Guns and Controversial Opinions

The new jannies are getting sworn in today and are deleting all the good threads. Let's counter with a nice classic Jow Forums thread.

Post at least one gun you own and one controversial weapons related opinion you hold.
I'll start
I do not like .22lr and think it is outdated. 9mm is a better all around plinking and small game hunting ammo.

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I don't like ARs. I've owned a couple, but no matter what, I can't get over the feeling of pissing gas back at me; it makes me remember that Jow Forumsommando that blinded himself.
>muh ergos tho
Nah m80.

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Piston ARs, dude.

Tikka T3x
Open carrying in public is stupid. It draws attention to you, and is politically counterproductive.
On your own property or place of business is different, but if your just walking around town conceal that shit.

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TRP 45
>9mm is for glass wristed girlos and queers who still edge to the backstreet boys
>if you arent /out/at least twice annually your not gonna make it

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>jannies are getting sworn in
kek. what does their oath look like

They put their right hand on a hotpocket and swear to do it for free.

This. After that they start getting their weekly cum injections and before you know it they're ruining the board they once loved

I think anti 2nd amendment legislators should be sent to the gallows.

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Beretta 92FS
Tilting barrel guns are gross

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It really depends on the gun. My hands get sore firing .380 but I can fire 9 and 45 all day with the right guns.

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CZ 527 Carbine
I dunno, kukris are super cool I guess

>not carrying 10mm for EDC and /out/
I spotted the real glass wristed faggot

I totally agree, with one slight difference. You actually kinda touched on it.
Open carry in public is stupid, unless you’re making a point.
An open carry protest.
Any protest gets a point across, but if you demonstrate while carrying a rifle?
It also shows that your willing to fight for your rights.
May I point out the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge?
Or Athens, Tennessee?

>literally $90 worth of guns
Imagine being this brand loyal.

hey, man
I just like spagats

A 308 bolt gun is a better "one dude running loose" gun than an AR-15. Semiautos are only as good as the ammo you have and 5.56 is a squad cartridge that delivers less business than a fudd rifle.

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rip exif

>Jow Forumsommando that blinded himself
Oh fuck, story? I've been here for years but there were a few gaps and I never heard of that.

Roller delayed blowback is just a testament to German autism and exists only to prove an automatic rifle doesn't require a gas system. The barrel flutes are what I'm talking about specifically. For smaller calibers this is fine, but for 308 it's stupid. Negating the chamber flutes and making the rifle gas operated would have been so much better. You wouldn't have the charging handle on the front of the gun, you wouldn't need the retarded lever to open the bolt, you wouldn't have the burns on the cases, you'd never accidentally lock your bolt closed when out of the gun. Barrels would be easier to make too because it would require one less step. The mandrel for chf'ing the barrel wouldn't have flutes. Roller locked is better than roller delayed.

Relax, just ribbing you. You've got good taste, and appreciate variety.

I think traps are gay

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Yes but it's GOOD autism

>Roller delayed blowback
>hating on H&K

the best part is is that picture doesn't even have all of them because I got the px4 later and don't remember where I put the 92S

If I remember correctly, dudes gas key wasn't staked correctly, shit went wonky and put the entire cartridges worth (or close to it) of gas straight into his eye. Don't remember if he actually went blind or not, but I remember his eye was good and fucked.
I know my rifles are built correctly, I know that's not a common case, it just freaks me out desu.

only chumps use HKS speedloaders

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>he fell for the speedloader meme
Yeehaw, pardner. Betcha feel like yer carryin the big iron now.


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I'll be full honest, I have zero experience with revolvers. These threads just beg for a good teasing, though. Makes the opinions more authentic and enjoyable.

oh I don't care I was trying to get an HKS user to rage
here's your BIG IRON

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Saving up for a wilson hunter with rail and a TFX front sight on 460
45 +ps will have to suffice for now

Betcha feel like a real homie carrying your forty you fucking nigger. Troll elsewhere

>I do not like .22lr and think it is outdated.

Yeah, but it's cheap as fuck. Do you like to shoot or collect dust?

>Open carrying in public is stupid.

Visibility matters. Concealment gets people used to gun control. Open carry desensitizes.

Glocks are overpriced dogshit and I have to pretend to be excited for friends that are just getting into shooting and buy one because it's better than being noguns.

That's probably not a controversial opinion so, I think people who trick out their 1911's are fags

you forgot your pics

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My grandpa has repeatedly stated that he wants to (allegedly it's a joke this did not happen I am making this up) line up all of the politicians, regardless of political affiliation, and shoot them. He says (he did not say this I am making this up) that doing so would make future politicians actually follow through on their campaign promises, because the 1% fags wouldn't want to risk being shot so average Joe will actually make this country good.

I dont get it

>implying he's wrong
Based grandpa

OP the petterson device takes 9mm not 22. When we jump out of the trenches for the spring offensive of 1919 you are going to be up the creek.

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Preach it! Glocks are garbage guns. They are the slightly less retarded cousin of on-point. When your gun melts in a hot car, you got trash on your hsnds.

S&W Model 10
I think .22 WMR is a perfectly acceptable self-defense round in a handgun.

Ruger 10/22
Nignogs deserve gun rights too. It's not a "right" if it's for a particular group only. "No steppy" my ass

I've got a PPK in .380 and that thing sucks balls to shoot.
.380 in a small package is way too snappy, especially when the grips aren't the most comfortable.

I will happily pay slightly more for 9mm than deal with the fiddly little rimmed bastard that is 22lr.

>4x as much
>slightly more

I like this guy

Have you tried not being poor?


I don't think gun owners can afford to be racist or picky about politics outside of gun control if they want to be able to keep their guns safe. Everybody has the right to defend themselves regardless of race, religion, or personal beliefs. People in lower income areas should be welcomed into the hobby, as it is productive activity as well as a method of self defense. Commies, socialists, and anarchists welcome.
My father and some of his friends are firearms instructors and I sort of want to follow in their footsteps. However, I want to use a sliding scale payment system so that the classes can be more accessible to not be able to afford them otherwise. Having a much greater, and diverse community of educated gun owners is essential to increase the voting power and voice of the firearms community as a whole.

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For small game, I would for a lot of it not suggest 9mm Luger, because you'll ruin too much meat.
.22LR is perfect for tiny critters.

That they shall do it for free.

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Modern firearms are boring as fuck in my opinion, I seem to be having more fun the older a gun ends up being. That said, I need a new AR and maybe an AK of some flavour.

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>Commies, socialists, and anarchists welcome
They have the right to bear arms, but I don't have to like them, and I'll insist people be vigilant around them, because they can not be trusted.
As soon as any form a group to try to make a violent socialist takeover, they need to be rounded up and jailed, as socialism is a massive scale NAP violation.

You have to admit its neat watching manufacturers engineer large capacity magazines and feed systems to handle it, especially 22 mag ones.

If you like older guns, and you're looking at an AR15, you really should set it up with some wood furniture.
A Windham Weaponry A1 Gov't would look very good with some choice wood furniture.

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I wish more communists would actually read Marx instead of just parroting whatever shit their yoga instructors and facebook groups tell them
Marx had some pretty strong words about arming all of the workers and never letting anyone take your guns; its a shame no one seemed to follow his advice

I'll probably do an XM177 or similar build later, but I do want something with modern optics/accessories mounting.

Maxim 9
This is my new favorite handgun.

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>Mossberg 535 (I don't take pictures of my guns)
>controversial opinion: It doesn't matter what your carry gun is as long as you can hit targets reliably with it, carry a flintlock pistol for all I care

People who can only get enjoyment out of modern guns don't truly like firearms

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Always wear eyepro, but as a lefty I know what you mean. Shooting an AR usually results in a black smudge on my face

.30-18 aka .32 french longue you dummy.

a communist revolution is not a very good reason to get armed

No argument here, though I consider myself an anarchist/libertarian, so for me it's more in the vein of "let me fuck off and I'll let you fuck off". In current society, socialists has a point when it comes to protecting workers rights and making sure people have the bare amount they need to live, but not much else. I'm fine with paying a tiny amount more in taxes so people can get necessary medicine, food, or shelter. It ends at some people's fantasies of letting the state fund their life and luxuries.

However, the point still stands that we need their cooperation to get more gun friendly leftists in office.

My point exactly. Guns are necessary so the common man isn't exploited by the corporations, the state, and anybody who wishes to control others without consent of the governed. We need to make sure more people are aware of this, or we'll have no one to stand with us if the day comes.

>this is a controversial opinion nowadays
damn. i still consider myself a newfag, but i sure miss the spirit of Jow Forums from a few years ago.

>you wouldn't have the burns on the cases
I didn't know that fluted chambers were necessary for roller delayed blowback until now, how severely does the fluting damage the cases? Is the brass still able to be used for reloading?

yes. "mangled brass" is a meme.

*eats your brass*
>nothing personal, poorfag

If the flutes fill with feculence from undercleaning the pressure won't be equalized and you run the risk of a case head separation.

Kekd and truepilled

There is nothing wrong with a right side charging handle and anyone charging a right side charging handle with their left hand looks like a retard.

>Implying they don’t

I'll say that it's not nearly as nice to shoot as anything operating on gas, and it's filthy as a pig, but the thing also works fine, and was an affordable option at that point in time.

The flutes will leave some marks, but they're still fine afterwards. You're not done yet, however...

Not a meme, though the chamber fluting does not damage the case itself, as it extracts and ejects at a very high pressure, the case goes zooming out of there fast, and at an angle.
What reliably happens is that the case is flung out of the ejection port, then slams violently into the side of the receiver behind the port, which is what bangs up and ruins the brass casings, even rupturing them sometimes.
If you've ever seen a well shot HK91 or G3, you will probably notice yellow brass marks on a spot behind the ejection port.

This can be remedied by attaching a buffer onto the receiver of the gun, which will cushion the high velocity case and save it from destruction, thus it's a highly recommended accessory for people who want to reload brass, which you might want to do if you want to make the smallest groupings possible.
Some will tell you to only reload your brass once, but I think you could make your own judgement on that by inspecting it.
Optionally, you could choose to shoot cheaper steelcase ammo, which nobody would ever bother reloading, the rifle eats the stuff fine and it's no problem if it gets destroyed.

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I think a left side is fine, and a right side, as well as an AR15 style one.

>pic unrelated

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Break action .177 crosman

Gun owners who vote for anti-gun politicians (Bernie, Warren, Yang, ex.) or support any form of gun control (red flag, weapons restrictions, carry, ex.) are unironically worse than people who are just straight up against firearms ownership. At least they are honest.

>spending more money for no reason makes you rich
Are you 18?

Famously, rich people live in dirty hovels and eat cans of beans.

>sliding scale payment
My dude just teach for cheap if you care that much. Nobody is impressed by your virtue signaling.

This post is retarded and you know it.

Spending money doesn't mean you can't be wealthy, faggot.

Implying niggers are humans.


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My ar. Nothing special but I'm poor

I believe that the monolithic copper Lehigh defense bullets are the future for handgun ballistics, and in particular the 65g .357 sig is a complete came changer. The advertised Underwood velocities are extremely conservative and people have been chronoing 2200fps+ out of 4" barrels. Both the speed and technology of the projectiles allow for a handgun that exceeds the elasticity of flesh and makes wound tracks larger than projectile diameter. They are as close to barrier blind as possible, and cannot be clogged by thick clothing. If you are a poorfag who has bought a trade in .40, you are a barrel swap away

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Human enough to be tried in a court of law and have citizenship, thus human enough to arm themselves.

I like tilting barrel just fine, but damn if the tilting locking block setup Beretta employs isn't a great way to go.
Some day, I'd really like to design a Magnum automatic which employs that style of short-recoil.

It totally depends on the gun.
An M14 is no biggie to shoot, but a real light bolt-action rifle shooting the same .308 Winchester can be misery.

>I've got a PPK in .380 and that thing sucks balls to shoot.
Yep. That pistol really was best suited to .32ACP.
Compare to other similar pistols in .380ACP; CZ83, Makarov (Export Variants), Astra Constable, all these are more pleasant to shoot. I haven't shot a Walther PP in .380ACP, but I figure it's probably nicer.

>I do not like .22lr and think it is outdated
It's sad that this is considered controversial.


What does this even mean?

Outdated at *what*??

wrong board kiddo >>>r/johnbrowngunclub

based grandpappy

How? One of the big appeals with .22LR is that it's dirt cheap, which rimfire technology accommodates, the fact that it's low powered makes it suitable for certain purposes, and low power means the case doesn't have to be particularly strong, which is fine because rimfire doesn't lend itself to good case strength and you can make it even cheaper.

It's managed to land into a good niche due to an appealing economy of scale. Yes, rimfire is dated technology, and not a very reliable ignition method, yes, the priming compound is sensitive to rough treatment and may dislodge from the rim, yes, the crimp isn't very strong and it's very easy to 'bend' or ruin a cartridge, and yeah, a heeled bullet, with no jacketing, doesn't lend itself to the best precision nor to amazing penetration.
But so fucking what to all of these? Are you bringing it to the battlefield? Are you going to carry it as a self-defense weapon? Or are you just going to use it for training kids, informal and leisurely target shooting, and shooting small animals?

Thank you for your input

excellent quality post

Old style AR15s excite me far more than any tacticool M4A1 with rails and a dozen attachments bolted on.
Give me a CAR15 variant or Model 733 any day of the week.

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Take the .32pill

.32ACP is really underrated in this day and age.

its not an exact clone, but out of all my ARs this one is my favorite.

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