Talk me out of bying this piece of shit
Talk me out of bying this piece of shit
I don't need to, because none of us will ever own one.
It's a fucking hunting carbine sporter made out of a real vss much like tigr that's legally sold what are you talking about
Say goodbye to your 2nd Amendment rights.
>spend years reverse engineering gun from pictures
>chamber in .300 blackout
fuck your stalker larp it will never happen ever
Because they're not gonna fucking export it, that's why.
The only way to own one is if you're a Slav, and even then, you can only get one after you've owned a shotgun for at least 5 years after getting your license.
it's class 3 by design
now the carbine/SMG version of this? no fucking excuse for any of these US companies not to be producing those
but we'll never see warsaw pact imports any time soon again
They've ready said multiple times they're making one in 9x39
is it now civilian certified in Russia?
Is there money in people straight copying designs and making them stateside, like the vityaz clone psa and kalashnikov usa were making?
NFA charges
If there’s actually models available in two years, I’ll fucking buy one.
Or just fucking steal one. I’ve been hearing about them for so long, I’m willing to nog out just this once.
The excuse is it's fucking expensive. And for every hundred retards who'd "totally buy it" a few actually can and will. Not a problem exclusive to slav shit though. Kinda why we don't see stg 44 repros in mass and why that fg 42 repro is so damned expensive.
Yeah but its risky. Vityaz is easier not to fuck up since it's in 9mm and if if ak imports somehow get worse, American made might finally look somewhat appealing since they arent competing with combloc stuff anymore. Current issue is while we in thoery can produce something as good or decent, it's price point wouldnt make sense with a genuine combloc being a better value both with the budget and premium options. If those dry up, less corners need to be cut and we might see some improvment in US production but at a higher price however lower compared to the now rarer combloc rifles. But hopefully that wont come anytime soon but until then, we'll have PSA/ras 47s retards buy to regret later and wasrs/foxs for them to get instead. As for general repros, likely still expensive so you'd need to secure orders and make sure the few who want it and can afford are as likely as possible to do so lest you have end up losing alot of money invested to even build the damned things.
>The only way to own one is if you're a Slav, and even then, you can only get one after you've owned a shotgun for at least 5 years after getting your license.
I am and i already own a tigr sporter
The biggest problem with weapons in this country is that they're all "modified for civilian use". I wonder if i can make a silencer for it and i already found 20 round mags.
Yes. You can buy civilian versions in 9x39 from Tula in Russia.
Government considers it identical to any other semi-auto rifle.
Because they're banned for import by manufacturer. Your only hope is Slagga coming through for us, but that's vaporware.
Just get an AK and have a barrel shroud fabricates for it...
You are big retard, yes?
What's the use of a VSS over a .300BLK subsonic?
basically nothing other than the fact 9x39 is a slightly bigger boolit.
1. ugly as hell
2. stop buying rifles you are 1 person
3. imagine what else that money can be used for
>stop buying rifles you are 1 person
>imagine what else that money can be used for
>$10,000+ sunk into several rifles so you and your no friends can "survive" a hypothetical apocalypse
9x39 is a cool round if you need to pierce armor and stay subsonic. Other than that 300BLK is cheaper, FAR more versatile, has a vastly larger choice of gun options, projectile options, brass options, factory load options etc
>implying I would trust my friends with my rifles
illegally buy a parts kit from russia and ship it piecemeal in Minecraft.
what a fucking idiot, dont you know the concept of a hobby?!?!
Do you know how frustrating it is to live in the near vicinity of that shithole, but there is a fucking embargo on all the russian weapons!?!!?! I HATE the fucking EU and fucking Deutschcuck, they not only prohibit the nice cool stuff, they also want to ban fucking ammo!!!!!
Finger fuck your one gun and stay mad
VSS/ASVAL imports when?
if OP is russian then he can get a civillian model
Ive never understood Jow Forums's obsession with the VSS & VAL.
Because everyone on Jow Forums except for you is a patrician and played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
That's the game that got me into guns in the first place.
Is this the perpetual "we totally have a VSS clone coming out soon" thread that we have every year for the last 10 years?
Dude i can just order one on the internet it's not a big deal. The fact that it's unsilenced and has shit ammo while also having a pricetag of 2000$ is stopping me
>I wonder if i can make a silencer for it
Can you buy solvent traps in your country? If so that is your best bet.
If we had the right tooling yeah, but we don't sadly. There's a reason half the guns on the market are the same regurgitated shit.
Why is gun ownership so fucking difficult now a days?
Can I buy a fucking mp40, luger, stg44 and a mg42 repo?
Or are those all memes?
I hate the fact we live in a world were guns arent free for us to own.
I'd gladly do military service just to have unlimited access to everything.
>That's the game that got me into guns in the first place.
Fucking nice.
“Hypothetical?!” Are you retarded. When people like Bill Gates who are in on it are building their own survival bunkers it’s time to stock up