Hey I know this is dumb. But I go to meps soon and I want to be an MP and I’d like to deploy right out of basic and I don’t know how it works but like
Can you help my anxiety by talking about little shit,
>help me put together a packing list for a deployment?
Stuff I can and should bring?
I mean. They need MPs in shitholeistan don’t they?
>being this retarded
Unless you want to be bullied by everyone I would change my MOS, MPs are hated a lot
They definitely need them on Okinawa. More than they have now, I'd say.
>I want to be an MP
lol faggot
If you're Marines, push to be put into an LE Battalion when you're in the school house. Nothing is guaranteed but if your instructors like you, they might be able to help. Just know that you'll most likely go to 3rd LE in Oki.
Any other branch I have limited idea how their MP's work.
There is actually an Army MP battalion in Japan. It's basically the only way you can go to Japan in the Army. Basically you can go literally anywhere. If you really want to deploy, go K( and then you get to do legit cool guy stuff and also have great hours.
K9* (MOS 31K)
During the peak OIF/OEF years, you could end up in a combat MP company, essentially doing the same shit as combat arms
MOS deploy pretty often. Thanks showing you're true colors, never served.
worry about that later. you may never deploy.
why do you want to be an MP? you're probably going to be in garrison dealing with alcoholic domestic violence cases every fucking day. if you want to do real shit, go medic or aviation or infantry. even intel is better than MP.
I want a career in federal law endowment. Either customs and border, or if I do really well for Uncle Sam maybe fbi or dea.
This is really helpful advice. I really want to station in Asia. I was kind of considering navy but marines was my second choice.
Lol. Autocorrect/Freud there aye?
you need a degree for FBI. competition is fucking stiff.
if you want to be a fed LE, get some relevant experience. sworn park ranger, same. MP is adequate, but you don't have to be an MP to do those other jobs. I guess you'll be able to figure out if you actually like the job or not. Just don't fuck up, you're going to want your bennies.
Being an MP makes no difference when it comes to getting in to LE, especially on the fed side. All that matters is having your veterans preference.
I’m 24. I know that what your MOS is had little to do with jobs. That being said. I havent ever worked in law enforcement. This is like the old college troupe of like, “I’m actually just going to learn”
Currently an MA in the Navy (same as a MP). About to get out, lots of brown noseres in this line of work, and cut throats. Just be aware that the majority of your time will be dealing with BS, standing watches and scanning IDs. There's a few cool opportunities tho (for MAs) but those are few and far between. If you think you want combat you really need to think about another job. This might not be for you.
Now what about going in and ranking up to anti terror or drug stuff?
Like I assume the military has its own swat teams and stuff. How would one get into those?
You're worrying about deploying and you haven't even swore in yet?
One step at a time. Focus on finishing MEPS first lol.
I know, I know, it’s just so unbelievably cool to think about.
Well i understand you don't know much about each branches MPs. So depending on who you are talking to anti terrorism and drug interdiction can mean different things. In the Navy we have VBSS (ship-boarding, mostly non-ma rates), CRG (ship escort/ patrol mostly MA and others), EP (executive protection usually exclusively MAs), K9 (Mil working dogs deployable and able to be posted worldwide just like regular MAs) CID (usually requires a few years of Law enforcement command experience) and NCIS (mixed civilian/ military agents but not impossible to work in as a MA)
Then there's a few types of commands you can end up in, harbor patrol, ATFP, Law enforcement, and ships. You're less likely to ever go on a ship as an MA.
Like i said here most of these commands/orders require you to meet certain standards and get pick or know the right people. If you're thinking something like swat just get you're LE experience in the military and apply after you get out. Again, to my knowledge, the MA is evolving again to get you DOD peace officer certified out of A school witch is a new plus i didn't have comming in. Take advantage of the resources offered to you while in.
There are gates to guard overseas as well you know.
>I want to be an MP
I have a better suggestion.
This is not bullshit by the way. A lot of you over/underweight faggots are going to swoop in larping as vets like "HURR OK POGUE" but that's just the way it was during the Surge. I joined the air force as a 4n0 an ended up attached to the 172nd. It wasn't uncommon for MPs to be working in infantry-style door kicking roles while USAF SecFo covered the gate. This is also when the AF reclass and retrained thousands of airmen into security to fill that need. Do the reading. People who screech about Infantry and SPESHUL FORCEZ on Jow Forums are either arfcom tier boomers who did 4 years of peacetime USMC 0311 service in the 80s or video game brainwashed bugchildren who have no grasp of how things work downrange
This is kinda how I figured it. And plus as far as like “combat” goes, I mean, if beat cops in Bangor Maine get in gunfights, it pretty possible to see some action guarding a gate in shitholistan or something. Besides. This really isn’t about “combat” the way I explained it to my day was “I want military adventure while I learn about law enforcement as a career”
I work in construction. I have left my home state 4 times, once to Montana, once to Tennessee and twice to Canada, the idea that the government will hand me a Sig, put me in a uniform and send me to a far away place to do the job I’ve wanted to do since I was a little kid AND pay for me and my family to do it, is really really exciting. I don’t wanna be some high tier socom 0pp0porator or something. I wanna wear a uniform for my country and do a job they want done.
LEOS hate MP's because it trains you all wrong. MP's are not cops, you fucking choed. Better go infantry or LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE
All you will do is pull over drunk privates, get yelled at for accidentally pulling over CSM's, domestic violence calls, and clean up puke, shit and cum for your entire contract. Do not go MP.
You are forever hated by both civilians (because you're the checkpoint/gate guard fuck that shit man that's misery) and soldiers (because you're the ultimate Blue Falcon), will have no friends outside the other retards that went MP.
Not even K9 has fun.
Then give me another option (that’s not infantry)
Oh, god. You're going through just in time to catch Fort Leonard Wood's winter cycle. Hahaha, fuckin faggot! Shit's gonna SUUUUUUCK!
>literally anything else
Intel, armorer, tankie, artyboi, 11C, combat medic, JAG
25 series is fun (25U is best) and you get to be basically infantry but with radio ability.
Forward observer is some high speed shit.
>It's basically the only way you can go to Japan in the Army.
well, minus the guard logo. Active Army has a band in Camp Zama
Can’t spell wimp without mp
>MPs in their cars
>Eating donuts and candy bars
>They were never ready to go
>So early (hey!)
>So early (hey!)
>So early in the morning
Fuck you're stupid
It was really fucked up that before they decided to have designated route clearance (i.e. let the combat engineers do combat engineering) they had MP patrols doing it in Iraq. They got fucked up really bad, but what did the brass expect? People trained to be cops were suddenly going to know how to spot 3" of wire jutting out of a bag of trash on the side of the road? And let's not forget the "speed is my camouflage" idiocy either. I felt so bad for those fucking dudes we relieved man.
Combat Engineer is fun as fuck and even in peace time we got to play with a shit load of demo. You can also get a spot at Master Breacher school if you're an E5 or above, although I've heard it's not as fun since they moved it from Lejune to Leanordwood. Still, I loved it, and I learned all kinds of high speed shit while I was in.
Any mil experience is welcomed in law enforcement. MP is literal shit. Be a medic you fucking pussy faggot. Basic ain’t shit. Keep your head down, listen to your drill instructors, and realize that you’re not hotshit
In Navy my ship had a boarding team, we never boarded anyone but if we had to we would have a team for it, if you were hot shit, well liked and wanted to be on the team then command would send you to the appropriate schools, which I heard were pretty fun, didn't matter your rate.
If you want to be a full time badass go special forces
Don't listen to You need to know what you want before meps, you need to demand it and you need to make sure everything they offer you goes into writing.
Dude is referring to a time when forces were being stretched to the max. Normally you’re not going to do shit or see shit as an MP.