Is this gun any good?

Is this gun any good?

Attached: SA80-A2_Individual_Weapon_(IW)_MOD_45160295.jpg (4305x1593, 357K)

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yeah, I love the FAMAS

A1. Accurate but unreliable with atrocious ergonomics. Heavy.

A2. Accurate and reliable (thanks HK/BAE Systems), atrocious ergonomics. Heavy. But hey... it has a rail and an ACOG

A3. Accurate and reliable with new upper receiver, new rail system and Elcan Spectre DR scope. Still has atrocious ergonomics. Heavy.

You know its not.

From that I can tell you don't really know anything lol

It's better than it was at first.
In B4 300 posts of people bitching

She's the best gun.

Attached: Upotte Elle Upset.gif (444x250, 2.76M)

I'm just gonna say this for the record
We have this thread every month or so regarding the SA80 with the OP asking a dumb question about it. It will at first be greeted with people giving an honest opinion on the rifle, then a few who know nothing about it coming along and ridiculing it, and from then on the thread just devolve into a circlejerk of Anglophobe armchair warriors talking out of their ass and shaming our industry as a whole despite their plain ignorance of such, resulting in counter arguments they can't refute, which results in generic shitposts. Most of the time it's just falseflagging Russians as detectable by their English. If this OP is an honest question regarding the rifle, then so be it. But I'm so used to a thread being started about this rifle and ending in the same way it usually does, so I'm warning fellow Brits to try not falling for any bait, and be wary.

>the thread just devolve
the thread will just devolve*

ok bong cope

>ok bong cope

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>is this rifle with an infamously poor reputation any good?
>I can tell you don't know anything ;^)
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude

>Barebones OP
>Accusations of it being shit
>Accusations of it being good
>Claims of russian false flags
>Faint sound of bong screeching in the distance
>Elite SAS operators about to state their opinions any second now
Yep, it's epic L85 thread time

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>>is this rifle with an infamously poor reputation any good?
So apparently malfunction in the early service of the rifle must mean it's still apparent and hasn't been reworked or anything

bruh it’s not good its just not unusable. anyone in their right mind goes for an ar 15 platform over that hunk of metal. thing’s so fucking heavy it’s barely benefitting from the bullpup maneuverability, and it just shits on lefties

Yeah man, early malfunctions are the ONLY thing wrong with it. Sure.

Good job talking out of your ass

Imagine being this determined to ridicule a rifle based off of third hand hearsay that you hold nitpicks that are apparent with almost every other rifle platform other than the AR

The A1 was issued in 1985 and the A2 was issued in 2001. 16 years is hardly "early service". Shit that's almost half of the rifle's total service life to today.

The crazy part is that I've been so vague with every one of my replies to you and you have still managed to somehow accuse me of nitpicking. Congrats L85 Internet Defense Force, you've given me (you)s and have nothing to show for it.

So now not only does the first iterations problems correlate with the rework but the amount of time it took for our government to stonewall the issues correlates with the current condition of both the A2 and A3, both rifles of which have been around for at least 2 decades already
Is larping as a braindead idiot your idea of baiting or are you honestly this challenged?

Because literally anything fundamentally bad about the rifle points to the A1, whereas all you're left with when talking about the others is "hurr not ambidextrous" "hurr heavy" "hurr bullpup" all of which are nitpicks. The only thing you could be vague about is said nitpicks. But although you want to make it look like I'm being too insistent, the truth is you simply have no idea what you're talking about and can only refer to third hand hearsay, all of which has been invalidated in the grand scheme of things. Ergo you don't really have an actual argument.

Right and the M16 still has a stigma because of 10 year gap between it and the A2
Still a fine rifle now
I'll concede that the 85 is still a heavy bitch and not as good as an M16, but that doesn't make it bad, just not as good

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Regardless as I pointed out here I can see where this thread is going. It's always the same people who are so determined to talk out of their ass about this rifle, then when refuted respond with "COPE". I can see where it's going and frankly I'd rather enjoy my day off from college than waste my time arguing with a bunch of pig ignorant morons who's minds I'm not going to change. Like I said, the same thing happens, it just devolves into shitposts and ad hominems, because those to criticise the A2 and A3 typically have no idea what they're talking about and base it off of some blog from the 90s-early 00s when the marines simply wanted G36s so they could be "treated like special forces". Not to mention you eventually get full on Anglophobes coming out of nowhere spouting their garbage about Britain as a whole, and that's where you really ought to pull out. Anyway by the time that happens this post would've got at least 7 (you)s telling me "seethe" "cope" "cry more" despite this being a logical interpretation, and them being too stupid to read, so anyway, I'm gonna hide this thread and enjoy my day off.

>You claim the rifle had problems in it's early service
>I point out this "early service" lasted 16 years
>You make this absolute doozy of a reply
Cope a little harder please. Also 16 FUCKING YEARS

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It's fine now. No rifle would be issued for 35 years if it was fundamentally shit.

stfu boomer

>Ding dong, the bong is wrong!
>Ding dong bong wrong dong
>Bongs mad (x24)

>off of third hand hearsay
The British were at a point of trashing them and buying M16's wholesale.
It's not muh ball powder in vietnam jungles type of problems.
EVERYTHING was wrong on it, and virtually the only original part on it post-HK is the receiver.

Can hit targets past 300m reliably, works when you need it to, pretty retard proof as well. The only things you really need from a service rifle, everything else is a bonus.


Bruh moment, imagine being like "bro I'm not gonna waste my time, I refuse to let my time be wasted, I'm not wasting just yet, but believe me, when I start to, I'll stop"

Also L85 is gay lol

Stfu serb

Keep crying, your empire is never coming back.

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We really going to do this again?

Shut up, Nigel.

It's complete trash, like everything else being made in Britain.

The rifle is shit. Accept it.

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A1 - Accurate but was rear heavy and was notorious for shit quality control and was prone to breaking in the most retarded ways. also prone to jamming.

A2 - Vastly improved version of the A1. New H&K internals, more reliable gas system and round cycling in adverse conditions. New hammer and Trigger system. Cocking handle molded so that giving the rifle a reach around was more comfortable. Receiver is now raised around the magazine release to stop accidental mag-drops. whole slew of improvements in general

A3 - A2 but with keymod and is tan

I've fired an A1 and an A2, only held an A3 but the changes there seem to mainly be external modernization

Yeah lmao, it's the exact same thread every single time

Can I get a Susat for my AR?

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based opinion

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this is probably just becasue I'm a lanky bastard, but I really like how it feels. I find it quite comfy.

>oi m8 got a loicence for yer pipe wrench?
>*carrier sinks*

It's heavy and if your a lefty your fucked

Yeah I actually use one and it's alright. For everyone whose handles one and didn't like it, it's different to most other guns and takes some getting used to but once you are it's not a problem.

All leftys should hang anyway. Fucking freaks.

>No rifle would be issued for 35 years if it was fundamentally shit.

Attached: FN-FAL.jpg (2000x465, 74K)

you guys are a bunch of blue eyed jews

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Another fantasy football thread:
>Americans shitting on a rifle based on what they’ve heard online.
>Bongs that are autistically defending a rifle they can’t even own.

Pic unrelated?

Not him but I agree. I strongly dislike the FAL and think it's vastly overrated. Yes I own one. The let down was huge after the hype it gets.

>8.5 lbs empty with no optics
Wew lad

Its okay 3 kg you have to be a child or a sick man or a woman to think that's heavy

Its a good peace of kit that