Aluminum can be re bent. Fractured polymer cannot.
Lancers are superior to pmags.

I got them, fren

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My sks mags didnt come in original packaging during freedom week.

It was just in some generic ziploc and oily. Had to wipe then down and put them in new bags. It irked me too.

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If Clint taught me anything....

It's to have 1000 loaded magazines and to shoot them in the groin.

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Doesn't seem like aluminum ones would bend that much unless you absolutely abuse the shit out of it. Whats the best stainless steel for .223 tho?

I agree Lancers are a best. One good thing about Pmags though is that it's obvious when they fail. You won't realize your aluminum feed lips are fucked until you're clearing a double feed in the middle of a firefight.

>not getting Okay mags

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Lol I like that guy.

I think d&h makes both alum and steel mags

Okay surefeed too iirc

>me seething
Try again peasantoid

>not having 3 loaded back up rifles next to your 1st.

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> hoarding literally 1000 to 10000 magazines
And these are the kind of faggots who drive up prices, create panic markets in a community where we already have to deal with a lot of shit. Buying everything up and reselling that shit at 2x price for no other reason than you like to fuck over your fellow gun owners. Oh I remember you niggers from sandy hook doing that shady shit. I cant wait for you to die and I seriously hope your entire collection gets pawned off for like 500 by a dumb relative or sold to a gun buyback and destroyed. The thought of a hoarders fat body decaying and his gun collection, the one thing in his life with any value, being sold off to normies or destroyed after his death is such a satisfying thought. Kys you fat hoarding kike. You wont be taking those 1000 magazines and 20,000 22 rounds to the grave you fucking faggot jew

>Keeping all your rifles in one place so the alphabet boys can snag them all in a single raid

>t. fattie who can't imagine being out of arms reach of the fridge during the big luau

>faggot who sat on his ass since 2016 and didn't stock up when prices were the lowest they have been in over a decade

Its about pissing off snow flakes and kikes, I'll buy 100 of them all cheap or premium I could give a shit. If civil unrest happens I want to have enough to turn my neighborhood into a hornets nest.

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>not buying new in sealed baggy Okay mags for $8 shipped

ya dun goofed.

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Did some Dem say something/legislate something or is this faggot just being retarded?

They are not for resale retard, I was there suffering too bro, I remember gow helpless and fucking depressed I felt because I couldn't participate in a hobby I genuinely knew I was going to love, really sucked, and if you want to avoid feelings like that in the future then buy yourself a stack of 100 LINK and forget about it.

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Free shipping.

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This, okay surefeeds also have problems, their military mags go through much better QC.

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No u.

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Beto said he want to confiscate all ARs and AKs at last democrat debate. He has no chance of being the candidate, but democrats are like
Boomers are like
>Meh, as long as I get to keep muh 1911, duur rifle, and 12 gauge

>being retarded

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Based metal mag user.

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Should have bought Okays, user.

I mean if things get serious enough I'll seal them all in mylar.

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>not stacking bakelite.

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My current hunt is for decently priced Russian surplus mags. My latest order was some Russian 5.45 true blacks. They should be here in a couple of days and I'm keeping an eye out for bakelite 7.62 mags that aren't stupidly high prices.

Yeah? Well I'll get 1000 of those too in a couple months if things are still cool.

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Aluminum, steel, polymer.

Just have a lot. Set aside some for use. Set aside rest in storage.

When the ones you use wear out, throw them away and buy more.



How long did it take you to beat up the aluminum mag like that?

>any retard can click print
3D printing is finicky as shit, especially for the materials you'd want a mag to be made out of. 3D printing is good for one-of, or very small runs. You can't upscale production and reduce cost on the chain like you can for normal machineshop work.

I have bakes, but steelies can be had for massive quantities for the price of a few bakes

And of course with ammo I'd like to ideally get enough to fill each mag 10x. Hopefully things just go well these next couple months.

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What you talkin bout fren?

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I agree with you. But making a reliable sheet metal mag in your garage that engages mag release, doesn't cause jams etc. is also finicky as fuck.

I think to realistically do this lm going to get serious about learning how to safely load my own rounds. Would this be a good idea?

>Boomers are like*
*Ones that attend, watch, and care about Dem debates
I mean if you want to be retarded go for it, it's your money. I'll be scared when some non-radom drunkard Dem faggot looks like they are actually going to make it and not just cherry picked as propped up by the Jew media

Not if you start learning now. You don't have to buy a shit ton a mags, machinery will be worth its weight in gold in times of civil unrest.

Bought 3 steel “ultrmags” for $8 a piece at the local gun shop in a bargain bin box

Seemed to sell for $30+ at one point wtf. I like the way steel feeds and clicks into the gun over PMAGS

I like the snugness of pmags, but yes the steel ones feel more natural.

You enjoy the sound and feel of a disposable part of the gun wearing out a non-disposable part of the gun?

>non disposable
>wearing out


Lowers are cheap as fuck. If you wear a lower out in peace time you got your money's worth. You're not gonna live long enough in the big igloo to have to worry about it.

Zion Don will approve mag bans. You really think a billionaire from new york gives a flying fuck about the 2nd amendment? As long as he is more right wing than whatever democrat he faces then he gets the conservative vote. Sure he will piss conservatives off by approving of gun control, but enough to make conservatives vote Warren or Biden who are even more anti gun?
>take the guns first
>then worry about due process

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I mean, how many times do you think you would have to load a stainless mag in your rifle before it wears it down, especially if you are not loading it like a retard trying to jam a sandwich into a VHS.

He will have to do it after the next election so I think I'll have just enough time.

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Reloading is never a bad idea. But it isn't economically feasible for the most common rounds like 9mm or 5.56mm. But that will change if SHTF. And reloading can pay for itself easily with expensive shit like .338 Lapua Mag etc.

hello fellow stink link marine what rank are you

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Aluminum oxide and anodizing are very hard. As long as you are not gouging away the oxide/anodizing layer the steel will actually wear first.

>He will have to do it after the next election so I think I'll have just enough time.

Why do you think this? The irrationality and complete lack of conviction of his supporters is blisteringly obvious at this point. The man has openly confessed to believing in nothing and he's built a platform on nothing other than owning the libz. Literately the only piece of policy he's been consistent on in the last 30 years has been trade tariffs, which are idiotic and founded in him being unsuccessful at business. His base is 100% okay with this. So long as he has a shiny to dangle in front of them, they'll be all over him. Much like these idiot farmers and ranchers going broke because of his policies and rationalizing it as "For the better good!" gun owners in his base will do the same.

The RNC is canceling primaries for a reason, it's not like their idiots base is going to vote Democrat in 2020, no matter what they do. So why not try to bring a few moderates over with gun control? At this point politically, the GOP has nothing to lose with respect to endorsing gun control.

>like a retard trying to jam a sandwich into a VHS.
VHS is the tape cassette. VCR is the machine with a slot in it.


All the RNC has to be is more right leaning than the ultra left leaning democrats. And with how ultra left the democrats are swining Trump can be center left and still get all the conservatibe vote and maybe scoop up some moderates as well.
It isn't like the conservatibes will just not vote. That would be handing the win to the democrats. So we are stuck with Trump as a choice.

Probably 500k rounds at least, the springs wont wear out either.

Go for it if you really want to, but loading 10,000 rounds is a lot of work. IMO reloading is tedious and not fun at all. I only do it because it's cheaper and it allows me to shoot in greater volumes. You will have to buy brass and the whole point of reloading is that you reload it, you don't just leave it on a shelf. You get several uses out of your brass.

I mean, maybe. As for the "due process second" meme that gets thrown around you're just feeding into the Nigger media bullshit. Like with most shit Trump says it was taken out of context. If you watch the actual full meeting on, he was specifically referring to if someone wants a restraining order against someone else for domestic violence, not just in general. Which is retarded, but not as retarded as you're making it out to be. Don't know if you're trying to Jew Psyop or are just a sperg but you really need to watch primary sources user, it's bad for your health to get so riled up.

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Not high enough but not super low either

Bull shit he would lose a million voters overnight.

He was cool with taking a person's property before they get to defend themselves in court. That literally violates the 5th Amendment.

while i have a couple of the 20rd for bipod use, you do realize they make 30rd mags eh?

I hate Trump. But I sure as fuck am not voting for any of the commies the Democrats are putting up for election. It pisses me off. Trump could call for a magazine ban and he is still more pro gun than the democrats. Trump is just a smaller bite of a shit sandwich than a democrat.

No the fuck he wouldn't you brainwashed fuck. You gonna vote for a Democrat? Stay home and drop turnout which might let a Democrat get elected? Vote third party and help a Democrat get elected? Mark my words to the fucking letter and make sure you cross every "T" and dot every "i"... Donald Trump could outlaw and start confiscating AR-15s tomorrow, and in 2020, if he's on the ticket; which he will be, you will all vote for him because "Democrats would have been so much worse!" mentalities.

>not buying new in sealed baggy Okay mags for $8 shipped
show me right this fucking second where, otherwise, absolute horse shit. if youre paying below twelve bucks each, id be damned impressed

20,30,40 rd, Alum, steel, polymer

I have them all, fren.

I use different mags for different ars. OCD. Lol

Participation is consent. I'm done with the illusion of elections. If voting changed anything they wouldn't let you do it. We won't be voting our way out of what's coming.

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I bought a 60rd drum for no other reason than I imagine it will be banned in a few years. It is kind of pointless but fuck it.

Link for steel 40s, please.

I'm a poorfag. I need time to stock up.

You do realize that in the event of a ban the only thing that will be grandfathered in is possession? It's not like you are legally going to be able to trade these or sell them on some market. You literally are going to end up owning hundreds of 30 round mags for yourself lol.

What kind? Reliable?

I dont use drums in any of my guns.

Time is short. Try to remember that guns are just tools. Your mind and body are the weapons.

Steel 40s for AR? I wish. Only got pmag 40s.

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Good for trading if something big happens

Magpul. It has been reliable but it has really only been used a few times in a totally sterile range environment. But secret service uses them so they can't be total crap. They have also been spotted in use by contractors and special forces.

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Good luck proving it, I'm behind 10,000 unregistered mags.

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They work fine for how I use them.

But I'm not one of those cool guys who run around and throw mags in the dirt to be more tactical.

Also dont load and unload mags into my ar in front of a mirror 10,000 times to practice loading.

As long as they are reliable and durable enough to not fall apart with normal use, I'm okay.

Way over priced.

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Yeah I only bought one. And like I said it was purely because I imagine some time soon they will be banned. Rather just get it now than regret not getting one.

Fuckin' tease.

Found me? I don't think I know you.
You didn't answer the question though, why?
Seems retarded.

Fuck off kike. Eat shit.

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